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My journey to my new life!

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one month post op

I can't believe it has been a month since my revision surgery.  What a month it has been.  This recovery was so much harder than when I got my lap band.  I lost 9 inches and 26 pounds since my pre op liquid diet.  I got sick 2.5 weeks post op!  OMG that was so horrible!  To have to cough with my stomach still recovering was really bad.  I had a burning sensation over my largest incision that would bring me to tears.  My surgeon told me that the burning was most likely do to a nerve that was caught in a suture and that it would go away once my sutures dissolved, which could take 3 months.  If I couldnt take it he said we could do a nerve block!  ummmm no! Literally the day after that appointment the burning stopped and has never returned!!!!!  I started back in the gym per his  orders.  I was only released to do cardio so i'll do that the first week and slowly add in weight training.  All in all this has been a kinda rough recovery, but I dont regret it!!!





Just wanted to update you guys that I was finally approved for surgery on Feb 10th!  I had my pre-op appointment today and my surgery is scheduled for March 14th!  To say Im excited is an understatement.  I am so grateful for another shot at getting my health together! 




Back on Track!

Sooooo I finally got approved for my revision from lap band to VSG!!!! I am soooo excited!  I have my pre op appointment this wed. and I will have to speak with the NUT, anesthesiologist and my surgeon.  I am hoping my surgery date(which i wont know till wed) is in March!!!




Big Fat Failure!

Sooooo i just looked at my blog and see it's been like 5 years since I posted!!!!! WOOOOOOWWWW!!! So if i wrote everything that has happened in those 5 years this would be like 8 pages long, so i will make it short as possible. I met my goal size of a 12 within 11 months of having my band. I was good at maintaining for like 2.5 years. And then my band and i started fighting more and more. Between life, band slippages, emergency unfills, relationship changes and the death of my mother i have basically gained all my weight back. I am back to a size 16 and my original size preband was a 20. I have changed jobs and now am in the process of getting my band removed and revised to a vertical sleeve. I have had many emotions about this from embarrassment, shame, anger, etc. I was self pay for the lap band, but my current insurance does pay for the surgery.     I was submitted for the removal of my lap band and revision to a sleeve and was DENIED!! To say I was devastated is putting it mildly. I am in the process of having my doctor submit further explanation of why it is medically necessary to remove my band.   This time will be different. I will be going to support groups and doing thing before that i hated like actually tracking food and gym times.   I'm pretty sure no one even follows this blog anymore, but i am keeping my youtube blog up to date! Thanks for stopping by!




Follow Up

Ok so i went in for my 2nd unfill(or so i thought it was my second one), long story short, my doctor was either zoning out, sleepy or suddenly went deaf! last friday instead of taking out .5cc he put 5cc in for a total of 1.5ccs!!! way too much for me. well he took out.8cc which gave me a fill of .2ccs, i have heard that when you are close to the green zone very small amount will get you back in the green zone. well i guess that is true! so needless to say i had loast 18 pounds in those 2 weeks and so far i've gained back 5, but TOM just got here too. i knew that was coming so i'm tryn not to be too upset. but i'm back in the green zone and back on my grind. i'm still in onederland and i dont ever plan on leaving!!!




I Love My Band..no I Hate My Band...no Wait I Think I Love My Band! Uuuuggghh!

Ok so i went in for the unfill on Friday. Glad to know that I dont have a leak and everything is where it's supposed to be. As of this morning i am down 15 pounds since my fill 2 weeks ago(tomorrow). i still am just able to get in liquids, so i have been living off egg drop soup. i dont have an appetite, but every time i try something with more consistency i get stuck after a few(and i do mean few) bites. My question is to those who like their band tight, how do you do it? I can barely get in my protein, but this is my focus..i'm praying that since the weather has cooled off some it will get better. HELP I NEED TO KNOW THIS IS GOING TO GET BETTER! i cant go in for another unfill as i am self pay and i just paid $250 2 weeks ago....is there a chance my band will loosen on it's on in the next few days?




Another Fill..dang Is It Too Much?

ok so i went in for my fill on monday (the 25th).. i had gained 8 pounds since my last unfill in march. i am really tight now. i can eat solid food, just very little..i mean like 4-5 bites(not sure how many ounces). my appetite is totally gone for the most part and i lost 10 pounds in the first week after the fill. my question is do you guys think i need a slight unfill cuz of my rapid weight loss or do you think my body has just been shocked back into loosing?





i have been going back and forth on rather i was gonna blog this today, but i must own up to my failures as well as my successes. well i am going in for a fill today. i got on the scale and it has been slowly creeping up. today it said 210!!! i had gotten to 202..that was from february till now. to some that may seem like not a lot, but mentallu to see that second number as a 1 and not a zero just sent me into a mental place i dont need to be. i just cant believe i let it go this far. i take full responsibility for my weight gain. yes i still was in the gym but my eating habits have become less than desirable..ok let me not sugar coat it..i was down right wrong. now i know i need a fill, but i found myself in the past few weeks thinking..it didnt matter what i ate cuz i was gettn a fill and i would just get back on track then. this is the same thinking that held me captive at a size20!! now my 12's still fit, but i know it's only a matter of time before that changes.   i think i blogged this to show myself that even though i am one year post op i still have some mental changing to do when it comes to my weight loss journey. i thought that one year out it would be a walk in the park. i long for the day that i dont have to make a conscience effort to always think about what i am eating for the day. i long for the day that my weight is not always on my mind..but i dont think that day will ever come. so i've come to accept that my way of life is to be constantly aware of my weight and food intake.   jennifer




Slacking Off....ugh

ok so i made my goal of a size 12 in my one year since i was banded. and it seems like i lost my drive. ugh...last week was the first time in over a year that i only worked out 2 times versus 4 and i was just being soooo lazy. i cant loose my focus and start gaining weight back. ok so today i went to the gym and got back on track..i admit it was a little bit of a struggle, but i stuck with it. i'm praying that that lazyness was a one time fluke. anyway i finally uploaded my after pics..yeah me!!! well although i havent hit onederland yet!!!!!! i'm still shooting for my new goal of a size 10 by my bday in august. i gave myself plenty of time becuz really anything after this size 12 is icing on the cake. OK SO I'M BACK FOCUSED!! full steam ahead. oh i scheduled a small fill for june 23rd cuz that's my next off day when my doc is in the office. sometimes i think i need a fill and others i dont. so for right now i will keep the appoinment, but cancel it if need be. jennifer




One Year Aniversary

OK this will be brief cuz I don't have my laptop...ugh..but u u can go to my you tube page and see my video for today. Lost 40 pounds.went from size 20 to 12..shoe size from 9 1/2 to 8... Many nsv's..would do it again in heartbeat..thanks for al ur support! Sorry so brief but typing on my tablet is annoying..lol





Went shoe shopping...I normally wear a 9 1/2...today I was able to buy 8 and 8 1/2!!!!!!! Totally forgot the feet would shrink..and wasn't expecting that much:-)





Went shoe shopping...I normally wear a 9 1/2...today I was able to buy 8 and 8 1/2!!!!!!! Totally forgot the feet would shrink..and wasn't expecting that much:-)




Omg! Omg! Omg! Goal At 11 Months!

ok my anniversary will be may 20th! my goal was to be in a size 12 top and bottom(those of you that follow my blog, know how that's been going). well today i got a pair of size 12 jeans in the mail i ordered and tried them on just to see. OMG THEY FIT! now they are snug, but still comfortable. I COULD JUST CRY! i cant believe i made it and before my year! YEAH ME!!!!!




I've Finally Gone Viral!

Ok so it's almost been one year since i was banded and i have been video blogging on my phone. i was torn as to if i was going to ever post them. well i decided about a month ago that i would. then realized i had no idea how to post them from my phone to my computer.....lol. well duh! i finally realized yesterday that i have an app on my phone. LOL (yeah me and technology arent' the best of friends. ) anyhow i started posting yesterday. i have about 20 videos i think but i 've just started posting so i have about 8 up thus far. feel free to check out my blog on there. my name is jennypoo6043....just wanted to share my experience with others and hopefully help someone along the way. i cant believe the number of women that have reached out to me for support from this site that i talk to or text. i've found some friends all over the country that i would have never had the chance to meet had it not been for LBT! i would love to plan a reunion one day somewhere with everyone i've spoken with, but for now i'll settle for this.     thanks guys and feel free to leave comments on you tube. jennifer




Tryn To Convince Myself I'm Not A Quitter

Ok so my one year anniversary is quickly approaching and right now i'm hovering around a 42 pound lost. my goal was to be in a size 12 top and bottom..if you've been following my blog then you know where i stand with that. so i bought another size 12 jeans but they were petitie and i figured that just meant shorter, but i couldnt get them past my thighs either(but could put on a 12 skinny jeans..tight but got them on and buttoned) WTH!!! i am so frustrated with the whole jeans thing. when i started my journey, my doc told me most patients lose half of their desired weight in the first year, sooo if i go by that i am well ahead of schedule, but if i go by the goal I set for myself...doesnt look like i'm going to make it..ugh! so my question is if i decided to stop stressing about the jeans and be content with fitting 12 dresses and tops..and L scrubs and L tops..would i be a quitter. one one hand i feel like i am and on the other going by my doc's standards i've done great. what do you guys think? HELP!!!




Gotta Trick My Body!

Ok so in the past few weeks i have been back and forth between twoderville and onederland..ugh!!!! SO frustrating. i've talked with a few people and i have decided that i am not gettin enough protein..so i have decided to up my protein and change up my exercise routine. i'm praying this will jump start my losing again. i dont do well with counting calories or myfitness pal..i'm just being honest. so i pray this is what i need to kick this thing into high gear again.




Well That Was Short Lived!!

ok so i finally hit onederland and then BAM..stupid TOM and i'm back in the 200's. I know it should go away when tom leaves, but i was so pissed. anyway. i went to the mall today to get a pair of size 12 jeans to prayerfully get in on may 20th my one year anniversary. i just wanted to try them on and see how close i was to puttn those suckers on. well once i got home i realized they were skinny jeans, which means they are even tighter. so i tried and tried and i layed across the bed, AND GOT THEM SUCKAS ZIPPED, now when i stood up i had this huge roll of fat sitting on top, but i got them zipped. now would i wear them like that. ummmm no, but i was just happy i got them zipped. it's gonna be a lot of hard work for about a month and a half to get in them comfortably, but we shall see. if i can find another pair of 12 jeans on sale that are not skinny jeans i'll be totally content with that.





Ok i'm probably gonna be late for work but who cares. I FINALLY HIT ONEDERLAND!! i thought i did yesterday but wanted to make sure today and yep 199!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was a long haul, but now i'm here. i believe i can make my goal in1.5 months!!!!! thanks for all the encourgement guys...ok gotta get to work!




Who Is She Talking Too?

I finally went to Lane Bryant to get fitted for bra's. I"m so sad that the girls are disappearing! UGH! one effect i didnt want. well anyway she helped my find my right size and she asked how i was losing weight and i gladly shared with her about my lap band. She thought it was great. She asked me what size i wore now and i said 12's/ she told me you are too small for anything in our store! I COULD HAVE KISSED HER! never in a million years would i ever think someone would say this to me. And normally i woiuld reward myself with food, but this totally motivated me to hit the gym as soon as i left the store! WOW that felt sooo good!!!




These 3-4 Pounds Keep Stalking Me!

I am so frustrated. I have been looking at onederland for about 3 weeks now. it's soooo close i can taste it. i havent changed my routine that has caused me to loose thus far and recently had a small unfill. i just cant seem to get the scale to hit 199! i stay jumping between 201 and 204. WTH! it's so frustrating cuz i'm so close. once the scale even said 200 so just knew the next time i got on it was gonna be 199. NOT! just not sure how to make this stupid scale move. any suggestions?




Junior/misses Section

Just wanted to drop a quick note. I got my unfill last monday and so far so good. it takes me about 4-5 hours before i'm "hungry" and my portions are controlled. needless to say I still am figthing that 1-2 last pounds to get to onederland. however i went shopping yesterday because i needed an outfit in a specific color for a womens conference. well i went into a little cheapy store and asked where the size 12's were since i saw the plus sized section started at size 14. she told me in the junior/misses section. I JUST STOOD THERE FOR WHAT SEEMED LIKE AN ETERNITY. ME GET CLOTHES OUT OF THE JUNIOR.MISSES SECTION. my heart started racing. i know this sounds crazy but i was totally freaked out for a minute. I HAVE NEVER BOUGHT CLOTHES ANYWHERE OTHER THAN THE PLUS SIZE SECTION. so when i bought everything from that side of the store it was soooo weird. i was happy but it was so hard to wrap my mind around the fact that i could. i even bought a tank top in a medium from that side of the store. ok just wanted to share that experience right quick. hope all is well with everyone. s/n from our conference. WHATEVER IT IS...LET IT GO!!! peace and blessings jennifer




3Rd Unfill

ok so i went in to te get a small unfill on monday. i feel sooo much better. my doctor is very pleased with my progress so far..that was nice to hear cuz at one point he said "we need to get this moving.". i'm so glad he listens when i tell him what i feel i need. it was sooooo crazy after the unfill as soon as i got to the car my stomach was growling. WTH! i havent heard that noise in months. it was so weird. so far right now i think mentally i still think i cant eat and might get stuck, but i have tried like a salmon burger(just the burger) and it went down fine. i am happy that right now my appetite is staying at bay adn i'm wondering if after an unfill is there swelling since he takes the fluid out and puts it back in to make sure it's all still there. i made sure i had no slippage as that was my biggest fear. so now i'm trucking back along and i'm hoping that once TOM leaves I will be in onederland. KEEPING MY FINGERS CROSSED. jennifer




Ok Ok I'm Going To The Doc On Monday! Ugh!

Ok me and my band are at odds right now. For the longest time i was too tight in the morning to eat anyting other than liquids, which i hear is pretty normal. and i was cool with that. then i was barely able to get anything down(even some sliders) at lunch and dinner was iffy. (all this was 2 weeks after being sick)..ok so starting this sunday i have been able to get a half way descent lunch down and a reasonable dinner. but now later in the evening my band is tight again WTH! i have gained like 3 pounds in the past week and i dont get it. i have an appointment to see my surgeon on monday and i'm gonna talk to him about a small tiny unfill. i just dont get how the band can be so inconsistent. UGH!!!!! plus i'm like super paranoid that i have damaged something with the recent/frequent bouts of throwing up. Can anyone tell me who had a band slip, what were your symptoms? I'm tryn not to drive myself crazy. i would think if my band had slipped or i had a pouch that i couldnt keep anything down, right?




Has Anyone Had This Happen To Them?

ok so i got my 5ht fill in dec. i was doing just fine, until 2 weeks ago. i got sick and was on antibiotics for a week, also TOM came around the same time. well my band got super tight and i'm guessing with both of those things happening at the same time caused this. well i thought once TOM left and my sickness left i would be ok. NOT! i was hoping it would loosen, but not so. i am used to not being able to get things down in the morning unless its' a liquid, but now lunch is hard and so is dinner. last night i was awaken by coughing and choking as if i had swallowed water and it went down the wrong pipe. i have an appointment to get a slight unfill and i know this is crazy but i'm soooo scared i will not be able to get to the green zone like i was before i got sick. i am one size away from making my goal by my one year anniversary! i just dont wanna get a slight unfill and be able to eat like i'm crazy! ugh! i lost 6 weeks once before with being too tight, too loose and not being able to see my doc. ugh! why now! has anyone else had it where they got sick, band got tight and didnt get loose after the illness went away? jennifer




When Will I Learn!

i have been banded 9 months and i'm still learning to work with my band. since my last fill i have been real tight, but still able to eat. what frustrates me is the not knowing. last night i wanted some spaghetti , so i made it and was able to eat about a cup of it. ok that was fine, well i took the same spaghetti for lunch today and was barely able to get in 2 forks full. i wish i could look inside my body and know before i try to eat something if my band is going to cooperate. and when i order food out at a restaurant or fix my plate at home i still get portions like i ate pre-band. I KNOW GOOD AND WELL THAT I CANT EAT IT, but i cant seem to make that mental switch to stop doing that. am i the only person struggling with this. Are there signs my body is giving me that i'm missing that will tell me if i will be able to eat? HELP!



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
