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My Journey Head first and full steam ahead

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Year Approaching Fast....

OK, so im coming up on 11 months post op and I just now reached 50 lbs lost. At first I felt a little like a failure just becasue its 50 not 100. Then I thought I am just now getting motivated enough to excercise. I have lost 7 lbs in the past week and a half which is awesome for me since I have been on a yoyo since I was at 250.My scale is my friend again and I am looking forward to doing something, some kind of exercise every day. I get bored with the same ole all the time so I bought an elliptical in october... I just put it together about 2 weeks ago and I love it. I have worked my way up in time from 6 min to 57 minutes. I love walking around the park with my family and I have enjoyed using the wii and Kinect on my own. SOMETHING! EVERYDAY! I feel pretty good about the last part of this year long journey.




I did it I did it!

I made it out of the 250s' ! FINALLY! Oh it feels so good. I just wanna go RUN! The first time in my life I have so enjoyed looking forward and forgetting the past.Seeing those scale numbers drop has been awesome. The scale is my friend for the first time EVER! Now if I could just figure out what to do so that I can Run w/o my fat stomach flapping... any suggestions?




First Fill

Today was my first fill.Hopefull this will jump start some weight loss. I only lost one pound since the lat time I was at my Doctors office, I go back in amonth and my goal is to be down at least 5 more. I know that I have been eating way too much. I have to stop eating as soon asI feel full. URGH.. I HAVE TO FOCUS ON MY GOALS!




Almost back to myself

So, I was banded this past Tuesday... My nurses were great. Today is the first day that the GAS has not taken me over. Walking was what I heard over and over to move the gas. Walking did not help me. I walked until the pains were unbearable.It was hard to explain to my husband that it wasnt the incesions that were hurting me but instead it was the gas that felt like a basketball behind them. I have hard time drinking and today is the first time I have been able to drink a bottle of water in less than a day. I have been so thirsty and I know that my problemwas that I was trying to chug when I should have been sipping. I feel like I just did everything wrong. I am happy with my decision and my decision to go through with it. I know its going to help me change my life,




Today is my 'BIG DAY'

OK, so I think now I am excited again. This morning I was a little terrified and had a few tears but I have talked to my family and friends and I was reminded that this is what I have been fighting for. I can't get to the finish line and turn around and go back. I just wanna get it over with now. I am still a little freaked out about the tube down my throat but I know im gonna be ok. YEAH its finally here . Just waiting for my mother inlaw to come pick me up and I have so many butterflies. Wish me luck.




So... tomorrows my big day.....

I was really excited up until today. I don't know what happend I feel like I have been waiting on this surgery eve forever and now its hear and I am feeling a little ... I dont know... uncertin. I went to the surgeons office today and he was not very friendly... It made me think I didn't wanna do it, but I think I just got scared and was lookin' for a reason to not go through with it. Now I think my excitment is over and I am more aggravated than anything. My parents are coming to Florida on Friday and I haven't gotten everything I wanna get done done and I am affraid I am going to be out of commission and not able to get my spare room done before they get here.( actin' like I just found out im having surgery tomorrow) Hopefully Ill feel better tomorrow.




Ok...So.... I failed.....:-(

I have failed at day 5 of my liqid diet. I am so sad that I I didnt make it further but I am kinda proud that I made it through days 1 2 3 and 4. I just started feeling lie I was gonna kill a family member. I was so on edge and snapping at my husband and 4 yo daughter. I knew it was becasue I wanted to CHEW.I dont feel like I amdea horrible choice I had a sandwich and I will get my focus back. My poor husband didnt know what to do when I was in tears becasue I wanted it so bad. He said "no", and I feel horrible for making him feel horrible with my watery eyes, but the choice wasnot his it wasmine and I feel worse than anyone.




May10th The "Liquid Diet"

My last diet ended just like every other diet and I gained that weight back. Since then I have been preparing for the lap band and today is Tuesday May 10th day 1 of the liquid diet. Surprisingly I am NOT HUNGRY. I realize for the first time how many times in a day I would have eaten just because I was bored. I am pretty proud of myself , even cooked dinner for my husband and daughter w/o a bite. I am thankful for all the viedeo blogs I watched I watched on youtube, I got a lot of good tips right down to the popcicles I should buy. Day one down 13 to go.



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