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PreOp Diet=Pray 4 Me!!!

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2nd fill=frustrated!

Ok so I went and had my 2nd fill the other day and when I went back to regular food it was as if I never had the surgery!!!!! I am curious..is this normal to not have very much weight loss and can eat meals normally at your 2nd fill! I FEEL LIKE IM DOING SOMETHING WRONG AND REALLY NEED FEEDBACK! I'M STARTING TO THINK MAYBE I DID THE WRONG THING...PLEASE HELP!!!




7 days post op/Menu Please!!!

Ok I'm doing pretty good with the diet but every now and then I think why did I get this? Yes I really want to lose weight but I don't want to not be able to eat bread or shrimp or a slice of pizza or the one that might just kill me FRIED FOOD!!!!! I have a question and hope I get alot of responses for my own sanity...WHAT TYPES OF FOOD CAN YOU EAT WHEN YOU ARE OFF OF RESTRICTION AND WHAT TYPES OF FOOD ARE VERY HARD TO EAT? PLEASE LET ME KNOW LOL




PreOp Diet=Pray 4 Me!!!

Wow, really? Am I really sitting here watching the Food Network wishing that was me on the other side of the television...yes, yes it is! So sad but so true *bows head in shame* Ok so today is ONLY the 2nd day of my pre-op diet and good lord almighty how in the world do people who want/need lapband actually get through this???? I woke up with a massive headache (I'm assuming my body is going through food/soda withdrawals) and lets just say I'm not a happy camper! My family all keep saying they want to stay away from me lol I guess I'm acting like a monster...I'M ALIVE!!! So if anybody could give me some advice/motivation before my family and friends dis-own me it would really be appreciated!!!




Surgery Today!

So I'm about to have surgery in about 7 hours (9:30 am) it's 2:30 am right now. I can't sleep a wink and I have constantly been going back and forth on whether to go through with the surgery or not. Do I really wanna give up all the foods I love so much FOREVER???? Can I give them up??? Can I take this pain from the surgery???? Will I lose all my hair???? All of these thoughts keep swirling through my head and I can't seem to think straight! I guess all I can do is try to get some sleep and pray for the best...I'M SO SCARED!!!




4 days post op!

This process was not easy by any means. I am still really sore around my incisions and sometimes I can barely get up. The gas is not so bad anymore but I still have a little pain in my shoulder. When will it starting getting better or I guess I mean when will I start feeling like myself again??? Thanks everyone for your support and thoughtful words as I went through this. I'm not trying to be a "Negative-Nancy" but I really hope all that I'm going through is worth it!!!



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