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Thicka than a Snicka

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3 week post op update

Hey everyone, I just wanted to write a little update. I am so not a blog writing person, but I think writing helps me stay accountable and then I am able to go back and read what I wrote.   Ok.. so for the stats. I am three weeks post op, I had my surgery on Jan26th (self pay). My starting weight a week before surgery was 220 and then my weight day of surgery was 211 (I think the first scale was a little heavy because I was not required to do a pre-op). And I weighed myself today (without clothes) and I was around 203. That’s only about a 7/8 pound lost from the day of surgery in 3 weeks. I am little disappointment but I know I have cheated a couple of times and I am not very strict about the protein and liquids. I know I need to get it together!! But I am glad that at least I am following my progress so that I can implement some changes and see results.   I dont know if I told you all... but my short term goal is to lose a lot of weight by my 30th bday on June 30th. That leaves around 4 1/2 months to lose weight. I want to lose around 30 pounds. I would absolutely love to be 170 something by my 30th b-day. lol. You wont be able to tell me I am not cute. hahaha.   OK so back to the stats. I've been on mushies for around 3 weeks. I was lucky in that my dr did not require 2 weeks of full liquids but instead wanted us to do mushies for week 2-4. I can do that. I went to the 2 week nutrition class last week and it was good. I told the nurse that I was only getting about 40 grams of protein a day and she warned that my hair may fall out if I dont get the 60-70. Ouch,, I dont want that. So while I have beefed it up.. I am not where I need to be. So starting today I am taking a renewed effort in getting my protein. I just cant seem to find any vitamins or calcium that taste good.. eeew, the chewables are soo nasty; they taste like chald.   Am I the only one that misses eating. OMG.. I knew I was a emotional and mental eater but I never knew it was this bad. I just miss the social aspect of eating. Like now.. Im like well what’s the point of going to the mall or to eat if I cant eat anything good. I guess I am saving money...but I sure do miss eating. I have my first restaurant outing tonight with a girlfriend...hopefully that works. Because I haven’t told her about my surgery and I want to just act like normal. My mushi stage includes fish... so I think I will just get fish and mash potatoes or a veggie. That seems to work good for me. But eating with people..I notice that people eat so fast and just slurp their food up. My gosh... I never knew how much we as a people dont stop to really enjoy and taste our food.   Speaking of not telling people.. I just told my BF about the surgery. Ouch. I was really nervous about it. He lives in a different state so I was able to hide it from him but since he was coming down for Valentines day I knew I had to say something. Surprisingly he reacted alot better than I expected. His main thing was that he wish I would have told him so that he could of been here to help me. I asked him would he have tried to talk me out of it..he said yes cause he doesn’t think I needed hte surgery. And I told him..see thats why I didnt tell him. He was really helpful while he was here.. He is a Chef..so he made me lots of soft food and even ate the same foods as me. It was nice.   OK.. so I need to focus on a couple of things. I think I have gotten kinda complacent with the surgery already. I need to make sure I take all my vitamins, calcium citrate and water and protein. AND exercise (well I still can only walk until next week) and make better choices of food. Right now.. I am eating any soft thing that I can and not really paying attention to caloric or sugar or fat contents. And I am sure that is the reason for the lack of weight loss. So starting today I am going to get it together. I have my 4 week appointment next week and I want to record some weight loss. I also need to stop cheating . Right now the biggest cheat for me is candy. It my twisted little reasoning.. I was like hmm if I can have chewable vitamins then I can have something like sweet-tarts or smarties. And they go done just fine. Argh, I need to stop eating them.   So.. like I said I go for my 4 week appointment next week and for some reason they are combining my 4 and 6 weeks appointments and will be giving me my fill then. I didn’t think anything of it initially but now that I think if it...it seems a little soon for a fill. The good thing is that I wont have the bandster hell that everyone talks about but then I wont really get to enjoy regular food. Because right before I hit the 4 week mark I will have the fill and have to back on liquids for a bit. Has this happen to anyone? Should I ask the dr for a fill later than 4 weeks.   OK thats enough for now... I should write more frequently so I wont have as much to say. I think I am going to take progress pics tonight so see if I notice a difference. That should be fun. I know I have a NSV... I was able to button up a coat and not have has much pull as it used to have. it was great. now I don’t have to use a scarf to cover up the snug button.     Have a good day everyone.    




Post Op Day 5 and a recap

Hey Everyone... This is my first Blog. (hopefully I can keep this up, because I never seem to stick with blog writing)   But I just wanted to say that I am very happy with the information that I have gotten from this site. It feels good to know that people are going through the same things as myself.   OK.. so for the stats.. My surgery date was 1/26/2011. A week before surgery I weight 220 pds and then the day of surgery I weighed 211pds. I am not sure how that happend because I was not required to do a liquid diet. I only started liquids two days before surgery. I think it will probably the different scales or my clothes that I had on. Anyways, I was a self pay because while my weight qualified I did not have any co-morbidites.   The day of Surgery I was pretty nervous and I even shed a tear or two. I didnt tell hardly anyone about surgery (Just my sister and Aunt). So I took a taxi there and my Aunt picked me up. I didnt want to hear anyone try to talk me out of it. I was actually glad I didnt tell anyone because as soon as my other sister told my twin sister she started crying. See... I was not prepared for that.   So the day of Surgery was ok.. a little pain but not that much. Went home and stayed in the bed for the most of the night. But post-op day 1-3 were the worst. It wasnt the incision pain but the gas pain that was crazy. I think my pain was excarbated because I also had a hernia repaired also. I walked a little, had the Gas-X strips but nothin seemed to work.. I didnt drink much either. Because as soon as I did, I would get crazy chest pains. Those pains lessen up yesterday (Post Op Day 4). I had to get out of the those on Post Op Day 4 and I walked 2 miles with a friend and while it was a challenge because I just didnt have any energy, later on that night I felt good and the gas released alot. I also switched to the Gas-X chewables and that seemed to work better.   So now I am on Post Op Day 5.. and I felt much better for most of the day but the dreadful gas pains have returned . My chest gets tight (I thought it could be more serious like a heart attack but the nurse said it was common), now my sides are aching and my back as well. Ouch. I wish I could release it. Maybe I need to go for another walk.   I havent weighed myself since the Surgery day because I am so bloated. Hopefully I have gone done.   Like many people here, I started to regret having this. I was so scared, like what did you do to urself. I even got sad knowing that I wont be able to eat. (I am such a emotional eater). But hopefully I can feel better in a couple of days. I start Mushies in two days. I can wait!



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