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Stress is a mutha....leave home without it.   I am at 371 thank God, after gaining 4 pounds two weeks in a row is a real downer. I knew I did not gain all that weight in that amount of time. So I have lost 10 pounds in 1 week....the body has a serious sense of humor and I was not laughing. Ok my goals seem more attainable now.   I still don't have much time to get on line.




Hi Again

Life is moving forward, for some strange reason it won't just wait for me.   Well you know me, it is going to be 80 degrees today. I hope not to be in the house until night. Oh no my TOPS meeting is today. I want to be outside....:scared:





The sun is my friend. Oh boy I went back again yesterday. I'm going back today because the weather is going to start going down from today.





I love being outside in the sun. I went back for more yesterday and did 3.2 miles. Oh boy if the weather would just stay this nice.




Getting Warmer

The weather finally really broke and I feel so much better. I need the sun and warmth. I did 6.4 miles yesterday and going back for more today. WOOOHOOOO!!!!!




New Day Friday

Too many people have been talking about bacon. So what do I have this morning. Bacon and scrambled eggs. I have eaten 1 strip and about 2 forks of eggs and I'm almost stuck. I think that's enough until later.   I wish I had put my pedometer on first thing this morning because I was up and down the stairs and running around to fix my breakfast and lunch and get dressed. Whewww





I did get my 10,000 steps in and it was not easy easy. I had about 100 to go before bed so I'm stomping around with my daughter and then realized I did not put the pedometer back on. Duhhhh so I gave it to her and told her to get it. LOL I walked in place with her and even ran as I did when I did not have it on. LOL so it said 10,130 something but I know it was more. LOL   What did I eat.   Baked potato, 1/2 porkchop, baked chicken, string beans I messed up I did have ice cream yesterday.   Today B- slimfast 190 S- chicken thigh L-wendy nuggets/frosty 520 D-Salad, fish, biscuit(2)   Oh goodness this school meeting has thrown me all off. Stressed out eating, haven't gotten my steps in or my water.   Ony 2427 steps Water all 8 cups Only did about 6,000 steps yesterday





Steps before 1731 after 2891 (10 min) I will do it again before lunch and at lunch lunch 5028   4 cups of water so far 6 cups as of 1:13 working on my next bottle 6340 steps   I know I will get to 10,000 before the night is over because I have an errand to run and I will be sure I get them. I feel better already OK just finished my last bottle. 8 cups in me and everything else this evening is extra.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: 6609 8 cups in me WOOHOOO   See you tomorrow to start all over again.





Sometimes you have to talk to yourself. You have to give yourself that pep talk that you give everyone else. Sometimes you have to see what you are doing.:phanvan   Yesterday cereal slimfast slice turkey tortilla chips potato/butter jelly beans chicken/red beans rice ice cream/3 cookies/1/2 burger :think Today 5 deli slice turkey/10 round tortilla chips 3/4 lemon danish/choc milk 4oz :phanvan apple spinach,shredded,cabbage, green pepper, tomato, green onion, and a pickle I'm not sure where to go from here but I will figure it out.:cry I will start out with water. Oh well, time to go motivate someone.





yeah yeah yeah   Oh yeah I went to Bath and Body Works and bought some "Toe the Line" foot scrub and my feet feel so much better.....right after I use medium grade sandpaper (the kind on an emery board) on my feet then use the scrub on my feet for 3 days after I got off from work and then slathered them down with cream and oil and put socks on. They feel really good now.   Gotta get them ready for the Summer.





Depression sucks, life goes on, Thank God.   It's Thursday, I'm cute today. I'm going to give myself a serious pedicure today.   Yesterday Cereal Cheetoes(what am I doing, I gave them away) Celeste microwave pizza Pork chop, broccoli,roll, whole grain rice Cake





Today is a new day, Thank God. Lots of water today B- 1 bowl cereal S- trail mix, 1 oz cheese L- hm made pulled pk, rice, cheese hopefully real slow D- salad(lettuce, egg, pickle), ice cream




Cold almost over...

I have not been exercising thank goodnes weigh in was cancelled tonight. This cold has had me feeling like eeeee. It's a shame it didn't take my appitite.





I'm here, I'm sick, I'm going home :sick





Wigh In day I'm ready. I saw a scale on sale somewhere that goes up to 380. I'm thinking about getting it. Waiting until Tuesday weigh ins are so nerve racking sometimes.





1/1gym am/gympm 1/2gym am/gym lunch/5min 1/3 basement workout 1/4 mall walk 1/5 gymam/ 5min/ gym lunch 1/6 gym am




OK I lied

Today it is 44 days until Spring. I'm not sure what I was smoking when I wrote 31 days but I'm glad to see some extra days to get some more weight off.   I am at 374 when I was at 372 last week. I want to get out of the 370's NOW. I have been playing in the 370's since November. That is unacceptable.   I have to say I got serious again in Decmber about losing weight and I have been pretty consistant with losing. See a gain last week was discouraging and I try not to let it bother me but it does. I am doing well with eating and exercising but I know I can do better.   10.3 (384) 10.10 -2(382) 10.17 ? 10.24 -2(380) 10.31 +3(383) 11.14 -10(373):der: 11.21 +4(377) 11.28 -1(376):confused: 12.5 +3(380):mad: 12.12 -2(378) 12.19 +1(379) 1.9.07 -3(376) 1.17 -3(373):clap2: 1.23 -1(372) 1.30 +2(374):bored





31 days until Spring :omg: I'm glad I'm already exercising and not waiting for the warm weather to start exercising. 1.9.07 -3(376):eek: 1.17 -3(373):clap2: 1.23 -1(372) 1.30 +2(374):bored So I had lost 4 pounds since beginning bootcamp but put 2 pounds on last weigh in. I really hope it is muscle. I really think it is but needless to say I want the scale to always go down regardless.





Back to the gym this morning 1 min on ellipt, 20min treadmill, lat pulldown.   I can see my body changing. I can feel bones ready to show through the fat. LOL   I love LBT and my journal, I feel so comfortable here venting for all the world to see. LOL:eek:   My heart is smiling for thickchickintexas





WT*&%*#(@ OK it's not really that serious but I don't like to see the scale go up at all.   Was 372 Now 374   Yes I pigged out after weigh in on a cup of light rocky road ice cream and a piece of cake from Safeway. I thought about jogging in place last night but I didn't. I went to the gym this morning and did 20 min on the treadmill.





It's Monday we get to do it all over again. LOL   I went to the gym Friday after work and Saturday. I did not go yesterday or this morning. I plan on going at lunch and after work today.   I did go to a program for Weight for God. I like any type of weight lost support groups. By their scale I have lost a pound this week. LOL I will have to kick some butt today and tomorrow to get my TOPS scale down. I was shooting for 3 pounds this week but if I don't hit 3 I know will fall amoung the stars.   I'm excited about weighing in tomorrow. The only thing is on Weigh in day I start eating everything.   Today I had cheerios and a banana for breakfast. Lunch will be salad and michelina lasagna thingy 260 calories I think. I will have to check.




Thank God

It's Fridayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!   I'm here, I went to the gym when I got off yesterday and this morning. When I go I normally do 2 min on the eliptical thingy 15 or 20 min on the treadmill and between 2-4 weight machines working my arms and legs. I am normally there from 25 to 45 minutes. At home I run up and down the stairs. I need to incorporate more in at home.




Today is a New Day

I went to the gym when I got off from work and I went this morning. I feel good. dananananana like I knew that I would dananannana I feel fine.....   I'm excited about losing this weight. I went home and washed the truck, fixed dinner which was easy ..leaftovers. My daughter pulled out and prepared some teryaki noodles which were delish. I found cornbread so I made muffins and put sheredded cheese in them. I also put a sweet potatoe in the microwave and then put pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, butter and brown sugar. yummo Oh yeah the leftover baked chicken and on rib w/barbeqsauce.



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