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91 down, 10 to go to target, Nov 10 will be 6 months post-op!

I am putting on the full-court press from this point to get to 101 lost in 6 months. I have decided to go past it another 10 or so because I can see 218 will still be a little heavier than I want at 5 11 1/2. However, until November 10th it's going to be 700-800 calories a day again (down from 1000-1100 now) I truly want to grab the brass ring in 6 months! Anyway, follow me at my external blog: michaelwasfat. blogspot.com or friend me at FB: Michael Pickert




It Is Easy If You Follow The Program

Losing weight has less to do with a fill than the right attitude. I was banded 5-10-11 and by 11-10-11 I lost 100 pounds to my goal. I was never filled. I do no exercise at all. It is all about calories in and calories out. I keep meticulous track and for the first 4 months did not go over 750 in a day. Now i allow myself 1100-1200 because I want to lose 14 more pounds. (my doctor says it is ok)   So....   Do you keep track of what you eat? Plan your meals? Take the food onto your plate you are allowing yourself and no more after that?   Do you avoid: caloric add-ons to food. For example I use yellow mustard on everything. (it is zero/tsp but brown mustard is 5/tsp) Do you use zero-calorie dressings for your salad? Do you avoid ketchup and oil-based condiments?   Do you NEVER drink 10 minutes before to an hour after your meal? This is btw my NUMBER 1 rule. It allows delayed emptying and you stay hungry longer.   Do you keep very low cal snacks in the frig such as: no far sugar free puddings, pickles (which are zero) lettuce, sweet peppers, etc?   Did you have dessert on Thanksgiving?   Think about these questions and if you want to chat email me at:     michaelwasfat1@gmail.com   my outside blog is michaelwasfat.blogspot.com




I wish everyone's journey was as easy as mine

I have trouble believing what I read here. Fills during surgery or every two weeks or done by physician assistants. I don't get it. My doctor doesn't do a fill unless you are having trouble losing weight.   Then the things people report they are eating is amazing! BREAD? nuh-uh. Sauces or gravy?? No way. Rice, pasta and potatoes?? Don't you people want to lose weight?? I have stayed under 900 calories for 14 weeks. If I need to eat something during the day, I don't use protein shakes or power bars or anything that has more than 50 calories. Try eating the small sweet pepper (10 per) or pickles (zero) or eat a sugar-free jello (10) or drink some bouillon soup. (0) Get with the program, folks. This is your life. The lapband is only a tool that will allow your diet to succeed. The lapband is not a diet!   come see me at michaelwasfat.blogspot.com to understand what you need to be thinking about.




Day 27 - Tomorrow I reveal to my friends and family my 4 week total. A flash look to my fellow bandsters below!

In the last week I have eaten out 4 times with no ill effects. I eat: 4 oz carrots, steamed very soft, seasoned with garlic salt and butter spray (which I bring with me as well as a scale) For my main course I have 4 oz baked scrod, seasoned by me again and maybe 2-3 oz more carrots. Total Calories: an amazing 200 or so. I LOVE "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER" spray. If you are not using this please try it. Tomorrow I am posting on FB my 4 week total ponds lost. I think my friends and family will be amazed! Since none of them are on this blog I will give my fellow travelers on the new life path an advanced look at the number:   30 pounds in 28 days! And not one single day have I felt famished. I swear. Michael Pickert MD mickp_24@hotmail.com personal blog: http://michaelwasfat.blogspot.com/




5 months in, 86 down, 15 to go. Can I do all 100 in 6 months??

I am sooo close to my target I can taste it. (no pun intended) I need to lose 14 in the next 4 weeks to achieve my target of 100 pounds lost to my goal in 6 months. I still eat 850-950 calories per day but I am so lazy I do not exercise at all. I know how bad that sounds but... please don't send me cards and letters telling me to get off my butt and work out. Thanks. My surgeon has me conducting Q+A's with new candidates and I start off by telling them how I went to a similar seminar 8 months ago and was so conflicted by what I heard that I quickly ate a large pizza that night to feel better! Now look where I am! They could relate to that and more that I shared with them. If you would like to follow me at my external blog it is: Michaelwasfat@blogspot.com c u soon Michael Pickert MD




Why is everyone complaining??

I think people misunderstand what the LapBand is all about. It is, for me, a way to diet and FEEL FULL while doing it. You can't suck down calories like the Lap Band will protect you. Seriously folks get some perspective. For ideas visit my external blog:   Michaelwasfat.blogspot.com   or email me at :mickp_24@hotmail.com   Michael Pickert MD




Nearly seven weeks in: Checkup with Dr. Abkin, pizza and other happiness

My 6 week checkup went well, very well. Dr. Abkin who is a unique surgeon in that he doesn't have a set schedule of "tightening" the lapband says I am way ahead of schedule on weight loss: 40 pounds in 6 1/2 weeks. I'm sorry, I didn't say that loudly enough: 40 pounds in merely 6 1/2 weeks. Therefore, there is nothing to do but stay the course at this point. He prefers that I eat 800 calories per day but I am still stuck in the 650-750 range. I shall have to force myself to eat a tad more. Reread that sentence and be amazed, cause I sure as heck am. LOL! What a startling turn of events this is!   Then we reviewed a lot of "Can I eat this or can I eat that?" Turns out that those little sweet peppers that taste so good are ok (11 calories each), tomatoes, even with the skin are ok, brussel sprouts yes, asparagus no, broccoli sort of ok (no stems), ditto cauliflower, carrots yes, strawberries yes, crisp apples yes but mushy ones no (skin harder to digest).   Popcorn...........YES! "Please chew it well and get the high fiber 94% fat-free brands." "But of course, Dr."   Pizza.................YES! YEA! "Just one piece of thin crust, cut into little pieces, chew well and don't do it too often." I saluted, "Yes, sir, Captain Doctor."   We then spent a half-hour with his IT person discussing an on-line collaboration. This should help my book sales down the road.   Oh yes, that "we" would be my sig-other, Eileen Brenner, with whom I was forced to sign a document by the Dr's office that she had the right to keep me in line during the dieting period. Really! She has been immensely helpful in reminding me not to eat too quickly and take smaller bites. That last one is one of the hardest things to remember. I attribute her help for my not having any "clogging of the pipes" to date.   Thanks, HB. (Honey Bunny)   Michael Pickert MD follow me at my personal blog: michaelwasfat.blogspot.com




Look! There's the finish line!

4 months 3 weeks 85 pounds, 16 left to primary goal then 10 more slowly after that No fills No throwing up, ever 900 calories/ day (still)- I count everything minimal grazing on 10-40 calorie snacks I will be done in 6 months AMEN! Come see me at my external blog: MichaelWasFat.blogspot.com  





50! FIFTY! 50! Fifty!   Yes I hit 50 pounds today on day 64!!! Even better, my Calorie-Wt Loss predictor is at 48.5 right now. No tightening and I do not plan one. No throwing up and I don't plan one. Thank you, Dr. Abkin.   Michael Pickert MD see me at my external blog: Michaelwasfat.blogspot.com




Week 6, 36.5 pounds, hold the fill please

I have my second f/u this week and I do not expect to get a fill. My doctor's attitude is if you are losing weight, he won't give you one. I have lost enough so far and have not had one day yet where I ate more than 750 calories. Think that's impossible? Then you need to follow me at my external blog also:     follow me at: http://michaelwasfat.blogspot.com/   email:mickp_24@hotmail.com




Judgmental People and other annoying stuff

4 months, 75 down, 26 to go for my initial objective. Over Labor Day weekend, I went to a BBQ where I saw many people who hadn't seen me in the last four months. Boy, were they ever surprised at how I look. Many of them offered me congratulations on how well I was doing. It still feels good to hear. However, I was surprised by a few who remain convinced that if I had just a little willpower and stick-to-it-ness, exercised more, I wouldn't have needed the LapBand. I guess that many people feel that way but (mercifully) don't share those thoughts. Imagine telling a lung cancer patient during their chemo they should have used more willpower and not smoked. Not to mention that numerous studies show that fat people "see" food differently than normal-weight ones......(To read the rest, visit my external blog at michaelwasfat.blogspot. Michael Pickert MD      




Going to try a restaurant tonight! (Day 21)

It is time! We are going to a restaurant tonight and I have my whole meal planned out. I will begin with 4 oz Pinot Noir (My surgeon wasn't ecstatic but I b.e.g.g.e.d) then my appetizer will be (after the obligatory 30 minute wait) 2 oz of green beans (steamed and I will bring artificial butter flavoring with me) Main course is 4 oz of plain, baked flounder with another 3 oz of green beans if I want. Total calorie count= 250. I think this is doable. I will report back tomorrow on how I did. Michael Pickert email: mickp_24@hotmail.com




End of week 5- 33 and counting

End of week 5 is here, I ate at 2 favorites yesterday- Eppes Essen (a local deli) and Cafe 88 (Chinese) I brought my own fat-free cream cheese, my own cracker and had 4 oz of nova as well as 2 pickles.Oh-oh! A wee bit too much but I made it. Dinner was 5 oz steamed shrimp and 5 oz steamed broccoli and string beans.   Follow me at my personal blog: http://michaelwasfat.blogspot.com/




Getting Easier in Food Jail

This is the end of Week 2 of the New World and I have to say it has been fairly easy so far. I haven't gone over 600 calories once and by my own estimate I have saved roughly 42,370 calories. So my weight loss of 20.5 pounds seems about right so far. First follow up in 4 days and I can then step up to Modified Regular Diet. TUNA! WOO HOO! I still feel like I am in Food Jail but I don't have that claustrophobic feeling as much. Anyone else relate to that?




Day 15 and I figured a new variation of full liquids!

A new variation tonight!! 3/4 serving Cream Wheat, 1/2 can tomato soup, 1 teaspoon jelly(Fat free Sugar Free) and 1 TBSP Choc Pudding (Fat free, sugar free)=210 calories, 525 total for the day. Surgery F/U in 3 days then maybe new foods, I hope 22.5 pounds and counting. WOO-HOO



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