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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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99 days until my 1 year anniversary

I'm on a countdown to get as close, if not hit my goal by my 1 year anniversary!   Exercise - 15 min recumbant bike, leg lifts with ankle weights, calf raises   Wt this morning 175.2




Back to the gym - FINALLY

Well, yesterday was my first trip back to the gym since July! I haven't been able to make it to the gym since my surgery. My physical therapist put me on a bicycle to get my movement back in my knees, so I headed to the gym and did 15 min on the recumbant bike. I did work up a little sweat, but not much.   I could not go that fast, but I'm just happy that I did it. I go to therapy today and they will put me on the bike there, and do leg lifts with ankle weights so I'll get a little exercise today too.   I'm taking baby steps, trying to get back into the exercise game. It's going to be awhile before I can start lifting weights again with my legs, but at this point, I will be happy to be able to get on a treadmill again...   Weight this morning 175.1. The fill is working, I got full after about 4 bites of weight control oatmeal.




Going for fill #6 today

I'm at 3.4cc's and still do not have the restriction I'm supposed to have. So, I'm headed for fill #6 today. I do have "some" restriction, but I need to be tighter. I'm hoping fill #6 will jump start my weightloss again.   In the past 2 months I haven't lost any weight, however, its my own fault. I haven't tried either.   Will update more in my journal later.




October 5, 2007 - long time no post, but back in action!

Okay, I haven't posted since JULY!!! Here is what has been going on -   I leave 8/4/07 for a vacation that we saved for for an entire year, we were headed to the Carribean for a 7 day cruise with my husbands entire immediate family.   Things started off great, great whether, I looked darned good in my $280 pink beaded gown (got it for $24.00 on clearance - what a steal). My DH & I booked a private room on the cruise and my kids were in the next room - how much more romantic good you get? I decided I would splurge on the trip, eat whatever the heck I wanted, so I order the chocolate melting cake after dinner. Let me tell you it was heavenly!   Well, day 2 of the cruise was huge party, all the cruise passengers were divided up into teams, Red, White & Blue were the team colors. We were the White team. That evening, we went to the lounge where all the other fellow white team members were, and everyone was on the dance floor having a great time. Then they said they would tap couple on the shoulders and they wanted them to stay on the dance floor for a "dance off". Wouldn't you know it, my DH & I were chosen. So we are out there dancing and having a great time, and we're down to the final 4 couples, and suddenly, the floor was wet, and my leg slipped. I tried to not fall, but down I went. As I went down I felt things inside my leg rip like never before. I could not get up. My DH & others carried me off the dance floor and I was in so much pain. The nurse came up with a wheel chair and I opted not to go to the doctor on the ship (its about $300 minimum to see the doc). I wanted to put ice on it and see how it felt the next morning.   The next morning, it was as big as the ship (my knee). So I went to see the doc, who basically told me there was nothing they could do. They gave me a shot for pain & swelling and wrapped it up and said enjoy the rest of the trip. Yeah, right.   So, the remainder of the 5 days I was in a wheel chair and made the best of my trip. I wasn't able to snorkle, or go the beach, or even swim. But I did drink, eat and have some fun. I enjoyed watching everyone else, but I was in a lot of pain.   Okay, fast forward.....We arrive home on 9/12/07 only to find our house had completely flooded, I mean every room! It was totally ruined! Or at least unlivable for a few weeks. The smell was horrid. So here I am, totally unable to walk, no house to live in, by this time, I'm really feeling sorry for myself - so I eat...and eat, and eat some more. Bad habits sure do come back fast!   Fast forward again.....I had surgery on my knee 8/22. They replaced two of my legiments with donors, and fixed another one (MCL, LCL & ACL were all damaged). They also had to clean out my cartlidge, and do a major menicus repair, drilled wholes in my knee and everything. The doctor broke the bad knews that I would not be able to put any weight on my right knee for at least 6 weeks and I would be totally bed ridden for 2 weeks. So, what do I do, I eat, and I eat and eat. My congregation were so kind to prepare meals for my family, and let me tell you, the ladies cooked wonderful - but fattening meals. But I ate them anyhow. How could I not?   Fast forward, during this time, my grandmother grew ill, she & I are extremely close - I am also her power of attorney. Well, she passed away so I had to deal with planning the entire funeral with no help from my family. They were all wanting to do it their way when they knew how she wanted her memorial. They knew she gave me specific instructions, so I fought with them and this caused more emotional eating.   Well, my house is almost back in order, I am now able to put a little weight on my right knee, and walking now with 1 crutch. I survived my grandmothers funeral - and I finally stepped on the scales.....I was so shocked and relieved to see the scales went up 5 lbs. Yes, only 5 lbs!!!!!   I love the band, I truly love this band. Pre band, I would have gained a minimum of 20 lbs. I have done it over and over and over. I always gain quickly and after 2 months of eating whatever I wanted, I am shocked the scales are only up 5 lbs.   The day I left for the cruise I weighed in at 174.6 - I was up about 3 lbs, because I was down to 171. I weighed this morning and I'm down to 175.6 - almost my pre cruise weight.   I feel like the past 2 months were just a waste for me, but on the other hand I've learned that I will never be fat again as long as I have my band!!! I can go off of dieting and not gain 20lbs. I am so happy with the band.   Now that I am over my self-pitty party, its back to the grind with eating right. I can't exercise yet, but I can't wait to get back into gear with exercise.   Well, thats my end of summer story....I'm looking forward to getting my life back on track!





Woke up this moring full of energy, and loving life. Stepped on the scale and holy moly, down 2 more pounds, YES, I love life! Weighed in at 172!!!! Only 3 more pounds until I reach the 160's! I haven't been there in freaken YEARS!   Menu yesterday was pretty low, but doing a cleanse to help jump start the weightloss again before the cruise.   Todays menu a little more to eat than yesterday:   Bfast Bfast burrito from Taco Bueno, except hold the flour tortia, they just put the insides in a bowl for me of the borrito. So good. Only ate 1/2.   Lunch Cleanse drink   Dinner Not sure, its our night to go out to eat, will share something with my DH I'm sure.   Exercise Circuit training and working my Lower Body.   I am getting called skinny minny today. I'm in my size 12 shorts, that are a little baggy, and I have my shirt tucked in and no belly fat hanging over. lol. I can't believe I have my shirt tucked in!




My 6 mo results

I weighed on 7/18 and weighed 174, then I bounced back up to 176 or 177, then down to 175 and today I was back down to 174. I want to keep track of my progress so here is what I've done so far. I'm happy that 74 lbs are LOST FOREVER!   My results below Beginning Weight = 248 1 mo post op - 206.8 2 mo post op - 198 3 mo post op - 193 4 mo post op - 184.2 5 mo post op - 178.0 6 mo post op - 174





Wt this morning 174 lbs - I'm down a total of 74 lbs still, not gaining, not losing. But I'm really okay with it for now. I'm going to try and mantain until my fill.   8 more days until my cruise!!!!!! I'm excited and ready to get away from my job!   Last night I had a great workout, I did circuit training and workout out for about an hour:   2 min on Elliptical (really fast) 10 shoulder press 10 chest press 2 min on elliptical 10 bicep curls 10 triceps 2 min on elliptical 10 pec flys 10 rear deltoids 2 min on elliptical 10 lat pull downs 10 triceps push downs 2 min on elliptical Then repeated 2 more times.   I finished off with another 6 min on elliptical making it a total of 30 min that I was on the Elliptical and a total of about 30 min on weights. Doing the training this way was also an aerobic exercise, so I burned fat and built muscle.   I will begin my new BFL challenge on August 13th, so until then, I'm going to do the circuit training.   Menu today - doing a cleanse again, the lemonade cleanse. I'm only doing it during the day, then I eat baked fish and salad at night. No preservatives, no additives. I also drink a herbal tea in the evenings. I'm doing the cleanse until August 2nd or 3rd - If I can make it that long.   The cleanse says no eating anything else but the drink, but I just can't do that, so I eat healthy stuff in the evenings with my family. It seems to be working so I'm not too worried about it.   I know I will probably gain some weight on the cruise, but I'm going to try and workout too so I don't, or I don't gain but a pound or two.




4th fill and still not working

Went back for my 4th fill on July 20th, he withdrew my fluid from fill #3 and only withdrew 1.8cc's. That shocked me and explains why I was feeling NOTHING! And why I was HUNGRY. I was a bit worried, I told him he told me that he filled me to 3.5cc's the last time and asked if he thought I had a leak, he said no.   He then did the same thing as he did with fill #3, he completely filled my band and slowly withdrew the fluid until some started going thru the band. He ended me at 3.0 cc's. (this is the exact place I was on fill #2) what an idiot!   Anyhow, when he fills me up this way, I think my stomach swells and I have spasms and it looks like I have restriciton, but by the evening the swelling goes down and I lose the restriciton.   I'm back to no restriction or very little restriction. I leave on my cruise 8/4/07 so I am going to hold off on getting another fill until after I return because I don't want any problems with my fills while out of town and especially in the middle of the ocean.   I'm taking an appetite suppresion now, and tryin to DIET very hard to lose 5 more freaken pounds before my cruise. Which I don't think will happen .......grrrrrr. But all in all, I'm going on the cruise at 175 lbs or so, so I am happy that I've lost as much as I have since the band. My goal was to weigh 169 by the cruise, but I don't think that will happen, I'm a little disappointed, but not too bad.   I love my band, I just want my restriciton like everyone else! I want to have to eat slow and take small bites - right now I don't have to do any of this!   I have slipped on exercise the past week - but trying to get back to it. I did get on the elliptical machine yesterday and plan on doing it today. However, my weight lifting has slipped and I'm craving it so bad right now. I just have not had the time to get the gym, but I think tonight I will have to go no matter what!





Updating my journal -   Got my 3rd fill on Friday (7/6/07), was raised to 3.5cc's and I now feel like I have less restriction than I did before. So weird. I called my dr. and they are scheduling me for an upper GI tomorrow. I hope everything is okay.   I have lost another 2 lbs - weight now finally to 176! I've been on a 3 week stall maybe even 4 weeks.   Still exercising, but have slacked this last week. Planning on doing my LBWO tonight.   I'm also very nausiated right now. I went to the gym on Saturday morning, and was working out and thought I was going to barf on the elliptical machine. I'm not sure what is going on, very weird.





Last night I had a GREAT LBWO. Then went and set in the hot tub for about 15 min, then sat in the sauna for about 10. Felt so good! I feel so good about getting my MOJO back and putting my entire soul into my exercises.   Wt this morning - 179.2 - grrrrrr - I'm ready to see a big drop in my numbers! I keep bouncing from 178 to 179 - haven't lost any weight since 6/12!   Menu today   Bfast - 1/2 cup cottage cheese/ 1/2 cup mixed fruit (Strawberries, pinapple, kiwi fruit)   Lunch - protein shake maybe - not sure   Dinner - ground turkey / spinach   Tonights workout out will be:   20 min on treadmill UBWO   I am going to try and get to the gym earlier tonight, I didn't get in bed until after midnight last night. I'm sooooo tired today.




Updating my journal

I haven't been writing in my journal as often as I should - so I"m also making a goal to start updating it more often.   Exercise - 20 min of HIIT on Elliptical bike - 211 calories, 1.63 miles   Water aerobics at the gym from 6pm to 7 pm - not sure how many calories - but I'm sure I'm buring some   Bfast - coffee w/sf cream   M2 - sf chocolate pudding with a couple of heaping teaspoons of choco protein powder   m3 - Logans steak house, ate 1/3 of a 6 oz sirloin steak, had about 1/3 of the salad and a few bites of the sweet potatoe - passed on the bread!   M4 - 1/2 apple - no skin   m5 - chicken and a small salad





Well, starting my 10th week of the BFL challenge. It seems the last few weeks I have not been doing very well, I've lost that drive, that MOJO.   So last night I had another talk with myself, and looked at myself naked in the mirror (its a mind game I play with myself at times - lol). I asked, is the way I want to look? Of course the answer is NO, so I got my butt to the gym and was there for 2 hours!   So, I'm back in the game now. The next 3 weeks I will be working my ass off - I'm going to give it 110%!   I am only 33 lbs from goal! I can't believe it, NOW is not the time to slack!




Happy 5 month Band Anniversary to me

Today makes my official 5 months since having surgery.   I'm down 70 lbs (I will take my measurements tonight and post them)   It's also the end of 8 weeks of the BFL challenge and starting the 9th week (only 4 more weeks to finsih the challenge).   I'm at a stand still right now. I didn't lose this week - but didn't eat right either.   My results below Beginning Weight = 248 1 mo post op - 206.8 2 mo post op - 198 3 mo post op - 193 4 mo post op - 184.2 5 mo post op - 178.0   Total pounds lost to date 70:whoo:




Exercise Update

This week has just sucked! I've not gotten my arse out of bed, I've been exercising super late at night, then not getting in bed until 12 or 1 am! I don't feel like I'm putting all my effort into my exercise this week.   I am off work Thursday and Friday, so this should get me back on track - I will get up and go exercise!   I will be taking my 8 week picture, my measurements, and my 5 month Band anniversary pics on Sunday. I'm anxious to see my results.   I am not seeing as big as results as some people I know who have done the BFL challenge, I think because I'm not eating right.   I'm eating healthy and good low fat clean food, however, I haven't been eating the 5 times a day as the BFL recommends.   After I complete this challenge, I will start another BFL challenge and my next challenge I might just focus on eating, and gaining muscle, this challange I'm focussing on losing FAT and watching the scales go down and making exercise a part of my life.   I know I won't be where I want to be in 4 weeks (the end of the challenge) - and probably won't be there in another 12 weeks. But I do think in the next year, I will be where I want to be and that is so exciting to me. I have never been this close to goal and know that I will make it this time.




June 12 -

Okay - time to get focussed and get this challenge finished. I've been over at the BFL tracker website, looking all the before and after pics of the 12 week progress photos, WOW is all I can say.   Its got me pumped to finish the 12 week challenge and start another one! I finish in July, and I leave for vacation August 4th, so I probably won't start the next challenge until I get back. I will just continue to exercise in between the challenges.




Starting my 8th week of BFL challenge

Well, today marks the beginning of my 8th week of the BFL challenge. I can't believe that I am starting my 8th week! I have never made it this far in the challenge, I always quit around the 3rd week, one time I made it close to the 6th week (but missed workouts here and there).   I have made up the workouts that I missed while we went out of town, I only have 1 more cardio to make up - I am starting to see some improvements in my cellulite area on the back of my thighs - I still have plenty of it, but I can see a difference.   I weighed this morning 178.2 - I am down 70 lbs now! I'm sure the weight loss will slow down. Whats weird is, it goes so slow for a few weeks, then all of a sudden, I drop 5 lbs. So, it lifts my spirits. I cannot believe it when I step on the scales and see 170's. I have to step on the scales 5 or 6 times, I leave come back to the scales and step on them again. It's just amazing how good I feel.   Okay - eating has not been that great, so that could be the reason I'm losing fast the last week too. I have been a little stressed over my 16 year old son, he has gotten himself in a little trouble, he is a good kid, makes straight A's, wins all kinds of awards at school. However, he went out and got drunk with some of his friends for the first time, we found out about it so we have taken all his priveledges away from him. No cell phone, no car, no movies, no nothing. Its scary to think he was driving! It stresses me out to think "what if", he could have killed himself or someone else. I am totally against drinking and driving and it is not worth it. Plus, he is only 16! I told him no matter how drunk he is, he needs to call me, we will pick him up and discuss it the next day. He swears he just wanted to try it, and won't do it again, but my DH & I are worried because alchoholism runs in my DH family. June 6th was 27 years that my DH has been sober - his dad was sober for 25 years before he died, his grandmother died of alchoholism, so its nothing we take lightly. So, my eating has been minimal lately. I am going to focus this week on eating better, getting more protein in.   Okay, off to work I go..........busy week!




I broke the 180's!

I weighed this morning at 179.6 YAY! I now weight LESS than my husband (he weighs 181).   I still can't believe I saw 179 on the scales - but I did!   This weekend is a busy weeked, I'm attending a convention with my church, it was all day yesterday, and all day today and tomorrow, but I love seeing all my friends there.   I've been eating good healthy foods, and exercising so its paying off. I just don't want it to end! I want to get to my goal within a year of 145, but if I don't I will still be happy because I've already almost lost 70 lbs! In about 6 months!




Day 45 of my 84 day challenge

For the next 3 weeks, I will be working out 7 days a week to make up for my missed exercise sessions. This way, I can say I haven't missed any again! That is my goal, to make it 12 weeks and not miss any exercises according to the BFL program.   Monday - I did my LBWO Tuesday - Did my UBWO Wednesday - do 20 min of HIIT Thursday - LBWO Friday - UBWO Saturday - 20 min of HIIT Sunday 20 min of HIIT   Eating has been good, eating healthy! Weightloss is slow, but I know I need another fill. The beuaty of it all, I am not gaining! For the first time in my life, I am not gaining!




Tuesday, June 5th

Well, I went to Nashville, had a great time! The trip down there was HELL - first our rental car was screwed up so we ended up taking our car.   We are cruisng along and finally after we hit Little Rock, Arkansas, we come to a 15 mile backed up trafic at a complete stop! We are there for about an hour and haven't moved, we turn around and get off at another exit and "try" and get on another highway, again, 10 miles backed up and a complete stop, after an hour of waiting, we turn around again and trying to find a way past the trafic. We stop at a little store and there was two EMSA drivers there, evidently there was horrible wreck involving two Semi's and a mini van, the wreck left all three in the van dead, so sad. They told us the roads were now closed and would be for about another 6 to 8 hours because the trucks spilled stuff all over the road and they had to haul sand in. But they were nice enough to take us through some back roads and get us past the mess. It took about 3 hours, but we finally made it thru little Rock. Our 9 hour trip took 13 hours!   Once we got to Nashville, we had a great time! We attended the benefit concert on Friday and they raised lots of money for Perry Braggs who is in need of a kydney transplant. Then we had another on Saturday night which was so great. As we are coming back to the motel Saturday night, my DH notices the car is hot, turns out, our water pump went out. So now, we are in Nashville on a Saturday night and no way to get home. On Sunday we call every mechanic and none were available (we both are supposed to be back at work on Monday). Well, my DH gets ride (from a very nice employee of the hotel) to the local parts store, he buys the water pump, and lots of tools. He and a good friend worked on the car with a limited amount of tools and finally completed it around 6:30 on Saturday night.   We went and had dinner and saw our friend off on his 9:30 flight back to Georgia.   We headed back to Tulsa, a 9 hour drive around 10 pm. We made it until 3:40 am and then got a motel in Little Rock. I had to call my boss and let her know there was no way we would make it back to Tulsa by monday morning (it was already 3:40 am). So, we finally made it home around 5 pm on Monday.   I started a local support group in Tulsa, and Monday was to be the first meeting, I was worried I wasn't going to make it. But I had just enough time to freshen up and get to the meeting by 6:00 pm.   There were 4 people who turned up, but I think it will grow over time. I told them all about this forum and how much it has helped me.   Now, as far as exercise goes, I ended up missing 2 workout sessions, so I will have to make them up in the next two weeks by working out on Sundays as well, so the next two weeks - I will be 7 days a week. I refuse to miss a workout! I refuse to do it! I will finish this challenge, I will!   I'm excited, I'm now 1/2 way to the finish line! The scale is move so darn slow, It showed 183.6 this morning, I'm sure the wine I drank in Nashville, plus all the eating out didn't help. So I'm not too worried about it. I hope tomorrow the scale will start going downward.   Well, thats whats been going on with me....................




Wednesday, May 30th

Still going strong on my BFL challenge and I haven't missed a exercise session yet!   Wt this morning - 183.8 - Scales are moving sooooo slow lately, no weight loss since the 18th. But I can tell I'm smaller. My 14's are getting big, so I will be in a 12 very soon!   I'm not too worried about the scales right now, I know eventually it will fall off.   I need a fill - badly. I went on Friday to get one, but there was a mix up and I didn't get it. Evidently, they are supposed to have a pre authorization from my insurance company, and the lady who scheduled my fill failed to do that. So, after waiting an hour, the doc came out and told me they are still waiting on insurance to get back with them. So I ended up leaving with no fill. Here it is Wednesday and I still have not got the approval. Nor has the doc office called me back, very irritating, I want my fill damn it!   I'm headed to Nashville on Friday, and I was hoping to have my fill before I leave (it will help me keep in control while there). But I don't think it is going to happen. Hopefully I can get it next week.   Exercise - on Monday, I did my LBWO again, those lunges really do hurt! I also added 45 min on the treadmill later that night.   Tuesday - I did my 20 min of HIIT - I was extremely tired and just managed to do what I was supposed to do, I didn't add anything extra.   Wednesday (today). I haven't exercised yet, but I will this afternoon, today is my UBWO. I plan on doing that and addid 30 to 45 min of treadmill in as well.   Well, I'm off to a company picnic and a baseball game today, they are having hot dogs and hamburgers - I guess I could eat the meat only? I wish they would have some grilled chicken or something. Oh well, I will make due.




I can't walk!

I can't walk today! My ass hurts, my thighs hurt, my entire body is aching! Wednesday I decided it was time to pump up my lower body workout, so I did the dreaded squats and lunges.   Today is 48 hours later and I had to roll out of bed this morning, I was hurting so bad, then I went to sit down on the toilet, and my ass was in pain. I must have really worked it - this is the first time I have been this sore in forever. Hopefully by tomorrow, it won't be as sore. I'm due to do my LBWO again on Monday. Today is my ubwo.   I had to do cardio yesterday and I was sore, but I still did them.   I go for fill #3 today at 1:30. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, excited to get more restriction, nervous about being too tight and pbing, so I will need to learn to slow down on eating and take smaller bites, something I have not accomplished yet.




Exercise Update

Things have been hectic, so I haven't been keeping track of my exercise & eating in my journal, my bad. I haven't missed an exercise session one - matter of fact, my butt really hurts today. I did lunges last night on my lower body workout, and I'm feeling it this morning.   I actually had THREE exercise sessions yesterday, 2 cardio and 1 weight training. I ate too much yesterday and I know I'm ready for a fill. I go tomorrow - yay!   I'll try and get better regarding updating my journal, just so busy, no time to for anything.   Next week will be 1/2 way mark (June 3). Then I will have 6 weeks to go to complete this challenge. I will be so proud of myself if I can complete this challenge, or should I say, WHEN I complete the challenge. I have tried so many times to complete it but never do, so my focus is to complete it!




Keeping your Mojo

Okay - so we all get motivated and we are gung ho about losing our weight. We're going strong, nothing can stop us now, or can it? You finally hit the dreaded "I don't care attitude". You realize 3 months later, you've gained weight, your no longer exercising and your eating crap. You wonder, what happened? You were so excited and doing good, then you stopped? Well, you lost your motivation, otherwise known as MOJO.   So, I'm on a qwest, how do we keep our mojo going strong? I've been asking the experienced bandsters this question, what motivates you? What keeps you motivated? Here are some tips -   1) Have some goals and write them down! Make sure they are very clear and precise goals. Don't just say, I want to lose 50 lbs, ror 60 lbs. What are you going to do to hit that goal? Have some short term goals - and work toward your bigger goals.   2) Have some NSV goals. It's not all about weight, maybe you want to wear a size 10, or maybe you want to no longer touch the sides of the bathtub with your thighs when you are in it (one of my NSV goals).   3) Measure your success - thats right, get out the tape measure and measure! You will be amazed at the results (I've lost 8 inches off my hips - that to me is amazing!). Also, measure your success with pictures, take your picture every month, you might even take it nude, this is just for you to measure your success. Or take it in you undies, or bikini, however you want. Look at the before & after pics and check out Foodchamps - you can really see the difference in her tummy area, but if you just took the pic fully clothed, you wouldn't be able to see the results.   4) You have to be tough about the scales. Yes, this is hard to do, I know from experience. But, realize your body water weight changes all the time, some days its retaining some days it is now. So the best thing to do is measure your results weekly or monthly.   5) Look at your before pic often and then look at your latest pic, see how far you have come, don't stop now. Keep telling yourself this. Vision yourself smaller and fit and heathy.   6) Fake it until you make it......I'm talking about exercise. The dreaded word. I hated it, I faked it, went to the gym and walked slowly on the treadmill faking it, then after about 3 weeks, I started increasing the speed, and finally really started pushing myself, I made it....get it? Fake it until you make it! I promise, keep doing this and you will make it, but its hard in the beginning so push yourself to the gym or to go for a walk.   7) Keep track of what you eat, don't just say, I'm doing good, why am I not losing....if you keep track of EVERY bite you can look back on it and say "Wow, it must be the bite here and there of the M&m's i'm consuming, or that piece of candy I grab everyday off my desk etc. Keeping track of what we eat will keep us on the losing path, it will keep us motivated.   8) Buy yourself some new clothes! it will motivate you, promise. I bought myself a size smaller and now am wearing it. It motivates me to keep going smaller. We deserve to reward ourselves, so lets do it, but no with food!   9) Don't look at your flaws (I do it, its easy to do) look at your accomplishment and what you are doing - keep thinking about how much better you are going to look, this helps me stay motivated.   10) After you reach your goals, mark them off your list. It motivates me to keep checking off goals. It keeps me motivated!   Below are my goals I wrote back in December (see my first page of my journal) - So I'm going thru them and checking off what I have done -   1. I want back in my bikini! I haven't worn it since, well, 14 years ago. Not yet - but working toward it   2. I want a fit body, not just healthy but toned, I want my atheletic shape back - the one way to do this is EXERCISE (note to self, get off the couch and MOVE) - I've started exercising, so I'm working toward this goal, I can see changes in my body and I feel better so 50/50 accomplished so far.   3. I want to buy sexy clothes again! and not only buy them, but be able to wear them and feel good in them. - I bought a few sexy shirts, and I will be wearing one next weekend. So, I'm going to say this goal has been reached!   4. I want to be able to bend down and tie my shoes without the breath being knocked out of me. - DONE!   5. I want to be able to get in the tub and not have my ASS take up the entire tub, side to side - oh this sucks. - DONE!   6. I want to be able to cross my legs. - DONE!   7. I want to be able to wear shorts without them riding up my crotch. - hmmmm, almost but not quite.   8. I want to be able to walk without my thighs rubbing each other and sweating in the summer and leaving that horrible heat rash! - still working on this one.   9. I want to be able to push food away and not feel the need to clean up the entire plate.- I say - DONE.   10. I don't want food to be my focus in life.- DONE! 11. I want my kids to be proud of me.   12. I want to feel beautiful again and not 40 & fat. - Working on this, but not quite there.   13. I want to be able to buy a low rise pair of jeans without my stomach hanging over. my current jeans go clear up to my belly button. - My most exciting goal of all that I reached! I bought my first pair last week and they look good!   14. I want to be able to have sex with my DH and not feel the need to "turn the lights off". - Well, almost.   15. I want to become where exercise is a part of my life, where I crave exercise like I crave chocolate.- Becoming more and more part of my life! OMG - I've reached this goal!   16. I want to inspire other people to lose weight. - I was just told the other day that I inspire them. So I am going to say DONE!   17. I want to become a personal trainer. - This is a long term goal of mine - so not there yet!   18. I want to buy attractive Teddies to wear instead of my sweatpants and tee shirts to bed. - I forgot about this goal, so I think next week after I complete my 6th week of BFL, I will by myself a new nightie, to celebrate my 1/2 mark with bfl.   19. I want to be proud of my weight, not ashamed. - almost, but not quite   20. I want people to be shocked that I am 40 because I look younger, not shocked because I am 40 and I look 50. - working on this, the more weight I lose, the younger I look.



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