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Damn it, 240lbs and pissed / gained 37lbs in 3 years

My lowest # was 203lbs and I then thought "The Bom" and then it all went to shit. For some reason my mind "I think took over" and screwed it all up LOL or at least thats who I am blaming today LOL . SO, moving forward I have NEVER had a fill in 4 years so I think it is time. My goal is to get Fills in 2011 and IFFN by JULY I am not at or below 220 I am going to have this band removed ONLY to have it put back on in 2012 / the surgery is always good for a boost I figure. God Bless everyone who makes the attempt to be a better person inside and out. I STILL - LOVE MY BAND




3 Years later and doing great "I Think"

3 years and 1 month ago on this date I had my Mexican experience in Tijuanna with Dr Corvola and i weighed over 330lbs. Today, I think I am like 210lbs but I have and continue to have many failures and learning experiences. Like, I am back to NO SUGARS, they are the enemy no doubt. And, I am back in the gym more than 4 days a week and I am so scared to allow any indulgence that its sick. I want so much but I allow nothing and I like it like that for now. I a, insistant to get under 200 and the sooner the better. All by the Grace of God and the discipline of a bandster. Happy Thanksgiving.:cool2:




3 Years later and doing great "I Think"

3 years and 1 month ago on this date I had my Mexican experience in Tijuanna with Dr Corvola and i weighed over 330lbs. Today, I think I am like 210lbs but I have and continue to have many failures and learning experiences.




3 Years later and doing great "I Think"

3 years and 1 month ago on this date I had my Mexican experience in Tijuanna with Dr Corvola and i weighed over 330lbs. Today, I think I am like 210lbs but I have and continue to have many failures and learning experiences.




3 Years later and doing great "I Think"

3 years and 1 month ago on this date I had my Mexican experience in Tijuanna with Dr Corvola and i weighed over 330lbs. Today, I think I am like 210lbs but I have and continue to have many failures and learning experiences.




New Year Goal / under 200

Here I am again and I still love my band. I actualy gained during the holidays "12lbs" but I gotta say it as great to eat and eat most of what I know I shouldn't have. I am back home in Texas and back in control of my eating habits, thank God. Nothing but fear ran through my mind all the while I was eating crap. Being I am an extremist so goes my habits and I was on holiday :confused:. Holiday is over and my plan is to get back into the gym at least 2 days a week and a much stricter det plan for the under 200 goal. Chocolate is definately my weakness and I know it but that doesn't really help much. I pray I can be strong and God continues to bless me with good health.




2 Years Later and 145lbs lost

I Love my Band STILL! The journey is in motion and I think I am doing fine but its just the nature of me that is aways wanting more :incazzato:. Like now I really want to be 175lbs and I am having a fit over being stuck right now at 205 give or take a pound. I have lost all interest in the gym and my eating habits are beginning to suck but not really I am just eating more and uglyier food than I know I need to. AND, the holiday sare here and I do not want to miss the excellent items that are on the table this time of the year :banghead:, yeaHHHHHHHH. I continue to thank God for keeping me healthy and my band in excellent working order to date so I am blessed, yet I want MOREEEEEEE:cry_smile:. Chocolate is still my greatest weakness but I suspect this is just the way it is and I accept it but I know I gotta do better to be better. Choices - Choices - Choices, I really liked it better when the band was making my choices and saying NO to everything that wasn't warm and soupy :willy_nilly:.




Sept. Success all month work out completed

Yes, I love my band :confused: still. After completing a personal goal of working out all of September I am now going to add 15 minutes to the commitment as well as a personal challenge to continue working out daily till I reach my goal weight of 210lbs and that ONLY 12 lbs away. Walking 1 hour I suspect should be No Big Deal at this time, well see. :clap2:




11Months and 102 lbs. GONE!

:whoo:Yes, Of course. I still LOVE my band :clap2:. I have been working daily with nutrition and exercise to achive a goal I intented to reach in 12 months and NOW I have reached it in 11. Work Hard, Play Hard, Eat Right and Exercise Daily. I can't believe it took me soo long to figure it out. Life is Great and getting better all the time. I hope and Pray for each of US with our choices to Band and wish the same success for everyone else also.




Life is Great

:whoo:Yep, I Still Love my Band :clap2: and I thought it was time to add more to this journal in hopes of helping others as wel as myself. Like I just read one my very first entrys and I laughed almost uncontrolably. Education for the future comes by understanding the past at all cost. Enough humor, Facts: I work out every other day, walking for 45 minutes and another 45 minutes in water and spa activities at the gym. I eat better than I EVER have, mostly cause my band insist this and time educated me. No fried foods-No Sugar-Water and Skim Milk ONLY Food is FUEL and NOT for FUN   Daily consumption goes like this habitually-4 cups coffe in the wake up-spicy tomato juice around 8am-lunch 11:30am "soup ussually with pieces of chicken in it (love cajun)-after work protien shake at gym-2 to 4 sugar free cookies with small mlk-snack on a handfull of nuts with water till bedtime. Then repeat, daily. Lots of water "interpetive" and not any one thing has got me here today. This effort of weight loss is successful only because of everything I do. And, of course. God keeps me and protects me with all is glory and blessings.   350 high 325 banded 119lbs lost over all




Regular Workouts Begin

:clap2: Of course, I still LOVE my band :scared: which leads to me to where I am today and that is HAPPY that I am still losing and with the gym 3 times a week the band and I together are succeeding. Actually I have been doing hte gym for just over a month and I ain't gonna lie, it wasn't the easiest thing to get started and continue with but I do. I still ge tthe head games from myself that says I really don't have to go today BUT I fight and GO, always GO and success happens every time I show up and work out. 30 minutes on tredmill, 15 minutes in water swimming laps "8" and then hot tub/dry sauna and then ending it for the day with wet sauna. 1 1/2 hours from car to car in the parking lot.   10/26/06 Mexico 350/320/239




Its Hard but still dropping!!

:clap2: Of course, I still Love my band. And I am now at 246lbs and loving every minute of it. Course I do have plans to join a gym this week to do swimming/sauna and walk. I really am not a big fan of exercise BUT I do want to make my target weight of 210 asap for many reasons. I have been totally blessed by good health, discipline and GOD and for all this I am thankfull. Its been so long since my last update I felt the need to make todays posting. I am always telling myself that soon as I lose 1 more pound but the truth is, weight loss is JUST like Life. One Day at a Time and focused.   10/26/06 - 320lbs Today 246




MileStone - Winner

Good Morning and God Bless ALL of the Bandsters, I know he is Blessing me. Today I hit a NEW Low of 256lbs, milestone because over the last 30+ years in ALL of my efforts without the band 257lbs is the lowest I have ever reached and I did that with Atkins and 2years of hard work then about 6 months later it ALL came back. Now I feel free and incredibly awesome that I am now on my way to a NEW world that has seemed at times in the past almost unreachable. Now, that feeling is all gone and I have learned a few things that are of GREAT value and they are: No Real Sugars - Splenda ONLY No disregarding the pain when eating - Just Stop LOTS of fluids Lots of variety in greens and foods Minimize Dairy (cheese) Talk about weight loss - positive re-enforcement a real plus Share experiences and knowledge Stay focused on the goal - Moderation, meaning that if the band was gone could I still remember to remember these rules.   Good Luck to All 320 lbs banded 10/26/06 256 lbs 4/4/07




Rules - Things I have learned...

First I stil Love my band. :confused: 1st - Protect the band (physicaly-against chldren) 2nd - No skin ever (apples-tomatos-oranges) 3rd -Never any sugar 4th - Never fight the pain when eating (just stop eating) 5th - Always eat with some sort of a gravy/sauce (lube-up) 6th - Always remember the rules 10-26-06 320-270-210




Need Action

Still Love my band...However, there are a few changes I am noticing and they are. My 1st bite thing went away as far as every meal and NOW its just 1st bite of the day provided thats before noon otherwise I never get that anymore Thank God :bathbaby: . I also am realizing that I am lazy when it comes to being proactive for what I know to be true and that sucks, reality is never good... I find myself "wanting" and this is something from the pre-band days that I thought I had shook with the band but guess not..REWARDS - I am again learning that this is a hoax to overeat or over indulge in what I know to be wrong and I need to fix that (shut up and do your job "lose weight") not eat. I still feel very good overall and am still optimistic for the 100lbs but it just is not easy BUT it is do-able. 320/275/210




Almost 3 Months Post Op

Still Love My Band. Course now losing weight is not that simple anymore. I think I need to get to a Gym or something cause I seem to be teeter toddering on 277 upa few lbs and then down a few lbs averaging 277 and I hate that. Down is the ONLY thing I want to see. I am gratefull and blessed that I am down over 40 lbs BUT I want to lose 100 lbs and I am a long way from it but I got hope and a new direction. I am planning to get a fill in February and start time at the gym so we will see. Food just seems to go right through me even though I still get full after a bit of food it is just a matter of minutes and I am hungry or something like that but all in all I find myself grazing and I am sure this is not good. Bad habits have gotta change....




277 and holding

Not much to say Today except - I still LOVE my band, however I am concerned. My G-Daughter elbowed me while climbing and I can feel that my band moved and sank into my cavity. I am planning a review by the Dr some time very soon hoefully. Finance is always an issue with me but I want to feel good about everything. I still have restriction and the band is working but I fear it maybe slipping, I pray it is not and in the meantime I stay optimistic and wait till probly Feb for a trip to the Dr. 320/277/210





Still loving my band and I think it is educating me now. I am still where I was before the new year, but through all and all I am pleased casue I did gain and then lost again so thats OK. As I begin the new year I can say that without a hot drink prior to eating I am wrong cause I know I will have trouble like food rejection. I also am beginning to feel that I am grazing even though I try not to, I do (work in progress to fix). I am also finding that my g-kids are targeting my band cause everytime without fail they seem to elbow the band when climbing on me of course that just makes me more protective now of this happening. My new immediate goal is going to be to get on track with eating on time and just 2 times a day with a snack before bedtime. It never fails that when I eat say chicken for lunch I cannot get supper down and thats not good, my head wants to eat in the evening (sometimes at all cost) . I am healthy and improvements are minimal but progressive and as long as I am winning I feel successfull and thats all good.




8 Weeks (Almost Christmas)

:D :scared: :scared: Yep, I still Love my band.... ;) BUT, now I am learning more and more about it, like I just learned that while eating andd I hic-up that means to STOP eating cause the next bite will be too much and then it gets tough (slime-pain-ugly) very educational for me. Now I am beginning to deal with the fact that I can eat more than I used to in the beginning but I need to fill that space with GOOD FOOD and NOT JUNK, more education. Although I have not lost any more weight I have lost inches and as long as I am not gaining I really am fine for now. It's almost Christmas so here we go again on the food merry go round hopefully I can do the right thing.   Merry Christmas to All...... 315/281/210




7 Weeks after surgery

I still Love MY band, always like to start with this because I NEVER want to change this start . Well, life has been great and I have had many new experiences like trying things I know I should not have like ORANGES (bad very very BAD) hahahaa. I am know starting to experience more hunger feelings in my lower stomach and when I eat I am feeling even more full above the band. Just the other day I started experiencing a tightness in my chest. This is new, but I have heard so much about it that I am sure it is no problem, just a side effect I think of eating TOO much at a time. On the upside I lost 4 lbs this week. I am really looking forward to hitting the 70's numbers like 275, that would be sweet. I went shopping today and found that I have lost 8 inches in my waist also, thats a big plus however I think the 46 or 48 waist would be much better.   320/281/210




40 days after surgery

:biggrin1: I am at a loss for words cause all I can really say is that I LOVE MY BAND still. I'm healthy, carefull of what I eat and how fast I begin to eat cause I almost always have PB happening for the first few bites of anything but then when I overcome the initial pain and discomfort I can eat without any trouble. Now I am just trying to stick to the signaficant foods instead of junk or a waste of food space. Course, for some reason my mind and stomach are stil not in sync cause I catch myself thinking about food even when I know I am not hungry and sometimes its too late and I find something to snack on anyway (that sucks) but I will overcome and I am still losing just not as easy as it was last month and FOR SURE - NO SUGARS - thats the law and bottom line. 315/285/210




1 Month and 2 Days after surgery (Thanksgiving Week)

Yes - Life is great even though I have gained 2 lbs. Still having trouble sometimes trying to take to big a bites from food occassionaly causing some slim and a couple of golf balls but still learning. My NEW goal is to re-start my 3 times a day eating and 1 snack before bedtime and including alot more chicken instead of JUNK. Fish was a great addition before the holidays and maybe I will return to that but I do have a problem with the butter (I Love It) and thats not good so I will try that I can't believe its not butter stuff and we'll see. 315/290/210




26 days since surgery

Good Morning and Yes, I still LOVE MY BAND . I have spent all week practicing eating ONLY what I think will not get stuck and I am/was successfull. I feel like I am running on 100% health and no pain anywhere. Looking back over the past days I can honestly say that I have been blessed by good fortune and no complications other than those I created myself.   315/288/210




I am back to Excellent!!!!

Well, now I can report 100% mobility in and out of bed and no pain or soreness. I am healthy again, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BUT I am also eating scared cause the last thing I want is for this to happen again over some thing I put in my mouth. Anyway, life is good I still love my band and BTW during my ordeal recently I had total connection with my Dr's co-ordinators and support group so I was not alone and that helped alot. 315/289/210



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