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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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Happy 4 mo band anniversary to me and 4 weeks completed the BFL

Its been 4 months since banding and 4 weeks since starting the BFL challenge.   Wt this morning 184.2   My results below Beginning Weight = 248 1 mo post op - 206.8 2 mo post op - 198 3 mo post op - 193 4 mo post op - 184.2   Total lost = 63.8   My measurements:   Before /1 month out/ 2 months out/3 mos /4 mos Waist - 41 1/2" / 38" / 36 /36/ 35 Hips - 51" / 46 1/2 / 45"/44" /43 Left Thigh - 28" / 26 1/4"/ 24"/23 1/2/22 3/4" calves - 17" / 15 1/2"/ 15 /16/15 left arm - 15 1/2" / 14" / 13/13/12 3/4" breast - 43" / 40"/ 39/38 1/2/39" yay! growing under breast - 37"/36 1/2" / 36"/36/36   TOTAL INCHES LOST= 29.5"   BFL RESULTS AFTER 4 WEEKS BEGINNING/4 WEEKS RESULTS Weight - 195/ 184.2 Body Fat - 41%/ Lean body mass - 115 lbs Fat weight - 80 lbs Neck - 14"/14" Waist - 36"/35" Forearm - 9 1/4"/9" Wrist - 6 1/4"/6" Hips 44"/43" Thigh - 23 1/2/22 3/4" Bicep - 13 chest - 38 1/2 calve - 16"




Day 24 of the 84 day challenge

Notes - ahhhh, I'm back in the game! Had THREE exercise sessions yesterday! I am so proud of myself! I am almost 1/3 of the way finished with the BFL challenge! I haven't missed any exercise sessions, and I'm starting to see some changes in my body.   I swear, I get a glimpse of myself (even though I still see myself as FAT), I will sometimes look at my profile walking by glass or a window or something, and I think WOW,that is me? I am shocked that I actually look skinny sometimes. Then when I look at myself in the mirror, I see this fat girl starring back at me. I notice every dimple, every sag, and every fat cell on my body. My DH tells me I'm way too critical of myself, and he is right. I am trying to accept my body and love it and just be the best I can be. No matter what sagging skin I have.   It feels so good to try on clothes and they fit! I am wearing a 14 now with absolutely no problems, and that is a 14 regular, not 14W. I love it. I can even wear Juniors clothes - this is cool. I want to lose more weight, and I will lose more weight, but I am comfortable now. If I don't lose another pound, I still feel good. But, I will lose more and I will get to goal - that is a promise I made to myself and I will keep it!   Also - I managed to stay off scales this morning! Yay!   Exercise #1 - 10 am - 20 min HIIT on Elliptical - felt a little sick afterward - 196 calories, 1.72 distance   Exercise #2 -   M1 - LC Big train Vanilla Latte with Betagen added in M2 M3 M4 M5




Day 23 of the 84 day challenge

Notes - Tom has gotten the best of me this month, I must get my head screwed back on straight. I had a binge fest last night, ate too much. Never PB'd but ended up sliming on a 1/2 of brownie - yuck. Then late night,had some nachos, and ended up waking up with acid reflux a little (the nachos still in my pouch because went to bed right after I ate them). I also ate 2 bowels of cereal, and a bowel of soup. A complete pig last night.   This morning, the alarm went off to go exercise, I turned it off and rolled back over, couldn't even get out of bed. So mad at myself this morning. Now I must go exercise tonight! I will not miss a workout session - I will not do it! I must go exercise! I must I must I must!   Driving into work this morning, I had a long talk with myself and told myself I need to get my head back into the game. So today, its back into the game, no more binging, no more excuses!   M1 - Caramel light frapp. M2 - 3 oz of baked fish and 1/2 cup of salad with spritz on dressing (1 cal per spray, had 5 sprays) M3 - laughing cow cheese - light - 1 oz M4 - 3/4 cup of turkey chili with 1 oz of cheese M5   Exercise #1 - (3:00 pm) 20 min on Elliptical (HIIT) - 210 calories, 1.62 distance, upped the resistance to level 4. My legs are burning!   Exercise #2 - UBWO (9:30 pm)   Exercsise #3 - Yes number 3 - did 30 min on treadmill, 4% incline, 3.3 mph, 248 calories, 1.82 distance.   Wt this morning - 189.2 (geeze - I'm going the wrong direction!) I'm not weighing again until Sunday! Friday is my 4 month anniversary (with the band) and Sunday is my 4 week BFL update. So, I will weight Sunday for both ocassions, and take my 4 week BFL picture and measurements.





M1 - 4 bites of refried beans and some flavored Iced coffee from the coffee shop (fattening I'm sure - but only drank about 1/2)   M2 - grilled fish, 3 oz, 1 stalk of brocolli & a bite or two of cabbage m3 - It went downhill from here - binged, and can't even remember all the crap I ate..... M4   Exercise #1 - 20 min Elliptiacal (HIIT) - 176 calories burned   NOtes - scales are ugly these days, 188.4 this morning - i'm sure its water weight due to TOM. Hopefully when he leaves, scales will go back down.   Went to my doctor today, and I am scheduled for fill #3 on May 25th. I can't wait. I'm nervous too. I doing good with this fill and no problems PBing or anything, I just feel I need to be a little tighter, and I'm worried about PBing. So, we'll see. I go on a Friday the 25th for my fill, I hope I do okay over the weekend, so we'll see how it goes. In the meantime, I will continue eating healthy and exercising. I'm almost 1/3 of the way thru my challenge!





Exercise - 5AM - Yay me - did LBWO   Exercise #2 - 10 am - did 18 min on treadmill (1.03 mile, 3.4 mph, 4% incline, 148 calories) - it was a short break, so I'm using it wisely and walking.   M1 - protein shake with Betagen added in M2 - spinach salad M3 - 3 oz cottage cheese - granola mixed in M4 - 1 cup of speghettie, a small piece of apple pie (bad me) with some about 1/4 cup of sugar free frozen yogurt M5   Notes - TOM came to visit on Saturday - damn it!, Feeling bloated and yuk. But, I DID NOT miss an exercise session this weekend, and for the most part ate pretty good and clean. I am calling my doctor today and trying for another fill, just doesn't fill like I'm tight enough, I can eat regular bites of food, and pretty much swallow it whole - I don't even have to bother eating the bandster way. So, I think its time for a fill.   Scale was up this morning - thanks to TOM = 187.2 - grrrrr.





M1 - Cottabe cheese mixed with lc yogurt (couldn't finish it all) M2 - 6 oz of apple juice mixed with Daily 5 M3 - grilled fish, broccolli & cabbage (about a bite or two of each - except ate most of my fish - need the protein to build my muscles) M4 - grilled chicken, grilled veggies M5   Exercise - UBWO - Worked out at my gym at work today, couldn't get out of bed, this weather is not letting me get up in the AM, but I will work on it next week! My biceps and shoulders were worked to total fatigue - they are burning now!   Exercise #2 -   NOTES - Wt this morning 184.4 - OMG, I am getting so close to being out of the 180's!   I must get my butt back in gear next week and get out of bed at 5 am. Although I haven't missed one exercise session, I have been doing it at all different times in the evening, afternoon, etc. It just works better for me when I do it in the am. So next week, that is my focus.   Next week I begin week 4 of my BFL challenge, after completing next week, I will be 1/3 of the way finished - yay. I can't wait to take my measurements on the 19th - it will be my 4 mo anniversary and, it will be 4 weeks doing the exercise challenge. I am anxious to see what progress I have made and compare my pictures - even though I hated taking a picture of me in my bikini (I had to go buy one cause I didn't own one) - I think it will be neat seeing the difference after exercising for 4 weeks straight. Sorry, just can't share those pics with you guys, lol. Maybe after I finish the 12 weeks and I see a difference and I don't look so scary, I will share the pics.   To all my journal buddies out there, thanks so much for all your compliments and your cheering me on. I am inspired by each of you and watching your progress motivates me even more. Together we can achieve this!





M1 - apple juice with daily 5 M2 - 1/2 cup of shredded hash brown potatoes - I was having a craving for them so gave in. M3 - grilled chicken breast salad - dressing on the side M4 - Grilled talapia fish - YUM M5   Exercise #1 - 30 min on Elliptical machine (20 min of it was HIIT) - 2.20 distance, 280 calories (burn baby burn!)   Weight - 186.4 this morning - come on 170's, let me go there! PAALEEZE. I can't believe this is really working. I look at the scale and am shocked I see the 180's. Then I look in the mirror and shock I'm still fat. I'm trying to work on my body image. I see a huge fat person instead of the weight I've lost. I know I have an issue with it, and it is something I am working on.





Exercise #1 - 25 min on treadmill (would have done 30 min or more, but the darn thing came unplugged and then couldn't get it to work again - so left)   Exercise #2 - LBWO   M1 - SF yogurt mixed with lf cottage cheese m2 - coffee & cream m 3 - 3 whole wheat crackers & 3 oz of pink salmon m 4 - grilled talapia and broccoli sald (the last of it - getting sick of it now - lol)   Notes - I've started tanning and I tried on a shirt I bought last year on clearance for $4.00, it was way too tight on me, but I tried it on, it fit! I'm wearing it today and I feel so good in it! I guess I feel so good becaue I remember how tight it was on me, and now it slips on with ease.





M1 - apple juice deluted with water and Daily 5 mixed in M2 - Broccolli salad with roasted chicken added in M3 - M4 - roast & spinach M5   Exercise - 5 am - UBWO (upper Body Workout), I will try and do an additional cardio this afternoon.   Exercise #2 - Yay me! Jumped on the treadmill, 30 min, 3.4 mph, 3% incline, 1.68 distance, 240 calories




5/7/01 day 15 of 84 day challenge

M1 - Brocolli salad with chicken added in - about 3/4 cup M2 - coffee with cream m3 - Brocolli salad with chicken added in - about 1 cup M4 - sugar free/fat free ice cream (not the best choice, need more protein!) M5 -   Notes - wt 188.4 - Major sweet tooth, TOM must be getting closer, I think I'm due around the 14th. Didn't get up in the am to exercise, raining cats & dogs, will have to do it tonight.   Exercise - 20 min on Elliptacal (HIIT) 186 calories.





Eating - I started off the day eating good clean food, for breakfast I had about 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of brocolli salad (made with broc, light mayo, splenda, grapes, sunflower seeds, cheese, red onion, delish)   Lunch - more of the brocolli salad (I think I will add some diced chicken to it and take it for lunch tomorrow - it is really good)   Dinner - had dinner at some friends house - here is where it gets BAD. I think I might even need another fill, I can't believe I was able to eat all this:   3 slices of FRIED fish 1 heaping TBSP of coleslaw 1 heaping TBSP of potatoe salad   Then, here come desert - 1 fairly decent piece of itallion cream cheesecake from cheesecake factory - baaaaad   Notes - I know I did bad, but according to the BFL plan, I can have a day that I eat whatever I want. But I felt too guilty about all this food, plus I was miserably full - I sure hope I didn't stretch my pouch:cry - I felt so bad, I came home and went to the gym   Exercise - 45 min on treadmill, 3% incline, 3.2 speed, 304 calories, 2.30 distance





Exercise - 20 min of HIIT (on Elliptical machine - results said I burned 200 calories)   Wt - scales read 187.6 this morning - Yay.   I have officially finished week 2 of the BFL challenge - only 10 more weeks to go. Sunday is supposed to be my "Free Day", according to the program, I can eat whatever I want and do no exercise.   I really don't want to do that, so I will just see what happens tomorrow. I probably will go to the gym and spend 30 to 45 min on the treadmill reading a book or somthing, this to me is a great stress releaver and it is my "alone" time.





Exercise - Did Lower Body Workout (45 min)   30 min on treadmill




I'm finishing up with my 2nd week of BFL challenge

After todays exercise (which will be my LBWO), and tomorrows cardio session, I will have completed 2 weeks of the Body for Life Challenge - which leave me 10 week sto go or 70 days. I will complete this challenge!   I'm excited about not missing any workouts, eating pretty clean for the most part.   Things I need to work on - 1) Need to plan my meals better (if you don't plan, you plan to fail) 2) Need to make sure I do my carido in the am on empty stomach - burns more calories this way. 3) Need to plan my workouts so I know what I'm going to do before I go the gym - this will save some time. 4) Going to try and add 2 extra cardio session my 3rd week. 5) Will work on getting some additional supplements (Betagen - helps build muscle)




5/3/07 workout

Eating was a bit off today, major chocolate cravings, broke down and had a brownie, but everything else was clean.   Cardio 20 min of HIIT 5 extra min Total cardio 25 min




5/2/07 Workout

UBWO -   Chest Pectorial flys 12 - 10lbs (next time will need to start with 15lbs) 10 - 15lbs 8 - 20 lbs 6 - 30lbs 12 - 30lbs Chest press 12 - 25lbs   Shoulders Side raises with dumbbells 12 - 2 lbs each hand 10 - 5 8 - 5 6 - 5 12 - 5 Shoulder press 12 - 10ls (very difficult, still having problems with shouders)   Back Rear deltoids 12 - 15lbs 10 - 20 8 - 25 6 - 30 12 - 25 Lat Pulldowns 12 - 35lbs   Triceps Tricep extensions 12 -15 10 - 20 8 - 25 6 - 35 12 - 30 Dumbbell extension (behind head) 12 - 5lb weights (burned big time)   Biceps Bicep curls 12 - 15 10 - 20 8 - 25 6 - 30 12 - 25 hammer curls 12 - 8lb weights




I've hit the 60 lb mark!

I am down 60 lbs now, I weighed in the morning at (drum roll please.........) 188.6!   I was having so much problems trying to lose weight in the 190's, and now that I broke the plateau, its falling off. I've lost 4 lbs since Monday! I'm eating and exercising just like before. I'm not complaining, I'll take it, I just find it strange! Heck, I might be out of the 180's sooner than I think.




The Lap Band Really works

I'm sitting here in tears, I can't believe it, the Lap Band really works! I weighed this morning and I weighed 189.6 - I tried for 6 years to get below the 190's doing Low Carb, and I couldn't do it. I have the Lap Band for 3 1/2 months and I've done it! I've broken out of the 190's! I'm so happy and so excited, and I have no more fears of failing!   I have not been in the 180's since 1997 or longer.




5/1/07 - day 9 of 84 day challenge

m1 - light swiss cheese/ coffee w/cream m2 - handfull of nuts - about 15 nuts m3 - 2 oz of chicken - I couldn't eat any more. I must be tighter today. m4 - taboli, about 1/2 cup, and a few bites of salad and 1/2 of deviled egg m5   Exercise - LBWO - 5 am   Quads - Seated leg press 12 - 35 10 - 35 8 - 40 6 - 50 12 - 40 Leg extensions 10 - 30 lbs (just couldn't do 12)   Hamstrings Seated leg curls 12 - 15lbs 10 - 25 8 - 35 6 - 45 12 - 40 dead lifts 12 - 5lbs dumbbells in each hand (10 lbs total)   Calves horizontal calf 12 - 50 10 - 70 8 - 90 6 - 110 12 - 100 Calf raises 12 - 5 lbs dumbbells   ABS- incline crunches 20, 20, 20 Hammer strength ab crunch 10 - 10lbs 10 - 10lbs - this is a killer ab workout   Exercise #2 - 20 min on Elliptical machine (HIIT) oh baby, am I working it or what? I'm actually starting to become obsessed with exercise!   Notes - wt 191.8 - OMG - am I really going to see 189 soon? I'm getting so excited.




4/30/07 Day 8 of 84 BFL Challenge

m1 - notta - fasting for blood work m2 - notta - fasting for blood work to be taken this afternoon m3 - Cottage cheese mixed with yogurt m4 - grilled chicken and just about 2 egg noodles   Exercise - Took today as my "free day" so I could get in bed early and get up at 5 am.   Notes - Wt 192.8 yay!




4/27/07 day 5 of 84 BFL Challenge

m1 - The inside of a sausage roll (not the bread - and not the best choice) m2 - coffee w/cream m3 - salad - 3/4 cup, dressing on side m4 - chineese stir fry m5   Exercise - UBWO   Notes - wt this morning 193.2 - no loss since the 18th. grrrrrr. My weight keeps bouncing from 192 to 196, seem to be stuck, but I don't care, I feel so damn good these days, and I must say, I am looking good. lol. Or at least I feel like I do.




4/25/07 Day 3 of 84 BFL challenge

M1 - 1 oz of chicken, 1 oz of light swiss cheese M2 - coffee with cream M3 - 1 cup of salad with grilled chicken strips (2 oz), dressing on side M4 - 3 oz of yogurt, 2 oz of cottage cheese M5   Exercise LBWO - 5 am - 3 min warmup   Quads Leg lifts (machine) 12 - 10 10 - 10 8 - 15 6 - 25 12 - 20 Leg Presses - 12 - 90lbs   Hamstrings 12 - 10 10 - 20 8 - 20 6 - 25 12 - 25 (leg curls machine) 12 - 30lbs   Calves 12 - 50 10 - 70 8 - 90 6 - 110 12 - 90 12 - 90 lbs   ABS Crunches - incline Machine Ab crunches - no weights   Exercise #2 - 3:15 pm - 27 min on treadmill, 3% incline, 3.3 to 3.4 mph, 1.46 distance, 213 calories   Notes - Today was really hard getting out of bed, I've been tired all day, I just realized that the reason is I didn't sleep with my cpap machine last night, I will make sure I sleep with it tonight!




4/24/07 Day 2 of 84 (BFL CHALLENGE)

M1 - Protein shake made with 6 oz of apple juice, daily 5 & pinnaple protein powder M2 - Coffee with a little bit of whipping cream M3 - 3 whole wheat crackers, 1.5 oz of salmon M4 - Grilled, skinless chicken thigh, salad M5 - Not good - dug into the SF cookie dough - ate 3, then had 2 minerature dark chocolate bars out of my candy dish. GRRRRR   Exercise - 20 min of Elliptical (HIIT)   Notes - wt 193.4 - I am having a hard time staying off the scales, I think its time to have DH hide them again. I am just so close to getting out of the 190's that I'm obsessed with the scales, I really need to see that 189 for sanity reasons. I cannot keep going on like this and still seeing the 190's! grrrrrrr. However, I will say that yesterday I had on a pair of capris that I bought last summer at this same weight, they were tight on me, well yesterday I tried them on and they are actually too big! So, I might be the same weight, but I'm smaller in inches.



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
