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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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Life is good - The scale is steadily moving down, although the 2nd time around trying to lose this is a lot SLOWER. I'm losing a steady 1 pound per week, I wish it was more, but I am just glad the scale is moving down!   I had a great workout last night, was in the gym about an hour and 1/2. I did 45 min cardio and about 3o to 45 min on the weights, worked my biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, and chest. Did a total of 45 on the elliptical. I am doing circuit training these days. Below is about how I do my circuit training:   15 min - Elliptical (I get my heartbeat up) Jump off Elliptical - did some Pectorial Flys (works the chest) 3 sets and then jumped on the tricep machine and did another 3 sets.   Jumped back on the Elliptical machine - for another 10 minutes - to get my heartbeat back up   Jumped off and worked my biceps (did curls) and shoulders (a killer workout)   Jumped back on my elliptical, this time I did 20 minutes = a total of 45 minutes   Finished the evening working my back.........   I figured out I burned around 550 to 600 calories last night - 450 just on the elliptical machine - I love the elliptical machine!   Todays Menu   Bfast 1 serving of mini wheat ceral/skim milk, 1 sliced strawberry & some blueberries mixed in   Lunch Grilled chicken breast   Dinner ground beef salad   Exercise Circuit training - lower body/abs   wt - 176.1




Fill History

Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's   Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's   Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's)   Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more!   Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's   Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the best restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter.   Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince   UNFILL #1 - 11/23/07 - unfilled to somewhere between 2.5 to 3.0 cc's - NO RESTRICTIONS AGAIN :cursing:   Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital   UNFILL #2 - 1/19/08 - Doctor had to unfill me to 3.0 again because of the swelling from all the PBing for being too tight. Again, NO RESTRICTION - :frown:   Fill #9 - 2/12/08 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.   FILL #10 - 4/7/08 The doc just added .4cc's, making me at 3.9cc's. I think this might be the one!   FILL #11 - Was scheduled on 6/25/08 - but the doc did not fill me up, I was leaving for a cruise on 6/27 so he didn't want to risk me being too tight, so did not get a fill.   FILL #11 - 8/5/08 Went for a fill, this time the doc took all my fill out and all he could get out was 2.4 cc's. Filled me up to 4.0 cc's, I left, had to go right back because I could not drink, he took out a little over .2 cc's, he said I'm somewhere between 3.5 to 3.7 cc's. - I had great restriction for 2 weeks, but It has now loosened some. I feel I might need a tad more. I'm worried I have a very slow leak.   UNFILL #3 - 8/5/08 - Took a little over .2 cc's out, had pretty good restriction, but still a tad too lose.   FILL #12 - 9/17/08 - Added just 1/10th of a cc - I think I'm somewhere between 3.8 to 3.9 cc in a 4cc band. I am hoping and praying this is the fill that I stop with! I do not have another appointment for another fill, will wait this one out and see.




10/31/07 - long month, but finally going good

Its been a long Month, things in my life have been hectic, my knee surgery really put a damper on things. My house flooding was a total nightmare, and my grandmothers passing was a heartache.   As they say, Old habits are hard to break. I realized just how much I was an emotional eater. I did it before I even realized I was eating for comfort. I am trying to "think" before I eat now and it seems to be working. I'm trying to get back to the basics and follow the rules. They are easy to sway away from the longer you have the band. But let me tell you, they are rules that you need to follow for the rest of your life. At least, I need to follow them.   My knee is improving everyday. I'M OFF MY CRUTCHES officially today!!!! I'm so excited!!!! I still have my brace on, but soon, that will be leaving too! I'm still tight, and I still have to ice it down throughout the day, but I can deal with that. I am going to probably get to start out SLOWLY next week on the elliptical machine. YAY.   My house, it looks so pretty now. Still have a lot of tiny things to do, but it looks like a home again!!!! I love my new wood floors, I love my new tile in the bathroom, I love my new paint in the bedrooms and new carpet. It looks like a totally new home (its about 40 years old).   My restriction has really kicked in, I have to slow down on drinking and eating. I get full quickly, so I'm making sure I eat good healthy protein that my body needs.   I'm taking the quickslim 30 (on my 2nd day of it), so I'm anxious to see if this will help me as well. I don't feel any different taking it, I don't feel like I have a lot of energy, or don't feel like I don't. I really feel the same. I do think it could be helping me with my appetite.   I was going to "try" and stay off scales, but I couldn't do it, I ended up weighing this morning and it said 170.4. So, I'm losing!!!!!   I am hoping by Monday, I will see the 160's! OMG, I can't believe I'm going to weigh in the 160's. Thats so hard for me to comprehend. when I say it out loud, or type it out loud, it just seems so unreal to me. It makes me want to cry. My eyes are tearing up now. I just can't believe I'm no longer morbidly obese. I am no longer Severe overweight, but the charts show Overweight and getting close to the "healthy weight" range. I'm out of the Red Zone on the charts.   I never want to go back to my old self, never ever ever! I feel so much better now. I love my new me. I'm trying to look past my imprefections (stretch marks, scars, sagging skin etc) and see what my DH tells me all the time - That I'm beautiful. Thats so hard for me, I still see myself as a fat ugly person. I know others don't see me that way, I get told I'm beautiful all the time, however it is hard to have a good self image of myself when I let myself go for so long.....but this is something I am working on. I want to be happy with my body and my looks and accept the things that I cannot change.   Okay - back to work I go............




2/20/07 Menu

Bfast - 6 oz protein shake made with skim milk   Lunch - had 2 chips with a little queso on it, had a taco salad about 1/4 of it made with fahitta chicken and had about 1/2 cup of quacomole on it. Did not eat it all, brought the majority of it home. DH will eat it tonight   Snack - Low Carb Yogurt with 2 tsp of granola mixed in (9 grms of protein)   Dinner - 7 low fat wheat thins with hummus (too many)   snack - about 4 pieces thru the day of Dove SF chocolate - too many   Exercise - NONE, I'm so mad at myself   Water - about 45 oz - grrrr, I must get to 64 oz.   Supplements - 1 Viactiv multi-Vitamin, Liquid B-12 complex   Notes - Not really a good day today, I felt more hungry than previous days. I think I'm losing my restriction. I dealt with head hunger too. I was constantly looking for something to put in my mouth and I really had to watch myself. I am at the end of TOM, so not sure if that had anything to do with it. For the heck of it, I stepped on the scales (which I said I wasn't going to do) and I'm up 2 lbs (208.2). I'm not really worried about it, I figured my weight would go up some eating solid foods again, I hope it starts going back down soon. I am mad at myself for not getting out of bed this AM to exercise. Thats what I am focussed on this week - I want to get back into the habit of exercising, and it is so hard!




7 days until banding

OMG - we are down to 1 week! I'm so excited!   I have to be really strict from today going forward! No cheating what so ever. Sunday, I have to begin my clear liquids, not fun.   Yay, I'm going to be skinny!





Wt this morning 170.3 I'm feeling bloated, tired, sick, etc. I just don't feel the energy I used to have. I think a lot of it probably has to do with my stay in the hospital due to my dehydration. Well, I decided It was time for my cleanse! I have't done it in awhile and I think my body needs it. The cleanse calls for a 10 day fast, I have NEVER done it for 10 days, just can't do it that long. However, when I do it for 3 to 5 days, I feel the difference. I just do it for as long as I can. Sometimes I do it for a few days, go off, then do it for a few more days. It works for me. I had my doctor appt today with my knee surgeon. He said it is just going to take more time for my knee to heal. He said I am healing, it takes a good 6 to 9 months for the body to heal after receiving a donor part, so, he told me to start working my quads, hamstrings and other muscle building exercises every other day. So, I must start back on my exercise program!!!! I need a kick in the rear! I need to start getting up at 5 am again and begin my exercises, its just so darn hard....I know I can do it! I just need to quit making excuses and DO IT! Below is the cleanse: If you’ve never heard of the lemonade diet, basically it is a 10-day fast where you drink nothing but a special “lemonade” drink. It is one of the best known methods for cleaning out your intestinal and colon walls. Although not intended as a weight-loss diet, it is effective at helping you balance your body and “rebooting” the metabolic process - which often results in weight loss. So here goes: Lemonade Diet Recipe For at least 10 days, drink around 10 servings/day of the following: 2 Tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice NOT BOTTLED JUICE!! (approx. ½ lemon),
2 Tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) organic Grade B maple syrup,
1/10 Teaspoon or more cayenne pepper (hot red pepper), and
1 Cup (8 fluid ounces) purified or spring water, NOT fluoridated water. Or you can make in Bulk - This is the equivalent of taking an empty gallon water jug and filling it with: the juice of 5 lemons
1 1/4 cup of organic Grade B maple syrup
1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
10 cups of water Shake it all up and you got your days’ serving! Salt-Water Flush Recipe Upon rising drink a mixture of: 2 level teaspoons of uniodized sea salt to a…
quart of lukewarm water Herbal Laxative Tea (You can find this at most grocery stores) Each evening drink an herbal laxative tea to help with elimination - preferably right before bed. That’s it! Do that for at least ten days for a complete intestinal cleanse.




21 days until banding

:dance: :dance: :dance: 21 days and counting! Yes, just three weeks to go until my new life begins.   The holidays are helping make the time pass, and beginning next week, I will begin all my appointments, so that will help.   I made it to the gym last night. Did 20 minutes on the Elliptical, and then 10 minutes on the bike.:clap2:   Eating has been good, now that the holidays are over. We do have a dinner to attend tonight, and they are making hamburgers on the grill, so I'll eat the meat, not bread. I think I will make some grilled veggies to go with meat - that will be my side dish.




I need to get back my MOJO

I need my mojo back to make it to the gym. I want to be like I used to be, where I got up at 5am and went to the gym, everyday! I've lost that "loving feeling" since my knee surgery last August. I really need to get it back!   My eating has been good, if I could just make it to the gym.   I have a busy night tonight, we have our bible/book study tonight and its at my house and its goody night, so everyone will stay late to eat, so by the time everyone leaves, it will be after 9 or 9:30. I will be too tired to make it to they gym. I am going to focus on going Thursday. I really wish I could get up in the am. I just can't seem to drag my butt out of bed in the mornings. I really need to work on this!   Here is my menu today   Bfast - Light Frapacino from Starbucks (200 cal), 1/2 cup of watermellon.   Lunch - 3 oz of tuna, 3 crackers   Dinner - grilled chicken 3 oz, spinach salad.   snack - No sugar added yogurt with a handfull of granola.   wt 177.9 - I know I said I wasn't going to get on the scales, but I did weigh this morning. I will continue to try and not get on them daily -




I'm going to be a skinny Bitch!

Thats what I keep telling myself. I call myself a skinny bitch because, all these beautiful women that walk by, I always whisper to my friends, "skinny bitch". lol. Its a way of vent out my jealousy. I really want to trip them when they walk by eating an ice cream bar and wearing a size 3 jean.   Anyhow, last night I kept telling myself yes, I'm going to be a skinny bitch too! and I can't wait.   I know a lot of people have surgery for health reasons, and thats what I'm telling my husband. But deep down, I want to be skinny, I want to be that skinny bitch that walks by in the mall and the fat girls say "look at that skinny bitch". I know that sounds weird, but thats how I feel. I want someone to call my skinny, just once.   I know that its a little vain, but I just can't help it. I want my skinny body back damn it! I know that the other health issues I have will go away with me losing weight, but really, I don't even care. The only thing I care about is getting my 20 yr old body back at 40! It sucks being 40 and looking 40, I want to be 40 and look 20. Maybe its a mid-life crises, hell, maybe I'm just crazy and a freak, but I don't care, I want my skinny body back. Some say it can't be done, I'm 40 and face it, but I will prove them wrong!   I took my before pic in a bikini, it is SCARY. You can see all the cottage cheese on my thighs, its really gross. But...........I plan on taking my after picture in a bikini too!




Updating my journal

I haven't been writing in my journal as often as I should - so I"m also making a goal to start updating it more often.   Exercise - 20 min of HIIT on Elliptical bike - 211 calories, 1.63 miles   Water aerobics at the gym from 6pm to 7 pm - not sure how many calories - but I'm sure I'm buring some   Bfast - coffee w/sf cream   M2 - sf chocolate pudding with a couple of heaping teaspoons of choco protein powder   m3 - Logans steak house, ate 1/3 of a 6 oz sirloin steak, had about 1/3 of the salad and a few bites of the sweet potatoe - passed on the bread!   M4 - 1/2 apple - no skin   m5 - chicken and a small salad




My fill is working! 10/12/07

Exercise yesterday - notta, my knee was throbbing so I thought I should take it easy.   Menu yesterday   Bfast - coffee with SF cream Lunch - roasted chicken, 1/2 of a chicken breast Snack - a few more bits of my chicken breast Dinner - Made some homemade hamburgers with 98% lean beef, whole wheat bread, light mayo. I split one with my daughter, and took 3 bites of it and was full. Gave the remainder of it to my DH. Had about 4 chips with some spinach dip on it.   I think my fill is working. I haven't this full by eating a few bites since my surgery. I love it! I hope it continues to work......   Wt this morning 173.8




Friday, 10/19/07

The last few days I can tell I can eat more than usual. grrrrr. Makes me wonder if this fill is no longer working! However, this morning I got a visit from TOM (time of month) so that might be the reason. I've read where some are looser right before TOM, then gets tighter once TOM arrives. So, I will see how I do over the weekend.   I really want this fill to work! I am at 3.8 cc's, you would think that would be plenty.   I did not weigh this morning since TOM is here and I know the scales will be up. I'm so ready to get to the 160's!




Happy 11 month Anniversary to me

Today makes 11 months since my banding. Scales have not went down, and have went up this month. Normally I would be sad, but I'm really not. I've not done good with eating the past month, I need a fill badly, so I'm okay with gaining 3 lbs. 3 lbs in a month is acceptable to me.   Here is my updates on weight: Highest weight - 248 1 mo post op - 206.8 2 mo post op - 198 3 mo post op - 193 4 mo post op - 184.2 5 mo post op - 178 6 mo post op - 174 7 mo post op - 178 - went on vacation and ate big 8 mo post op - 174 9 mo post op - 170 10 mo post op- 167 11 mo post op - 170 - havent even been trying




Still determined that November WILL be the month!

Scales read 172.8, so I'm up 1.2 lbs since last Monday. I'm not discouraged, I'm still determined that November, I will get out of the 170's! Not sure why I'm up, but I'm sure its water weight, and I will not get upset!   Menu today:   Bfast coffee with cream 1/2 of a packet of weight control oatmeal   Lunch Leftover meal from Zios (chicken and angel hair pasta (only ate about 1/4 cup of past and 1/4 cup of chicken)   Snack hungrey at 4:00 - so am having carb control yogurt mixed with Activia cottage cheese, only eat 1/2 of the small container of each.   Dinner ground beef little bit of green beans





Menu -   Bfast - yogurt/granola   Lunch - chicken salad   Dinner -   Exericse - 10:00 am - 15 min on elliptical 3:00 - 15 min on elliptical   Evening - upper body workout   Wt 181.7   NOtes - did not make it to the gym last night like I had planned, too much going on. Today is another hectic day, we have our meeting tonight, work today is full of stuff, I have 2 big conference calls, a meeting at 3:30 today that I have to speak at, and then tomorrow we have our big wigs coming into the office, I'm so stressed!   I need a day off to do absolutely nothing!




Test Results Are Back

I just found out my sleep testing came back that I do have sleep apnea. :pray2: I have to go back tonight for another test with the oxygen so they can determine what machine to give me/or how much oxygen I need. She told me that they monitor the occurances of someone sleeping and if there is more than 5, that person needs to be treated. Anything over 30 is considered severe. My average occurances was 11, so I was considered to be mild/moderate.   Anyhow, they will hook me up on a machine and I won't know the test results of this test until Monday. I was concerned that this would delay my surgery, but she said it would not. :clap2:





Woke up sick today, sore throat, eyes burning, just feel like dog poop. Anyhow, did not go the gym, but brought my stuff to work and heading down to the gym at lunch.   I have my lasik eye surgery on Thursday so I'm hoping I can get over this before then.   I've avoided the scales all week, I am just trying to live my life and make good choices. I do go for a fill on Friday, and I'm hoping that will jump start my progress again. Until then, the scale is my enemy. lol.





Well, weight is up (172.0). I didn't make good choices over the weekend. I just ate whatever.   Okay, today is a new day, it's Monday, and I'm doing my fast/Cleanse. I will not cheat and I will get thru today!   I'm feeling so bloated today, probably because I ate a lot of junk, salty stuff this weekend. grrrrrr.   I laid my stuff out this morning to get up at EXERCISE. Did I? Heck no, the alarm went off, I turned it off and rolled back over. I'm so made at myself. I will go tonight for sure! I will go tonight, I will go tonight, I will, I will, I will!




Menu 2/13/07

Yesterday I ate:   Bfast - protein shake - 4oz Lunch - 1/2 container of refried beans with cheese dinner - SF pudding with protein powder mixed in   I figured I got around 35 G of protein yesterday - around 450 calories 30 oz of water - I'm sucking at this, but working so hard at it too!   No walking :cry





Breakfast -   Lunch -   Dinner -   Exercise - 30 min Total body cross trainer, 230 calories. 15 min in hot tub and 10 min in steam room - felt good!   Notes - Feeling bloated, crampy and yuk! band feels tighter, not hungry, not eating much.




How long can I go?

A new challenge to myself, How long can I go without Sugar? I was on day 3 until last night. However, I really don't feel I did too bad. We went out to the "all you can eat buffet", I fixed my plate and ate, I mainly ate a salad. Anyhow, after dinner, everyone was going for dessert, so I followed right along. I fixed me some of this warm chocolate cake and some bread pudding. Well, I had about 1 bite of the bread pudding and maybe 3 of(very small bites) the cake, it just wasn't that good and I didn't want to wast calories on something that I didn't really like. So, I just didn't eat anymore.   But I decided instead of going for the cake, I should have just said NO. So now I'm going to challenge myself, how long can I go challenge. I like to have some type of snack at night, so I am having SF jello or SF pudding instead of my usual dessert.   So - we'll start today, DAY 1!   Menu   Bfast 1 orange coffee with cream   Lunch Roasted chicken salad   Dinner Roast carrots   Snack SF Jello, SF cool whip




Happy 9 month band birthday to me!

Today marks my 9 month band anniversary. 9 months ago my life was in desperate situation, now I feel like I am in control. I am so happy with my decision to get banded!   Here is my history:   Highest weight - 248 1 mo post op - 206.8 2 mo post op - 198 3 mo post op - 193 4 mo post op - 184.2 5 mo post op - 178 6 mo post op - 174 7 mo post op - 178 8 mo post op - 174 9 mo post op - 170




Finally feeling like myself

Today is day 8 Post op. I am feeling better and better everyday. I was having a lot of blurred vision and a lot of pain on my left side (port side). I seem to be feeling better in the mornings, but in the evenings the pain is a little worse, not sure why?   Still not back at work yet, and probably won't go back until another couple of weeks. I'm still on clear liquids and I am wanting food. I'm really not hungry, I just desire food. But I WILL NOT CHEAT! I have 5 more days of clear liquids and then I will begin my mushy stage. I can have refried beans on that day, and I am really looking forward to refried beans!   I'm losing very quickly right now, not sure if that is good or bad. My doctor told my I hold the record of any of his Lap band patients for losing the most amount of weight from the time of my first visit to the first visit after surgery. He also wants me to be in his calendar for 2008 if I continue to lose. How exciting. I'm down 33 lbs now since my very first visit with the doctor. What have I done? I've simply followed the lap band rules. Simple.   I'm feeling very excited about this journey!



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
