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The journey of a lifetime

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The same message seems to be coming from everyone

OMG, from the blogs I am reading, it seems as if everone is having difficulty. It is nice to know that I am not alone. I am not sure if it is the time of year (the holidays are quickly approaching) or just that I am wanting a little of the forbidden foods.   Friday was a very stressful day for me at work, so I found I was snacking ... on nuts ,.,. on the fat content. Then I ate egg foo yung for lunch (just 1/3 of what was served) but decided to finish off the 2/3's for dinner. What a mistake. Then Saturday was no better...don't even ask about the french onion soup. Thankfully, I realized the error of my 2-days way and got back on track yesterday ... having protein shakes and some meat with plenty of water. Am feeling better.   But, I am wondering if something is going on with just about everyone, because we all seem to be suffering some type of setback, be it weight gain, plateauing, not being able to stick to the rules, etc.   JUST REMEMBER, WE ARE ON THE JOURNEY TOGETHER. Don't lose sight of the finish line. Even the longest journey starts with a small step. WE CAN DO IT.





I had my 3rd fill the other day. So, as those of you who have received fills know, it is liquids the first day, smooshies the second day, and onto regular food the 3rd day. I had a protein shake for breakfast,and about 2 hours later I ate a cheese stick. It didn't get stuck, but I felt like it was more difficult to move down. Is that what the green zone feels like? If so, woohoo for me.   Looking for your feedback.




MY Fortune Cookie

Those darned messages in a fortune cookie really don't make much sense about 99% of the time. So I decided to make one just for me and I carry it with me all the time. It says...   I am NOT Hungry!!!   Hunger is a figment of my imagination. WATER WATER WATER WATER ride / walk / ride / walk / ride   The flip side says... I AM ON THE WAGON I am a food-a-holic Please do NOT offer to feed me   The funny thing is, it works for me. I have been drinking more water, eating smaller portions and not as much eating in between meals, plus I am riding my bike more and walking.   My co-workers, friends and family are so supportive. And this blog is the BEST. I get so much inspiration from everyone.   There is a girl I work with and when she found out I had been banded, she immediately wanted to know more information. She attended a seminar (based on what her insurance covers) and came back feeling that her only option was gastric bypass, since she was told "the band really did not work" and that "people would probably only lose about 50#s". She was further told at the seminar that a lot of the patients who come in for bastric bypass do so after having been banded.   At first I was a little discouraged, but then I realized my fate was in my hands and the band. The band is what we make of it, so I am going to forge ahead, following the guidelines (although I do have a hard time eating slower...I am sure that will change once I reach the green zone) as well as MY FORTUNE COOKIE.   Good luck to my fellow bandsters. Keep up the good work.





FINALLY, when I weighted myself this morning, there was a new middle #. I know it might not seem like much to anyone else, but I have been struggling to get out of the 260's. Finally made it to 259 this moring. I was so happy.   I have been lucky enough to find a walking/biking partner in my neighborhood. We have decided to bike 3 days a week and walk the other 2 days. That will be good for me (and her).   One thing I finally had to do was make a sign for my desk that says, 'I am NOT hungry!!!' ' HUNGER IS A FIGMENT OF MY IMAGINATION' Worked for me all day yesterday. Working on reading it numerous times today, too.   OK, so off to my daily routine.   GOOD LUCK FELLOW BANDSTERS AND SOON TO BE BANDSTERS.





Had a visit on Monday for my first fill. I was surprised when I learned the dr put 4ccs in at surgery time. Another cc was added for a total of 5 now. The dr said I could have one again in 2 weeks so I am scheduled to get the second one on 10/3. Still not feeling any restriction (that I can notice) but am managing to keep my intake down and am making healthy choices.   Even better news, when I weighed in, I had lost 29.6 pounds since my very first appt...not too shabby for 2 months, and 10 of those pounds were in the month since I was banded. YEA ME!   To all of you that are experiences setbacks and doubts, keep with it. It will get easier. He hardest choice was to make the decision to get the band. If I can do it, anyone can.   Good luck to you all and keep up posted on your progress.




WEEKLY ENTRY- needing guidance

Good morning. Well, I need some guidance. It has been 3 weeks since I was banded. I have to say it has not been all that bad. I seem to be tolerating food without any problems...no vomiting, no tightness within my band, nothing like that.   Do have a couple of questions, tho. I am scheduled for a fill on 9/19 (it will be my first one). But, until I reach that very special "green zone" it is normal for me go eat my 1/2 cup of food, and not really be satiated? I have cut down considereably, and try to stay within the amount allotted, but found that I am not losing weight. In fact, even put on a couple of pounds, then took them off.   Do any of you use a protein drink in the place of a meal? I am one person who I know cannot eat very many carbs, (it seems as if I crave them,) and even when I eliiminate them, I have a really hard time losing weight. I am not a big breakfast eater, so usually have a protein drink there, then eat lunch and dinner. If I eat cream of wheat for breakfast, or oatmeal, therein, lies the battle.   Any advise?





I love this site. The info here is so helpful and everyone is so supportive. I was having a lot of questions and a hard time trying to figure out what I was actually supposed to be doing. Finally, Wednesday night I had an epiphany after reading replies to my worries. Glad to say I think I have finally put it together. 1/2 cup of food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Water in between with an occassional cup of coffee and sugar free gum. I was invited to lunch yesterday by a friend who I had not seen for awhile. (She did not know I was banded.) I happily accepted and agreed to meet knowing I could not take my lunch into a restaurant. I was very cautious when looking over the menu. Finally ordered a grilled chicken breast with a side of refried beans. I think I had about 2 tablespoons of the meat (cut in very small pieces which I chewed, chewed, chewed) and probably about 2 tablespoons of the beans. Before I knew it, I was satified, and put my fork down. YEA ME!!! The best part was that I did not have any problems with food being stuck. I just know I am going to eat the weight right off of me with mind control and exercise.   HAVE A GREAT LABOR DAY WEEKEND. Be strong Banders!




I have lots of questions

I realize I have lots of questions and this seems like the perfect place to get feedback. Before my surgery (8/19/2011) I was having 2 protein drinks a day and 1 well-balanced meal. things went pretty good. Since being banded, I stayed on the liquid diet for a week, and then progressed to the smooshies. I have not had any problems with any of it goesg down or staying down. About the only thing that I find that will fill me up and hold me for a while is oatmeal mixed wth a little yogurt or one of the protein shakes (I started using the powder and mixing it with skim milk). Does this seem right? I have not felt any tightness at all and have absolutely no problems that I keep hearing about. Does this just mean that I will need the fills to help me get to where I need to be? I hate thiking about the next time I can eat, and I do not like the fact that the 1/4 or 1/2 cup of food they recommend does not satisfy me.





OK, I am confused. I understand the process of being banded (surgery) but what I am confused about is the recovery period. I know I am supposed to be eating healthy, which I am desperately trying to do, but here is the confusion part..why am I told to eat things like yogurt, mashed potatoes, cream of wheat, oatmeal, puddings, applesauce??? all these things are packed with either sugar or carbohydrates. Is this just a recovery phase while healing and waiting for the fills to start? And after having watched the DVD which was provided to me yesterday, which outlines the 8 rules...am I supposed to do this from the very beginning or after I start fills? What do you do? I truly want this to work and I know the band is just a tool, but I need to know how to make it work to my benefit. Any suggestions?   Z





Well, here it is...just a little more than 48 hours since my surgery. Yesterday afternoon was a little rough, my stomach hurt as if I did 50 sit ups and getting up and down was a chore. Finally dug out the heating pad and took an Aleve. Thas has really seemed to help. I only took the prescription pain meds the first day, then I switched to liquid tylenol. Gosh, those things taste AWFUL. Plus they didn't very good at relieving the pain; hence the Aleve. Feeling pretty perky except I think that darned anestesia (sp) is still hanging around in my system. Not quite up to normal speed yet. But, today will be my first outing. Our granddaughter turns 2 today so I just have to go to her party. But will be taking my protein drink and Greek yogurt. I am doing pretty well in not experiencing hunger yet. But I am sure that will kick in shortly. Well, it is back to work tomorrow morning at 0630. I just hope I feel twice as improved as I did today.   KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK, MY FELLOW AND FEMALE BANDSTERS.    




26.5 hours post op

My first day and night at home was not that bad. I expected it to be worse. Only had to take pain RX 3 times, I don't like that it makes me sleepy, except when it IS bed time, then I like it. Woke up this morning and made breakfast for 2 of my grandkids. and I had my broth and juice. Everything seems to be going along swimmingly. Took a shower and removed the bandages...not too scarry. I feel good, have been walking around the house because it is just too hot to be going outside today. I am taking each day one at a time. Will keep you posted. Please keep good thoughts for me as well as all the other bandsters. ZIL




Surgery Day

Well, here I am about 7 hours post-op. Had my surgery at 9 this morning, they woke me up around 9:40 or so, and was on the road to home by about 10:30. Had a long ride since I live about 70 miles from the hospital, but was not as bad as I thought it would it. Took some pain meds when I got home, took a alittle nap, and have been walking, walking, walking around the house since it is wayyyy to hot to be outside. Juice, water and tea has been doing down very well. I am pleasantly pleased. If this is the worst, I will count myself very lucky. Of course, the real test will be if I on hold of on not being hungry and keep p with the exercise. But I am determined since I didn't spend all this $$$ for nothing. Keep me in your toughts.





I have been reading all the messages for the past few days, and I am very inspired. I will join the ranks of the banded this Friday and I am very excited. My husband is being super supportive (He had gastric by=pass about 10 years ago and is literally half the man he used to be), so much so in fact, that he said if insurance wouldn't pay, we would, so we did.   All of the information I have been reading is very informative. You all area so supportive of each other.   I do have one question tho, what kind of protein drink did you use when on your liquid diet? I have been drinking EAS advantEDGE and wonder if it will be OK to continue with that, or should I try something else?   I am eager to hear from anyone and WISH ME LUCK. I will keep you posted.          





Had a nice w/e in the cool mountains. Even managed to lose 3 pounds, although I am not sure how that happened--must be the good food choices, not over eating and walking.   So, I am 19 days post op and doing good. Am learning to eat sensibly, while focusing on protein as my first food choice. Have been having chicken, and beans (lots of beans since they are easy), and slowly adding veggies. Sometimes I have a protein shake in place of a meal, only because I am out and about and it makes it very convenient. Probalby going to start cooking again for my hubby by the end of the week, and seeing where I go from there. I am scheduled for my first fill on 9/19, so am not sure what to expect after that. I have seen where some people have indicated they go back to smooshies for a few days. Does that help with the adjustment or is just a rule of thumb?   My daugher is bringing me a bicycle over this week, I am working on getting a Jumba dvd and moving onto more exercise.   thanks for the support. Still loving my band and this site.




Green Zone / Red Zone

H-E-L-L-O. I have been away from the site for awhile. Really no excuse except that May, June and July are my really busy time where I work.   Things have been going well until this past week. I reached the green zone on January, but with the weight loss I had to get a few fills in July & August. Did good until last one, when I asked for just a tweak, say maybe a .10 in my band, but she insisted that would not do a thing and ended up giving me more, which put me over the edge. Took me 10 days to realize I was in the red zone (I thought I was eating too big of bites, or not chewing enough, but even when I made sure to take my time, have small bites and did chew, chew, chew), the food would just sit on my band.   So, yesterday I went in and had some fluid removed. Feel soooo much better now, but I also think she took too much out because now I noticed that I am hungry. So, guess I will be getting a couple of small fills over the next few weeks and I am going to insist the doc listens to me ... after all, I know my body much better than she does,.   Very discouraging to have to have fluid taken out, but I will chalk it up to a new experience. I am sure some of you have been there, too.   Well, I will continue to tell you that I love my band, it was the best money I have ever spent. And after 40 more pounds are gone, I am getting a tummy tuck and if my hubby keeps complaining about that cost, I may get a butt lift, my arms done as well as my thighs. My boobs look perky in my genie bra (ain't nobody fooling with my nips) LOL.   So, that is it in a nutshell., Hope you are all doing well.




New Middle Number - Back On Track

I hit a new middle number this morning when I stepped on the scale...I am finally in the 200teens. YEA ME!!! I really LOVE my band. 80 pounds down since I started my journey in July 2012.   I hit a plateau during the past month, but that seems to have gone away (until the next one). I have been able to get back at the gym this past week too.   I really LOVE my band, but I think I already said that. However, it does bear repeating...probably numerous times.   I have not had a fill since the middle of January and I am still in good shape. Feeling restriction which has really limited my intake. For those of you who are kinda new to banding, just remember, it may take numerous visits to get fills before you hit the green zone. I started getting fills in Sept 2011 and went every 2 weeks until mid Jan 2012.   For those of you who are newly banded, do not get discouraged. Just remember to follow the rules and your doctor's orders.   For those who are awaiting approval, keep pushing forward. Your time will come. Don't you get discouraged, either.   For those of you who are on the fence about lapband...go for it. This was the best money my hubby or I have ever spent. I love my band and the incentive it has given me. I could not be doing it without this wonderful tool.   Best of Luck.   Zil




Happy To Report...

Happy to report that I am back on track. I officially closed the holidays on Monday night and Tuesday brought a new and improved me. My food choices have been right on track and I have managed to make it to the gym. I even started doing some more exercises...I must confess I don't like the ARC trainer, but I do try it for a few minutes. Riding 30 minutes on the bike and doing the treadmill for at least 1/2 mile - even managing to do a little. Have moved onto leg exercises, figured I would not be able to walk this morning, but all is fine. Next dr visit is on Monday, Jan 2, 2012...I am ready.




I Have Hit A Really Long Plateau

OMG, I have been the same weight for the past few weeks. I can't seem to get past this darned plateau. Thought for sure that by now I would be in the 210's, but no such luck. I do think I am losing inches, tho. My clothes are getting loose on me.   Any thoughts on how to move off, and start sliding back down the mountain again??? or is this just something that will happen in time as long as I stick to the rules???   I ust confess that it has been very hard for me to get to the gym the past few weeks...foot problems (me), 2 family members have had surgery (hubby an #2 daughter), have had to watch the grandbabies (#1, #2 and #3 daughters kids), etc. I would like to tell them to take a hike. but my mom was always there for me, so that is not an option. Besides, if the shoe was on the other foot, they would do the same for me.   Such is life and it goes on.   I WILL NOT GIVE UP GOAL -- 65 MORE POUNDS THIS YEAR!!!





Had my surgery a week ago today. I am feeling pretty good, tho have experienced some hunger pangs from just having fluids. Today I get to start smooshies. Does anyone have any good recipes or ideas??? I could use them.   I go Tuesday to get the staples out. I am looking forward to that.   I think I have lost 5 or 7 pounds since the day of my surgery, and while I wish it was more, I am happy. I went into my surgery with a very positive attitude, and did not experience very much in the way of discomfort except for the day after when my stomach felt like I had done about 50 situps (muscles were really sore), and then on Monday I started getting that darned gas in my shoulder. That has been a little rough at times, but I am weathering through.   I am proud because today at work we served sub sandwiches (2 6-footers), pasta salad, macaroni salad, potato salad, chicken salad, chips and birthday cake. I stuck to my protein drink and sugar free pudding and applesauce. The thought of eating that stuff made a little queazy. Just not ready to go there yet. Although, I would like a piece of fish (and I don't know where that is coming from, because I am in no way a fish eater).   Well, fellow bandsters and bandsterettes...I wish you all the best. Let me know if you have any recipes for me.   thanks,




One Holiday Gone...2 More Just Around The Corner

I made it through Thanksgiving. What a wonderful day. I had the full blown holiday meal for my family. I am proud to say that I did not gain any weight, in fact lost 1 more pound.   I am also proud to say the worse thing I ate was cheese. Yes, I did eat 2 pieces of cheese. It did taste good. Being Italian, we had all the appetizers and I did good. I stayed away from potato chips, spinach dip and bread, corn chips and salsa, salami, pepperoni and crackers (3 kinds). I did have some shrimp and a couple bites of cheese and a couple of carrots.   Dinner came around and I had made up my mind I would have only ham, broccoli and a bite of sweet potatoes. I did have a small glass of wine. No bread, stuffing/dressing, green bean casserole, rolls, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy or stuffed pasta shells. I also stayed away from all the desserts.   I sat back and watched everyone else stuff themselves, and I had a good feeling.   Next, it will be Christmas. I am a little worried about that holiday because one of my favorite things is cut out cookies with icing and colored sugars. I always make about 12 dozen for Christmas morning. I also think we wiil be having homemade tamales, rice and beans for Christmas dinner..,.I know, Italians eating tamales??? Being from the SW, we like Mexican food too. Oh well, I will just make up my mind to eat healthy.   Happy days to all my fellow bandsters.



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
