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Life, Love and Furry Paws

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Shopping, Eating and Learning!

So i went grocery shopping today (Trader Joe's and Ralph's ) And i could honestly only shop in two isles. The dairy products (cheese & yogurt ) and the soup isle. Made shopping so much easier!   I cheated and tried to eat a soft taco from Taco Bell, Half way through my second bite i had to stop because i knew it was such a BIG mistake! I felt that first bite and boy, it did hurt!   I also had a turkey pot pie from ralph's (freezer kind) and it felt wonderful going down since the veggies and turkey were so soft!   I know its Bad news bears, But honestly, that's me. I'm the kid that had to put their hand on the stove in order to know it was hot. Now That I know my limitations it is soooooO much easier to stick with the liquid diet! Day 9 post OP and feeling Great! only have an itchy Belly button since that's where they hid my port! (Glue fell off wounds, and i can see incisions, but they're closed now)   Swelling is down, healing sites looking good just being naughty and testing my limitations with my pups!   (Have to take a nap since i'm not getting enough food) Normal?




Baking, Cleaning and food withdrawls

So I've been taking protein shakes in the morning per my doctors request. So far, just by adding that to my lifestyle, I've found that i have way more energy, and I've also lost about 6 lbs It hasn't been so hard, now i just drink my breakfast when before i would just skip it. I guess my body has come to expect the effects of the protein in the morning, because i skipped it the day before last, and i felt super hungry and tired, as well as irritated! Bah! But now i'm getting tired of drinking and want something more solid. My solution was to make some organic Corn bread with the protein powder mixed in. I have free range chickens, so i used there eggs with some fresh corn meal that i got at the farmers market, some organic flour and the powder replaced the sugar. used applesauce to replace the oil/butter and added blueberries from my garden! Threw it all in my bread machine and out came a delicious product! Yummers! Had a small helping with my coffee!   Right now i'm on summer break, and already i am bored out of my mind! I've been gardening, building and playing with my animals, but that is only interesting for a portion of the day. I've started playing a computer game but its addicting, so i have to make compromises with myself! I.E.. if all of my (self-imposed) chores are done, i can play for 1 hour Then i have to Clean the kitchen! Afterwards i can play for 30 mins Then i clean the living room! and make my bed! before bed i normally play another hour. I want to incorporate some exercise into this plan so that i can get off my bum and do something!!   Yesterday i took my grandmothers Rabbit (Moi) to the Vet's to have him neutered! I drove by a Grocery Outlet and couldn't resist a quick trip! They have a lot of products for a lot less that a normal grocery store. I used to love this store when i was living in Sacramento, CA and in college, that said, I practically ran in, first I picked up some hanging baskets, a basil plant as well as a bag of fresh tomatoes then i saw it! The aisles of frozen foods/processed foods/sugary sweet foods that got me through those late nights studying and writing papers. I had the urges to stock up of frozen burritos, chips, cookies, kid themed cereals, pop tarts, and other bad bad foods. The Urge was so strong, but i kept reminding myself that those foods would taste so good for about 2 mins, then i would feel like crap and gain weight, the i'd end up eating more because i'd feel like crap and the cycle would start again! Bah!!! I grabbed myself by the collar, and with every person i saw in the store, i told them ((**In My Mind**)) To keep me away from those foods! It worked! When i found myself drifting back to those aisles and browsing, I'd imagine the mom telling me to set a good example for her kids, the grandpa telling me how those foods had let to his health problems and the other heavier set people telling my to be brave and walk away! Its silly and sounds strange, but i talked myself out of buying those foods. I ended up with my original products and a bottle of wine.   I never knew that when i started this journey that I'd be battling with myself so fiercely to stay on the right track! LOL   Oh me oh my!   I'm definitively ready to change my life!  




Summer Time

Summer is here! The flowers are blooming, the marine layer is up and its time to clean out the garage! My dad and i basically share a renovated garage. I keep spare items in there fabric, art supplies as well as my dogs things Over the years the garage has gotten stuffed with useless things, old paint, seeds gardening tools etc... now that the sunshine is out i'm going to bust some dust bunny butt! I actually find that giving myself these projects are distracting me so that i don't end up in the kitchen looking for a snack! Much fun!




Farm work, Breakfast with the Family and Chasing Grandma's puppy.

I am sore all over! I had farm work at school today (yes, even over the summer months) and i was in the pen with the sheep, and the one male is a but-faced-miscreant! He rammed me with his head, into the gate then jumped up on me and scratched my back! sadness. Before that i had a breakfast with my family. We went to this little Salvadorian restaurant by our house. Now, my whole family is to some degree fit, and in their normal bmi's except for me. I'm the fat sheep in the family. Well, myself and an older cousin. Everyone else is a full fat eater and maintains their shape rather well. Sucks for us! Anyways, while Salvi food is delicious, its also super heavy on the fat and greasy. I tried to stick to plantains and beans, but the tortillas were hand made and fluffy and yummy! i admit that i had two. It was making me wonder how everyone else deals with eating out? With friends, it seams like they understand more, and don't criticize your choices, yet when i'm out with my family, they all nit-pick about what i order, telling me what i should eat, while they don't exactly set a positive example. (*sigh*) Its hard to make good choices when everyone else is making bad ones.   While i'm not banded yet, i'm trying to lose 10% of my body weight, about 27 lbs I read a long time ago that doing so would help me bounce back faster after a surgery or injury! I hope it helps, but either way it can't hurt! One good and easy way of doing this is by training and chasing the new puppy i got for my grandma (she lives with us and was so lonley, so its been a great thing for her!) We've been trying to learn how to play ball, so not only do i throw the ball, i run for it bring it back to the starting position, then praise the puppy for doing a good job! All of my other dogs get into the game, so if i'm not chasing the ball, i'm chasing them to get the ball back! ha! Its all fun and with summer starting i'm going to start jogging again at the beach! I better take advantage of the mellow weather and get conditioned before full summer hits!



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