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Food/exercise/whatever journal.....
Entries in this blog
So Confused (And Jittery!)
Back From The Conch Republic
A Way Better Day!
If I Could Kick My Own @$$ Right Now I Would!
What A Weekend
Oh Yeah, So That's How It Feels--I Forgot!
What A Beautiful Day Yesterday!
Monday Is Back
We Made It To Friday!!!
Today's A-Ha Moment
Delayed Restriction...yup I Haz It!
Fit into pants I didn't fit into in September
Realized that my bra straps that go around me don't hitch up and chafe my side parts, they actually lay nice and flat now
I don't buy junk food when I grocery shop and I grab a water out of the cooler at the supermarket and drink it while I shop (don't worry I pay for it!)
I can wrap a regular towel around my body when I get out of the shower (even though there's some side boobage showing
Also, whereas I thought I had some good luck yesterday turned out to be bad luck. I was looking at a vending machine near my office that has "healthy options" aka a 100 grand bar (really is that healthy???) and I see on the machine that there's a credit for $1.00 so I'm like "hey, pay it forward, right?" so I pick a granola bar (Nature Valley) OMG I looked at the nutritional info and almost died! I could've had a candy bar instead! I usually have a Kashi TLC granola bar thing right before I get out of work to hold me over between then and the gym (for some reason I'm starving late in the afternoon) I'll have this for a snack but never again! WTH do they put in that stuff? Anyway lovelies, have a wonderful day and if anyone is paying attention only 17 days until I leave for Key West!
Friday Is Here!
Just Another Day
Mds Appt Yesterday, C25K Start And Skinny Bucket List!
Would You Like Some Cheese With The Whine????
Fill Fun On Monday!
One Day Closer To Friday
Hump Day!
Feeling Some Sort Of Way
Weekend Roundup
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