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My experience and feelings as I go thru the process of being healthy again!

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Day 4 after surgery....

As I had mentioned before, I have bipolar disorder and I'm starting to feel it right now.... I feel depressed and confused asking myself why I did this.... Maybe I could have lost the weight some way.... I know my dr said not to weight myself but I did and I know i've lost 16 lbs in only 10 days which is great, but I'm just not excited right now. I'm still having horrible gas pains that wake me up in the middle of the night. I am not asleep more than 10 minutes sometimes that it wakes me up. The most i'll stay asleep is maybe 90 minutes max... that is really making me tired and because I'm not eating much I don't have much energy. I do walk around my house a lot to try to metabolize the gas like the DR said, but it doesn't take it away. I get hiccups which hurt too. I still have diarreha and the imodium is somewhat helping. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. I go back to work full time tomorrow and I hope I can manage....




Day 2 after surgery...

I've been a roller coaster when it comes to my weight pretty much my whole life. I've tried every diet and pill on the book to loose weight. And I have lost a significant amount of weight before and gained it back for one reason or another. I've been trying to have beriatric surgery for years and for one reason or another I've been denied before. Even though 1800 get thin scam the insurance companies, are extremely unorganized, and have many issues with their doctors, they did manage to get me my surgery. I had my surgery 6/10/11 in Beverly Hills with Dr. Gee. The day was long and eventfull but it finally happened. I am now recovering at my parent's house and looking forward to thye new me to come.   Today is recovery day #2....still on pure clear liquid diet and somewhat in pain. Most of the pain coming from gas still trapped in my cavity. I am resting as much as possible since I go back to work on Tuesday, only 4 days after my surgery. I have many plans on how I will change my eating habits and life style to make this work. I feel like this is my last chance to loose the weight and keep it off.   I'm trying to be optimistic, I feel a little depressed tough.....Oh, I forgot to mention that I also have bipolar disorder   <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wL4OtvZ/"> <img border="0" src="<A href='http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wL4OtvZ/weight.png">http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wL4OtvZ/weight.png"></a>



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