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entry #2

:help: well yet again my fat ass messed up omg i am the same weight that i was in january i havent losted any or gained any really ucks what is wrong with me why is this not working for me some one help my fat ass i should have went all out and got the gastric bypass im a asshole well herei am yet a gain still never reached my x-mas goal and its 3-26-07 how sorry is that well i have a summer time goal of 170/175 by july 4th i reall hope so only time will tell:(




mel's road to happiness

:think got banded on monday the 27th and now im in so much pain it been two days . this was a really @ucked up thing that i did ??????????????????????mabey it was not the right choice. well i lost 13 lbs on the pre diet now i gotta get a scale. my goal is 135-140lbs its still gonna be a long journey. i wounder how long it will take me. mabey 2 years?who knows 80 lbs to go . wow thgats alot well i would like to be 200 or under bye christmas thats my goal.



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