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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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October 5, 2007 - long time no post, but back in action!

Okay, I haven't posted since JULY!!! Here is what has been going on -   I leave 8/4/07 for a vacation that we saved for for an entire year, we were headed to the Carribean for a 7 day cruise with my husbands entire immediate family.   Things started off great, great whether, I looked darned good in my $280 pink beaded gown (got it for $24.00 on clearance - what a steal). My DH & I booked a private room on the cruise and my kids were in the next room - how much more romantic good you get? I decided I would splurge on the trip, eat whatever the heck I wanted, so I order the chocolate melting cake after dinner. Let me tell you it was heavenly!   Well, day 2 of the cruise was huge party, all the cruise passengers were divided up into teams, Red, White & Blue were the team colors. We were the White team. That evening, we went to the lounge where all the other fellow white team members were, and everyone was on the dance floor having a great time. Then they said they would tap couple on the shoulders and they wanted them to stay on the dance floor for a "dance off". Wouldn't you know it, my DH & I were chosen. So we are out there dancing and having a great time, and we're down to the final 4 couples, and suddenly, the floor was wet, and my leg slipped. I tried to not fall, but down I went. As I went down I felt things inside my leg rip like never before. I could not get up. My DH & others carried me off the dance floor and I was in so much pain. The nurse came up with a wheel chair and I opted not to go to the doctor on the ship (its about $300 minimum to see the doc). I wanted to put ice on it and see how it felt the next morning.   The next morning, it was as big as the ship (my knee). So I went to see the doc, who basically told me there was nothing they could do. They gave me a shot for pain & swelling and wrapped it up and said enjoy the rest of the trip. Yeah, right.   So, the remainder of the 5 days I was in a wheel chair and made the best of my trip. I wasn't able to snorkle, or go the beach, or even swim. But I did drink, eat and have some fun. I enjoyed watching everyone else, but I was in a lot of pain.   Okay, fast forward.....We arrive home on 9/12/07 only to find our house had completely flooded, I mean every room! It was totally ruined! Or at least unlivable for a few weeks. The smell was horrid. So here I am, totally unable to walk, no house to live in, by this time, I'm really feeling sorry for myself - so I eat...and eat, and eat some more. Bad habits sure do come back fast!   Fast forward again.....I had surgery on my knee 8/22. They replaced two of my legiments with donors, and fixed another one (MCL, LCL & ACL were all damaged). They also had to clean out my cartlidge, and do a major menicus repair, drilled wholes in my knee and everything. The doctor broke the bad knews that I would not be able to put any weight on my right knee for at least 6 weeks and I would be totally bed ridden for 2 weeks. So, what do I do, I eat, and I eat and eat. My congregation were so kind to prepare meals for my family, and let me tell you, the ladies cooked wonderful - but fattening meals. But I ate them anyhow. How could I not?   Fast forward, during this time, my grandmother grew ill, she & I are extremely close - I am also her power of attorney. Well, she passed away so I had to deal with planning the entire funeral with no help from my family. They were all wanting to do it their way when they knew how she wanted her memorial. They knew she gave me specific instructions, so I fought with them and this caused more emotional eating.   Well, my house is almost back in order, I am now able to put a little weight on my right knee, and walking now with 1 crutch. I survived my grandmothers funeral - and I finally stepped on the scales.....I was so shocked and relieved to see the scales went up 5 lbs. Yes, only 5 lbs!!!!!   I love the band, I truly love this band. Pre band, I would have gained a minimum of 20 lbs. I have done it over and over and over. I always gain quickly and after 2 months of eating whatever I wanted, I am shocked the scales are only up 5 lbs.   The day I left for the cruise I weighed in at 174.6 - I was up about 3 lbs, because I was down to 171. I weighed this morning and I'm down to 175.6 - almost my pre cruise weight.   I feel like the past 2 months were just a waste for me, but on the other hand I've learned that I will never be fat again as long as I have my band!!! I can go off of dieting and not gain 20lbs. I am so happy with the band.   Now that I am over my self-pitty party, its back to the grind with eating right. I can't exercise yet, but I can't wait to get back into gear with exercise.   Well, thats my end of summer story....I'm looking forward to getting my life back on track!




23 days until Band Land

Wow, just 23 more days until I'm banded. I still can't believe it and I still freak out from time to time, but getting better.   Eating was just bad this weekend due to the holidays, and poor food choices. I'm back on track this morning, and going to do my best to stick to it until 1/4 when I will begin my liquid diet.   I'm having a weird pain on my right side (where my gall bladder was), I'm not sure what it is, but I think it might be muscle spasms, I had it BEFORE my gall bladder was removed, and now I'm having them again.   I'm hoping with my upper GI they can see something and tell me what it is. I have that on the 4th.   Anyhow, I better get to work, I'm just checking in. I didn't exercise over the weekend, they closed my gym down for the holidays. I'll get back in the grove tonight I think.




I am totally sucking the last few days!

Okay, I guess the carb demons are getting to me in the evening time. I do great all day long, then evening is here and I cheat!!!!   Yesterday we went to a going away party for one of our Elders at my church. I had a protein shake for breakfast, and then drank another one for lunch, just because I was on the run.   I did pretty good with dinner at the party, except the dessert table kept calling my name. I snuck over and had a brownie, then I had a 1/4 piece of peacan pie - yum, then ..............one more bownie. grrrr. I hate when I can't just say - NO THANK YOU.   Today, back on track,,,,,so far. Actually, I'm headed out to the gym to workout. So, hopefully I can work off the desserts from last night.   Tomorrow begins my 30 day countdown until surgery. I can't wait!




4 days until band land

Today marks 4 more days until my banding. :clap2: I had to start the liquid diet today, and I must say, I have failed. I've tried to be good, I really have. But I'm so hungry! I've got to do better at this!   1 cup of broth slim fast lc shake 1 choco chip cookie bite of pizza sf jello applie juice 1 cup of broth Nectar Protein shake Bite of garlic bread :embarassed:   IVE GOT TO DO BETTER! What the heck is wrong with me? I could kick myself!   I received a call from my docs off on Friday. My surgery time is 1:00 and I have to be at the hospital at 11:00 am. I'm not sure if I will have to spend the night at the hospital or not since my surgery is so late in the afternoon. I was hoping it would be earlier in the day since I can't have ANYTHING to eat and they are making me wait until 1:00 freaking o'clock. The losers!




1 month out, going for 2

I'm now focussing on what I can accomplish durring my 2nd month with the band. I am focussing more on EXERCISE and not weight loss durring this month. So, with that said, I am staying off the scales! The scales are a serious weakness for me, But I'm trying to get my mind right and just stay off of them for awhile. What I really want to focuss on is exercise.   I was to get up this AM to exercise, however, I forgor that my daughter has flute lessons tonight, and so on Mondays, I'll be exercising in the evening time. That way I can drop her off at flute lessons, go exercise, then come back to get her, it works out better.   My menu today   Bfast SF Yogurt with 2 TBSP of granola   Lunck 2 oz of salmon sweet potatoe   Dinner salmon - 2 oz sweet potatoe - about 2 TSP 1/2 of the inside of egg roll   Workout - 30 min on Treadmill, at 2.9 mph, 2.5% incline, 1.43 miles.   GOALS FOR THE WEEK Take my viatimin everyday workout 30 min 5 x's Drink my 64 oz of water everyday.




Its my 2 mon Banding Birthday, and I'm finally to ONEderland!

I am so excited, I woke up (by the way - TOM is here and going strong) so I didn't want to weigh, but decided I would anyhow and not get depressed if the scales showed way up. But since its 2 month band birthday, I will weigh and measure - below are my results   Beginning weight - 248, todays weight (drum roll please) 198.0 I have reached the 50 lbs mark!!!!!!!!! YAY!   Before /1 month out/ 2 months out Waist - 41 1/2" / 38" / 36 = lost 5 1/2" Hips - 51" / 46 1/2 / 45" = lost 6" Left Thigh - 28" / 26 1/4"/ 24" = lost 4" calves - 17" / 15 1/2"/ 15 = lost 2" left arm - 15 1/2" / 14" / 13 = lost 2" breast - 43" / 40"/ 39" = lost 4" under breast - 37"/36 1/2" / 36" = lost 1"   TOTAL INCHES LOST = 24 1/2" (One month post op was 17 1/4", so I've lost an addidtional 7 1/4" in the last 30 days!)   BEGINNING WEIGHT = 248/198 = lost total 50 lbs (pre-op & post op)




30 Days and counting

Yepper, 30 more days until Band Date!!!!   I went to the gym AGAIN last night. I did another 20 minutes on the Elliptical - Then 10 min on treadmill.   I almost talked myself out of going to the gym. My DH was trying to talk me out of going, telling me to stay home with him. He even said, its fun being fat. LOL. He is 6'1 and weighs 180lbs, perfect size, no fat. But he didn't want me to leave him last night, so was trying everything to get me to stay home. I told him I was only doing 30 minutes and would be back. The big baby.   I did make it to the gym and it took me about 10 minutes to really get into the exercising, I kept watching the time and thinking (I can't believe its only been 3 min etc. ) I didn't think I was going to be able to do it, I just didn't have it in me last night. But I forced myself to do it, and I'm happy I did.   Today is a party at work and lots of goodies. I plan on enjoying myself and not feeling guilty with whatever I eat. I was offered some homemade cinnamon rolls this morning, but I declined since I know I will be eating more than I should for lunch.   I am not going to over do it, but I am sure I will eat more than I should. I will exercise again tonight.   Well, off to get a little work done before my party.....30 more days until my band date - YAY!




Happy 5 month Band Anniversary to me

Today makes my official 5 months since having surgery.   I'm down 70 lbs (I will take my measurements tonight and post them)   It's also the end of 8 weeks of the BFL challenge and starting the 9th week (only 4 more weeks to finsih the challenge).   I'm at a stand still right now. I didn't lose this week - but didn't eat right either.   My results below Beginning Weight = 248 1 mo post op - 206.8 2 mo post op - 198 3 mo post op - 193 4 mo post op - 184.2 5 mo post op - 178.0   Total pounds lost to date 70:whoo:




4/27/07 day 5 of 84 BFL Challenge

m1 - The inside of a sausage roll (not the bread - and not the best choice) m2 - coffee w/cream m3 - salad - 3/4 cup, dressing on side m4 - chineese stir fry m5   Exercise - UBWO   Notes - wt this morning 193.2 - no loss since the 18th. grrrrrr. My weight keeps bouncing from 192 to 196, seem to be stuck, but I don't care, I feel so damn good these days, and I must say, I am looking good. lol. Or at least I feel like I do.




Day 23 of the 84 day challenge

Notes - Tom has gotten the best of me this month, I must get my head screwed back on straight. I had a binge fest last night, ate too much. Never PB'd but ended up sliming on a 1/2 of brownie - yuck. Then late night,had some nachos, and ended up waking up with acid reflux a little (the nachos still in my pouch because went to bed right after I ate them). I also ate 2 bowels of cereal, and a bowel of soup. A complete pig last night.   This morning, the alarm went off to go exercise, I turned it off and rolled back over, couldn't even get out of bed. So mad at myself this morning. Now I must go exercise tonight! I will not miss a workout session - I will not do it! I must go exercise! I must I must I must!   Driving into work this morning, I had a long talk with myself and told myself I need to get my head back into the game. So today, its back into the game, no more binging, no more excuses!   M1 - Caramel light frapp. M2 - 3 oz of baked fish and 1/2 cup of salad with spritz on dressing (1 cal per spray, had 5 sprays) M3 - laughing cow cheese - light - 1 oz M4 - 3/4 cup of turkey chili with 1 oz of cheese M5   Exercise #1 - (3:00 pm) 20 min on Elliptical (HIIT) - 210 calories, 1.62 distance, upped the resistance to level 4. My legs are burning!   Exercise #2 - UBWO (9:30 pm)   Exercsise #3 - Yes number 3 - did 30 min on treadmill, 4% incline, 3.3 mph, 248 calories, 1.82 distance.   Wt this morning - 189.2 (geeze - I'm going the wrong direction!) I'm not weighing again until Sunday! Friday is my 4 month anniversary (with the band) and Sunday is my 4 week BFL update. So, I will weight Sunday for both ocassions, and take my 4 week BFL picture and measurements.




5/7/01 day 15 of 84 day challenge

M1 - Brocolli salad with chicken added in - about 3/4 cup M2 - coffee with cream m3 - Brocolli salad with chicken added in - about 1 cup M4 - sugar free/fat free ice cream (not the best choice, need more protein!) M5 -   Notes - wt 188.4 - Major sweet tooth, TOM must be getting closer, I think I'm due around the 14th. Didn't get up in the am to exercise, raining cats & dogs, will have to do it tonight.   Exercise - 20 min on Elliptacal (HIIT) 186 calories.




4/25/07 Day 3 of 84 BFL challenge

M1 - 1 oz of chicken, 1 oz of light swiss cheese M2 - coffee with cream M3 - 1 cup of salad with grilled chicken strips (2 oz), dressing on side M4 - 3 oz of yogurt, 2 oz of cottage cheese M5   Exercise LBWO - 5 am - 3 min warmup   Quads Leg lifts (machine) 12 - 10 10 - 10 8 - 15 6 - 25 12 - 20 Leg Presses - 12 - 90lbs   Hamstrings 12 - 10 10 - 20 8 - 20 6 - 25 12 - 25 (leg curls machine) 12 - 30lbs   Calves 12 - 50 10 - 70 8 - 90 6 - 110 12 - 90 12 - 90 lbs   ABS Crunches - incline Machine Ab crunches - no weights   Exercise #2 - 3:15 pm - 27 min on treadmill, 3% incline, 3.3 to 3.4 mph, 1.46 distance, 213 calories   Notes - Today was really hard getting out of bed, I've been tired all day, I just realized that the reason is I didn't sleep with my cpap machine last night, I will make sure I sleep with it tonight!




November is going to be a GREAT month!

Okay - November, I'm starting off with the right mind and doing it right! I WILL lose weight this month, I WILL stay true to my Billy Bob (the name of my band), I WILL get back to exercising this month, and I WILL keep my journal updated more.   I talked to my Physical therapyst today regarding the elliptical machine, she gave me the okay to start on it this weekend, however, I have to take it slllooooow. She said no more than 15 min to start out on and not to go super fast (this is going to be hard for me to follow - but I will do my best). So, I am planning on exercising tomorrow. Next week, it will be back to the 5 am exercises I think. I'm going to try and do 15 min everyday next week of the elliptical!   My menu today   Bfast - liquid calories - bad bad bad (had a white mocha been coffee drink - grrrrrrr so mad at myself)   Lunch - about 1/2 cup of cottage cheese mixed with 1/2 container of carb control yogurt   snack - hand full of nuts which included almonds, macadamias, cashews.   Dinner - Salad bar from Ruby Tuesdays   Exercise - worked out at the PT office - did 10 min on bike, did some leg lifts, and did some resistance with my knee on 20 lbs (ouch).   Afternoon Exercise - did 10 min on recumbant bike   Suppliments - took 1 Quickslim-30, daily 5 veggie & fruit drink




My fill history - updated

Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's) Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more! Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter. Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince 11/23/07 - Unfill - Got unfill and because of the swelling and all the PBing, doc took my fill down to 3.0cc's. NO RESTRICTION AGAIN Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital and the Doc had to take me back down to 3.0. grrrr. Now I'm back where I was in November, barely restriction again. Fill #9 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.:thumbup:




Goodbye 170's and hello 160's!

I am saying goodbye to the 170's, and good ridance! I am sick of the 170's! I am so happy to officially weigh in at 169.4 this morning.   I know a lot of it has to do with the fact I was sick all weekend, and barely ate a thing. But hey, I'm happy anyhow.   I also am having really good restriciton these days, might be that fill #13 - but either way, I can only eat a few bites before I am totally stuffed. I love it! I just love restriction and it is soooo hard for me to get it. I must be some type of genetic freak!   Now that I'm on the mend from my virus I had, I MUST now focus on my exercise. The past few weeks I've been sick and just haven't been able to do it, no energy, no mojo, no nothing.   Well, will update my blog later.




8 more days until Banding!

8 days and counting! One week and 1 day, or 192 hours to go. I feel like singing - 8 bottles of beer on the wall, 8 bottles of beer, you take one down, you pass it around, 7 more bottles of beer on the wall...come on, you know the song. lol.   Okay, I'm really goofy this morning, probably because I had my sleep study test last night, and I really don't think I ever went to sleep. My mind was going crazy most of the night.   I got to the sleep study center at 9:30pm, they hooked me up and I was in bed around 11:00 pm. I turned the tv off and decided I was going to get a good night sleep. Well, I remember the tech coming in at some point during the night, and readjusted my nose piece, seems it came off. Then the next thing I remember is he came in around 5:30 am, and told me I had 3 pages of paper work to complete. As he was unhooking me he asked if I felt I didn't get to sleep last night, and I said "kinda", he then said he couldn't discuss my test, but don't be surprised if they have me come back. As I was leaving, he again said be prepared to come back before the surgery. Not sure what all that means, and hopefully the doctor will call me today to go over my test results.   I have a headache this morning as usual, I usually wake up with one so its nothing new (that was something that they said is a sign of sleep apnea).   When I went in for the pre-test yesterday, I spoke to the doctor and I asked her if I would know the results of my test when I woke up. She said no, and the techs were not allowed to discuss them. She did tell me if they came in and placed a ccap machine on me, that was a sure sign that I had apnea and needed the machine. So, they never did that, so I might not have apnea, not sure. I just know that I snore, like a freaking lion. This morning when I got home, my DH asked how it went and I told him what they said, he said 9 times out of 10, I'm sleeping like a log. I told him just because I'm snoring doesn't mean I'm in a deep sleep.   Well - there you have it, my journal for the day.




Update on Sleep Study Test

I received a call from the sleep center and it turns out the doc is recommending 12 cc of oxygen/air for me everynight. She said the average is 8 - 10 cc so I'm slightly above average. Not sure what that means??   They will call me back later today to get me set up to come pick up my cpap machine and show me how to clean it etc. They want me to have it before my surgery. She stated that I would heal faster with the machine.




17 more days until banding. I'm in the teens!

Yes, I'm finally in the teens. Only 17 more days until my surgery!   Its 12:21 am, its officially January 1, 2007. I can say, "I'm getting banded THIS MONTH". YAY.   EATING HAS SUCKED! Maybe I'm finally getting that "last super syndrome". I go on my preop on the 4th, so I guess I've been eating everything this weekend.   I am not weighing any more until the day of my surgery. I won't weigh again until my 2 week checkup and then on my 6 week fill appointment.   That is my New Years resolution (one of them anyhow) - I will not let the scales control my emotions!:clap2:




A poem I wanted to remember, got it off of a thread here.

The Woman in the Mirror Walking past the mirrored glass, I take a timid peak. I see a woman staring back, I am to choked up to speak. The puffiness, at last is gone, the skin pink and glowing. The many pounds that melted off, Finally, now is showing. Hard to believe until recently, the same woman was dying. Stuffing the food to ease the pain, Heartbroken and crying. Life revolved around each snack,She lived for every meal. Anything to numb the hurt, She did not want to feel. When did she get so pretty? When did God remove this grief? How did this miricle happen? Who provided this relief? What a gift!! A second chance!! I thank god everyday. For his grace in showing me, there is a better way. I walk, I dance, I make love too, my heart is filled with gladness. I am out of bondage, I am out of pain, there is no more room for sadness. This woman in the mirror, Smiles softly back at me. She has good cause to be pleased, She has finally been set free!!!




Happy 4 mo band anniversary to me and 4 weeks completed the BFL

Its been 4 months since banding and 4 weeks since starting the BFL challenge.   Wt this morning 184.2   My results below Beginning Weight = 248 1 mo post op - 206.8 2 mo post op - 198 3 mo post op - 193 4 mo post op - 184.2   Total lost = 63.8   My measurements:   Before /1 month out/ 2 months out/3 mos /4 mos Waist - 41 1/2" / 38" / 36 /36/ 35 Hips - 51" / 46 1/2 / 45"/44" /43 Left Thigh - 28" / 26 1/4"/ 24"/23 1/2/22 3/4" calves - 17" / 15 1/2"/ 15 /16/15 left arm - 15 1/2" / 14" / 13/13/12 3/4" breast - 43" / 40"/ 39/38 1/2/39" yay! growing under breast - 37"/36 1/2" / 36"/36/36   TOTAL INCHES LOST= 29.5"   BFL RESULTS AFTER 4 WEEKS BEGINNING/4 WEEKS RESULTS Weight - 195/ 184.2 Body Fat - 41%/ Lean body mass - 115 lbs Fat weight - 80 lbs Neck - 14"/14" Waist - 36"/35" Forearm - 9 1/4"/9" Wrist - 6 1/4"/6" Hips 44"/43" Thigh - 23 1/2/22 3/4" Bicep - 13 chest - 38 1/2 calve - 16"




The 2007 New Years Resolutions/Goals

1. Not to let the scales become my center of life   2. Focus on becoming healthy by doing the following a) Getting Lapband Excercising - will work up to 5 days a week. Right now, making it a goal to exercise 3 x's per week c) Making better choices, but not beat myself up if I make the wrong choice, realizing I'm only human.   3. Work on paying off my debt. I will do this by not using my credit cards in 2007.   4. Work on having a better relationship with my teenage children. I will do this by spending more quality time with them.   5. I also want to make it a habit to read my daily scriptures. I will do this by keeping them in my car so I will remember to read them.   6. I want to work at being a better employee at work. I will do this by spending less time on the internet.   These are just a few of my goals, and I will update them as I think of more.




9 more days until banding

WOW, we are in the single digits now. Just 9 more days until I'm in band land!   Yesterday was a very busy day, today is busy as well, and tomorrow is too. Matter of fact, this entire week is busy for me between work and all my doc appointments, I'm just a bit stressed today!   Yesterday here is how my day went:   8:30 - 11:15 - my preop. Had my blood work done, also an EKG, and chest xrays. I had to fill out and sign a ton of paperwork with the nurse, I paid my part of the hospital which was $43.50. I think I got out cheap on that one, she said the cost was $29,679, the discount rate negotiated with the insurance was $435 and I owed 10% of that. Cool. I had one small problem with the hospital, they had me put in my own words what I was having done and I told them a hiatal hernia repair and lap band. Well the problem was, the doctor didn't send an order for the hernia repair, so that caused a little stink, but the hospital nurse called my docs nurse and I think they got it worked out.   11:45 - I had to get my upper cervical care done at my chiopractor's office, my neck was killing me.   I got thru with the doc and swung thru KFC, got an order of boneless chicken wings, hot flavored and tried to eat them in the car, big mistake, too messy and they tasted bad, I ended up throwing them out.   I ran by to pick my daughter's skirt up from the alterations place before my next appointment which was at 1:00 pm with the Psych lady. We went over some stress techniques, craving techniques etc. She said I am ready for surgery. I got out of there around 1:50, I had to run to my docs office to take a short quiz they give every Monday from 1:30 - 2:30 (in between that I made a deposit at my bank). I had to show them that I knew about the changes I was about to make. I passed the test. Got thru with them at 2:30. Then I had a 3:00 pm appt with the dietician. We went thru a lot of info. Found out my clear liquid diet is no longer just 48 hours before surgery, but they are now requiring it to be FOUR days before surgery. So Sunday, I will have to start on clear liquids. eeks. I finished with the dieticial at around 4:20, had to meet with the surgeons office at 4:30 to go over the pre-surgery consultation. I didn't get out of his office until after 6:00 - I had a looong day.   I had a total of 6 appointments yesterday and managed to fit everyone of them in. I even was able to squeeze in two errands in (picked my daughters skirt up & went to bank).   I have to leave today at 11:00 from work to meet with the sleep center people. Then I will go back there tonight at 9:30 and spend the night there for my sleep study test. :notagree . I'm actually looking forward to this, I can sleep all by myself in a huge bed (my DH smothers me at night - he is a snuggler and I am not).   My eating was really off yesterday, I could kick myself. However, I will not cheat any more, promise! I ended up eating a dish from Zios, which had some pasta in it.   Well, I've got a ton to do at work because I am leaving next week, so I am going to stay focussed at work!



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
