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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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I'm going to be a skinny Bitch!

Thats what I keep telling myself. I call myself a skinny bitch because, all these beautiful women that walk by, I always whisper to my friends, "skinny bitch". lol. Its a way of vent out my jealousy. I really want to trip them when they walk by eating an ice cream bar and wearing a size 3 jean.   Anyhow, last night I kept telling myself yes, I'm going to be a skinny bitch too! and I can't wait.   I know a lot of people have surgery for health reasons, and thats what I'm telling my husband. But deep down, I want to be skinny, I want to be that skinny bitch that walks by in the mall and the fat girls say "look at that skinny bitch". I know that sounds weird, but thats how I feel. I want someone to call my skinny, just once.   I know that its a little vain, but I just can't help it. I want my skinny body back damn it! I know that the other health issues I have will go away with me losing weight, but really, I don't even care. The only thing I care about is getting my 20 yr old body back at 40! It sucks being 40 and looking 40, I want to be 40 and look 20. Maybe its a mid-life crises, hell, maybe I'm just crazy and a freak, but I don't care, I want my skinny body back. Some say it can't be done, I'm 40 and face it, but I will prove them wrong!   I took my before pic in a bikini, it is SCARY. You can see all the cottage cheese on my thighs, its really gross. But...........I plan on taking my after picture in a bikini too!




I'm finishing up with my 2nd week of BFL challenge

After todays exercise (which will be my LBWO), and tomorrows cardio session, I will have completed 2 weeks of the Body for Life Challenge - which leave me 10 week sto go or 70 days. I will complete this challenge!   I'm excited about not missing any workouts, eating pretty clean for the most part.   Things I need to work on - 1) Need to plan my meals better (if you don't plan, you plan to fail) 2) Need to make sure I do my carido in the am on empty stomach - burns more calories this way. 3) Need to plan my workouts so I know what I'm going to do before I go the gym - this will save some time. 4) Going to try and add 2 extra cardio session my 3rd week. 5) Will work on getting some additional supplements (Betagen - helps build muscle)




I'm falling behind

I'm not doing a good job at keeping up with my journal, i'm falling behind.   Well, lets see, where do I start. Oh yes, two weeks ago I started the BFL challenge. Well, it was miss & go for the first two weeks, but I think I'm finally with it!   I exercised 5 times the first and 2nd week, and this week, my goal it to do it 6 times as the BFL program indicates.   I've actually started over, this week, (yesterday) so today is day 2 of the 84 day challenge.   My menu   Bfast - lf yogurt with a handfull of granola 1 small bag of rice cakes - yum (90 calories)   snack 1 small back of rice cakes (90 calories)   Lunch Fish taco on a whole wheat tortilla, cilantro and pace picanta sauce, 2 strawberries   snack 1/2 apple with peanut butter   dinner fish taco on a whole wheat tortilla (yes, I love these things)   Monday exercise - UBWO - worked everything on the upper body - HARD. 30 min of elliptical   Tuesday - 60 min of elliptical





Yes, my old self is back! I was up at 5am and headed to the gym. My menu has been clean, I've been eating clean and my jeans are getting loose on me again.   I bought myself a present today. I bought a SIZE 8 coat. It was a little snug, but not too tight that I couldn't wear it, however, its a freaken size 8. I want to scream it out to everyone here at work, I want to show everyone the tag, its a size 8. I can't even remember the last time I bought a size 8, but I think it was like in 8th grade or maybe 7th. Anyhow, I know its made a little different, and normally I would not buy an 8, I buy 10's or 12, but I decided by next winter, I will be wearing it with no tightness. I'm just excited I can put it on, and button it! A size 8 people, did you hear me, a size 8!   Okay, here is my today plan:   5am -   Recumbant bike - 30 min Hip Abductor - outer thighs - 3 sets of 12 - 70 lbs Hip Abductor - inner thighs - 3 sets of 12 - 70 lbs Seated leg press - Quads - 3 sets of 15 - 70 lbs Laying leg curls - Hamstrings - 3 sets of 12 - 20 lbs (this killed my knee) Incline sit ups - Abs - 3 sets of 25   PM exercise - (3:00 pm) 15 min on Elliptical machine   Menu   Bfast egg white omlet made with 1 turkey sausage link and 1 canadian bacon   Lunch coffee w/cream - very tired - Drank before I ate - I do not drink while eating. apple with pnut butter (2 TBSP) 3 oz of chicken breast   Dinner spinach chicken wings (baked with hot sauce)   Suppliments - quickslim30, multi-vitamin




I'm back - again.

Back from my cruise and back to the Lap band eating. My eating was HORRIBLE during the cruise, and my exercise has been ZERO.   I'm refocussing and getting another fill August 6th. Until then, I'm eating lean meats, fruits and vegies and getting back into the exercise mode.   will post more later, extremely busy at work today since its my first day back.




I'm a BAD girl!

I'm in Miami, Florida on business and just eating all the wrong stuff, I'm so mad at myself! I need to gain control! I do not want to step on the scales when I get home because I know that I've gained.   I MUST get back to the gym when I get home - I don't want to see the 170's again, but I have a feeling I'm back into the 170's. grrrrr. Its my own fault! I need to slap myself and gain control.




I need to get back my MOJO

I need my mojo back to make it to the gym. I want to be like I used to be, where I got up at 5am and went to the gym, everyday! I've lost that "loving feeling" since my knee surgery last August. I really need to get it back!   My eating has been good, if I could just make it to the gym.   I have a busy night tonight, we have our bible/book study tonight and its at my house and its goody night, so everyone will stay late to eat, so by the time everyone leaves, it will be after 9 or 9:30. I will be too tired to make it to they gym. I am going to focus on going Thursday. I really wish I could get up in the am. I just can't seem to drag my butt out of bed in the mornings. I really need to work on this!   Here is my menu today   Bfast - Light Frapacino from Starbucks (200 cal), 1/2 cup of watermellon.   Lunch - 3 oz of tuna, 3 crackers   Dinner - grilled chicken 3 oz, spinach salad.   snack - No sugar added yogurt with a handfull of granola.   wt 177.9 - I know I said I wasn't going to get on the scales, but I did weigh this morning. I will continue to try and not get on them daily -




I may be too tight

I'm having a hard time sipping water, I'm drinking some warm coffee right now.....I'm worried I may be too tight. If I don't loosen up in the next day or two, I'm going back for a slight unfill. At this point, I don't see how I could eat anything because I'm so tight. I don't want to have PB problems.




I love my silacone buddy

Okay, so I've been eating and binging the last week. I've avoided the scales because I just couldn't bare seeing them say 175lbs or 180 lbs.   Well this morning, I decided "Tonya, you have to face the music". I was dreading stepping on the scales, but I knew I needed to see the damage I've done so I can get back on track.   Well, I stepped on the scales, held my breath a little, and I was shocked. I knew the scales would say at least 175, but they didn't - they said 172.3! I couldn't believe I hadn't gained more. I love the band, I will NEVER EVER EVER be fat again! I just remember all the times pre-band that I binged, how many lbs I would gain off one binge - alot of times it was 10, 20, 30 lbs in a month - I swear it!   Even though I think I'm eating a lot, I still am not eating NEAR the amount of food I ate pre-band! And, I'm not even at a good restriction level.   Oh, stepping on the scales this morning made me feel so good and in control again. Thank you my dear silacone buddy!




I hate the scales!

I'm having my DH & daughter hide the scales again. I am mad at myself for even weighing. Okay, I'm done venting.   Last night I made it the gym:   30 min on treadmill 1.33 miles 2% incline 2.7 mph   Menu yesterday   Bfast - shake lunch - 1/2 container of refried beans snack - 3 crackers with brie cheese spread on top & a few bites of homemade refried bean dip dinner - 1/2 cup macorroni & cheese




I gotta get my mind right

What the heck is wrong with me? Last night I overdosed on cookies & milk. I'm so mad at myself! I did so great yesterday, ate right, and everything. Then last night wanted somthing sweet so bad, so I opened up a sugar free pudding, added a little sugar free whip topping on it and thought, this should do the trick. Then there was two sugar cookies sitting on the cabinet my daughter had made the a few nights ago. You guess it, I ate both of them. Well that got my sweet tooth in full swing, so then I opened a bag of cookies (the small bags you put in kids lunch pails) and I ended up eating the WHOLE BAG of those.   Bad Bad me. Anyhow, I'm eating a healthy breakfast (low carb) this morning. So, trying to get back on track and get this sugar out of my system.   The biggest problem I am having is getting back to exercising. I suck.   Watching the Biggest Loser has motivated me to start back, however, this big ass of mine is refusing to get up. Its like my body and my heart are at war with each other.   Anyhow, I'm going to lose this weight, I will I will I will. So, no more cookies for me.




I got my first pre-op testing appointment.

I got a call from the Hospital and they stated they received a fax from my doctor to schedule my appointment for an Upper GI. I thought this was kinda weird since I'm still not approved yet. But I guess they are starting the process with my test.   At least I know the ball is moving. I'm supposed to go in on December 14th at 7:30 am, however, I'm thinking about changing it until the first of January.   In January I will have $4,000 on my Payflex account card to be used for any medical cost, right now I have ZERO. So I will more financially able to handle all the co-pays and test cost if I wait until January. So I'l calling back and rescheduling the first week of January. I don't want my surgery until January anyhow, so this will work better for me.   I'm just excited that things are moving, even though I'm still waiting on the darn insurance company! I know, patience.





I received a call today from my case worker at the doctor office and she said that she was notified by UHC that I was approved. She told me she would hand my file off to Linda who would be calling me to set up a surgery date.   Now, I'm just waiting on that call.   I am trying to schedule the surgery for January 18th and return back to work on February 14th, this will give almost 4 weeks off of work! I should be able to eat regular foods by then. No one from work knows I am having the surgery, they just think I'm taking off for a hernia repair (which I am doint that too).   I'm so excited, I want to tell someone, but I can't since no one knows, so I'm yelling it in my journal. Yay!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:





I did it, I got up this morning at 4:45, was at the gym by 5:05 and exercised for 40 min! I'm so glad I finally got out of bed in the AM. My plans today is to exercise at 3:00 on break (do 20 min on elliptical machine) and do another 45 minutes tonight.   Exercise - AM EXERCISE - 30 min treadmill, 3.2 mph, 3.0 incline, 240 calories and 11 min Elliptical machine, 110 calories - TOTAL AM CALORIES 350   3:00 EXERCISE - Notta   9:00 PM EXERCISE - Notta




I can't walk!

I can't walk today! My ass hurts, my thighs hurt, my entire body is aching! Wednesday I decided it was time to pump up my lower body workout, so I did the dreaded squats and lunges.   Today is 48 hours later and I had to roll out of bed this morning, I was hurting so bad, then I went to sit down on the toilet, and my ass was in pain. I must have really worked it - this is the first time I have been this sore in forever. Hopefully by tomorrow, it won't be as sore. I'm due to do my LBWO again on Monday. Today is my ubwo.   I had to do cardio yesterday and I was sore, but I still did them.   I go for fill #3 today at 1:30. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, excited to get more restriction, nervous about being too tight and pbing, so I will need to learn to slow down on eating and take smaller bites, something I have not accomplished yet.




I can't wait until Wednesday

The waiting is killing me. I go see the doctor on Wednesday, the 22nd. They will weigh me and send my paper work off too the insurance. I am just praying I get approved. I am so nervous about not getting approved.   I'm so anxious over all this, I hate waiting! But I know there is nothing I can do to rush the process, I just need to learn to be patient - something I am not good at.




I can cross my leggs!

Last night, I'm sitting on my couch, just relaxing. Without thinking I crossed my legg, after I did it, I realized, I can cross my leggs now, comfortablly! Wow!:clap2: Its another NSV for me. I hadn't tried in so long to cross them, or I could cross them and it cut the breath out of me. But now, I feel so feminane when I can cross my leggs. I just had to journal this down.




I broke the 180's!

I weighed this morning at 179.6 YAY! I now weight LESS than my husband (he weighs 181).   I still can't believe I saw 179 on the scales - but I did!   This weekend is a busy weeked, I'm attending a convention with my church, it was all day yesterday, and all day today and tomorrow, but I love seeing all my friends there.   I've been eating good healthy foods, and exercising so its paying off. I just don't want it to end! I want to get to my goal within a year of 145, but if I don't I will still be happy because I've already almost lost 70 lbs! In about 6 months!




I am totally sucking the last few days!

Okay, I guess the carb demons are getting to me in the evening time. I do great all day long, then evening is here and I cheat!!!!   Yesterday we went to a going away party for one of our Elders at my church. I had a protein shake for breakfast, and then drank another one for lunch, just because I was on the run.   I did pretty good with dinner at the party, except the dessert table kept calling my name. I snuck over and had a brownie, then I had a 1/4 piece of peacan pie - yum, then ..............one more bownie. grrrr. I hate when I can't just say - NO THANK YOU.   Today, back on track,,,,,so far. Actually, I'm headed out to the gym to workout. So, hopefully I can work off the desserts from last night.   Tomorrow begins my 30 day countdown until surgery. I can't wait!




I am ready for my fill - NOW!

Yes, I want it now! Its so weird, some days I have good restriction, other days or weeks - I feel like I can eat an entire cow.   Friday night we go out to dinner, I did pretty good, I had humus, and steak and a little cabbage. The steak I could only eat about 2 oz , it was really good, but I got full.   Saturday - did pretty good - no exercise, but besides that, did okay   Sunday - blew it big time - ate and ate and ate, it seemed I couldn't get enougth food. grrrrrr.   One week from today is my fill appointment. I'm really tired of fills, this will be my 10TH! I'm sick of them, I'm ready to hit the sweet spot and lose this freaken weight. I'm tired of yo-yoing - I've yo-yod all my life, I'm ready to be at goal!   Today my menu:   Bfast yogurt, granola, coffee w/cream   snack string cheese   lunch string cheese, shaved turkey   dinner salad chicken with multi-grain wrap   Exercise today: 10:00 am - 15 min elliptical 3:00 pm - 15 min elliptical   8:30 - upper body workout after workout - 4 oz protein shake   wt - didn't weigh today -




I am now more convinced that the steroids are making me Gain!

Yes, I ate so good yesterday, I worked out, I drank my water, and I was expecting to see the scales go down. Well, WRONG. They went up antoher 2 lbs! What the Heck? I am now more convinced than ever it has to be the steroids I'm taking making me gain.:party::eek::frown::mad:   I have put on more than 15 lbs in the past month. I've been taking them for 6 weeks now and this is my last week, thank gawd!   I hope the weight falls off as quickly as it has come on.   Besides the steroids, my fill level is not right, my life seems so out of control lately and I'm not dealing with it very well. Wonder if the steroids are making me moody too?   Okay, I'm going to sign off and try and think positive!:tt2:   Wt - 188.2




How to get insurance to pay for your PS part 2

Another important thing is to be diligent. Insurance companies often have tactics to discourage you from seeking approval for procedures. Usually, the insurance company would prefer that you pay for reconstructive procedures yourself. So if you are initially denied: appeal, appeal, appeal. By law, the steps detailing how to appeal are listed on any letter that informs you of a denial. Take advantage of the information, and be prepared to submit an appeal in writing as necessary. Although with insurance companies, written documentation is king. But don’t be afraid to also call the insurance company to try to find out what factors led to their decision. (That’s what I did after I was initially denied, once I found out who made the decision, I called more than once and asked if my entire file was sent. After some research, I had the file sent again to the doctor who acted as the clinical director and I was later approved. ) Once documentation is received by the insurance company you'd be surprised how often file documents are separated, lost or mislaid. So if the insurance company or a specific department of the company (like the Pre-Determination department, which often makes the decision for reconstructive surgeries) says they didn’t receive the photos along with your file - then ask your surgeon’s office send them again. If they don’t have copies of letters from your other doctors, be prepared to send those again as well. Make sure you are fully prepared with any documentation they would need to make their decision, and you are better assured of approval. NOTES - I don't really know who to give credit for, but I found it while googling on someones blog, I couldn't find a name. But It is not mine - although this person was very informative and I appreciate her cander.




How to get insurance to pay for your PS

I found this while searching on the net, so I wanted to save it for future reference. I'm down around 70 to 80 lbs and so far the only thing I'm experiencing is lower back pain. I still have more weight to lose, but so far everyone tells me no need for tummy tuck. But you never know, I want to have all the info I can in case I do require one.     GET INSURANCE APPROVAL FOR COSMETIC SURGERY   Since I previously worked at an insurance company and have discussed what I’ve learned there, I often get inquiries about how to get insurance approval for cosmetic surgery after weight loss. It is possible to have the insurance company approve payment for your reconstructive surgery. The most common type of surgery requested after weight loss is an abdominoplasty.This single surgery can make one of the biggest differences in the body – it removes excess skin and tissue of the abdomen area. This procedure is also often called a “Tummy Tuck.” Do not EVER use the term Tummy Tuck when communicating with your insurance company – they consider this strictly a cosmetic surgery term and they do not like it. Once thing I’ve learned with having worked at an insurance company is that how you communicate with them is as important as what you say. The abdominoplasty is a term used to cover a few different procedures. Two of the terms, panniculectomy and abdominoplasty are often used interchangeably, but the terms actually have some subtle differences.   In a panniculectomy, the hanging or excess skin of the pannus (the lower part of your abdomen) is removed surgically.In this procedure, muscle repair may not be done – in most adults who have had weight changes or pregnancy there is often some separation of the abdominal muscles.   In an abdominoplasty, this excess skin is removed and often there is a repair of the abdominal muscles if there is separation or loosening of the muscles in this area. Hernias in this area are usually covered by insurance, and the repair of these hernias is often done simultaneously with an abdominoplasty.   I think the keys to insurance approval are very simple. It's difficult for one doctor to completely ignore another - so I always try to have my insurance approvals passed on to the clinical doctor in whatever group is in charge of making the decision.   To make sure this happens, I include a lot of doctors' letters in any file that is going to be sent to an insurance company. By this I mean letters from your PCP or General Practitioner, letters from your OB/Gyn, your dermatologist - any doctors you have.Add these letters along with the file and photos that your Plastic Surgeon will send to the insurance company.   Now after a massive weight loss, it is inevitable you'll have lots of excess skin. For that reason, I suggest you make sure that the insurance company understands that it's not cosmetic reasons that you want this skin removed - but for medical reasons.   In other words, you want to make sure that they understand that this excess skin (and excess tissue, especially in the areas of your abdomen, thighs, hips etc - and perhaps even your bust) is interfering with your daily function and life.   The things I would stress would be the issues that occur with excess skin. These may seem gross but they are actual medicalresults of excess or hanging skin. If your hanging abdominal skin is forming an apron of skin that hangs toward your pelvic area, then this may cause complications that can be used as justification for approving your abdominoplasty surgery.   The idea is if you have any of these conditions to make sure that your doctor notes you've been diagnosed or treated with it. Or if you haven't been diagnosed but the doctor knows you are PRONE to this conditions this can be used as justification for getting your surgery before you suffer from these conditions. For example, if a female has been treated for yeast infections from her OB/Gyn, then it is perfectly acceptable for that doctor to note that the hanging skin might make you prone to that condition (even if it has not yet surfaced.)   Letters from your dermatologist noting skin irritations, rashes, infections from your hanging skin or having been treated with medication for these conditions is also a very strong factor in getting approval. A letter from your urologist might mention if you've been diagnosed as having excess abdominal skin that is pressing or your bladder or urethra. This pressure can cause various urological conditions and disorders.   If you’ve been treated by a chiropractor for any lower back pain, any type of alignment difficulties or other conditions that might be affected by hanging or excess skin, get a letter documenting that.   It has been studied that every one pound of abdominal tissue add 10 pounds of strain on the disks of the spine and lower back. The extra weight affects the normal curve of the spine and contributes to lower back pain. In other words, an extra five pounds can add 50 lbs of strain to the lower back. And extra ten pounds of abdominal tissue can add 100 lbs of strain to the disks of the lower back and this is another reason this area common suffers abdominal hernias (this is especially true after changes in weight, pregnancy, and abdominal surgeries).   Your PCP or Family doctor can also be of great help in helping the insurance company to realize that getting an abdominoplasty is reconstructive and not cosmetic. Having this doctor detail the conditions you’ve experienced is essential to getting approval for this procedure.   Insurance companies are often in the business of not approving procedures that they even suspect are not medically necessary but cosmetic. Make sure that your documentation reflects common medical industry terminology (writing panniculectomy or abdominoplasty instead of Tummy Tuck, as discussed earlier) and utilizing the correct codes to document the conditions that you may suffer from. If you have even more significant excess skin that extends throughout your lower body area, then the more severe Belt Lipectomy or even a Lower Body Lift may be needed. This procedure involves a full around-the-world incision that spans your entire body. The surgical and recovery times are also more lengthy in this much more costly procedure and often insurance companies are hesitant to approve a Belt Lipectomy or Lower Body Lift without some significant documentation to show that it is needed.   The CPT code for the abdominoplasty procedure is generally CPT 15831 – The excision of excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue. (This is the code that is on my insurance approval letter for my abdominoplasty.) The code for removal of excess hip area tissue is CPT 15834. With other areas included (flanks, back) it is CPT 15839. If this process includes suction-assisted lipectomy (like liposuction) then it can be CPT 15877. (Note: Insurance companies are notoriously loathe to approve CPT 15877 as they consider it cosmetic.)   It is important to document that the excess skin is not a cosmetic issue but is “interfering with exercise, hygiene and health” and that it is not cosmetic.   The following is a list of common industry ICD-9 codes are descriptive diagnostic codes that used to describe symptoms, in this case relating to excess skin. These can be used in the letters that describe the various conditions and symptoms that are prompting you to seek the surgery.   Panniculitis 729.39 - Skin irritation underneath pannus area Large pannus 701.9 - Redundant skin, lower abdominal area Intertrigo 695.89 - Rashes & Irritation of skin in pannus area Back pain 724.1 - Back pain from diminished abdominal muscle Skin Abcess 682.2 - Can result from excess or hanging skin   This is just some of the information that can be included in the documentation provided to the insurance company. I know I did not want to wait until my excess skin became a full hanging apron, so I knew I had to be persistent and diligent in seeking insurance approval.




How much Money my surgery has cost me so far

So far, here is the out of pocket expenses my part:   $50.00 - sleep study test bill finally came in   $25.00 - sleep study consultation with doc, copay amount   $43.50 - My first fill (3/6/07)   $532.12 - Additional hospital bill from Southcrest (3/6/07)   $200 - I had to pay a fee of $200 to my doc for processing the paperwork for insurance. This is non refundable, and the insurance does not pay this.   $90.00 - Upper GI fee at the hospital.   $43.50 - My estimated cost for the hospital fee for the surgery.   $173.00 - Had to pay an additional $173 to the hospital because they kept me overnight.   $400 - Deposit to my surgeon for my surgery. Not sure if I will owe more, or if part will be refunded once my insurance pays everything.   $200 - Deposit to the assistant to my surgeon, he opens me up for my surgeon.   $75 - Pysch Eval ($50 was for testing supplies, $25 for copay)   $25 - Copay to surgeon for pre-surgery consultation.   So far, I've spent $833.50 on the surgery, not bad for me. I have a sleep study test tonight, so not sure how much that will cost me.




How long can I go?

A new challenge to myself, How long can I go without Sugar? I was on day 3 until last night. However, I really don't feel I did too bad. We went out to the "all you can eat buffet", I fixed my plate and ate, I mainly ate a salad. Anyhow, after dinner, everyone was going for dessert, so I followed right along. I fixed me some of this warm chocolate cake and some bread pudding. Well, I had about 1 bite of the bread pudding and maybe 3 of(very small bites) the cake, it just wasn't that good and I didn't want to wast calories on something that I didn't really like. So, I just didn't eat anymore.   But I decided instead of going for the cake, I should have just said NO. So now I'm going to challenge myself, how long can I go challenge. I like to have some type of snack at night, so I am having SF jello or SF pudding instead of my usual dessert.   So - we'll start today, DAY 1!   Menu   Bfast 1 orange coffee with cream   Lunch Roasted chicken salad   Dinner Roast carrots   Snack SF Jello, SF cool whip



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
