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Checking in

Sent from my iPhone   On Jun 15, 2011, at 9:26 PM, Melanie Vigil <mmv671@gmail.com> wrote:   1. Eat 3 small meals a day No can't seem to do this one.  2. Eat slowly and thoroughly No ate to fast at dinner.  3. Stop eating as soon as you feel full. No took extra bites at dinner and lunch.  4.do not drink while you are eating.  30 minutes before and 1 hour after.  Was good at this one.  5. Do not eat between meals. Yes ate snacks.  6. Eat only good quality food Nope ate food w/o quality protein.  7. Avoid fiber  foods yes.  8. 64 ounces a day yep.  9.drink only low calorie beverages yes  10.exercise 30 minutes. yes.  Today's totals  Cal 1412 P 75 Cal burn 417 Water 80 oz Thought today went ok but I ate out twice. Otherwise good. Waking up at 5 to hit the gym.   My calculations show I only followed the rules 50% of the time. Not good. I'm going to make tomorrow better.      Sent from my iPhone




Why do I sabotage myself sometimes.

I did good eating all day until someone brought in goodies. They don't even taste good why do I always want to eat them. I need to learn to stall myself and not give myself permission. I actually went to the heart dr today. They said my heart mis fires. They gave me medication in hopes of regulating it. The thing that made me happy was that my blood pressure in 2002 the last time I had all my major heart tests was 169/89. Well today (drum roll please) was 104/69. Yea! The weight loss has helped I just need to keep pushing forward.




Starting over

I have tried to blog many times, so here I go again. I love to write so I really hope this works. I need a fresh start. I went on vacation which ends tomorrow and did awful. I'm at the same exact weight as i was year ago. This is not a good thing considering I had lap band surgery to lose weight.currently I'm slightly over filled which I will fix Wednesday. Maybe then I can eat solids and stick to my program. Right now I'm gravitating to slider foods. . So I'm going to get back on the bandwagon so to speak and try to get into the 150's. I need accountability to myself. Quit lying to myself that what I put in my mouth is ok because its really not.I'm going to try to blog everyday for the accountability and see if I can get these last 15 pounds off. Wish me luck.




Checking in

I don't even know if I was able to post my last blog. Still haven't lost weight but that's ok. I started p 90x.  It's killer. But so far so good. Really going to five my all and kind of forget about the scale for awhile because really it doesn't matter and it drives me absolutely crazy anyway. I never like what it says. I have gained the stupid 5 pounds and lost them over and over and over again. It's disgusting.  Oh well so I'm on a mission and really who ares what that stupid scale says anyway If I can get into a size 3 I will be happy.  Scales should be outlawed. Ha ha. Anyway that's about all that is going on in my life. 




Today is a new day

Yesterday was awesome.  Stuck to my food and exercise plan. I know this is a little quirky but I was going to get a tattoo that said believe on my wrist to remind myself to believe in myself. Well instead I found a bracelet that says believe. Every time I questioned myself yesterday I looked at my bracelet and told myself to believe. It worked.  Well for yesterday anyway. That's a start.  Baby steps turn into progress. I'm really working on taking it one step at a time and steering away from my all or nothing attitude. Just do my best everyday. So today is a new day to believe in myself.  




Doing the happy dance

Today I weighed in at 171 that's down from 177. Heck yeah. All that hard work paid off. All that water and exercise. I also learned something about myself. I need to change up my Monday routine. Work is very stressful on Monday's and I eat. Not sure what to do. I'm recognizing it's a problem. Now I have to find a solution. Comments help. Add a snack? I'm trying to stick to the 3 meal thing. It's mostly just Monday's that are bad. Well next week I will try something new.




Checking in

Didnt do much of anything today. Got a bad report from the diabetes dr. Need to bring my sugars down drastically. This made me sad and depressed. I didn't eat bad and I still exercised but I didn't log. I will feel better. The dr wants me to eat 30 carbs a day. That's going to be hard butvi have no choice. I have to give it a try.




Here I sit again

I don't know why I do this. I lay in bed and tell myself I should get up and exercise eventually I do but why can't I just pop up and do it. I know I have to. We can sure talk ourselves into or out of anything. I can tell myself it's just one candy bar nobig deal just eat it or I can say my body is sore exercise can wait. I need to change my way of thinkin I need to talk myself into the exercise and talk myself out of the candy bar. I need a mantra or something. On that note I would be talking myself into exercise but I have to go to work. I guess exercise will come tonight.




Checking in

Accountability what's it mean to you? What dies it mean to me. While I have none. I try to have it but it doesn't matter I will find every excuse in the book not to do what I'm supposed to do. I want to change that so badly. I want to be successful at everything in my life. Or r least try and try harder than I am. I'm good at my job and honestly I think that about sums it up. I'm not good at much else.  I'm an all or nothing kind of person.  Being like that is a bad thing because you get tired of the all then I give nothing. So that's not a good way.  I'm spiraling out of control and I need to do something and fast. It's like I know what to do so why is it so hard to do. I would say take it one day at a time but maybe I should take it one hour at a time just make it through an hour an then worry about the next hour. I don't know the answer I guess if I did I wouldn't be where I'm at right now.  




Going for unfill today.

Well today I'm going for. Slight unfill. I have a goal I want to reach my goal and I think the slight decrease in fluid will help. I would like to be able to eat breakfast. This morning I had a shake I hate having a shake for breakfast. Lame. I will write more after the Dr. Give y'all an update. There is a girl on Facebook and you tube that inspires me so much. I think I want to do what she does. She writes and takes pictures of what she eats. It's such motivation. Like they say winners find a way losers find excuses.




I can eat again

I know what some of you are thinking why would you be happy about being able to eat but I am. I had 1 cc taken out and feel great. I ate lunch at 12. It's now 5 and I'm not even hungry. That's what's awesome. Ate 4 oz of chicken two bites of mashed potato and I feel awesome. I hope it stays this way. I have had breakfast and lunch. No snacks and I'm on top of the world. Like I said I hope it stays that way stay tuned for more to come.




Just checking in

Today was a good day. I got plenty of exercise. Walked around the zoo. I live in Denver so our zoo is pretty big. I'm going to plan out my meals next week so I can stay on track. I have never been much of a planner but I'm going to try it for this week. I want to put a small tattoo on my hand that says my goal weight but I'm not sure my husband is on board with it. I have other ones but he said it was dumb. I thinks it's good so I will always be reminded what and where I want to be. . I guess I will think about it. Well I know it's short but I'm tired after a long day.




today was a good day

Today was a good eating day. It is now close to 9 pm. I'm done eating and I'm at 962 calories and 88 protein. I feel good. I know it's only one day but I'm proud of myself. Tomorrow is another day and I'm going to try to stay under 1000 calories again.




Today was ok.

I can't say today was a goo day because my eating was out of control. Part of the problem was going to the movies twice. I also have a bad habit of when I mess up I just want to give up for the rest of the day. There I go with my there us always tomorrow. On a good note I went to te gym and I took the dogs for a walk. Thats a bonus work out. Well I do have to put today behind me and move on. I made my breakfast an lunch. My husband and I also decided what we are making fir dinner tomorrow. We have been very good about eating at home. Which Is a first for us. We have not been out to ear one time this week. I'm loving my hungry girl cookbook. I also love the tofu noodles and will be bringing a package with me to my grandmas. Spagetti dinner Saturday. Well time for bed I have to wake up at 5 so I can Zumba before work.




How am I feeling today.

So far today I feel very good. I ate breakfast and lunch and I'm trying to wit 1 hr for dinner. I can't decide if I want to eat then go work out. The timing of workouts is hard. I should just do it in the morning. Fits better into my day and works well with my blood sugar but I have to wake up so darn early. But if it works better I should just quit being a baby and do it.




Checking in July 14

I love p90x I never thought I would say that but i do. What I'm struggling with is my eating. Since the workouts are so hard I'm starving all the time.  It's bad and I'm craving carbs like crazy. If I try to et mostly protein It doesn't seem like I have enough energy for my workouts. It's such a battle the eating thing. I'm just going to keep doing my best and forgetting the rest. 





Well I haven't blogged in awhile. I really got away from it for some reason but I'm back and ready to go. I have been on a steady losing path thanks to re committing myself to the lap band lifestyle. I even told my husband last night that I could have probably been at goal weight if I would have done this a long time ago. How stupid was I. I wasn't eating horrible but just enough to stay at the same weight. I just though I was destined to be at this weight forever. I'm getting close to 167 which will be a milestone because I have not been under that since surgery and I'm only 6 pounds away. Vacation is in a few days but I'm going to stick to my plan because I'm on a mission.




Checking in

1. Eat 3 small meals a day? yes but I also ate 2 snacks. I worked out twice and had to drink juice twice to bring my blood sugar up.  2. Eat slowly and thoroughly Yes  3. Stop eating as soon as you feel full. yes 4.do not drink while you are eating.  30 minutes before and 1 hour after. Check I did well with this one.  5. Do not eat between meals. Not so good since I ate snacks.  6. Eat only good quality food Yes  7. Avoid fiber? Yea  8. 64 ounces a day yes wanted more but only did 64.  9.drink only low calorie beverages yes  10.exercise 30 minutes. Exercised 90 minutes. Am and pm.     I thought over all today was a good day. I'm trying to follow the band rules everyday so I can be successful. I will be blogging everyday how I did. I think I should add that I made my protein goal as well. The rules I need to work on are three meals and no snacking we will see how tomorrow goes.      Sent from my iPhone     On Jun 15, 2011, at 9:26 PM, Melanie Vigil <mmv671@gmail.com> wrote:




June 15

Totals for the day C 1351 P 87 Calorie burn 765 Water 64oz. =} Had I not drank 2 juices to bring my blood sugar up the calories would be a 180 less.




Went for my un-fill yesterday

Yesterday I had 1cc taken out of my band. It's a tad more then I wanted but we decided to give it a try for 4 weeks. I know some people say they are tight in the morning but he said you should never be so tight that you can't eat solids at every meal. Three meals a day of solid protein no snacking and that last 15 pounds should come off. I can do anything for 4 weeks so I'm giving it a try. 3 meals a day no snacking and exercise 30 minutes a day. Wish me luck. Would like to break this plateau .




Checking in

I'm going to start checking in weekly with my wring. I need some accountability. I feel like I'm struggling and hanging on for dear life. I have this great tool and I need to use it. Not forget I have it. Last few months have been awful. I will have a couple good days then a lot of bad days where I eat whatever I want. Then I tell myself there is always tomorrow. Not true. Maybe tomorrow doesn't come and I wasted the day. Who knows. I'm trying to do better, I know I can so why don't I. That brings me to accountability. I have been stalled for a year so maybe in my mind I was giving up. Well yesterday I weighed 174. Omg up from my lowest about 8 pounds. I want to be in the 150's so bad I can taste it. Well sometimes anyway. Others I'm going through the motions and other days I'm stuffing my face. One meal at a time right? So far today I'm in good shape. 155 calories and 22 protein. I will eat lunch in a few hours I better go get some wat in. Have a great day everyone.




Just pondering

I should get my butt out of bed and go to the gym but I will probably stay home and do Zumba or something or maybe Zumba tonight. Although I should get it out of the way my My Plan is to eat healthy again today. Drink my water and exercise. Sounds simPle enough. I was so sad and mad watching the biggest loser. Here I sit at 174 with lap band and some of those girls most of them weigh less than me and had no surgery. What gives. I think the at home lady did it mostly at hOme. I wound do I just not do enough. Maybe I need to work out more eat less I'm not sure. I guess I will just take it one meal at a time. Since my unfit last week I gained weight probably due to lack of following my diet. I decided yesterday I'm going to follow the band rules as much of possible see how much I can lose by June 30 th then go for a fill. That's all for now. Have a fab day.




Checking in

I'm not going to lie to myself or whoever reads this. My weight was 177 today. Omg that's all I can say. I need to so something and fast. I can't go on like this. I start my biggest loser challenge with my facebook friends tomorrow. We are going to Vegas in august and I'd like to use a few pounds by then. 17 now. I hate losing weight I have already lost. I also stated a little challenge with my hubby's. If I gain or stay the same I pay him. If I lose weight he pays me. Score! I know what I have to do now I must do it . Let's give it a go and see what happens. Off to bed so I can wake up and workout.




The week is over

So it's Sunday night, time to reflect on the week. It was a pretty good week. I had more good days then bad days. I ate good at least 70% of the time. I exercised and even bought some new exercise equipment. I'm determined I just hope I can keep the momentum going. My sister asked me to join weight watchers she needs to lose about 50 pounds and I still have 20. I will probably join and then see if my dad will. We all need to lose weight.I will check in tomorrow and see what the scale says,



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