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Lost over 5%

Well I have been on the Lean and Green diet for about 3 weeks now and when I stepped on the scales yesterday morning I have lost a total of 17.6 lbs, I am now over my required 5% for the surgery date. I haven't been to see the surgeon yet or had any of the tests. My husband and I are doing this together and I have to admit that since we are working towards a common goal that our relationship has improved. It feels good to lose weight I am hoping we both are approved for surgery.





Hello all, it has been quite a while since I have been on this site. To be honest I had forgotten about it until now, when I need someplace to write down some thoughts. but isn't that human nature? I have my Lap Band surgery on 11/10/2011 and so far I have lost a total of 102 pounds. I am in need of a small fill but the doctor's office had two people leave and are in transition. They are trying to find new staff to fill the two vacancies. I have been within the same 2-3 pounds for the last 3 weeks and would love to lose a little more. So the next best thing to getting a fill is writing in my blog and going to the support groups for the support I need.




Had our first Dr's visit.

On Aug 29th I went for my first consult and got the ball rolling, Hubby went on Sept 1st and started his also. We are both doing the Lean & Green meal plan because it seems like a better fit for us than the Medifast plan. Besides I am not a big fan of shakes. I go see the surgeon on Sept 30th and my first weigh in is Oct 21st. I need to lose 10% of my weight which totals 28 lbs. Hubby and I want to get our surgery's done at the begining of 2012 and we can't wait.




How I got here....

I have been in this forum for a couple of months and I am finally having my consult with my doctor on August 29th. To be honest I can not wait to get this started. All my life I have been a yoyo dieter and in the end the results are always the same, lose weight only to gain it back plus more. Growing up we were taught that you must clean your plate, so if you took too much you were made to eat it. Even though I am an adult now it is hard to break that habit. It seems my mother always had us on a diet growing up but she didn't know any better and would cut us back on our food intake or try one of the fads diets that were always prone to failure. I have tried exercise and lifestyle changes only to lose a few pounds and get frustrated, until I heard about the Lap Band. My husband is also very overweight and has sleep apnea, his doctors told him about a year ago that he should look in to the Lap but he put it off. Well we aren't getting any younger and to be honest I do not want to be my parents. In their 70's and on more medicines that I can count on one hand. I am almost 50 and I can feel the effect my weight is having on my feet and knees, I feel I am to young to feel this old... LOL... Well 6 years ago hubby and I quit smoking together and we really want to do this together. We are each others support but haven't told anyone that we are checking in to the Lap. I believe that he will have not problems being approved for the surgery because of his health problems but I am just over the 40 BMI and don't really have serious health problems. So I am hoping that the insurance approves me. We have BCBS of New York. So if anyone has an information about that insurance to offer it will be greatly appriecated. I am so looking forward to starting our new lives together.




Post Op Visit

Well I went yesterday for my ten day post op and I was down 6 pounds since surgery on Nov 10th. He took the steri strips off and the incision sites look very good. I started my vitamins last night and he said I could start light cardio but not weights yet. I can't tell you how amazed I am at my whole body feeling better. I have lost around 44 pounds and the swelling in my knee has went down and they only time it hurts is when I get up after sleeping or sitting for a while. But once I get moving is feels good. Before I lost some of my weight my knee was constantly aching and swelled, who would of thought losing a little weight would make such a big difference? LOL... I go back on December 16th for another appointment and by then I will be on solid foods. I do not know if they will do a fill on that date he left that open to see how I am feeling with my hunger. But I do have to be on regular foods for at least a week before they will do a fill. Hubby's surgery is scheduled for January 4th and he is doing fantastic on his pre op diet. He has lost over his 10% and is going to try to lose as much as he can so surgery will go better for him. Well sorry so long. Have a great day all. Char



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