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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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Things going about the same....I had another accident this weekend with my poor body. lol. I was moving a huge branch from my neighbors yard, and well, it was heavy and fell on my foot. Now my foot is so swollen and black and blue, I can't wear any shoes except very loose flip flops. grrrrr.   I had to sit the gym out, but last night, I couldn't take it anymore and went to the gym. I did 45 min on the elliptical and worked my lower body out. Had a great abs workout! My foot paid the price later, and I'm still paying for it today, very swollen.   Menu today   Bfast oatmeal   Lunch chicken breast - grilled grilled veggies   Dinner protein shake   Oh - I took my measurements last night too - I'm going to start tracking them as well again. Since the scale is not moving, maybe my inches are - trying to not get discouraged.   Waist - 36" Hips - 44" - scary thighs 23 1/2" - calves - 15 3/4" chest - 39 1/2 arms (biceps) - 13" forearm - 9" neck - 14 1/2"   according to my measurements, my body fat is 41% - I'm in poor range, and I'm 24 lbs over the ideal - the most fat I should have is 36% - so, I still have a long way to go. :thumbup:





Exercise - 35 min on treadmill (244 calories, 1.77 miles, 3.2 mph, 3.0 incline) - evening exercise.   Eating -   Pretty much still doing the Master Cleanse, I did have about 7 bites of a salad (dressing on the side) and I was full. I'm drinking my cleanse mix up as I type.   I'm probably going to go off of the cleanse next week, I have a wedding to attend on Saturday, so I'm hoping to look extra sexy. I'll also see an ex boyfriend at the wedding (its his nephew that is getting married), and this ex dumped me, so I wanna look as good as possible!





Well, I'm trying to refocuss again on eating the bandster way since my cruise. So far today, its been good, planning on hitting the gym tonight.





Woke up this moring full of energy, and loving life. Stepped on the scale and holy moly, down 2 more pounds, YES, I love life! Weighed in at 172!!!! Only 3 more pounds until I reach the 160's! I haven't been there in freaken YEARS!   Menu yesterday was pretty low, but doing a cleanse to help jump start the weightloss again before the cruise.   Todays menu a little more to eat than yesterday:   Bfast Bfast burrito from Taco Bueno, except hold the flour tortia, they just put the insides in a bowl for me of the borrito. So good. Only ate 1/2.   Lunch Cleanse drink   Dinner Not sure, its our night to go out to eat, will share something with my DH I'm sure.   Exercise Circuit training and working my Lower Body.   I am getting called skinny minny today. I'm in my size 12 shorts, that are a little baggy, and I have my shirt tucked in and no belly fat hanging over. lol. I can't believe I have my shirt tucked in!




The Fill from Hell!

Okay, I got my fill, very tight. By wednesday night, I could not swallow my own saliva. I ended up sleeping sitting up Wednesday night, I thru up all night. Thursday came around and it only got worse, I was violently throwing up this time, I could not swallow my own saliva. I was trying to hold off going to the hospital until at least Friday morning, I really wanted to wait until Monday.   Well, by Thursday evening, I was so sick, I felt so bad, my head was hurting with the worse migrane I had ever had. I went to the ER, I was filling out the paperwork, and realized, I couldn't remember what month it was, I couldn't even remember my middle initial. I was seeing green spots and very dizzy. I knew something was wrong. They get me back to the ER room and tried to get some IV's started and my veins kepts blowing, they said they had to admit me because I was so dehydrated.   They finally were able to get an IV started and I spent the evening in the hospital throwing up all night. They finally gave me something that helped calm my stomach and gave me some demoral for my severe headache. This morning my doctor showed up and took some of my fill out. OMG, instant releif! I could feel the saliva go thru. He wanted to take my entire fill out, but I begged him to leave some in. He was going to bring me downto 2.0 cc's, but he went ahead and left me at 3.0 cc's. I was at 4.0.   He said he wants to give it a good 2 weeks before I get another fill to give my stomach time to heal. I've learned a valuable lesson, DON'T GET TOO TIGHT! Being too tight is miserable and can cause lots of damage. Fortunately, my band was not damaged, however, I am really swollen and have to stay on mushies for a day or two. Now, I have to try and get some restriction back.   I had pretty good restriction before I got this fill, but I figured since I didn't have to take small bites of food, maybe I needed a teeny bit more of a fill. Well, .2cc's pushed it way over the edge, I should have left well enough alone. But stupid me, had to see how much tighter I could stand it.   Anyhow, I am glad I went ahead and went to the hospital, they said there was no way I would have made it until Monday, and maybe not even until Friday, I was already having some bad signs of sever dehydration. I couldn't believe just after 1 day it could do so much damage to my body. My potassium was also dangerously low they said. So my IV's wer filled with potassium as well.   I'm so gald I'm home and feel so much better and now I can enjoy the rest of my weekend.   The good knews, I didn't pig out on Thanksgiving, lol.




10/13/09 - Another lesson learned

I learned a lesson last night - don't let yourself get too hungry!   Here is the story:   I get home and just wasn't hungry, we were headed out the door by 6:30 to go to a meeting, our meeting was over at 9:00, we get home at 9:15 pm and I'm starvin'. So, I make myself a few shrimp, that didn't help, I grab some chips and make myself about 5 or 6 chips with some cheese on it and it kepts going from there, I don't even remember everything I ate. I just remember grabbing different things trying to satisfy my hunger. I just felt like anything I ate was not filling me up.   Moral of the story - eat something if you know it will be awhile before you can eat. I should have had something small before I left for the meeting. Some almonds perhaps, maybe a protein bar, something instead of letting myself get too hungry. I learned my lesson!   I didn't get to exercise last night because of the metting so I took last night off. But......Tonight - It's on! Right after my "Biggest Loser" show, I will be headed to the gym for an hour of circuit training/working the upper body and cardio at the same time.   Weight - didn't weigh this morning - just didn't want to face the scales after my late night eating.   I was surprised that I didn't have any reflux. Usually if I eat that late, I'm up all night with reflux. I think I've losened up quite a bit again. But my band flucuates so much, I think I will monitor it the next few weeks and see if it gets tighter again. I really thought this last fill would last me - but now, once again, I'm wondering?   I'm thinking also that I will never have that tight restriction everyone talks about. Don't get me wrong, I've got restriction, I can feel it, its just not as tight as I would like it. I would like the band to FORCE me to take small bites, to FORCE me not to eat bread, to FORCE me to chew, chew and chew. However, none of this happens for me. I eat regular bites of food, I can eat bread (but I chose to stay away from it), and I chew like I did before the band.   I will say every now and then the band gives me a reminder that it is there and I think, Oh, I better slow down. But for the most part, I forget its there.   I have found there is only one thing I can't eat - Hamburgers! No matter how small of bites, no matter, how slow, no matter what, it gets stuck. I have given up on ever eating a hamburger again, and I'm fine with that - they are loaded with fat and calories, so thank you my little silacone buddy for forcing me NOT to eat Hamburgers!   If this is it for me, if this is the most restriction I can get, then I'm okay with that too. I know that this restriction will keep me from gaining all my weight back. I do get full on a lot less food than I used to eat, so for that, I'm thankful. I just read about so many bandsters talking about how they can't eat this, or that, and how they have to slow down and chew chew chew or they PB.....I've only experienced this a limited amount of time, and that is usually right after a fill. It last a day, sometimes 2 weeks, and it has lasted a month before, but it always leaves. PBing is something I rarely, if ever do. I can't even remember the last time I PB'd.   I'm losing count on how many fills I've had. I keep it updated in my journal so I can remember, but I thinks it like 16 now, or maybe even 17. It makes me wonder if I really do have a leak? My doc has tested it and says I don't.   Speaking of doc, I go see my band doc tomorrow. He just wants to see how I'm doing after almost 3 years with the band. I think I will talk to him about this and see what he thinks.   Okay, I guess I've written enough in my book now, so I better get to work.........:confused:





I woke up this morning and noticed my face was so round. Well, I started reading the side effects of my medication that I'm taking and it turns out the big side effect if taken more than 14 days is weight gain! I'm on steroids, and have been on them since 1/17/08. So that explains the weight gain.   Although I haven't made the right food choices, I was a little shocked that I had gained so much, because I never have in the past while not making the right food choices. So, I was a little depressed. Well this weekend I did really good with eating, and still gained another 3 lbs. Then I noticed my face looked distorted this morning. So I started researching the medication I'm on. Well, not only am I takig orally steroid, I'm also putting steroid drops in my eyes, so needless to say, its causing a weight gain. I should be off of it all by the end of this week.   Scale this mornng was really ugly 186.2. I do think once I quit taking the steroids I will start losing.   Okay menu today   Bfast 1 egg 2 slices of turkey bacon   Mid moring cup of coffee w/cream   Lunch salad dressing on side   Dinner ground hamburger salsa   Exercise -





I'm going strong with my 5:00 am exercise routine.   Oh how I wanted to NOT get up this morning, matter of fact, I told myself when the alarm went off that I would go ahead and take today "off". I was trying to talk myself out of getting up. As I lay there, trying to go back to sleep, I realized, I was awake and could not go back to sleep.   I drug myself out of bed, jumped into my exercise clothes and headed to the gym. I did 35 min on the elliptical machine. The only bad thing is my knee is burning burning burning. I can feel it grind with each downstroke on the elliptical, not good. I may be over doing it a bit. I've been hitting the gym both 5 am and 8 pm.   I did not weight this morning, I'm trying to hold of until either Friday or Monday. I am hoping the next time I weigh I am in the 160's.   I was soooo hungry this morning too, so I call IHOP and ordered an egg white omlet, I picked it up on my way to work, it was good, but I could only eat about 1/3 of it. Saving the rest for bfast tomorrow.   I'm off to work...........




5/7/08 - 53 more days!

53 more days until my cruise! Yay!   Menu today   Bfast liquid calories (coffee drink)   Lunch chicken - roasted   Dinner- chicken/salsa spinach   exercise - 20 min on elliptical   circuit training - 1 hour doing upper body with cardio - keep heart rate up   wt - 179.9 - I hate this bouncing crap - up and down, up and down....grrrrrrrrr (TONYA - STAY OFF THE SCALES - MY INNER VOICE IS YELLING AT ME TO STAY OFF THE SCALES!)




Tomorrow is my Day! My Band Birthday!

Tomorrow is my day! I'm so excited, I'm nervous a bit, and I'm anxious. I'm anxious to get it over with!   I will have to be at the hospital at 11:00 am, my surgery time is not until 1:00. The only thing I am worried about is my low profile port. I hope they ordered it!





Yes, my old self is back! I was up at 5am and headed to the gym. My menu has been clean, I've been eating clean and my jeans are getting loose on me again.   I bought myself a present today. I bought a SIZE 8 coat. It was a little snug, but not too tight that I couldn't wear it, however, its a freaken size 8. I want to scream it out to everyone here at work, I want to show everyone the tag, its a size 8. I can't even remember the last time I bought a size 8, but I think it was like in 8th grade or maybe 7th. Anyhow, I know its made a little different, and normally I would not buy an 8, I buy 10's or 12, but I decided by next winter, I will be wearing it with no tightness. I'm just excited I can put it on, and button it! A size 8 people, did you hear me, a size 8!   Okay, here is my today plan:   5am -   Recumbant bike - 30 min Hip Abductor - outer thighs - 3 sets of 12 - 70 lbs Hip Abductor - inner thighs - 3 sets of 12 - 70 lbs Seated leg press - Quads - 3 sets of 15 - 70 lbs Laying leg curls - Hamstrings - 3 sets of 12 - 20 lbs (this killed my knee) Incline sit ups - Abs - 3 sets of 25   PM exercise - (3:00 pm) 15 min on Elliptical machine   Menu   Bfast egg white omlet made with 1 turkey sausage link and 1 canadian bacon   Lunch coffee w/cream - very tired - Drank before I ate - I do not drink while eating. apple with pnut butter (2 TBSP) 3 oz of chicken breast   Dinner spinach chicken wings (baked with hot sauce)   Suppliments - quickslim30, multi-vitamin




I'm really a little scared

After researching a lot about my sudden restriction, I fear that I may have a slipped band. I am scheduled for a fill next week on the 17th. I will go ahead and go, I DO NOT NEED A FILL, however, I want him to look and make sure my band is in the right place.   IF it is, then I will have him do a slight, very slight unfill. Hopefully it has not slipped and my unfill will cure my acid reflux I am having in the evening. I have not gotten any sleep in days..............   Wt this morning ----177.1




The Biggist Loser Show

Watched the Biggest Loser last night, I love that show! Anyhow, it always motivates me to get my butt to the gym. I've been sick, so I didn't make it this morning. I will try and go down at lunch and do a little something.   My lasik is tomorrow and I'm excited!   Oh, I started a flkr account for my pictures, I still have a lot to upload but I did get it started. My link is http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonyaslife/   I might share the link with my family, and they don't know I had the lapband so I am just calling my experience "a Diet".   Eating was good yesterday, I think my sweet tooth is leaving me, or I'm just sick of eating sweets because I didn't crave them at all!   2 more days until my fill! I cannot wait, I'm just hoping it works!




My last meal

My last meal was Saturday night at La Mansion restaurant. I was extremely hungry and looking forward to a good Mexican meal. My dinner started off with a basket full of warm chips with extra salt sprinkled on them, and a bowel of salsa. I order a cup of smoked white queso to go with my basket of chips.   I studied the menu really long and hard, decided exactly what I wanted. I decided to go with the Enchilada supreme dinner. It came with 4 enchiladas, a beef, chicken, bean and cheese. I asked for a shrimp instead of the bean and paid the difference. I also got a quacomole salad with my dinner. Normally, when I eat a large mexican dinner like this, I have leftovers - but not Saturday night. I ate every bit of it and was practically licking the plate for any drippings left behind.   I came home stuffed clear up to my neck, and ended up eating an oreo cookie. I was so full but totally satisfied. I felt like I truly enjoyed my "last supper".:hungry:





I did it, I got up this morning at 4:45, was at the gym by 5:05 and exercised for 40 min! I'm so glad I finally got out of bed in the AM. My plans today is to exercise at 3:00 on break (do 20 min on elliptical machine) and do another 45 minutes tonight.   Exercise - AM EXERCISE - 30 min treadmill, 3.2 mph, 3.0 incline, 240 calories and 11 min Elliptical machine, 110 calories - TOTAL AM CALORIES 350   3:00 EXERCISE - Notta   9:00 PM EXERCISE - Notta





Breakfast - Tea, a handfull of almonds - about 7   Lunch - Went out to eat with an old friend - thai b-b-que, had 2 tiny spring rolls, 2 pieces of grilled shrimp, bite or 2 of rice, and 1 roasted chicken thigh (ate way too much, a little nauscious - Oh, by the way, my friend said I looked wonderful!)   Dinner - Went out with friends about 7 hours after my lunch, was not hungry, but ate one of my daughters chicken strip (they were breaded - but only ate one) I was full.   Exercise - treadmill 50 min - 381 calories, 2.60 distance, 3.5% incline, speed varried from 3.1 to 3.3.   Notes - Feeling really bloated today, feet a bit swollen, I think its getting close to TOM. Due around the 18th I think, but I'm so irregular, you never know when it will come and visit.





I did not get up this am, however, I do have plans to exercise. I just had a rough night last night and woke up with a headache. So, I've decided to exercise today during my lunch hour. I brought my stuff to work, so there will be no excuses. Tomorrow, I will resume my 5 am routine!   Todays menu   Bfast coffee with cream/ iced coffee   snack - M2 yogurt with a handful of granola   lunch salad with salmon   dinner chicken breast, green beans   water, water and more water.   Exercise - 20 min of HIIT on recumbant bike   Wt - 179.9- grrrrrr - but, I have no one to blame but myself! Cannot wait until my fill in 10 more days!





still waiting on the hospital to call so I can schedule my fill! Yes, this will be fill #9 I think. - UPDATE - THEY CALLED (YAY :redface:) MY FILL APPT IS 2/12 AT 8 AM!   However, I am eating oatmeal this morning and have had to slow down a bit, so I do have some restriction! I just need something for my head, something to help with my sweet tooth.   Anyhow, I'm struggling, and I have got to get control so working very very hard at it.   Menu today   Bfast low sugar oatmeal coffee/cream   Lunch chicken breast 1/2 cup of greens   I had planned to eat the above for lunch, however, went out to lunch with my sil who was in town, she wanted mexican, I only ate 3 chips & salsa, and had 1 enchilada, no rice and a bite of two of beans. Not that great, but I feel I didn't do as bad as I could have done. I tried to eat slow and stop when I was full. I left another enchilada on the plate when we left and I didn't get a to go box. I didn't want it lingering around for me to eat!   Dinner fish green beans   Snack SF jello   PS - I DID GO EXERCISE YESTERDAY!! AND WILL DO IT AGAIN TODAY!   UPDATE - 10:26AM - just got back from the gym downstairs, took a 15 min break and went and jumped on the Elliptical. Did 15 min, 1.11 miles and burned 140 calories (according to the machine, not sure how accurate they are). I am so excited, I feel like the "old" me is BACK!   UPDATE - 3:34 PM - Just got back from the gym downstaris and did another 15 min on the elliptical. 1.12 miles, burned 141 calories. Yay me!





Well lets see where do I begin. I guess I can start off with I NEED A FILL!   We had a huge ice storm, the entire state is in a state of emergency, over 900 thousand homes & business are without power, including mine.   I was off work Monday and Tuesday due to no power, and finally today they are running our office off generators, so I was forced to come in. yuk.   My home is still without power, hoping it will be back on today.   Eating has been so off. I've been staying with my mother in law and eating her cooking - and desserts. I've eaten so much and I have avoided the scales so I'm not sure how much damage I have done. I have no excuses and I think I've used the excuse (I need a fill) too many times. I do need a fill, but I also need some will power and self control, and lately, I've had neither. I cannot wait until January 18th until I can get a fill. I cannot go on like this!   I need to focus and stay on plan, I need to practice some self control and NO MORE EXCUSES!




5/2/07 Workout

UBWO -   Chest Pectorial flys 12 - 10lbs (next time will need to start with 15lbs) 10 - 15lbs 8 - 20 lbs 6 - 30lbs 12 - 30lbs Chest press 12 - 25lbs   Shoulders Side raises with dumbbells 12 - 2 lbs each hand 10 - 5 8 - 5 6 - 5 12 - 5 Shoulder press 12 - 10ls (very difficult, still having problems with shouders)   Back Rear deltoids 12 - 15lbs 10 - 20 8 - 25 6 - 30 12 - 25 Lat Pulldowns 12 - 35lbs   Triceps Tricep extensions 12 -15 10 - 20 8 - 25 6 - 35 12 - 30 Dumbbell extension (behind head) 12 - 5lb weights (burned big time)   Biceps Bicep curls 12 - 15 10 - 20 8 - 25 6 - 30 12 - 25 hammer curls 12 - 8lb weights





Menu -   Protein shake, made with 1/4 cup oatmeal/2 strawberries/skim milk/1/4 banana - its feeling and gives me so much energy - I added up the calories for the shake 1 cup skim milk - 80 cal 9g Protein 2 strawberries - 8 cal - 0 protein 1/4 of a banana - 23 cal - 0 protein 1 scoop protein powder - 120 cal - 23g protein ______________________________ Total cal 231 total protein - 32   I think that is a pretty good amount of protein for bfast! And not bad on calaories, and the fact it feels me up until lunch, and gives me energy, it beats the coffee with cream   Lunch was on the run, so swung thru starbucks and got the carmel light frappacino - 220 calories   Snack string cheese - 80 calories   Dinner 2 oz of chicken breast - 96 salad - 225 salsa as my dressing with just a squeeze of ranch - 50   Total Calories for salad- 371   Total calories for the day - 902   I probably had a bit more calories because I did have a bite of granola bar, and a few bites of my dd sandwhich. So, maybe I had 1000 or 1050.   Exerice - Oh yeah, I worked it!   16 min on Elliptical Upper body workout - Triceps (they are already hurtin) Biceps, shoulders, back, chest Elliptical Machine - 10 min - I was planning on doing about 25 min, however, after about 10 min my knee started popping so I got off, I didn't want it to give out on me and I go down like a bag of bricks. I knew if that happened, I would have a major set back, so I decided that was my clue to get off the machine.





My weekly weigh in (even though I step on the scales a few times during the week) 201.8. Yay, I'm getting closer and closer to 199!   Breakfast - Cleansing tea   Lunch - salad (dressing on side), grilled chicken breast   Dinner - German chocolate cake - bad I know, but my son's best friend made it for me to thank me for calling AAA (He locked his keys in his car). I felt I had to eat it, but only ate a very small piece.   Exercise - I decided I'm taking the day off - having a few pains and the time change has done a wonder on me - so tired today!   Notes - I was so tired today. The time change has really affected my mood/energy level. Will try and get into bed before midnight tonight.





Exercise - 5AM - Yay me - did LBWO   Exercise #2 - 10 am - did 18 min on treadmill (1.03 mile, 3.4 mph, 4% incline, 148 calories) - it was a short break, so I'm using it wisely and walking.   M1 - protein shake with Betagen added in M2 - spinach salad M3 - 3 oz cottage cheese - granola mixed in M4 - 1 cup of speghettie, a small piece of apple pie (bad me) with some about 1/4 cup of sugar free frozen yogurt M5   Notes - TOM came to visit on Saturday - damn it!, Feeling bloated and yuk. But, I DID NOT miss an exercise session this weekend, and for the most part ate pretty good and clean. I am calling my doctor today and trying for another fill, just doesn't fill like I'm tight enough, I can eat regular bites of food, and pretty much swallow it whole - I don't even have to bother eating the bandster way. So, I think its time for a fill.   Scale was up this morning - thanks to TOM = 187.2 - grrrrr.




28 days until banding

Wow, just 28 more looooong days before I am banded.   My eating has been okay, last night we went out to eat, and it was kinda weired. Usually I can eat the entire plate and am licking the the juices off the plate, but I only ate about 1/2 of it. My DH said, "your not eating much", and I said, "I'm full". I think he about fell out of his chair. lol. I don't know if I have ever stopped eating when I was full.   Ever since that I found out I was approved for the band. I've tried to eat the banster way, not always succeeding, but it is on my mind, take small bites, eat slow, and chew chew chew. Proteins first then veggies. So, even without the band, I'm making some changes.   I have taken this surgery very serious and not looking at it as a quick fix, but as a tool. I am going to have to do my part in order to lose this weight.   The last few days, exercise has been zippo. I didn't go last night because my mother came over and she lives out of town, so I couldn't just leave her and run to work out. So my DH & I took my mother out for a nice dinner. My mother & I were a bit depressed so DH thought dinner out would be good (what a sweet guy I have :kiss2: ).   My Grandmother (who I love like no other) is slowly dying and it is really depressing for my mother & I. My Gma had a very bad stroke April 9, 2004 so because she was crippled, my mother could not take care of her anylonger. She needed 24/7 care and my mom could not lift my grandmother due to my mothers own health problems. So, since I am power of attorney over my Gma, I placed her in a nursing home. My mother & I visit her almost daily and have since she was placed there. But lately, her eating has gone down to about 25% of her food. Hospice informed us yesterday this is the first stages of death. I know my grandmother is in pain and I hate seeing her suffer daily, its just hard knowing that this woman I loved more than anythig in the entire world is about to leave me. And my mom is a big moma's baby too, and she always cared for my gma thru the years, so its hard on my mom too. Anyhow, its just a tough time for my mother & I to endure but I know it has to happen and I know in the long run, death will be so much better for my Grandmother than living like she is. I know she WOULD NOT want to live like this and she has told me that many of times that she never wants to dwindle away in a nursing home, which is exactly what she is doing. I wish I could change it, but I can't.   Anyhow, just expressing my emotions today.



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
