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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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Day three of my pouch test. For info on this check this site out - http://www.5daypouchtest.com/   Today I can have proteins, but soft proteins. So far menu as follows:   Bfast - yogurt with added protein mix   Lunch Chicken soup, mostly ate the chicken   Dinner canned white meat chicken with a little spinach dip mixed in.   Wt - didn't weigh today - yay. I'm trying to stay off the scales until Monday....





I received a call today from my case worker at the doctor office and she said that she was notified by UHC that I was approved. She told me she would hand my file off to Linda who would be calling me to set up a surgery date.   Now, I'm just waiting on that call.   I am trying to schedule the surgery for January 18th and return back to work on February 14th, this will give almost 4 weeks off of work! I should be able to eat regular foods by then. No one from work knows I am having the surgery, they just think I'm taking off for a hernia repair (which I am doint that too).   I'm so excited, I want to tell someone, but I can't since no one knows, so I'm yelling it in my journal. Yay!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:




Happy 10 month Band Anniversary to me

Okay, my weightloss has really slowed down, I weighed 167 this morning. I've only lost 3 lbs this past month, but thats okay, I lost right? I didnt gain. And 3 lbs is making a BIG difference in my size. Peaple are noticing every pound I lose now. Before it took 50 lbs before people started noticing. Inches are falling off quicker than the weight. I'm okay with that too.   Here is how my weight has gone: Highest weight - 248 1 mo post op - 206.8 2 mo post op - 198 3 mo post op - 193 4 mo post op - 184.2 5 mo post op - 178 6 mo post op - 174 7 mo post op - 178 8 mo post op - 174 9 mo post op - 170 10 mo post op- 167





The past 6 to 8 months I've not like posting my weight on my anniversary, as you can see, it has stayed in the same range. Today makes 17 months since my banding. I am still struggling to get my fill just right. I thought my 10th fill would be the perfect amount, but I still believe I need a tad more. I still can eat anything, bread, steak etc. some days are tighter than others, but I find that it is only about 1 week out of the month that I have perfect restriction - and that is during my monthly. sometimes when I ovulate I am tighter, but again, that is just a few days out of the month. I will be going for fill #11 next week, right before my cruise. I know some might think I'm crazy, but I'm sick of not losing so I don't care if I am tight on the cruise. I don't want to gain on the cruise, I actually would like to lose a few pounds while on the cruise - this will be a first if that happens. The average weight gain for a cruise is 10 pounds and I've always gained weight while on a cruise. Always, at least 5 lbs, last year, I think I only gained around 3 or 4, I can't remember. Well, it hurts, but I have to be honest with myself - so here is my weight history since banding......month by month. I am still determined to finish this race by my 2 year anniversary! I want to lose and hit my goal, I will lose and hit my goal! I will not give up and I will not quit until I reach my goal! Highest weight - 248 1 mo post op - 206.8 2 mo post op - 198 3 mo post op - 193 4 mo post op - 184.2 5 mo post op - 178 6 mo post op – 174 7 mo post op - 178 - went on vacation and ate big (7 day cruise) 8 mo post op - 174 9 mo post op - 170 10 mo post op- 167 11 mo post op - 170 - haven’t even been trying 12 mo post op - 174 - again, not trying. But finally refocused - exactly where I was at 6 mos post op – so basically no weight loss in the past 6 mos 13 mo post op - 183 - Ouch! started taking steroids and made my weight go up, along with not eating right and no exercise! 14 mo post op - 185 - grrrrr 15 mo post op - 180 - weight is finally going down, but inches are actually coming off faster since I've been exercising a lot. 16 mo post op - 178 17 mo post op - 175





Okay, so I knew I was starting this exercise challenge today, My restriction level is down to NOTHING.   I took my measurements below are the results - yuck - I also compared them to the last time I measured when I was exercising all the time. I wanted to see if there was a difference with exericising and not exercising. I do see some of my measurements went up, especailly in my thigh area. My problem area is my legs.     Neck - 16 Breast - 40 - I was at 39" when exericising under breast - 36 1/2 - previously was at 36" left bicep - 13 - previously at 12 3/4" forearm - 9 1/4 - waist - 34 - previously at 35" hips - 43 - same, previous 43" left thigh - 24 - prevously at 22 3/4" left calves - 15 - same, previously at 15" Weight - 181.7 - YIKES   I am so bloated, we had mexican and last night I had steak, so the salt intake is making me retain a lot of water.   The scales were VERY ugly today, but I know they will be dropping rapidly this week as I lose some of the "water weight".   Goals today, drink water, and drink more water.   I was up this morning at 4:50 am, headed to the gym and did a circuit training and focussed on upper body workout.   EXERCISE - UBWO/cardio - am exercise   M1 - 7:30 am egg white omlet with 2 turkey sausage links, picante sauce   M2 - SF yogurt, handful of granola to give it a crunch   M3 - salad with balsmic vingerette dressing/salmon   M4 - 3 oz of steak and 1/2 potatoe (small potatoe)   I am excited to see some good results over the next few months. I know if I stick to the program, and once I get my restriction back, I will see some results! I am so excited to go for my fill next week, I cannot wait!





Exercise #1 - 25 min on treadmill (would have done 30 min or more, but the darn thing came unplugged and then couldn't get it to work again - so left)   Exercise #2 - LBWO   M1 - SF yogurt mixed with lf cottage cheese m2 - coffee & cream m 3 - 3 whole wheat crackers & 3 oz of pink salmon m 4 - grilled talapia and broccoli sald (the last of it - getting sick of it now - lol)   Notes - I've started tanning and I tried on a shirt I bought last year on clearance for $4.00, it was way too tight on me, but I tried it on, it fit! I'm wearing it today and I feel so good in it! I guess I feel so good becaue I remember how tight it was on me, and now it slips on with ease.




Scale is moving

Weighed in this morning, TOM is finally starting to leave, so the scales are FINALLY starting to go down again. Weighed this morning at 227.8.   I am really hoping to get to 215 by my surgery date, but thats just a little over a month away, so not sure if I will or not. I'll be happy if I get down to 220 by surgery date.   I'm about to start my countdown to surgery. I'm really getting excited and I keep fantasizing about how I will look at 140 lbs. I can't wait!





Exercise - 32 min on treadmill, 3% incline, 230 calories, 1.66 miles, 3.2 mph





Menu today -   Bfast 2 slices of bacon 1 fried egg coffee with creamer - not SF   Lunch 2 chicken tenders (baked) 1/4 cup of broccoli   Snack - 1 oz of almonds   Dinner 1 baked chicken leg - skin off 1/2 cup of fresh spinach leaves with low cal dressing   Supplements - 1 Quickslim30, 2 flinstones   Wt this morning - 171.1 - grrrrr   .................grams cals%total Total:......... 833 Fat:................51 457 55% Sat:................14 130 16% Poly:.................4 39 5% Mono:..............11 100 12%   Carbs:...............44 163 20% Fiber:...................3 0 0% Protein:..............52 208 25% Alcohol:0 0 0%   Way too much fat today, and way too many carbs for my calories. I need to really watch my liquid caloires! The creamer is adding up. I am slipping into the habit of having a lot of creamer in my coffee - and not the sugar free kind. I had Pumpkin Pie spice this morning!





M1 - apple juice deluted with water and Daily 5 mixed in M2 - Broccolli salad with roasted chicken added in M3 - M4 - roast & spinach M5   Exercise - 5 am - UBWO (upper Body Workout), I will try and do an additional cardio this afternoon.   Exercise #2 - Yay me! Jumped on the treadmill, 30 min, 3.4 mph, 3% incline, 1.68 distance, 240 calories




I can cross my leggs!

Last night, I'm sitting on my couch, just relaxing. Without thinking I crossed my legg, after I did it, I realized, I can cross my leggs now, comfortablly! Wow!:clap2: Its another NSV for me. I hadn't tried in so long to cross them, or I could cross them and it cut the breath out of me. But now, I feel so feminane when I can cross my leggs. I just had to journal this down.




2/27/07 menu

Bfast - Cottage Cheese & strawberries   Lunch - 2.7 oz container of pink salmon with (dry) with 4 whole wheat crackers   Dinner - 4 or 5 oz of baked chicken breast with shredded cheese on top   Snack - 1 part skim string cheese and a handful of popcorn   Water - 48 oz   Supplements - Viactiv multi vitamin   Exercise - 20 min HIIT on elliptical (pm exercise)   Notes - Scale is up, but that is okay, I feel smaller, my DH commented last night how much skinnier I am looking. A lady from work also commented yesterday at how much weight I am still losing. I know the scale is not a measure of my success. I am happy with my progress and I know the scale will start moving again. I'm trying to focus on doing cardio morning & night and I am going to ask my doctor tomorrow if I can start weight training. I'm ready to kick some major butt and get into shape! I want to have some maximum results by this summer! I want to be down another 30 lbs or more by vacation time (cruise in August).




Waiting on Insurance Approval

I had my doctor consultation and he answered all my questions. I told him that I wanted a low-profile port and he said he would have to order it but could do it. Once the insurance approves my surgery, then they will order the port.   My case worker told me I should hear something by the end of December. I'm so excited. I should have my surgery sometime in January.





Eating has sucked, exercise has sucked - but still trying to get back on track!   I was wide open last week, I mean wide open! Ate anything and everything and hungry all the time. I seem to be tighter today, and TOM just came for his monthly visit. I seem to be always extremely loose right before TOM and tighten back up during TOM. I'm bloated and holding so much water, it hurts to walk, my feet tingle I'm so bloated. GRRRRRR.   Today's menu:   Bfast - weight wise oatmeal   Lunch two chicken tenders - grilled   Dinner - not sure yet?   Exercise - I haven't in the last week and a half, maybe I will finally get back to the gym tonight!




12/8/09 - Going strong in Week 2

Week 2 of my exercise program:   Monday's menu:   coffee with 2 tbsp of flavored cream (just can't seem to give this up) - 70 cal yogurt mixed with 1/2 cup of raw oatmeal - 230 cal   Protein shake - 280 cal   hummus & carrots - 170   almonds - 240   lean turkey - brocoli & 255   Total cal 1175   Exercise:   Hit the gym around 8:30 pm last night   Started with 30 min on elliptical   BICEPS -   2 sets of Standing Hammers (8 lbs weights) 2 sets of Alternative Dumbbell Curls (1 set with 5lbs, 1 set with 8 lbs)   TRICEPS   Overhead tricep extensions - 2 sets (5 lbs) Tricep pushdown - rope - 2 sets, 1 @ 20 lbs, 1 @ 25 lbs.   Shoulders   Dumbbell shulder press - 1 set 8 lbs, 1 set 5 lbs Upright Barbell row - 2 sets @ 20lbs   Chest   Incline dumbbell flys - 2 sets 8 lbs dumbbell bench press - 2 sets 8 lbs   BACK   One are dumbbell row - 2 sets @ 8lbs Lat pull down - 2 sets @ 40 lbs   ABS   Ab crunch machine - 2 sets (15 each set @ 10 lbs) incline sit ups - 2 sets of 25 ab roller machine - 2 sets of 15 ab ball machine - 1 set of 20 (5 lb balls)   Back on the elliptcal to finish up for another 15 min......home by 10:40 and asleep by 11:30   Then, the alarm is off again at 4:50 am this morning and I head to the gym and on the elliptical by 5:20 am, did 40 min of HIIT.   Whew, what a day.......   Going home tonight and watching the finale of the Biggest Loser, then to nighty night!




Day 1, post op

Well, I checked into the hospital yesterday at 11:00 am, They finally came to get me for surgery a little after 1:00 pm. But they didn't start on my until around 2.   My blood sugar was really low, and since I had my surgery late in the afternoon, they kept me at the hospital. I was finally realeased the next day at around 7:00 pm CST. I'm glad to be home, however, still haveing quite a bit of soreness. Hopefully this will go away soon.   I weighed the day of my surgery so I could track my weight after surgery. My weight going into surger was 226.0.





I focussed on water - somewhat - yesterday. I still need more!   Todays menu -   Bfast 4 slices of thin, very small bacon 1 cup of coffee with cream   Lunch organic salad with feta cheese sunflower seeds, chicken breast, balsamic vinger dressing.   Dinner DH & I are going out to celebrate our 19 yr wedding anniversary, so not sure what I will have, but will try and choose something healthy. I will be having a glass of wine.





Woke up sick today, sore throat, eyes burning, just feel like dog poop. Anyhow, did not go the gym, but brought my stuff to work and heading down to the gym at lunch.   I have my lasik eye surgery on Thursday so I'm hoping I can get over this before then.   I've avoided the scales all week, I am just trying to live my life and make good choices. I do go for a fill on Friday, and I'm hoping that will jump start my progress again. Until then, the scale is my enemy. lol.




Fill history since banding

Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's   Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's   Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's)   Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more!   Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's   Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter.   Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince   11/23/07 - Unfill - Got unfill and because of the swelling and all the PBing, doc took my fill down to 3.0cc's. NO RESTRICTION AGAIN   Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital and the Doc had to take me back down to 3.0. grrrr. Now I'm back where I was in November, barely restriction again.   Fill #9 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.   FILL #10 - 4/7/08 The doc just added .4cc's, making me at 3.9cc's. I think this might be the one!   FILL #11 - Was scheduled on 6/25/08 - but the doc did not fill me up, I was leaving for a cruise on 6/27 so he didn't want to risk me being too tight, so did not get a fill.   FILL #11 - 8/5/08 Went for a fill, this time the doc took all my fill out and all he could get out was 2.4 cc's. Filled me up to 4.0 cc's, I left, had to go right back because I could not drink, he took out a little over .2 cc's, he said I'm somewhere between 3.5 to 3.7 cc's. - I had great restriction for 2 weeks, but It has now loosened some. I feel I might need a tad more. I'm worried I have a very slow leak.   FILL #12 - SCHEDULED FOR 8/17/08




Update on Fill History

Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's) Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more! Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter. Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince 11/23/07 - Unfill - Got unfill and because of the swelling and all the PBing, doc took my fill down to 3.0cc's. NO RESTRICTION AGAIN Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital and the Doc had to take me back down to 3.0. grrrr. Now I'm back where I was in November, barely restriction again. Fill #9 - Scheduled for 2/12 at 8 am. This time I will not let him fill me to 4.0, I will only go to 3.8 or a bit higher where I was at Fill #6.





I woke up around 8:00 am, got ready and headed to the gym!   Exercise - 44 min on treadmill, varied from 3.2 to 3.4 mph, 3.2 incline, burned 320 calories, 2.22 miles. I went BACK to the gym for an evening session, however, I was a bit sore so I didn't work as hard and just did it at a nice pace - 35 min on treadmill, 2.7 mph, 170 calories, 1.52 miles. Total calories burned today = 490   Breakfast - cleansing tea   Lunch - salad with some grilled chicken breast on it. No dressing   Dinner - cleansing   PS - the scales showed 202! I'm so close to onderland, I can smell it!





Okay, last night I didn't eat past 7:30, I drank a little warm tea before bed to loosen the band and guess what - I SLEPT last night. Yay! I can handle it now. I was so worried that I had a slip because of the horrible reflux I had - it was so bad, that the liquid even came out my nose - yes gross, but the truth.   Anyhow, I don't think I will get an unfill, or a fill, I think I really am at my sweet spot, FINALLY after 20 months of banding. I'm so happy I could cry!   wt 178.7




4th fill and still not working

Went back for my 4th fill on July 20th, he withdrew my fluid from fill #3 and only withdrew 1.8cc's. That shocked me and explains why I was feeling NOTHING! And why I was HUNGRY. I was a bit worried, I told him he told me that he filled me to 3.5cc's the last time and asked if he thought I had a leak, he said no.   He then did the same thing as he did with fill #3, he completely filled my band and slowly withdrew the fluid until some started going thru the band. He ended me at 3.0 cc's. (this is the exact place I was on fill #2) what an idiot!   Anyhow, when he fills me up this way, I think my stomach swells and I have spasms and it looks like I have restriciton, but by the evening the swelling goes down and I lose the restriciton.   I'm back to no restriction or very little restriction. I leave on my cruise 8/4/07 so I am going to hold off on getting another fill until after I return because I don't want any problems with my fills while out of town and especially in the middle of the ocean.   I'm taking an appetite suppresion now, and tryin to DIET very hard to lose 5 more freaken pounds before my cruise. Which I don't think will happen .......grrrrrr. But all in all, I'm going on the cruise at 175 lbs or so, so I am happy that I've lost as much as I have since the band. My goal was to weigh 169 by the cruise, but I don't think that will happen, I'm a little disappointed, but not too bad.   I love my band, I just want my restriciton like everyone else! I want to have to eat slow and take small bites - right now I don't have to do any of this!   I have slipped on exercise the past week - but trying to get back to it. I did get on the elliptical machine yesterday and plan on doing it today. However, my weight lifting has slipped and I'm craving it so bad right now. I just have not had the time to get the gym, but I think tonight I will have to go no matter what!





I'm back from my week long stay in Miami. Yay! I ate bad bad bad. But only gained 3 lbs, so not too upset over it. I'm back on the wagon.   It's a sad day at work today, one of my co-workers commited suicide Friday after work. None of us saw it coming. He worked until 5 Friday, cleaned out his desk and went home and killed himself. His poor wife found him when she got home. Its so sad. I just can't imagine someone taking his own life, for what? He didn't leave a not behind, no one understands it right now. I just ache because we didn't know, what could we have done to help him? It's just so sad and makes me sad.





Life has been fast paced, haven't had much time to post.   I'm focussing on eating more, but eating the right stuff. I think I haven't been eating enough calories.   I'm also focussing on eating LOW CARB, Low fat, and lower calories.   I either don't eat enought on days, or I eat all the bad stuff. I'm focussing on CLEAN eating.   Wt - 170.1



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
