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7 month Post Op!!

I know I’m almost a week late! But I’m officially 7 months post op! Yay!   I went on a cruise last week (November 6-13th) to San Juan, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, and the Grand Turk. I managed to NOT gain any weight while I indulged in EVERY thing that looked delicious; though I wish I had worked out more than just two days while on this trip, I probably would’ve lost more weight…     At my last check up with Dr DiCicco, I weighed 253lb, I think… well I’m down to 241lb, so I lost 12. He was upset last time that I had lost so little, but he was pleased with my progress; I’m basically 50lbs down and that’s halfway in his mind, so I’m on track! He was especially happy I managed to still lose weight while on a cruise. Like I said before I was doing a no carb/low carb diet… and I completely forgot what carbs were on this cruise. Of course I had plenty of empty calories as well with the alcoholic drinks and what not, but they served bread/dinner rolls EVERY day… and I indulged cause I LOVE my bread and butter, but towards the 4th day I had to start telling them no, because I was afraid it was going to RUIN me, LoL!     I didn’t get a fill, as I still feel I have restriction, though I also feel I’m able to eat a little more than I could when I first started out with the 6.3cc; I’m thinking I’ll probably get a fill come next month; it should be a little looser by then. But I’m currently in a good spot at the moment. I had no PBs or stuck episodes while on my trip, which was a blessing! So we’ll see how things are looking come December.     I don’t really have any NSVs this time around. I wasn’t down to the weight that I wanted to be come November (220lbs), but October’s NSVs made up for that. This month though I’m kinda upset. I’ve been tossing clothes out left and right because they don’t fit anymore. A lot of tops that I had to buy large because of my then extra large boobies look like they’re swallowing me now.     Just recently I had to attend a funeral and I had a black suit that I had worn before but couldn’t even button the jacket (so I wore a nice blouse underneath). I put it on for this funeral at the end of October, and what do you know I can button the jacket and it looks ridiculously big on me, so I had to toss it!... I ended up wearing a dress that had been given to me by a friend (18/20); thank goodness for that.     So, while on my cruise they have a Captain’s Ball, where everyone dresses up really nice (ball gowns and tuxes) … so I wore this pink strapless dress that I hadn’t worn since either 2008 or 2009, I can’t remember…. But long story short… I was pretty sure that when I tried the dress on prior to going on my cruise that it fit… it was loose but it fit. Well, I get on the cruise … it’s Ball night and I get my make up done and I pull the dress on, no girdle or nothing and it’s super loose! My strapless bra is showing in the back and I cant fill out the boob area anymore… I was so disgusted and upset. Mind you I got plenty of compliments because it’s a pretty dress. But I had to rig it and I wasn’t happy about that. I had to pinch one side under my arms to tighten it a little. And I also had to pin the front of the dress to my bra so the dress wouldn’t fall down.     Again everyone thought I was flipping out for no reason because the dress came with a shawl and no one could see how I had pinned everything together, but I just wanted something to FIT! Everything is either too loose or still just a little too tight. But I won’t complain… I’ll take this as a blessing! At least its not like I brought a dress and it needed to be taken OUT in order for me to wear it!... Trying to look on the bright side of things!     Even my bathing suit bottoms were kind of loose. Mind you it’s a maternity two piece swim suit… the top still fits pretty good, especially in the boob area, but the bottoms are getting loose…. Does that mean I’m LOSING my caboose?! J     Anyway, I guess I thought of two NSVs… for Halloween, I was a “Modern Vampire” … meaning I put on regular clothes and bought some fake teeth and popped them in m mouth… it was fun… well, anyway, I wanted to be a sexy vampire of course, so I had my boobs out and drizzled with blood, and I had on some ripped fishnet stockings and heels and …. Drum roll please….. my sister gave me an old jean skirt size 16! Mind you it’s NOT a stretch jean material, so I was amazed when I could button it and everything. Again I say, it’s still tight, and I wouldn’t wear it out just yet, but it was Halloween, so it’s okay to look a little out of place… J     Next, NSV is kinda of stupid I guess but I’m really weird about wearing my arms out… I NEVER under ANY circumstances wear my arms out unless I have something to cover them with… a shawl, a small jacket, sweater, half jacket; anything BUT bare! So while on my cruise, the last day, we docked in the Grand Turks right on the beach… so I wore my bathing suit and a really pretty sun dress of course it was sleeveless otherwise there wouldn’t be a point to this story! LoL! Anyway of course I wasn’t gonna wear a sweater on the beach, so I proudly stepped off the boat with my arms BARE! I even took a picture and to my surprise I didn’t throw the picture aside like I normally would because to me my arms just look fat and disgusting and if I don’t like how my arms look then I don’t like the picture… but this one… I liked and I was surprised at myself… for being more confident!     Which brings me to my last paragraph I promise! LoL!     I feel like I’ve gained confidence with my weight loss. Granted I’m still disgusted by the loose skin and flab hanging, but in clothes I can really see a difference and I see my self being more outgoing. For instance on the boat there was a 70s Dance Class…it was just for fun, but normally I wouldn’t have participated because I would’ve been thinking about how I looked dancing around like a fool, but I just let loose and I had a good time. And NEVER would I wear a bathing suit in public without shorts or a shirt on, well, while on this cruise I wore my bathing suit without a shirt or shorts while on the ship and off… I even laid out and tanned a little bit… LoL!     I wish my weight loss was where I wanted it to be, but it seems I’m right on target…   Losing weight…Dropping sizes.. And building up my self confidence!   I’m IN LOVE with my BAND!    

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


6 months Post Op... WoW!!

6 Months Post Op… Wow!     Wow, I’m officially 6 months post op lap band and I’ve had more ups than downs and I’m still currently working my tool and happy.     I don’t know where to begin?! Well, I went to my 6mo check up on Monday (10/10/11) and everything was good. I hadn’t lost any weight since I last weighed myself (251lbs), but I’d lost 5 pounds since seeing him, so he was pleased; he took into consideration that I lost 10 the last time… I didn’t get a fill, because at this time I feel I have good restriction and he said he didn’t want me TOO tight, which I agree.     I’ve had the band only 6 months, PB’d just ONCE, so I feel I’m doing good. I still find myself making plates or sitting down to eat thinking “I can eat all this” and then after half the meal I’m pushing food around my plate. So, I know when to stop!     I’m still trying to stay as close to no carbs as possible. I can’t lie, it’s been tough and I’ve slacked up a little, as far as a couple of chips (like when I went out for my sister’s birthday dinner and for appetizers we had chips and spinach dip—which was delicious) here and there. Still no bread, no rice… I LOVE mashed potatoes, so I definitely had some of those, though I wish I hadn’t, but it’s all good… ALL in moderation!     I think I need to incorporate some type of fiber supplement or more fiber in my diet, because for the past few of days I’ve been constipated and I’m unsure as to why. I normally get constipated around that time of the month, but currently it’s NOT that time so I’m wondering what the EFF if going on! I haven’t resulted to a form of laxative just yet because I’m still trying to narrow down the problem. When I first started the no carb diet I had no issues with the restroom. I think I was even urinating MORE, so now I’m kinda confused as to what’s the issue. So I’m gonna try more fiber, maybe I’m not drinking enough water, then I’ll try that laxative as a last resort.     Exercise is really become hard for me to get in. I know I’m the blame for this. I said I was going to at least TRY for 30 minutes a day EVERY day, but it’s turned into 30min every three days or whenever! I’m really not too happy with myself, I’m not even sure where I fell off the wagon (maybe all my NSVs?)… But I know that I won’t see that weight I was hoping to see come October 31st… But I’m happy I haven’t gained any weight… and my clothes are still falling off so…. MORE EXERCISE!!!     Okay, now to the exciting stuff!!!     So, my mom got me a new bra! It’s the Butterfly Bra by Jill Scott (LOVE her) which is sold at Ashley Stewart or online. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this bra and let me tell you why! I have back fat… I think besides my arms this is the one thing on my body I could do with out… honestly if they said I’ll take away two things so long as you stay fat, I’d say ok, make my arms look awesome and take away my back fat and you got a deal! I’d keep the stomach flabby thighs ALL day to get rid of this HEINOUS back fat!...SO these WONDERFUL bras make my back fat disappear!!!! I LOVE it! Whoever invented it, I want to hug them and cry on there shoulders! I mean I don’t remember when the last time was that I looked in a mirror and wasn’t disgusted that my shirt showed off my back fat!   If I was wearing any other bra and pulled it down to cover my back rolls, then the fat under my arms would poke out, if I tried to tuck that in then the back fat came back out, it was a never ending battle with the bra strap!     But I’m soooo happy I have this bra… if I could wear it EVERY day I would, but since I can’t (I only have one) I’m in the process of ordering another bra offline (all Ashley Stewarts are closed in my local area). Anyway other than the bra making my back look EFFING amazing! I’m also wearing a smaller size!!!     So here’s the story. My mom was bragging about this Butterfly bra and told me to try hers on. So I try it on and I love it. Come to find out, it was like a 42D…. I have been wearing 44DD from Lane Bryant, was about to move into the 46’s because of the back fat, and here I am wearing a 42D and the cup is almost too big! So when I order another one, my mom is insisting I order a 38. And I’m like no way… I can’t fit a 38, but then I realize I’m in a 42 now… but I just don’t see it… I told her to order a 40..     But this was my first NSV of the month… I was so shocked, I mean I knew my boobies were getting smaller because I can see the loose skin when I’m laying in bed, but to actually put on this bra that I knew I would’ve been itching to get out of because it was too tight 6 months ago, amazes me!     NEXT!!! I posted pictures showing my weight loss in my face. So hears the story… (LoL) … I was going through my phone and I saw a picture I took of myself back in March of this year (2011) and I have a touch screen phone, so I was just flicking through and I saw the picture, but then I saw one I took at the end of September (2011) and again I was flabbergasted! I could finally see what everyone else had been seeing! My cheeks were uber pudgy like no bodies business! And I couldn’t stop myself from flipping back and forth, like WOAH! Look at my damn cheeks! I have CHEEKBONES! So I posted four pictures, one from 2006, one from 2009, one from March the month before surgery and one from September… WOW… is all I can say!     NEXT!!! So, not sure if you know this or not, but my pre-lapband self was all about JEANS. I LOVE my jeans, sweatpants, any kinda pants, I want to wear them, because I hate my fat legs, so I gots plenty of jeans! Welp, my 24s are definitely TOO big, my 22s make me look like I have no booty (which by the way is making it’s way out into the world), and my 20s are now getting loose as well! I wore a pair of jeans to my sister’s birthday dinner and my Dad mentions: Jeeze those jeans are about to fall off of you! I put on a pair of size 20 jeans shorts for a block party I was going to, and Mom says: Those look horrible on you, you look like you have no but at all! Needless to say I went home and changed… into my NEXT NSV!!!     So, when I went home I put on a jean dress I bought before going out of town for my family reunion back in July. Now, when I wore it up in Atlanta I wore it with a girdle… I think it’s a size 20 or 22, but when I put it on this day I said, “it’s hot, I’m not wearing a girdle, I’m about to be outside so f*** it!”…. well I put that jean dress on and OMG it fit perfectly! It was loose in ALL the right places and it comes with a belt and I was able to tie the belt and STILL have a little slack in it… AGAIN I was amazed! Just a month ago, this dress was barely fitting I kept having to pull it down in the back (you know when your but makes everything ride up in the back) but this day the dress was PERFECT!     MORE? Yes I have MORE! Soooo back in June (2011) I went to a luncheon with my grandmother and I wore a dress my mom gave me (size 20)… again I wore it with a girdle and it looked nice… it wasn’t tight to begin with, but I wore the girdle to smooth out my bumps and rolls… well I wore the same dress again in September with OUT a girdle and what do you know… it fit PERFECTLY!!! I had more than enough room… Again I was just amazed!!!     Last clothing NSV I promise! J … I posted another “collage” of me in a black shirt. Now, here’s the story! (LoL) I bought this black shirt about two years ago (2009) and when I bought it… it was TIGHT. I remember my mom saying to me in the store… that’s gonna be tight. And I was like oh it’s ok, when I put my girdle on it’ll suck me in and even though the top buttons near the bust area won’t button, it’s ok cause I want my boobies out…. And BOY were there ever out there! So the last time I wore this shirt was in 2009 at my family reunion… I just remember always having to wear a girdle with it because the buttons would gape open in the front, I mean I even have safety pins in between buttons just to keep it closed!     I sorta remember the day I threw the shirt to the side… I was going out and I put it on and just said “this is ridiculous I can’t wear this shirt with it bulging open like this and my girdle is dirty” so, I don’t know when, how, or where but I found this black shirt that I had basically thrown under the bus and forgot about completely because in my mind I couldn’t fit it anymore and I was embarrassed that I kept trying to wear it…. Well I put it on for my sister’s birthday dinner and I couldn’t believe how loose the shirt was on me!     NO GIRDLE needed and the buttons at the top in the boob area that I couldn’t button when I FIRST bought the shirt…. I could button those now! I was just so shocked. I couldn’t believe it! I could even pull this shirt down over my butt now and before I remember wearing it with the girdle trying to keep pulling my shirt down because it was riding up and I didn’t want anyone to see the girdle, and now this shirt pulls past my butt almost!!!     I sat in the car and told my friend about this, because believe it or not this was my favorite NSV… I loved that shirt even when it was too tight when I first bought it. I loved it because it showcased my best assets at the time which were my boobies…. And when I couldn’t wear it anymore, that’s when I knew I had really let myself go. I told her how I just stood in the mirror and couldn’t believe how f*cking huge I was. I just couldn’t believe I was walking around and no one said anything to me about how wide I was! I told her this and she laughed because I was smiling, but I’m very dramatic when telling a story in person (LoL) but she just smiled and said “ I’m so proud of you, you’re doing so good and you look great” but she just thought I was hilarious when I said that… but it was the truth… I could not believe how huge I was! I wish I had a picture of me in the shirt just to show how it didn’t cover my boobies AT ALL and to show how far down I was able to pull it.. I remember because I physically had to wear it, and just sitting here typing this I feel like I’m rambling and saying the same **** over and over again, but I was AMAZED it really blew me away…     I wanted this month to be the month I got to a specific weight, but I’ve had so much more going on and so many NSVs that it makes up for it…     This month, I also, cut my hair AGAIN… I love it! I told the people who asked me why I would cut my hair after it had grown out so well… I told them “cutting my hair is orgasmic” for me anyway… lol… I just love cutting it! And growing it back out!     I also took some pictures with a photographer friend of mine… He had been asking to take picture of me since before surgery and I was like “NAH” cause I wanna look awesome, well after I cut my hair, I started feeling myself… maybe it was the short hair, or the weight loss, the loose fitting clothes, or the skinny face, but I decided to go ahead and do some pictures with the dude who’d been begging me since forever (I think he has a crush, lol) …. I’m SO happy with how the pictures turned out… I look like such a model if I can say so myself! LoL… I’ll post a couple of those…     Did I miss anything? I had some SJP (Sarah Jessica Parker) Skinny Leg “Bitten” jeans in my closet (size 20) that I haven’t been able to wear since my mom gave them to me… these jeans are NOT stretch jeans and have NO slack in them! But they fit me NOW!!! NO GIRDLE!! WooHoo!! What else? …all of my 2x shirts (sleep shirts or just lounging) are getting too big! WooHoo! What else? My $140 pair of Dansko work shoes are getting big! I wore them to work the other day and they were flopping off my feet! CRAZY right?! My scrubs are getting way big like to the point I don’t even wanna wear them to work. But this is GOOD!     Well, I think I’ve rambled for FAR too long… I didn’t drop weight on the scale, but I have much much much more to be happy about! I’m so proud of me and I can’t wait to move forward on my journey! I’m SO IN LOVE with Michaelangelo! I’ll never leave him and I don’t think I’ll let him leave me either!    

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


2 Days Until My 5mo Bandiversary!!1

And I’m down to 256lbs… I’ve lost a total of 10 pounds since my last doctor’s appointment back in August and he was very happy with my progress thus far. I went in today (9/12/11) and weighed in, chatted with him about what exactly I was doing to progress my weight loss.     I told him I cut out carbs and still am cutting out carbs as best I can. Most meals only contain meat (protein) and vegetables. Everything that is processed/packaged I look at the contents and if there’s carbs I put it down. I am so proud of me, I should make this an NSV! People, or I should say non-dieters, don’t realize how hard it is to nix carbs all together. Especially since it’s been a part of your daily food intake for years! But I’m doing it. I can say I don’t eat something carby here and there, but not nearly enough to cause me any issues.     I was off work for fiver days recently and I did so well not eating carbs. I did enjoy a bowl of cereal over the weekend, but that was it! No bread, no pasta, no rice, no sweets!     I’m committed to sticking to this no carb diet because if I drop lbs like I’ve done these past two weeks CONTINUOUSLY then I could possibly make my mini goal come November 6th. I’m 36lbs away and I have 58 days to do so, which is roughly 8 weeks plus a few extra days… but that’s like 4.5lbs a week. I know I didn’t get RNY, and that’s asking a lot to lose that much weekly, but this is what I’m aiming for; 220lbs by November 6th! I Can Do It! J     Other than dieting, I’ve been taking two hour Zumba classes (when offered), I’ve been walking, doing jogging/power walking intervals for 30 minutes at a time while on my breaks at work; I’ve also been doing the sedentary bike for 30 minutes at a time while at home… I plan to do a little more toning… my arms are slimming down, but I don’t want the flab…     I hate to say this but I definitely see a TT, Brachioplasty, and Breast Lift in my future (hopefully covered by insurance)! It’s not all bad, I mean I love lifting and pulling my rolls aside and seeing my TRUE body frame and shape that’s being hidden underneath. It’s like shaking a wrapped gift before opening it. I’ve been trying to guess what’s inside for the longest! J     Overall I’m SOOOOO HAPPY with my progress. Today I re-read my journal entries that I started writing when I started my PreOp diet, and I’m happy that I’ve progressed so much since then… I’m 256! In one of my entries I was saying how happy I was to be 278 because that meant I weighed less than my Dad… but now I’ve progressed so much it just blows my mind!     I’m almost -50lbs down… just 1 more pound to go! I’m sure I’ll drop that in a day or two! WooHoo!!! I’ve gone from 305lbs (my highest) to 256lbs!... I’m so proud…    

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


4 mo Post Op + 2nd Fill

Here I am 4 months post – op! I’ve got good new to celebrate and some not so good, but overall I’d say my journey is still moving along!!!     I haven’t gained any weight, but I can’t technically say I’m at a stall just yet either. I went to the Dr today, and received a 1cc Fill. The last couple of appointments, the Dr was really “proud” and said I was losing at a proper weight (6-8lbs per month)… well, I went in today and had only lost 4lbs. His first question was, “So, what happened this month? You’ve been losing at about 7lbs a month..” he asked if it was my portion control, or maybe I’m not eating the right things…   I told him I was doing a Zumba-like class and doing the stairs at my job on my breaks and that I did feel like I was getting hungry more often than before. He basically said he wanted to up my cardio more, and that he’d add just a little to my band.     Right now I’m on liquids which I’m not too happy about. My Drs appt was at 1:15p and I had a small breakfast. I wasn’t sure I’d even be getting a fill this time around, but I did, and once I left the office I couldn’t eat. I’ve been hungry ever since.. I’m looking forward to the chicken noodle soup broth I’ll be drinking later! I just wish I had a good lunch before going to the Dr… and I didn’t L     I’ve had one NSV that comes to mind… I had a pair of jeans with a pretty studded embellishment on the pant leg that I used to LOVE to wear!...Well, of course I gained weight and could barely wear these jeans. These jeans were so tight! I had to button them UNDER my stomach, and even then I could barely tolerate wearing them… my butt crack was peeking out of those babies! They had to be taken out of rotation and deemed my “muffin top” jeans instead of my “studded” jeans. L     Well, low and behold, I tried on those “muffin top” jeans and they are NO LONGER “muffin top” jeans! They’re my old “studded” jeans again! I can button them OVER my stomach, love handles, and ALL! I was just amazed how my ENTIRE behind is covered now! No peek-a-boo crack showing! I can not lie, I don’t care how gross this sounds, but I wore those jeans two days in a row I was SO ecstatic! And I told everyone who saw me, that “these were my muffin top jeans!”, but not any longer, I’m so proud of me!! LoL!     Now, that was ALL my good, now for the BAD …     I experienced my first PB while at work last week. This is going to be graphic… just a warning! … I was in the lunch room by myself and for lunch I brought Salisbury Steak a little bit of rice and green string beans. So I heat my food and sit down at the computer they have in the lunch room. Now while I’m checking my Facebook and email, things are going very smoothly. I’m eating slowly and chewing, mainly because I was more into Facebook than the food.     So I finish playing on the computer, and realize I’ve used most of my lunch break playing instead of eating… So I move away from the computer and go sit at the table and try to eat as quickly as possible while chewing at the same time… And as I look back on it now, I see my mistake and I’m sure you see it too! There’s no such thing as “eating quickly” with the band. You MUST take your time! So, I chewed some steak, swallowed and felt the pain of being stuck! Now, I’ve been stuck before, and waited a few seconds maybe minute and it passed, but this time the pain was soooo NOT the same! It was in my side, my throat, and I think I even felt the pain in my port! I could be exaggerating but you get my point!     I quickly wrapped up my food, because I just was NOT interested any longer… And as I’m walking I’m swallowing just spit, not a whole bunch , but in my mind I was hoping this would help the steak pass… I then remember I have papaya enzymes in my work bag… I go to my back as calmly as possible and I shake out four tablets.. LoL or at least try to! I think about ten or eight flew out the way I was shaking that bottle! I pop them back and walk to the bathroom…     I’m chewing and chewing the enzymes, praying this helps and the pain goes away, and then as soon as I shut the bathroom door behind me, I burp! Slime and enzyme particles in my hand…very gross! I pour the slime in the sink… I burp two more times (nothing productive though) and I was my hands and walk out of the bathroom as if nothing ever happened… I felt completely normal again.     Normally when people spit up I figure you have that sick “after shock” type feeling and that gross after taste in the back of your throat you keep swallowing to get rid of, but I had none of that. I really felt fine afterwards… I was even hungry about an hour or two later… I didn’t eat anything, but I felt like my band, Michaelangelo, he taught me a valuable lesson… “Slow the f!%$k down!”…     Well… my weight is slowly declining, and I’m in good spirits! Hopefully next month I’ll have more NSVs and see some weight drop on the scale!     TTYL OH!    

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


3 month BANDiversary!!!!

Yaaaay! I'm 3 months Post Op! I've experienced NO issues whatsoever! I've lost 40+ pounds and maintaining!   I LOOOOOVE my tool!   So, I'm officially 3 months post op... and I still feel like it was yesterday! I'm sure when my one year BANDiversary comes around, I won't even remember! I live my life as if NOTHING happened so to speak. Yes, my eating habits, clothing size, and activity levels have changed, but other than that I feel the same. I'm not having any issues with head hunger, and when I do, I talk to myself in my head and basically say, " Yes, that fried chicken smells good, but you just ate less than 4 hours ago and your stomach is NOT growling.... have some water!" LoL, and that's exactly what I do. Have a drink and get my mind off of food. I'm eating smaller portions... and I never thought I'd be able to NOT clean my plate, but I CAN!   Now, I can sit down like everyone else, eat slowly, have conversation, and not need to finish everything on my plate... and I'm happy with taking a ToGo bag for later or just throwing it away (I know that sounds wasteful, but as long as I'm not using my mouth as a garbage disposal, I don't care!) I've also gotten used to not drinking when eating!... I do still tend to watch the clock to time myself for that first sip, but if I occupy myself with something, an hour or two will pass and then I'll remember to drink something!   I'm definitely fitting into 20s/2Xs, and depending on the maker some 18s too! My weight does fluctuate a little and that irritates me! I think I retain water better than most folks, if that is at all possible! I'm not sure if my energy level has spiked or not... working nights makes my days kind of blurry when I'm off. I'm just a night person naturally, so I feel sluggish during the day, but I'm not sure if I can attribute that to just being up at night or weight... I dunno...It's summer time and though it's hot as HELL, I love getting out an about! I'm riding my beach cruiser around. I don't set a time limit or mileage, but I've been riding from my house to certain nearby friends and family member's homes and I just try to go farther than before each time I go out. I've been going to these "dance" (reggae/booty jam) fitness classes ($6 bucks/class) with a friend of mine... They're really fun, and I like and listen to some of the music so I get a work out that way too! Also, I'm still walking; just taking leisure strolls around my neighborhood when bored.... I would REALLY REALLY love to start jogging, but I just talk myself out of it all the time... maybe I should start the C25K   I went out of town to Atlanta, GA (July9-July15)... I had a blast with my family from Texas, Michigan, New Jersey, Georgia, and Florida! Everyone noticed my weight loss and they just kept saying how great I looked. Now, my family reunion lasts a WHOLE week, and every day there is an event and at each event there is FOOD! To my surprise I did not gain weight!!! I was very pleased by this! I wasn't sure how I would feel eating in front of my family members. I didn't tell EVERY one about my surgery just immediate family and 1 or 2 cousins... so I didn't have to worry about people watching what I ate, but I felt like I still had to pile food on my plate, and just could not finish it!   Sometimes I have to remind myself to eat because I'm not hungry, and if I've had a "heavy" small meal, it does hold me off for a good little while...and with my sleep schedule, sometimes I only eat twice a day... NO this is NOT good, but I'm still learning and I'm just a baby is this program... I will get better! PROMISE! I went in for what I thought was going to be a fill, but it was nothing but a "hey how ya doin, and keep it up" pep talk.... the last time I was in the Drs office I weighed 277, and this time I was 266... so the Dr was happy with my weight loss and said he liked seeing numbers such as "5-8lbs" lost per month... He asked if I experienced any stuck episodes or PBs... and I told him No, except for when I went out of town just recently, and I'm not sure if I was just eating fast or if the chicken was dry, or whatever, but I chewed, swallowed, and I could feel each piece slide through from my pouch to my stomach, and it was definitely uncomfortable... we were out to eat at a Ryan's Buffet and I hoped no one saw the look of discomfort on my face. I just sat there and waited for it subside, which it did within a minute or two... I've felt food go through the band before, but that one hurt the WORST!... I think I was eating fast and being with family it just slipped my mind to SLOW DOWN... won't happen again!   Anyway, Dr was happy with my progress and decided NOT to give me a fill... I was kinda mad at first like... I just made a BLANK trip ALL the way to the fricking Drs office for nothing... then I realized that I do only have a 10cc band and currently it's at 7.3cc, so maybe I didn't need one... and then again, I could be one of those people who only needs ONE... I should be happy to not have to go for 4 and 5 fills and still searching for restriction... I have restrcition... I'm happily satisfied at meals and I'm not hungry until HOURS later... so I'm where I should be... and I'm happy with that!   Hopefully I'm moving forward in the right direction... I still have a Mini-Goal of 220 by October/November.... definitely before November 6th<---Cruise Time!!

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


10wks Post Op + still losing

SUPER Late Update... Well, I'm super late with my post but that's life catching up with me! My weight is still coming off, slow and steady... I'm down from 271 to 266! I'm in the 260s!!!! Yay! I've set a mini-goal of 220 by at least October/November some time... So if my weight keeps falling off at this pace, I might even beat my mini goal...   I celebrated my 25th birthday on June 25th and I had a BLAST! I had one cup of Coconut Ciroc and Pineapple juice, and since I couldn't get OVERLY drunk, I bought a bottle of Patron and made sure I handed out AT LEAST 25 shots to family and friends for my birthday! I wanted everyone drunk on my bday! LoL!   I've been walking mostly to get my exercise in. I helped a friend of mine deliver phonebooks for a few days in a local neighborhood. So not only was I walking blocks, but I was also carrying heavy ass phone books! So besides being overly tired, I managed to get a great tan! (Yes, I know I'm "african-american", but I needed one!)... NSVs... Well, besides being in the 260s, I can comfortably cross my legs, I won't mark that off my to do list just yet though. I can only do the left leg, so when I get both down I mark it off, LoL! I also can fit into a size 20, and it actually has room... So I'm moving into the 18s slowy but surely! YAY! I actually tried on a pair of jean capri's my mom had. Now my mom weighs somewhere in the 250s and normally wears an 18/20... These jean capris were a 22W, but she couldn't fit them... I'm guessing they ran small or were some cheap brand, but I tried them on and I was able to button them nooo problem! She was jealous! There was some muffin top going on, but they fit! I also did some overtime on my old unit at the hospital that I work at. All of my old co-workers had my blushing because they were telling me how great I looked and they could definitely see my weight loss... I also decided to participate in the scrub sale they my job offers down in the cafeteria every now and then, well, I call myself being hopeful by buying 2x tops and bottoms... would you believe the bottoms are baggy on me?! They'll be falling off in a few months! I should've tried them on before buying...   Fills... So, I still only have ONE fill for a grand total of 5.3cc in my 10cc band. I was supposed to go back July 11 for another fill/check-up, but I'll be out of town at a family reunion, so I had to reschedule for July 18th. I'm not sure if I'm upset about this or not... I'm ready for another fill, I haven't had any mishaps so far; no PBs, foamies, or stuck episodes... I have had times where I might have taken too big of a bite or maybe didn't chew enough and I had a tightness in my band or a sharp pain in my shoulder, but I slow down or stop eating for a few minutes and it goes away. I still feel like I can eat just not nearly as much. So, my fear of getting a fill before going out of state (ATL, Georgia) is that it might be TOO tight and I have a bad stuck episode somewhere where I can't get an unfill, or going without the 2nd fill and eating around my band. This IS a family reunion and there's an event planned around food EVERY day! LoL! So I hope to work out while out of town, my sister has agreed to do this with me, and I just need to not over do it while out of town... don't want to gain ANYTHING back.   Misc.... So, other than that I think I've been doing great! I enjoyed a buffet style dinner at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino- Fresh Harvest restaurant for Father's Day... I didn't stuff myself, and I'm doing well with NOT drinking with my meals. Most of the time I just order water with lemon and it stays full until I leave... I'm sure the waiters wonder why I even ordered it cause it doesn't get touched. I have a picture I'm going to post from that day... I actually wore horizontal stripes! LoL!...   I do think I've been having bouts of depression. I'm not sure if it's just in my mind because I'm expecting it with the weightloss, but there are days (my off days) where I just want to lay in bed and be lazy because I feel unhappy for some reason... I just tell myself it's the weightloss, but I dunno...Oh and I did get my period again this month(June)! I'm gonna kick my PCOS out soon!   I'm also not happy that my bottom half is losing weight first... my boob fat is dwindling also... so to me I look funny as of right now... I dunno, if I could get rid of ANY thing first it would be my back fat, so I've been youtubing work out videos and googling workouts to help with the back area.... OVERALL, I'm happy with my progress and I hope I keep progressing!

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


6wks Post Op + First Fill

I’m officially one month, two weeks, and two days post op (6 weeks)!!! I got my first fill today (6/6/11). I had 1.8 cc worth of priming fluid in my standard AP 10cc band, the doctor added 3.5cc for an overall total of 5.3cc. This was done under fluoroscopy, so I got to see “Michelangelo” live and in person as I watched the contrast funnel through my pouch. I was advised to do two days of clear liquids, and two days of full liquids before moving back to solid foods.     I thought I was special. I read a lot on the forums that a majority of people gained a few pounds back after starting back on solid foods, but I didn’t. I THOUGHT I was special. Well, today I went in and I gained a few pounds (3-4). Now, I’m also experiencing HORRIBLE constipation. I’m not sure if this is due to the band, because again I’ve read where lack of fiber and eating right can cause constipation for bandsters, but my bowels have been fine since surgery. The past couple days, I’ve had horrible pain in my lower abdomen and I can’t **** for NOTHING!     Normally I get constipated right before my period comes on, and now that I think about it, we’re about four days away from when my period started last month, and my cycle could also account for the added weight… it could be water weight! So, if my cycle does decide to magically cycle again this month, it’ll be another NSV for me… a reoccurring menstrual! Yay! (who knew I’d be happy about this?!)     I’ve been trying to work out, but I really hate working out alone, so I’ve recruited my God Sister to walk with me in the mornings, and we go exercise together. We both openly admitted that if it weren’t for the other, we wouldn’t be doing half as much exercising or for even 30 minutes. It’s easy to give up when no one is holding you accountable. I know some people can go and work out and do it everyday. I don’t know what it is, but I need someone to be there with me, not necessarily yelling in my ear, but it’s like we both motivate each other. It’s not a competition, and I’m not looking at her saying “Damn she’s going faster/slower than me” I’m looking at her and saying “Damnit, I’m not the only one tired and sweating! Let’s keep going!”     A funny story: So, I tried to incorporate jumping jacks as a daily exercise by doing as many jumping jacks as you can do within 10 minutes. I THOUGHT my boobs had shrunk, and granted they have because my bras aren’t fitting me like they used to, but these babies are still HEAVY! I thought I was about to die doing jumping jacks… needless to say I didn’t get through 10 minutes…     I have to admit it’s been harder than I thought sticking to a low carb/no carb diet. But I’m constantly looking up low carb meals and snacks. Now to put them to use!!!! I’ve solved my “clean-the-plate” syndrome a while back before surgery, but now my eyes are bigger than my stomach. I’ve been catching myself making plates like I used to or maybe not AS big but still bigger than I can stomach and I’m left with a half full plate, which is not a bad thing, but for some reason I feel like it is. So, I need to start using my baby plate that I bought a while back just so I can get used to smaller portion sizes. When I do then I can move on to putting those smaller portions on the big plates without over doing it.     Well, I’m not sure if I have much more updating to do right now. I’m happy with my band. And I don’t see it yet (I feel it sometimes) but I know I’m losing weight. People are noticing and always commenting. My family and friends see it in my arms, neck, face, breasts. ALL OVER! So I can’t wait to see this for myself!    

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


1 Month Surgiversary!

It's officially been one month since I had surgery, and aside from the very light, barely existent scars I have on my abdomen, I can hardly tell I've had surgery.   I've lost about a total of 34 pounds so far, from my highest known weight of 305lbs, I'm currently at 271lbs, I think. I don't eat nearly as much as I did prior to surgery. I don't have a fill as of yet. I get that at the beginning of June. If I eat a real heavy meal, I'm mostly good for the rest of the day; sipping on water throughout of course. I know I should be eating small meals, which I've tried, but being hungry still hurts, and my mouth waters to the point where it feels like I'll vomit if I don't eat something!!! So I tend to eat a good healthy meal and then snack on low calorie things throughout the rest of the day. Again, this is not ideal. I know! And I know I won't be able to eat as much (thought I feel I'm not eating alot) once I start getting fills.   I've had some NSVs! There are two scrub tops that I have for work that I normally NEVER wear unless its laundry day because they fit so tight. Well, I've worn both this week, and they fit PERFECTLY! Not too big, not to tight! PERFECT. I am having issues with my pants being too loose though. It's like my stomach has gone down and now there's nothing to hold my pants up!!   I do notice that by looking in the mirror my belly rolls aren't as "rolly polly"... if that's a good way to describe it. I know I've lost weight and can visibly see this because of how my scars have "moved". Granted I was probably swollen after surgery, but one scar was tucked under a belly roll, and now I can fully see that scar! It actually looks like it's sitting "ontop" of that roll now instead of under it... Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me I dunno, but I am happy at they way the scars are healing. I think I'll have more of an issue with loose skin and stretch marks than the actual scarring from surgery.   I joined the YMCA ... as far as exercising goes. I go when I can, and I'm trying to make it a daily thing, as of right now, I've been going sporadically and I'd like to make it a permanent part of my daily life. Like brushing my teeth! I know this will help me get to goal so much faster. Though I'm not "moving" as I should, the weight is still coming off. Even starting solid foods, I thought there would be a stall in my weight loss or that I would gain since going from a liquid diet to a solid foods diet can do that, but I didn't stall, it's just not coming off in 5 pound chunks anymore... just a pound or two here and there, which is expected.   Another NSV is that I got my period. This may not be an NSV for most, but since I suffer from PCOS and irregular/non-existent periods, this happens to be one for me. I had a period in March before surgery, and before then I don't remember, but I was on Metformin and Agyestin to help my periods come on monthly. I'm no longer taking either. I didn't menstruate in April, but I got a lovely gift from Mother Nature this month, and I actually HOPE that I see her again in June because though I hate my period this would mean, I'm almost normal, and that's my main goal!   So, all in all, Michaelangelo and I are doing well, and hopefully when we go to the Dr on the 6th of June, we'll be doing even BETTER and on our way to the 260s!!!!

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


2.1 Week Post Op

So I had my first Post Op appointment on Monday (5/2/11) and they weighed me in and just asked how everything was going basically. The surgeon pulled the rest of my steri-strips off which hurt like HELL! And he had the nerve to say, "At least you don't have a hairy stomach!" <--- Thank God for that!!!   I'm scheduled for my first fill on June 6th! He didn't say how much he'd put in and I didn't remember to ask after my skin was ripped off! But he did say that by the time I came back I'd be back on real food, and he basically said anything soft was good. "No pizza, or subway subs..." was what he said, but I'm planning on doing a low carb/no carb diet anyway so whatever!...   He just basically said to do another week or two of ful liquids (I'll be choosing to do just another week, LoL!) and then move on to soft, "remember to chew chew chew!" and if all else fails "chew some more" and they also reminded me to put my fork down in between bites, no drinking with meals, and to stop eating as soon as I become full...   I'm down 21 pounds since first stepping foot in that doctor's office and a total of 30 pounds since my heighest weight. I've had a one or two people not really notice or say they don't see it, and everyone else is just all about how much thinner I look. I don't see it just yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if I lost 100lbs and still didn't see it, LoL!   NonScaleVictories!!! Well, the last few times I've had my blood pressure checked, it's been within normal range! I think I'm the happiest about this! I'm TOO young to have high blood pressure, and I'm so glad that I won't have to take BP meds anytime soon! My favorite cargo skirt from Old Navy is falling OFF! Mind you when I first bought this a few years ago, I bought it at a size 24 because I don't like skirts fitting me tight around my hips... I think it makes me look funny because my midsection goes OUT inside of IN like a real "coca-cola" bottle shape, but anyway, it was still my fave skirt, and now it literally falls off of me while I'm walking... Also, a lot of my scrub bottoms are falling off now too! No matter how tight I tie them, they still slide off my butt... My "aunt" (my mom's best friend) told me my bust looked like it was getting smaller BOOOO! I then groped myself and they do feel a little lighter! I hope I don't end up with "tube socks"!   Well I think that's all for now... OH, before I forget, don't want you guys to think I'm doing nothing! : I'm enjoying riding the sedentary bike for about 30 minutes a day... It's really hot down here in Florida and the sun and heat just dry all the energy up out of me, so I havent done any outside walking/jogging, but I've been planning to get some exercise in at the pool very soon!   Okay that's definitely it for now!

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


6 Days Post Op and a little TMI!!

So, I'm 6 days Post Op as of 12 o'clock this evening and, I'm feeling about 85% normal. My abdomen is still sore and some of the incision sites. I can actually see one incison (the bandage came off) and the incision looks healed for the most part. I'm hoping I won't have horrible scars on my tummy, but then again, I have stretch marks so I doubt it makes any difference.   I'm also feeling hunger pangs. Or should I say hunger pains? I looked into the forums and read that though our small pouch may be filled to capacity the larger stomach is still there growling underneath. My question is... is hunger supposed to hurt?! I've felt hungry pre-surgery and it didn't "hurt" just a lort of growling... Now post op, I get the growling and it hurts! I'm not sure if it's because of the band and it's still sore/swollen on the inside, which is my best guess... but sheesh! When it growls, I can not waist anytime! That's one pain I don't want to deal with...   Now to the TMI... I'm pretty sure during surgery they gave me antibiotics, and these almost ALWAYS cause me to get yeast infections. Ugh! So three days post op after anesthesia and all the meds are completely wearing off, I realize that I have a yeast infection. This sucks because I HATE using the nasty creams and inserts you can buy from the store, and I think the prescription pills work best, but now that pills are a no go for bandsters, I had to break down and buy the insert... Why am I sharing this info? I don't know just mad that I have a yeast infection and can't take a Diflucan to get rid of it ASAP...just needd to vent!   Well anyway, I haven't weighed myself since surgery... I think I'll wait, but I won't lie, I'm very tempted. I'm at work so if I find time I'll probably go check it out, but I won't update my ticker until I have my first post op appt on May 2. I guess that's all for now. Hope all is well with everyone in LapBand land and my Surgery Date Twins!   TTYLaters!

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


Surgery Day, Post Op Days 1-3, Back to work!!!

Surgery Day... So, my mom and I got to the Tampa General Hospital around 7:05am, checked in at the Admission desk, they sent me up to Surgery Prep on the 2nd floor, checked in at the desk, and they handed me my chart and sent me back into the Surgery Prep area. I met me nurse at the nurses desk soon as I walked in, very nice lady by the way. She took me to my temporary room where I was asked to derobe and given a gown and a cup to pee in to check for pregnancy prior to surgery.   So I sat in that room for all of about 30 or 45 minutes; long enough for the nurse to check my blood pressure, temperature, ask me a few questions,and they gave me a shot of Lovenox I think in my left abdomen to prevent blood clotting. Then Dr. Dicicco came in marked my belly with a pen and asked it I had any questions prior to surgery. I asked what size band I would be getting. He explained that the use the standard AP LapBand either a 10cc or 14cc depending on the amount of fat around the actual stomach. So, I wouldn't know what size band until after the surgery. He also told me he'd be sending me home with some liquid Hydrocodone for pain, but to make sure that I asked for pain meds as soon as I get into the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), because they would be the only ones who could give me IV pain meds.   Then transport came and took me to the Pre Op holding area, where I sat another 30 to 45 minutes. I met the Anesthesiologist, Anesthesia Nurse, OR nurse, and I seemed like a lot of other people. My mom sat back here with me for a few moments. They rolled in another patient right next to me who was also getting the LapBand. I knew because she talked about her liquid diet and what not. I wanted to say hi to her, but I didn't want her to think I was being nosy. They started my IV in there and gave me a cap to put over my fro. Everyone was checking my name band, and I felt like a repeated my name, date of birth, and what surgery I was having about 1,000 times. Anyway, my sister came into the PreOp holding area just as I was being wheeled out of there she was able to say "hi" before they took me into the operating room.   All I remember is them telling me to hold my arms out to the side, I'm not sure if I was asked to slide onto the operating table, I think I did. The Anesthesiologist said he was going to give me my "cocktail" and while I saw him injecting three different syringes into my IV they placed an oxygen mask over my face and told me to breathe. All I remember is thinking" jeeze, THREE needles to knock me out" I stared up at the ceiling and I then I was out!   When I woke up, I was FREEZING! Shivering and all! My lips were dry and I just wanted to sleep. The nurse asked what my pain was and I told her an 8 and she came and gave me something my IV. I remember saying I was cold and I had warm blankets piled on me after that; even on my head, LoL! My mom and sister came in, and my mom was asking me questions. Not sure what she asked, but I do remember my sister telling her to leave me alone and to quit asking so many questions, LoL!   I don't remember this but I have pictures which I'll post later. Transport came back into PACU to take me back to the Prep Surgery Unit... they put me into another room, where my sister and best friend and her boyfriend sat back there with me until I left. I had to walk up and down the hallway before I left and I had to pee as well. I was sleepy/groggy from time I got out of surgery until about 1 or so. I asked my nurse what size band I had placed and she looked through my chart and the stupid Dr didn't document what size, which I'm not too pleased about. I'll have to wait until I go to my Post Op appointment on May 2 to find out. I also asked if I could be weighed before I left, because they didn't weigh me when I checked in and I wanted to see if there was a difference from my weight a day ago (there wasn't so surgery weight is officially 284) I was discharged around 2pm.   My sister drove me from the hospital, dropped off my prescription at Walgreens and took me to my parents house to wait. Soon as I walked through their door I plopped on the couch and slept from 2 to 6. Woke up just as my dad was bringing in my medicine... so I got up with some help since I was still sore. Went to the bathroom and then took a dose of my pain medicine, and then asked to be taken home. Once at home I tried to sleep in my bed and it was a complete disaster! I'm a stomach sleeper so, I just couldn't get comfortable. I stay with my 82 y/o grandmother, who kept checking in on me, she boiled water in a kettle and gave me an old fashioned heat pack for my belly. She's so sweet! So at around 2 or 3 am I had to pee which I was upset about because I didn't want to move, but I went potty and then I went and got on the couch and was able to find a comfortable position and that's all that happened surgery day...     Post Op Day #1... So, PostOp day #1 was interesting to say the least! I was up after not being able to get comfortable and sleeping off and on 3 to 4 hours here and there. So, luckily my Netflix account came in handy. I've watched Seasons 1-3 of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (my favorite!!!) for the past three days! At around 5 or 6 my granny got up and started getting ready to go to her little "desk job" (she likes to keep busy). Then my other best friend called me at around 7 on her way to work to talk about something her boyfriend did (luckily I was awake because here's where it gets good!). My granny is legally blind due to 26 years of Diabetes. She can technically see, but her distant vision is completely gone, someone has to be right up on her for her to know who they are. So the city busline provides a van/small bus service for the disabled, and she rides this bus to work and wherever else she needs to go, when I or another family member can not take her, since we all work. So, this morning, the guy knocked on the door and from the couch, I yelled for my granny letting her know that someone was at the door. I thought I heard her say "ok", mind you I was on the phone still. So after while the man knocked again, so I went to the door told him just a minute because all I had on was boxers and a sports bra... I called for my grandma again and this time I asked what she was doing back there, and she replied "just trying to live" ... I knew then something was wrong.   I went back to her room and found her sitting on her vanity bench, sweating profusing, with a runny nose, and incoherent. I quickly hung up the phone with my friend, told the bus man to leave after he asked me if I was sure because this would be considered a "no call no show" and if I hadn't been so concerned with my granny I would've cussed this asshole out! Anyway, I ran back to the room dialed 911 told them that she was diabetic and I wasn't sure if she had any meds this morning or not. I kept calling her name and she would just say "hmm" and I'd ask her whats wrong and she just kept saying she didn't feel well. So while I waited for the EMTs I checked her blood sugar and her monitor read "Lo", so I knew she kept candy in her bedside night stand... I found a mini snickers bar and tried to get her to eat some... I wet a towel with cold water and wiped her down with it. And then finally the EMTs arrived. I told them what I could, and they checked her sugar again, they're monitor read "46" and so they decided to start and IV on her and give her a shot of D50, which is sugar basically.   I sat back there with them while they checked her vitals and waited until she slowly came around. They asked her her name and birthday and the year and the president... and after she signed the paperwork and they were cleaning up and getting ready to leave she realized all she had on was her thigh high stockings, her blouse, and underwear and she said "OH MY GOODNESS! I don't have any clothes on!" I knew then that she was back to normal. They laughed because like I said all I had on was a sports bra and boxers and my hair was sticking up EVERYWHERE! I laughed with them and told her I was practically naked too!   So, my mom and dad came over because now I needed someone to babysit the both of us for the day... My dad brought her breakfast because she needed to eat. She had taken her insulin that morning and got sidetracked looking for a paper and forgot to eat within the alotted time, so her sugar dropped. My sister left work and came waited on both of us... Then my aunt came over and sat... And then my boyfriend's sister came over. The my BFF who had come to the hospital came over to take my pictures of my abdomen and my "before/after surgery" pics...   Long story short... I was not in pain for about an hour that day! I guess the adrenaline rush for worrying about my granny and making sure she was okay made me forget all about my sore abs. I mean I was bending over (not all the way to the floor) but enough to be eye level with her while she was sitting and everything and I felt nothing until about an hour later... when I took a shot of hydrocodone and fell asleep.   An eventful Post Op day 1 right?!   Post Op Day #2... So, I stayed on the couch again. My granny was feeling much better, she even went to the beauty salon the next morning. My sister came and sat with me. We watched "The Switch" with Jennifer Aniston... cute movie... Then my niece and cousin came over to decorate eggs with my granny and that was nice... My aunt came over again and I was in and out of sleep on the couch while they were there nothing much I can remember.....   I do remember being not as sore and the first two days, and getting so agitated with that fact that I couldn't really sleep. So I got up from the couch went back into my room, took my heating pad my mom got for me on Post Op day 1 and said I'm sleeping on my bed ON my stomach! It's gonna happen! So, I started out on my side which is where most of my pain is for some reason. So I placed the heating pad between me and the bed and laid on my side.. When I woke up I was partially on my stomach/side, so I knew this technique was working. I repositioned myself and my heating pad and was able to sucessfully sleep without pain on my stomach... My grandma was sooo worried about me because I slept from about 4 that afternoon until 2am the next morning! She kept coming in and asking if I was ok, and had I been drinking my fluids... I was just soooo happy to finally sleep straight through the night! (sorta)   Post Op Day #3... So I woke up at around 2 am, and checked my discharge papers and realized I could now take a bath! I'll admit my armpits were on the verge of funkiness! So, I washed my hair and took a shower. I'm not sure if it was the meds or just me being down for a few days, or maybe just the hot shower, but I felt a little lightheaded while in there. Luckily my granny keeps a shower chair in theire for her use, so I just sat down and finished up. When I got out of the shower I sat on the toilet to catch my breath and to get a cool breeze because I was still feeling kinda light headed. But I dried off, put some leave in conditioner in my hair, made sure to "pat dry" my incision sites per the instructions and finished watching Law and Order: SVU.   It's Easter! So, my granny got up around 5 to go to Sunrise Service at church at 6am. So After she left, I was feeling pretty normal aside from the pain in my abdomen (like I'd done some sit ups). I was able to move around my bed normally and comfortably enough, so I got dressed, and went to Amscot for a money order (I had a bill to pay), and rode around for awhile. It was a little weird driving. My car is small and the the drivers seat is broken so it sits a little low, and I had to make myself comfortable here too. After that I came back home and decided I should walk. I took my dog from the back yard hooked up his leash and headed down the sidewalk very slowly.   Picasso, my 60lb pittbull, was pulling and I forgot just how strong he was. We walked a very short distance when I saw the neighbors dogs barking and then it dawned on me that not only is my strong muscular dog pulling the hell out of me right now, but I didn't bring a stick or any type of protection in case a stray dog arrives, and I knew I wouldn't be able to run. So, we made a UTurn and headed back home... LoL... we walked all of about 5 or 10 minutes...   I knew I had to work tonight (7p-7a) so I laid down around 11am. Granny came bugging me talking about I need to be up and moving around and drinking my fluids! LoL! I told her I had been up early this morning. So, around 5 we went to my parents house and THEY ate Easter dinner... Now what's funny is the last day of work before surgery my coworkers threw a going away party for another coworker and since I was on liquids I couldn't partake, but I was able to tell my best friend EVERYTHING they had and it was ALOT! But today, I wasn't even hungry, so I couldn't tell you what we had for Easter dinner other than I had broth and I sure I saw a Ham on the counter...   ALSO, I know this may be TMI as well, but I think I have a yeast infection... I can't remember whether or not they gave me antibiotics, which I'm sure they did, and I know from the past that antibiotics give me yeast infections... so I'm gonna call the DR and see if there's something I can take orally or hopefully the over the counter vagisil or monistat will clear it up... I know TMI but it totally sucks!   Back to Work... So I'm at work now... not feeling too much discomfort. I never really experienced gas pain. I normally associate gas pain with my stomach, but other than the pain of the incisions I don't think I had any. Thank God! I have been passing gas though, and I burped for the first time this morning! I was so happy because it felt GREAT! But the gas (from the other end) has been small and minimal, LoL, TMI! I know, but I guess I was expecting large thunderous gas, and it's really been small quiet, small little toots, and they don't smell...   I'm trying to get in all my fluids... I think they said about a gallon a day, though I know that's ridiculous! I'm barely thirsty...   I'm feeling almost normal other than I'm not eating and like I said, I'm still a little sore... but I doing good. I cant wait until my Post Op appointment.... not sure if I'm supposed to be getting a fill or not. I have 5 incisions all about my belly button, one right under my boob! The first and second day I was practically naked because I didn't want my heavy ass DD boob laying on my sore incison... it's not sore anymore... I'm wearing wireless bras though until it completely healed... I have what they call "steristrips" of 4 out of five of my incisions. The one under the boob had only a band aid, which I was told to remove all bandaids on post op day one... so there's nothing there, but the incisions looks good. I'm kinda confused at the places where my incisions are... one seems to be on my left side where I thought my rib was located, but I dunno...   I think my port is my largest bandage/incision almost directly above my belly button but slightly to the left... I have a half dollar sized bruise between the port incision and a second incision... not sure where that came from... but duh, I sure some part of the surgery caused it...   Well, this has been one of the LONGEST blogs ever, so like I said I'm doing well... will post photos as soon as my BFF emails them to me, I'm gonna try to take a picture of my stomach with my phone in the bathroom and post it tonight while I'm at work, if I can't then you guys will just have to wait!   Again, I want to thanks EVERYONE for their prayers and well wishes! I'm home, ALIVE, and doing well!

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


What a great way to start the day!!!

Wow! I've had a GREAT day today!   I had my PreOp appointment today and that went well, but before all of that went down, I had to go to employee health soon after I got off work (I work nights) to do my annual exam.. Soo, I haven't weighed myself since my consultation appointment with Dr. Dicicco. Well, they had a digital scale out in the hallway for personal use along with a bunch of healthy posters and examples and proper portion sizes (they had plastic food on a plate... ), so I went and checked in at the desk for my annual, set my stuff down, and then ran back out to the hall to hop on that scale... I was soooo shocked to see 286.2! I've lost almost 10 pounds since I went for my consultation with Dr. Dicicco! Mind you I've seen stories where people who've lost more, but for me this was a victory! I didn't think I was doing anything special with this liquid diet, and I don't really feel as though I'm smaller, but everyone else is seeing this! I'm shocked I've lost almost a total of 20 pounds from my highest weight!   It was so funny because I had to weight in again once I was getting my actual annual and I was just blabbing to the LPN about how I've lost weight and I was just so excited and pumped that my blood pressure was high when she checked it! LoL! She told me congrats and to calm the hell down, and took my BP again... I tried to relax, and it went down a few notches, but I couldn't help my emotions were so high! All I could think was, "I have seven more days...I wonder what my surgery weight will be?"   Anywho... after I left there I had about 45 minutes to an hour to kill before my actual PreOp appointment began, so I took a walk along Bayshore (beautiful LOOOONG sidewalk near downtown Tampa) and just felt great! I was SOOO happy! I think the last time I was THIS happy I was excepted into Spelman College, and the time before that I had 10th row seats at a Backstreet Boys concert! LoL! Yes, I'm corny! But this was just one of the BEST days EVER!   So, back to my PreOp appointment! Everyone was really nice, as far as the nurses go. I was weighed, asked to pee in a cup, and they took blood. They also did an EKG and Chest XRAY... I was joking with the tech who took my EKG... she told me I'd have to unbutton my bra because it had underwire in it, but she said I didn't have to take it off. She still ended up seeing my boobs because of where she had to place the EKG leads. I joked with her that I was flashing her, and I was so embarassed. LoL! As I was leaving she said don't ignore her if I ever see her, since I work at the hospital. I told her I'll always remember I flashed her, LoL!   The PreOp nurse went over what time I should be at the hospital (7am) and what time my surgery was actually scheduled for (9am). She also went over a bathing regimen they wanted me to do the night before. They gave me some Chlorahexadine wipes to take home. An hour before bed, I'm supposed to shower and shave as I would normally do, dry off, then wipe down with the wipes, and in the morning I'm allowed to brush my teeth, and then I'm supposed to wipe myself down with these Chlorahexadine wipes once more before leaving home. The Anesthesia nurse came in, she was kinda straight forward about everything. Asked me questions I felt I probably already answered, wrote down some things on a form, asked me if I had any questions and then left, I think she was the unfriendliest of them all, but she still said "good luck with everything.."   EKG was good, I'm assuming the Chest XRAY was good, and all labs... So, overall I had a FAB day! My ticker is moving and I haven't even had surgery yet!!!   One last thing! I'm happily sipping on a DELICIOUS Strawbery/Banana protein shake that I made! Mmm! 1 scoop Strawberry Chike 1 scoop Banana Chike 6oz Fat Free Milk 1oz Water Ice Whole fresh Banana BLEND!!! and DRINK!!!

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


From: LapBand Food Stages Lists Suggestions

*STAGE 1 - LIQUIDS   START: When you return home from your surgery   DURATION: For 2 weeks post surgery, or until your next dietitian appointment.   DIET: Clear and full liquids   GOAL: Aim for at least 64 ounces of fluid for the day by continuous sipping.   LIQUIDS RECOMMENDED:   Water 100% Fruit Juice (No sugar added) Bouillon Strained soups or broths Skim or 1% milk Soy milk Milk Shakes - thinned Gatorade or equivalent sports drink Yogurt Smoothie Drinks - not including homemade Crystal Light Sugar free beverages Herbal or decaffeinated tea or coffee Popsicles (Pedialyte)   LIQUIDS TO AVOID:   Citrus juices (orange, grapefruit, pineapple) Acidic liquids (tomato juice, tomato soup, buttermilk) Caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea) Carbonated beverages (any soda pop, seltzer, or tonic water) Homemade fruit or yogurt smoothies Anything that seems liquid but is not (Jello, yogurt, pudding, ice cream) *Do pour test*     *STAGE 2 - MUSHIES   START: 2 weeks post surgery   DURATION: Up to 2 weeks post liquid stage   DIET: Soft food   GOAL: Aim for a meal capacity of about 1 cup (8 ounces) for 3 meals per day. Aim for fluid intake of 48-64 ounces per day.   FOODS RECOMMENDED:   Milk (skim or 1% only) Cottage cheese Eggs (poached, scrambled or soft boiled) Blended cream soups Yogurt Low Fat Cheese - unmelted Peanut Butter Tofu (silken only) Pudding Applesauce or other fruit sauces Canned fruits Mashed potatoes Cream of Wheat or oatmeal (diluted with milk)   *STAGE 3 - SEMI SOLIDS   START: 4 weeks post surgery   DURATION: 2 weeks post mushies stage   DIET: Semi-solid food   GOAL: Aim for a meal capacity of about 1 cup (8 ounces) for 3 meals per day. Aim for fluid intake of 48-64 ounces per day.   FOOD RECOMMENDED:   Deli cuts of meat Canned flake meats such as tuna or chicken Ground meats like ground beef or ground turkey Beans Tofu Baked fish or crab meat Pasta, rice, and corn Fresh fruit - eliminate skins Cooked vegetables - avoid celery, asparagus or broccoli stalks Low Fat melted cheese   FOODS TO AVOID FOR MUSHIES & SEMI SOLID STAGES:   Caloric beverages - sweetened tea, soda, lemonade, juices Ice cream, frozen yogurt, milkshakes, & smoothies Regular Jello Dry solids like breads, cereals, crackers, high fiber foods   *STAGE 4 - SOLIDS   RECOMMENDED FOODS & SERVING SIZES:   PROTEIN GROUP:   1 ounce lean meat, poultry or fish   1/4 cup yogurt   1/4 cup pudding   1/4 cup cottage cheese   1 egg, 2 egg whites   1/4 cup egg substitute   1 tbsp. peanut butter   1 ounce tofu   1 ounce cheese   1/4 cup canned flake meat   1 slice deli meat   2 tbsp. grated cheese   1/4 cup shredded cheese   1/2 cup beans   1/4 cup hommus   GRAIN GROUP:   1/2 slice toast   1/4 bagel or english muffin   1/2 cup cereal (cooked or dry)   1/2 cup broth-type soup   1 oblong graham cracker   1/4 cup rice, pasta, or potato   1/2 small baked potato   1/4 cup corn   4 crackers   FRUIT GROUP:   1/4 cup canned fruit (in its own juices)   1/4 cup grapes   1/2 piece fresh fruit   1 tsp. jelly or jam   1/4 cup dry fruit   VEGETABLE GROUP:   1/2 cup cooked vegetables   1 cup raw vegetables   1/2 cup tomato juice   1/4 cup tomato sauce or salsa   OTHERS GROUP:   1 tsp. oil, butter, or margarine   1 tsp. mayonnaise   1 tbsp. Miracle Whip   1 tbsp. sour cream or cream cheese   1 tbsp. salad dressing   2 tbsp. guacamole   4-6 almonds, cashews, or pecans   1 ounce cheese   2 tsp. peanut butter   1 tbsp. tahini   1/4 cup Cool-Whip   1 tsp. sugar, honey, or syrup   COMBINATION FOODS:   1 or 1 1/2 cup per meal   1/2 cup per snack   CORE PLAN:   BREAKFAST:   1-2 proteins   1 fruit   2 grains   1 other   LUNCH:   2-3 proteins   1 vegetable   2 grains   1 other   SNACK:   1 fruit   1 protein   DINNER:   2-3 proteins   1-2 vegetables   2 grains   1 other   SNACK:   1 vegetable   1 grain   I hope that this helps those who are researching getting the band, with knowing what your eating habbits will be like after surgery. I also hope that this will help those who are never given a clear eating plan after surgery too.   Please know that this is just the plan that was given to me, and I do not expect all bandsters to follow this plan. It is simply a guidline for those who need one/are not given one.   Please remember to follow exactly what your surgeon/nutritionist says, even if it is different than this list.   Source: LapBand Food Stages Lists Suggestions

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice


An introduction to my journey...

Like most, my story starts off the same; I started gaining weight as a child; I’d say around the age of 7 or 8, which was a about two years after I had my tonsils removed (the only surgery I’ve ever had!). I was raised by my grandparents and had a happy childhood. I never wanted for anything, including food. There was always food around, whether it was leftovers or snacks granny would buy just for us kids. Our lunch boxes were always full, because we participated in the after school care program, so Granny always packed extra snacks for late in the after noon after school. A normal lunch could consist of: 1 whole ham sandwich, ½ a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich, apple/orange slices, pudding cup, fruit gummies, and two fruit juice boxes. THIS is A LOT for an 8 y/o girl. I don’t blame my grandmother, though now as an adult and an aunt of a 6 y/o niece, I do realize that maybe our grandmother gave us these things to appease us. We were active to an extent, and maybe she thought it would be ok. I think this was the age where I gradually began to put on weight. It was noticeable, but I guess not enough to really bother me.   I knew I was bigger than the girls in my class. We attended a private school where we had to where uniforms daily and during PE. So, when buying PE clothes and having to get an “Adult Lg/XLg”, it dawned on me that I was a little bigger. When I reached the 5th grade my weight still didn’t hinder my childhood, but it was obvious that I was going in a downward spiral. I tried out for cheerleading and I made the team, but I couldn’t wear any of the uniforms that the squad already had. They had to order one specifically for me because I was larger. Some would see this as an embarrassment, but at that time in my life. I felt like I was meant to be the way I was. I wasn’t worried about getting bigger and in my mind, I felt like I was special because I got a “NEW” uniform. (I was obviously in denial) I played volley ball and basketball 6th and 7th grade. Still the chunkiest girl in class, but I didn’t let this bother me. I never had any incidents with bullying or name calling in school (thank GOD), and I always had plenty of friends.   Summer of 8th grade was an eye opener for me. My family owns a funeral home, so one day I went with my Dad to pick up a body from the airport. While waiting for him to sign paperwork and talk to the “man”, I saw a large scale used for boxes and packages to be shipped. Making sure no one was around; I stepped on the scale only to see that I was 220llbs. I was mortified! Here I was all of but 13 years old, and I was 220lbs, not much less than my 40 something year old dad. I believe this was when I started to NOT weigh myself anymore. From this point on when anyone asked me my weight “I didn’t know…” nor did I want to know out of embarrassment. Buying uniforms, I realized that we had to special order my uniform skirts. I remember an incident when the lady was measuring me and gave my waistline as somewhere between 40-44 inches, and my grandmother making an “oh my goodness” sound under her breath. Of course my head was hanging low and the lady must have noticed this. She said, “Don’t feel bad, that was another girl in here and she needed a 48!” I guess she told me this to make me feel better, and I suppose at the time, it did; knowing that I wasn’t the only one.   Like I said 8th grade was the turning point. I didn’t want to participate in school functions as much. Going on school field trips to theme parks was embarrassing because even though I could still fit the roller coasters at that time, I would be forced to sit on certain rows that were made to accommodate the “larger” rider because it had two belts instead of one. In the end of the year 8th grade program where we performed the stages of the cross, I readily jumped for a speaking role, because I didn’t want to go through the embarrassment of not being able to fit any of the costumes. When it came time for us to give our height and weight for cap and gowns? Well, of course I “didn’t know” my weight. After graduating 8th grade I wasn’t all too excited about high school other than the fact that the braces I had from 6th through the 8th grade, were coming off before my 9th grade year started. So, in my mind I said, “I may be fat, but at least I have an awesome smile!” Once again I didn’t have any issues with being made fun of at school, but I still felt out of place. I could barely fit into the desks (the kind where the seat is connected to the desk), I was still wearing size 40-44 waist pants/skirts, and just felt like… not a normal teenager.   The summer following my 9th grade year, but grandmother decided to take a stand. She told me I’d be spending 6 weeks at a weight loss camp for teenagers. I was mortified! I refused to go, but in the back of my head I remembered seeing an episode of the cartoon “Wait Til Your Father Gets Home” and the daughter on the show was over weight, she happened to go to a “fat farm” and came back looking “HOT”. LoL! I laugh now, but I believed that if I didn’t come back svelte, that I would’ve at least lost a little weight. So, I went to the camp, and I learned a few things (I didn’t retain the info, though), met a few friends, lost a few inches, and lost enough weight to where I could notice a difference in my face and the way my clothes fit; my family noticed too. I was happy to be home, because I’m definitely a homebody/family oriented person. I was able to share a few “diet” recipes with everyone; who were more than obliged to try. I went back to school, and no one noticed. Which I think took away my drive for losing weight. My friends and teachers didn’t notice. So in the end, nothing stuck.   We were your typical African- American family. Most family functions revolved around food, so whatever weight/ inches lost were gained back, plus more. From what I can remember, I’ve never bought clothes made for people my age. I was always in the next section over. Whether it be huskies, plus sized teen, or women’s. If memory serves me correctly, I’ve been wearing anywhere between a size 20 – 22/24 since 7th or 8th grade. I think about this now at the age of 24 and I realize that being that size at the age of 13 is just horrible and wrong. As I’ve gotten older, it sucks that if I decide to go shopping with friends, that I can’t shop in the same stores. When going out to clubs, I sit in the corner and drink my drinks, even when I know I LOVE to dance. I don’t feel comfortable in the clothes I wear 75% of the time. You know that feeling when you’re walking into somewhere and you’re just constantly pulling down your shirt or pulling up your pants, making sure you look ok in them, when you feel huge?   I remember being in either late middle school or a freshman in high school, when Carney Wilson went public with her RNY surgery. It seemed like an easy fix in my head. To be honest, I thought about doing it for about 30 minutes, and just wasn’t interested. And I figured being as young as I was, that they wouldn’t approve it for me (which they hadn’t at that time, approved this procedure for young teens). It seemed scary and invasive, so RNY was an awesome tool for WL, but it wasn’t for me. A few years later, my mom mentioned the lapband after seeing a few infomercials. At this time in my life I had accepted my size. I didn’t think anything was going to change. I had had at least one boyfriend so I knew men liked me as I was. I wasn’t an ugly person, so why couldn’t I be happy with the size God made me? I again brushed the lapband idea aside as well.   In 2008 I began working at my local hospital. As I’ve gotten older in life, my friends and family are starting to settle, and I still feel as though I haven’t done much. Like something has been hindering me this entire time. I found out that I have PCOS, which was likely due to my obesity. I started developing hair on my face (sideburns) and hair under my chin. I didn’t realize then that this is also attributed to obesity, I just pushed it off on our Cuban heritage. After getting health insurance, in what had been years without, I went to see a doctor for an annual and learned about all the things that were wrong with me. I’ve developed high blood pressure. Not to the extent of having to take meds, but I’m on the tipping point. My glucose levels have been testing high, which one doctor states may be causing my irregular periods and PCOS. So now I’ve been medicating that issue with Metformin…   As I get older I know my problems will only get worse if I don’t do something about them now. Both my parents and grandparents suffer from Adult onset Diabetes. Both my parents have high blood pressure, both are over weight, and my dad uses a BIPAP machine to sleep at night. I decided to change because I don’t want to live this way. I want to be able to have kids, and not worry about being too overweight to play and spend time with them. I feel as though I’m young enough still to correct this issue. I still have a life to live! My main issue with accepting that this is something that I WANT to do, is worrying about what my family, my friends, and my peers will think. I’ve already discussed loosing weight and I’ve had negative comments like, “you wouldn’t look good smaller”, which is mind blowing. I want to do something to better my health and you say “I wouldn’t look good?!”   I don’t want people to think I’m doing this for vanity reasons. Though it would be nice to say I went shopping in a store that I never thought I would or to be able to wear a bathing suit without shorts AND a tshirt on (LoL), but it’s not about how I look, because I know I’m pretty. It’s about how I FEEL! I feel fat, I feel overweight, I feel like my body is stopping me from doing the things I want to do. I’m a summer baby (Zodiac: Cancer), so I feel like I could be this active person, I already have a bubbly personality; I just need the body to go with it. So, my reason for doing this is my health, and my future children. I want to be there for them… HELL I just want to be around period! So I’m going to make this effort and hopefully everything will work out in the end.

Ciara Patrice

Ciara Patrice

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
