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The journey of a lifetime

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Can Anyone Out There Give Me Some Advice???? Please

OK, here goes. I was banded 8/19/2011 and had a wonderful 5 months...lost 75 pounds without really putting much effort into it. At least, I did not think it was much effort...I followed the eating plan and exercised - mostly bike riding.   Now I have found that I am stalled...really stalled. I can't move this weight for anything. I am so close, yet so far away. Since January, I have lost about 8 to 10 pounds, and it has been a real struggle.   I also have seasonal alergies which have been really flaring up the past couple of weeks. I am wondering if it is the meds because they are making me so tired (I quit taking them and went back to the old ones).   Is cardio my answer? Is having a cheat day one a week my answer? Does anyone have any ideas for me.   Zil





DOWN FROM 5 TO 4. YIPPIE. Finally made it into the 240s this morning. Only good things ahead for me.   I love my band. The best choice I have ever made. Down 50 pounds (which includes my pre-op diet phase) Looking forward to losing the next 50 pounds.   I know I am blowing my own horn, but if I don't, who will. Saw some pics of me from last week, and hardly recognized myself. Going for my 5th fill this afternoon and believe I will firmly be in the green zone. I am a happy camper.   thanks for listing and letting me brag.            





I think I have definately hit the green zone. I just ate a bowl of soup and I am stuffed. Did the same yesterday, except since they were really small, I ate 2 (mostly broth), and was satisfied the rest of the day. OMG, never would I have figured that one bowl of soup would satisfy me.   I have I told you lately that I love my band? I really LOVE my band.   Keep your fingers crossed that I continue being full after just small meals.   Have a great day :party:




Drum Roll Please...and It Is Another New Middle Number

well, I got on the scale Saturday morning, and I hit a new middle number...I am now officially into the 230's. Five months since I started my journey and still going strong.   I love my band and everything it has made me realize. I have always been a strong individual, but even so, I needed help with the eating thing.   At the risk of repeating myself, my band has made me so much more aware of what I eat, when I eat and how much I eat. I am also aware of what others eat and how much. It is truly mind boggling. I really love my band. I think this was the wisest decision I have ever made. I have lost 61 pounds since I started my journey and I have about 80 more to go. I feel so much better, have more energy, sleep better, and don't mind the exercising. I have even started to walk more on the treadmil in addition to the bicycling I do. Next step will be getting in front of a video and doing that challenge. I love everything my band has done for me, even though I know it is really not doing the work, but it has given me the courage and conviction to keep on track with what I know must be done.   Yesterday we had 12 adults at the dinner table and 5 children. My hubby and I cooked 2 large trays of lassagna, 5 pounds of chicken tenders, a 4 pound bag of meatballs, and served with it 2 loaves of bread and a very large salad, can you believe we only has 2 pieces of lassagna left and about 4 pieces of chicken. They inhaled the food. And before dinner they ate a dozen tamales we had just made. I don't know where they put all that food. Then they had a piece of chocolate (from the chocolate candy box which I have during the holidays) and they ate 2 dozen mini cupcakes.   But me and my band, we had a salad with a piece of chicken on it and we were stuffed.   Today I go to the dr for another fill, but I think this one will do it for awhile. I definitely have restriction, but I am still able to eat a little more than I should...thank goodness I stick with the healthy foods and only once in a while have a little treat (I must confess that I did eat a small tamale yesterday).   Anyway, I am proud of my 61 pounds down and here's to another 60 pounds gone. Hope they come off at fast as the first 60 did.





As I wrote yesterday, I had my 4th fill yesterday. Now I have 7.5 ccs in my band. I am definately seeing (feeling) a difference. I have a full feeling just about all the time, and not thinking about when my next meal is. I am doing good with the water, too. I am so excited. This ride is so much fun and rewarding, I hope it never ends. If things keep going this way, I will have to cancel my next appt for a fill, and just weight in for pure enjoyment.   Did I tell you that I am so excited? Oh, I am so excited. I don't mean to repeat myself but I am really feeling good, and I have only lost 46 pounds, I can only imagine what it will be like when I lose another 46.     OK, enough jubilation. I AM JUST SO EXCITED. Oh, there I go again





FINALLY, when I weighted myself this morning, there was a new middle #. I know it might not seem like much to anyone else, but I have been struggling to get out of the 260's. Finally made it to 259 this moring. I was so happy.   I have been lucky enough to find a walking/biking partner in my neighborhood. We have decided to bike 3 days a week and walk the other 2 days. That will be good for me (and her).   One thing I finally had to do was make a sign for my desk that says, 'I am NOT hungry!!!' ' HUNGER IS A FIGMENT OF MY IMAGINATION' Worked for me all day yesterday. Working on reading it numerous times today, too.   OK, so off to my daily routine.   GOOD LUCK FELLOW BANDSTERS AND SOON TO BE BANDSTERS.




It Happened

OMG, it finally happened yesterday...since I did not have a decent meal for lunch (did eat banana and yogurt and was full) but was hungry when I got home from work. So, in the process of fixing dinner, I grabbed a small piece of left over chicken and took a bite and then a second bite. Then about 30 seconds later, I felt a tightness like I had never felt before. You can imagine what happened next. So, while I knew the lesson, I did not follow the rule, of dime sized bites and chew, chew, chew. Don't think that will happen again because I did NOT like the feeling. I have never stuck my fingers down my throat before, but did it twice yesterday to get unstuck. UGH. But am happy to say I still love my band. This was just another way (although be it yucky) of me utilizing my tool.   HAPPY THANKSGIVING BANDSTERS.




Reminder Info For Everyone

Today while reading, I noticed that a lot of people who have been recently banded seem to be frustrated because they are not losing weight...   Well, just remember, the band is a tool that only assists us with our weight loss but we have to do the work. We have to make healthy choices in selecting foods, we have to be sure to drink water and exercise. And most of all, we need to understand that just because we can "eat as much as we did before surgery" we should not be doing that.   It may take quite a few fills until restriction is felt...I started getting fills Sept 19, 2011 and have gone every 2 weeks since then and received a fill...it has only been this past fill that I finally really feel restriction. I have 9.25 cc's in my band 14 cc band. The Doctor put 4 cc's in at the time of surgery.   I did some eating history as it pertained to myself and realized that carbohydrates are my personal enemy, so I shy away from them as much as possible. I do have a few crackers every so often, (even that has proven to be the enemy) but am pleased to say I have given up bread, pasta and rice, as well as potatoes. That stuff really packed the pounds on me. I was 299 at my heaviest and am proud to say that this morning the scale said 226. I am more than 1/2 way to goal of 160 pounds, and then tummy tuck, here I come.   good luck to everyone




Post Op day 11

Well, good morning. Today is 11 days post op. I go to get the staples out today. Thank goodness because they are itching. I think I am going well. According to the info I received from my Dr, I was able to start consuming thicker liquid items such as cream of wheat, soups with noodles (blended up), mashed potatoes, etc. Doing pretty good. I found that as soon as I started eating semi-solids (or thicker liquids) the gas in my shoulder seems to dissapate. Oh, if anyone had told me that gas in your shoulder could be so painful I would have laughed...not anymore. It was awful.   This is such an exciting time in my life. I have been overweight for 25+ years, and no matter what I tried, I could not shake the weight. Oh, I would diet and lose 20 or 30 pounds only to put it right back on. I truly believe the lapband is the tool that is going to become my best friend.   I still have to wait 3 weeks for my first fill, but I am eagerly anticipating that day.   Until next time. Stay healthy, happy and stick to the rules.   Zil




I have lots of questions

I realize I have lots of questions and this seems like the perfect place to get feedback. Before my surgery (8/19/2011) I was having 2 protein drinks a day and 1 well-balanced meal. things went pretty good. Since being banded, I stayed on the liquid diet for a week, and then progressed to the smooshies. I have not had any problems with any of it goesg down or staying down. About the only thing that I find that will fill me up and hold me for a while is oatmeal mixed wth a little yogurt or one of the protein shakes (I started using the powder and mixing it with skim milk). Does this seem right? I have not felt any tightness at all and have absolutely no problems that I keep hearing about. Does this just mean that I will need the fills to help me get to where I need to be? I hate thiking about the next time I can eat, and I do not like the fact that the 1/4 or 1/2 cup of food they recommend does not satisfy me.





I love this site. The info here is so helpful and everyone is so supportive. I was having a lot of questions and a hard time trying to figure out what I was actually supposed to be doing. Finally, Wednesday night I had an epiphany after reading replies to my worries. Glad to say I think I have finally put it together. 1/2 cup of food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Water in between with an occassional cup of coffee and sugar free gum. I was invited to lunch yesterday by a friend who I had not seen for awhile. (She did not know I was banded.) I happily accepted and agreed to meet knowing I could not take my lunch into a restaurant. I was very cautious when looking over the menu. Finally ordered a grilled chicken breast with a side of refried beans. I think I had about 2 tablespoons of the meat (cut in very small pieces which I chewed, chewed, chewed) and probably about 2 tablespoons of the beans. Before I knew it, I was satified, and put my fork down. YEA ME!!! The best part was that I did not have any problems with food being stuck. I just know I am going to eat the weight right off of me with mind control and exercise.   HAVE A GREAT LABOR DAY WEEKEND. Be strong Banders!





I had my 3rd fill the other day. So, as those of you who have received fills know, it is liquids the first day, smooshies the second day, and onto regular food the 3rd day. I had a protein shake for breakfast,and about 2 hours later I ate a cheese stick. It didn't get stuck, but I felt like it was more difficult to move down. Is that what the green zone feels like? If so, woohoo for me.   Looking for your feedback.




WEEKLY ENTRY- needing guidance

Good morning. Well, I need some guidance. It has been 3 weeks since I was banded. I have to say it has not been all that bad. I seem to be tolerating food without any problems...no vomiting, no tightness within my band, nothing like that.   Do have a couple of questions, tho. I am scheduled for a fill on 9/19 (it will be my first one). But, until I reach that very special "green zone" it is normal for me go eat my 1/2 cup of food, and not really be satiated? I have cut down considereably, and try to stay within the amount allotted, but found that I am not losing weight. In fact, even put on a couple of pounds, then took them off.   Do any of you use a protein drink in the place of a meal? I am one person who I know cannot eat very many carbs, (it seems as if I crave them,) and even when I eliiminate them, I have a really hard time losing weight. I am not a big breakfast eater, so usually have a protein drink there, then eat lunch and dinner. If I eat cream of wheat for breakfast, or oatmeal, therein, lies the battle.   Any advise?




Being Noticed

I am about 4 months post op...and down about 60 pounds since I started my prop diet. Amazing, I had 3 people come up to me yesterday and ask what is going on with me...I look different. One person even told me that some of the people that work at my company didn't recognize me and wanted to know if someone new was hired. All 3 people commented on how good I look and wanted the specifics. When I told them, they gave me plenty of compliments and "keep up the good work" comments. I tell you, it made my day. WOO HOO!!!     One guy eve told me this morning when I came in that I was looking exceptionally beautiful today. (I'm old enough to be his mama, but it still made me feel good.)




Why do people keep telling us bandsters what to do?

OMG, my 30 year old daughter has been dieting since she was 20. She has tried just about everything...she loses 20 pounds and gains it back. (we know how that is). Recently, after having taking HCG (but she won't admit it), and gaining the weight back, she joined weight watchers, and I admit she is doing well. She has tried on everal occassions to talk me into joining because, ash she puts it, "I think you need energy, a multi vitamin, more WATER, and you need to eat more fruits and veggies. If you're going to drop pounds and tone up then do it the right way. By you drinking a meal- duh, not healthy… Buy you not eating, your body is holding on to everything you do put in your mouth and in the long run you will not be successful with long term weight loss. when you finally do decide to eat properly you will gain weight. There should be no reason you couldn't of had 1 sticky bun the other day and when you weighed in for the week still showed weight loss. Trust me. You're body is just like mine. What we need is to fuel our bodies and then our bodies work for us buy burning off fat. Think of it this way, a car will not function properly and get you where you need to be unless you give it what it is designed to digest. God created your body to eat fruits, veggies, fish, and meats in moderation. Man created all the other crap.. "   Well, why can't she understand that I am under my doctor's care and doing exactly what I have been told to do. Furthermore, I have done Weight Watchers in the past (the one with the point system) and I found it to offer too many choices...I would choose to use all my points on junk food. Now I have the LB tool, the willpower to stick to my conviction, along with my doctor's directions. I am eating much healthier than I have for 30 years, I am exercising now (even joined a gym today so I can go on my lunch hour), I take all my vitamins and drink water, and so on. She wants me to eat, eat, eat even if I am not hungry just because it is meal time and eating will help me to lose weight. I just don't get it.   Yes, it is true that my weight loss is slow, like the DR says, 1-2 pounds every week, and I am holding steady at that. True, I wish I could be like some and lose 100 pounds in 6 months, but I am realistic enough to know that is not going to happen, and that is not good for me.   I did not get to be a blimp overnight and I know it will not come off over night.   ON THE GOOD SIDE, I have lost 44 pounds in 3 months, and I feel good about that. I am even starting to see a difference in my body.   Thank you all for allowing me to vent and get this crap off my plate. I feel much more relaxed now.   Have a happy weekend. Zil   Why do people always think they know what is best for us???    




The Beast

THE BEAST HAS ARRIVED. With all the holiday hustle and bustle, I find myself having difficulties eating the proper foods and making it to the gym. I was only able to go one day last week because of dr appts and being sick. I never thought I would say I miss exercising.   Sunday I went to a Christmas party at my friend's house. She is a fabulous cook and there was food galore. I stuck to my convictions pretty well, but did find myself munching on the stuffed and bacon wrapped dates. They were so delicious. SHAME ON ME. Yester was not much better with eating because I had errands to do in town. And because I do not want my family to feel left out because I am dieting (or should I say finally living), I am still baking and preparing foods for my family beause I don't want them to feel deprived because of me...the good thing is that I am only making half as much of the goodies...no double batches this year. When it is gone, it is gone, and I will not be helping myself!   Today I am happy to say I am managing to get into the swing of things and get back on the wagon and am feeling pretty good about things. I am even going to make it to the gym this afternoon. NO EXCUSE NOT TO GO!   This is time of year is among my favorite. I love the festivities and the gathering of family and friends and good times. I have discovered that I am a social eater and therein lies the BEAST. So much of our lives (me and my family/friends) i surrounded by food and drink, and since my hubby is Italian, the theory is EAT, EAT, EAT, or in Italian, Mange, Mange, Mange. That is how I came to become almost 300 pounds...that and because they are easily insulted if you don't eat (is that because they are such wonderful cooks?)   Anyway, this is my way of venting and releasing my frustrations. I am going to need to stay focused, and remember my motto, "hunger is a figment of my imagination".




26.5 hours post op

My first day and night at home was not that bad. I expected it to be worse. Only had to take pain RX 3 times, I don't like that it makes me sleepy, except when it IS bed time, then I like it. Woke up this morning and made breakfast for 2 of my grandkids. and I had my broth and juice. Everything seems to be going along swimmingly. Took a shower and removed the bandages...not too scarry. I feel good, have been walking around the house because it is just too hot to be going outside today. I am taking each day one at a time. Will keep you posted. Please keep good thoughts for me as well as all the other bandsters. ZIL




Wls Bashers / Walk A Mile In My Shoes...and Then See What You Think Or Why I Had Wls

I have heard the same harsh comments as many people have...just cut back, exercise, diet, drink more water, eat more veggies...you name it, and I have probably heard it.   I didn't choose to be overweight, it just seemed to creep up on me slowly and before I knew it, I weighed 300 pounds...from having kids, from not being active, from being a good cook, from marrying into an Italian family.   I had WLS after my husband said to me that he was concerned about me and my health, and that he wanted me to be around so we could enjoy retirement together. He didn't want me to sleep all day and not be able to go for a walk, and mostly he could see how I was depressed from my weight. He is my biggest supporter, and he didn't care how much it would cost, just "get it done".   So, after years of yoyo dieting, trying every fad diet in the land, I was banded and I have to say it is the best money I have ever spent. I do not regret it for one moment because you see, I am a food-aholic...just like an alcoholic, but with food. I was not able to help myself.   Now, I have learned healthy eating habits and choose the foods that appeal to me. I no longer crave the chips, chocolates, ice cream, cake, cookies, popcorn that used to rule my life. Now when I get a hankering for something to eat, my thoughts turn to protein, veggies and fruit. But I know this would not have been possible without my band. My band is a reminder to me each and every day of the new me, and I am going to be on this wonderful journey forever.   So, when someone gives you a bunch of grief because you have decided or did have WLS, tell them to walk a mile in your shoes, and tell them to be sure to climb those stairs 2 or 3 times a day, and then tell them it is not a crime to want something better for yourself, to want to be around to see your kids or grand kids get married, to see them graduate. My bi-weekly trips to my dr's office are fantastic. I get excited to get on the scale and see that it has moved backwards, closer to a new me. The dr is proud of me too, and I can tell you, that goes a long way in my book of "good feelings".   So if you are contemplating WLS, I say B-R-A-V-O. YOU GO AN 'GET'ER DONE'. You will probably find the road a little bumpy at times, but so worth it.     I LOVE MY BAND   Zil Banded 8/19/2011, starting weight, 299, weight loss to date 76#s, and another 65 to go...hoping to make it by 11/1/2012. Oh, BTW, it did take me 5 months to get into the green zone and that was with fills every 2 weeks.





OK, I am confused. I understand the process of being banded (surgery) but what I am confused about is the recovery period. I know I am supposed to be eating healthy, which I am desperately trying to do, but here is the confusion part..why am I told to eat things like yogurt, mashed potatoes, cream of wheat, oatmeal, puddings, applesauce??? all these things are packed with either sugar or carbohydrates. Is this just a recovery phase while healing and waiting for the fills to start? And after having watched the DVD which was provided to me yesterday, which outlines the 8 rules...am I supposed to do this from the very beginning or after I start fills? What do you do? I truly want this to work and I know the band is just a tool, but I need to know how to make it work to my benefit. Any suggestions?   Z





I know I am going to show my ignorance, but what does BP stand for???   I have seen that numerous times in some of the blogs, but am unsure what it means.   Any takers to let me know.   BTW, down 56 pounds as of this morning. YEA.





WOW, had my 4th fill this morning. I am so psyched!. Weighted in at 42 pounds down and 7 inches off my waist. WOO HOO!!! I even think the fill has put me in the green zone...way to go...my journey is wonderful. My boss even told me turn around today and when I did, he said my backside was getting smaller. WOO HOO AGAIN. (good thing I have known him for more than 20 years)




We Can Do This

The holiday parties may be torture for us bandsters...but we can and we will survive. Here's wishing you all the best.   MERRY CHRISTMAS





I have been reading all the messages for the past few days, and I am very inspired. I will join the ranks of the banded this Friday and I am very excited. My husband is being super supportive (He had gastric by=pass about 10 years ago and is literally half the man he used to be), so much so in fact, that he said if insurance wouldn't pay, we would, so we did.   All of the information I have been reading is very informative. You all area so supportive of each other.   I do have one question tho, what kind of protein drink did you use when on your liquid diet? I have been drinking EAS advantEDGE and wonder if it will be OK to continue with that, or should I try something else?   I am eager to hear from anyone and WISH ME LUCK. I will keep you posted.          




The Holiay Struggle

The Christman holiday is now behine me (and us) and I am sad to say that I did not do very well for 3 days...the delicous foods and goodies were very tempting, and unfortunately I did succumb to the treats. I made healthy choices while having my meals, but I found myself enjoying cookies and carmel corn while we were playing cards and goofing around. I am ashamed of myelf.   Today I made it a priority to get back on the healthy kick journey. I also learned that I will not be having sweets in my house in the future...at least not the ones that tempt me overmuch. While I did not gain weight, I feel sluggish and seem to not have any energy.   Well, here is to a healthier new year and another 80 pounds gone forever.   I am still loving my band.




Drum Roll, Ta Ta Da!!!!

Well, I have not blogged for a while, since I did not feel as if I had anything to write about, but have been following all your posts...I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU ALL!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.   Now for the drum roll part, 2 of my daughters and I went shopping yesterday and ended up looking for a dress for "mother of the bride" (my youngest daughter is getting married Sept 1st). We started with sizes 20 and went down from there (I was a 24/26 when I first got my surgery). I ended up getting a size 14 much to my excited surprise and felt absolutely beautiful. Woo Hoo Me!   Well, it's the 4th and I gotta get and get things ready for the big day. Anyway, I will post pictures later.   Keep it up fellow bandsters.   Zil



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
