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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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My first fill

Okay, I admit it, I was nervous, scared and anxious to get my first fill. I can't believe how wonderful the nurse was.   My doctor has my fills done by the radiology dept at the hospital right next to his office. I got my fill from a Dr. Dennison. He was so nice. Anyhow, he found my port very fast, but did have some problems sticking me, the port kept moving. He first cleaned me with some alchohal, then stuck me with some novocaine (sp), and numbed me up. He finally started my fill, very painless after the first stick to numb me. Which it was only a tiny sting. Anyhow, he filled me up to 2.0 cc's, and then the worst part of it all, the drinking of the barium - chalky stuff, NASTY.   The 2.0 fill showed MAJOR restriction, my esophogas started having spasms, then he had me relax, take another swallow, and still was going thru the band really slow. He then took .2 cc's out, which brought me down to 1.8 cc's, and there was no restriction, he put back to 2.0 cc's and it was going thru really fast, He then raised it up to 2.2 cc's and I felt restriction. He had me swallow again, and I could see and feel the fluid sitting there. Then it would slowly go thru. I hope I'm not too tight, but he said it loosens up a bit, and my Esophogas was having spasms, more than usual he thought, but didn't seem worried about it. He did say if I'm too tight and find it uncomfortable, to call him and he will take some of the fluid out.   I am to be on liquids for FIVE days, then soft foods for 2 or 3 days, then back to regular foods. I hope the weight loss will start back up again, I sure hope it does.





My menu is pretty boring, so I'm really not going to post it. Its basically a "Master Cleanse/Lemonaide Diet". My DH is doing it to clean out his arteries, etc, so I'm supporting him and doing it with him. Your supposed to do the cleanse for 10 days, or up to 40 and beyond. There is NO WAY that I can do it beyond 10 days, and not sure if I can hang for 10 days, but giving it a try.   The cleanse consist of:   10 oz of water - purrified only or spring 1/2 fresh organic lemon (or regular lemon - which is what I'm using) 2 TBSP of Maple syrup - GRADE B only. You have to get this at health store and 1/10 of tsp of ceyenne pepper - or to taste   You drink this 6 or more times a day, and in between you have fresh spring/purified water.   You eat NOTHING, and if the cleanse is not "moving", you can have this concoction with some organic laxative tea - twice a day. AFter 10 days of this, you begin with a little orange juice - this prepares the body for digestive with food. Then on day 12, you begin adding some fresh fruit/veggies - and day 13, gradually add your lean meats and grilled veggies or fresh.   I'm on day 3 of my cleanse. I had my fill yesterday and required to be on liquids anyhow, so I'm doing the cleanse.   Exercise was NOTTA Monday & Tuesday, but I will exercise everyday the rest of the week!   Exercise today - 20 min treadmill, 3.2 mph, 1.05 miles, 160 calories -





Weight - 201 :clap2:   Breakfast - early early cleansing tea/then had some yogurt & cottage cheese mixed   Lunch - 2 chicken strips (grilled)   Dinner - 1 cup of salad with 1 grilled chicken strip   Exercise - Well, no gym, but worked my butt off around the house and yard! I call that exercise - back is killing me   Notes - I ate more than usual today, but noticed hungrier today. I think the band is tighter some days, today, not as tight. I got several compliments at work today, telling me how good I'm looking (no one knows I had WLS).




I can't walk!

I can't walk today! My ass hurts, my thighs hurt, my entire body is aching! Wednesday I decided it was time to pump up my lower body workout, so I did the dreaded squats and lunges.   Today is 48 hours later and I had to roll out of bed this morning, I was hurting so bad, then I went to sit down on the toilet, and my ass was in pain. I must have really worked it - this is the first time I have been this sore in forever. Hopefully by tomorrow, it won't be as sore. I'm due to do my LBWO again on Monday. Today is my ubwo.   I had to do cardio yesterday and I was sore, but I still did them.   I go for fill #3 today at 1:30. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, excited to get more restriction, nervous about being too tight and pbing, so I will need to learn to slow down on eating and take smaller bites, something I have not accomplished yet.





Crazy weekend, busy weekend and did not that great at eating. I had a tea party on Saturday, and ate all the bad stuff.   No exercise at the gym, but was quite active all weekend.   Today's menu   bfast - weight wise oatmeal with 1/3 of a banana chopped up in it   Lunch 1 cup of tossed salad   snack 4 pretzles   dinner -   Exercise - 10:00 am - 15 min on elliptical   3:00pm - 15 min on elliptical       Wt - 182.8 - grrrrrr





Bfast - SF yogurt, low fat cottage cheese mixed   Lunch -   Dinner -   Exercise -   Notes - I took the day off yesterday and ate what I wanted, I had some of those 100 cal Reeses snack packs a few times yesterday (one for breakfast), and ate a fried chicken tender (My moms fried chicken) for lunch & dinner. I usually don't eat fried stuff, but Hey, I took a day off. lol. I didn't exercise, I didn't even care yesterday. I'm back to eating right and eating light today and will be exercising tonight.   I am going to try and take my 2 month post op pic tonight.





Thank Gawd its Friday!!!!!!!!! I love Friday and today is even Payday, its my year end at work, I made my goal which means I get a 10% of my yearly salary bonus!! Yehaw!!!! I won't get it until February 22nd, but thats okay, I am spending it on our next cruise that leaves June 29th, 2008 to the Virgin Islands. I'm hoping to be at goal by then.   Wt this morning 168.6 - starting to drop the water weight!




up 1 lb

Well, I decided to step on the scales this morning since its been a week since I weighed and it showed me up 1 lb. I was a little upset, but I figure I was on liquids for so long and finally started mushy foods, maybe my body is just getting used to food now. Not sure why I'm up, but I won't let it get me down.   I feel really good & energetic today. The Ccap machine is doing wonders for my energy. Last night was the first night I was able to sleep with it all night. Usually I wake up because I open my mouth and then it dries my mouth out and I wake up choking. I finally went back to the sleep center and they gave me a chin strap. Well, that still wasn't working, but last night I figured out how to put the chin strap on where it would keep my mouth closed during the evening and I slept so good. I finally woke up around 4:30 am because my nose piece came off and the air was blowing on my cheek. But I get up at 5 am anyhow, so I pretty much slept with it all night.   My menu today looks like the following:   Bfast - 8 oz protein shake   lunch - 1/2 cup cottage cheese   dinner - 1/2 cup of cream of broccoli soup   And my goal is to get 64 oz of water in, do 30 min on treadmill.





wt - 171.4   Well, I finally figured out why my weight is bouncing! Woke up this morning and had my visit from TOM, EARLY! He was not due to visit until another 10 days! Weird, I've always been late, not early, especailly not 10 days early! I woke up in a bad mood. I feel bad yelling at my daughter and DH, they were both walking around on egg shells this morning.   I've finally calmed down, but I hate that I acted so bad toward them this morning.   I think I will just sit in my office today and not talk to anyone at work, just not in the mood to deal with people today, not sure why I'm in such a fowl mood, but I suppose it must be PMS. Man, somtimes I hate being a woman!





Okay - enough of my self sabotage, its time to kick it up and get the body I've always wanted. I'm so pumped. My knee still burns and I have not been able to climb a step yet, but I am ready to hit the gym! I will just have to modify my exercises. Its time to adopts the NO MORE EXCUSES rule. I cannot and will not be making any more excuses. I have this wonderful tool inside me (also known as "the band") and it is time to use it and quit eating around it!   I'm starting a 2008 12 week exercise challenge, begins 1/7/08. I'm so excited to get back into the exercise. I can't wait for my fill on 1/18. I need it so bad!   I need to measure tonight and I'm going to start planning my meals better.   Today   Bfast 4 slices of bacon (70 calories for 2 slices - very small & thin) coffee with cream   Lunch 1 cup of lettuce 2 oz of chicken on top 1 oz of cheese a few sunflower seeds balsamic/olive oil dressing   snack LC SF yogurt a handfull of granola   dinner -   Water -   suppliments - quickslim30, flinstones




June 12 -

Okay - time to get focussed and get this challenge finished. I've been over at the BFL tracker website, looking all the before and after pics of the 12 week progress photos, WOW is all I can say.   Its got me pumped to finish the 12 week challenge and start another one! I finish in July, and I leave for vacation August 4th, so I probably won't start the next challenge until I get back. I will just continue to exercise in between the challenges.




Fill #7

Well, I went ahead and went for fill #7 and boy do I feel it. I had restriciton before, but now I really have it. I might even be too tight, but we'll see. I was tempted to go back and have him take just a teeny bit out, but I decided to wait it out until Monday.   I am up to 4.0cc's now in my 4.0 cc band. If I stay where I'm at, I don't think that I will ever need another fill. I'm about 20 lbs from goal, and I think this fill is going to take me there!   I will be on liquids for the rest of the day, and maybe tomorrow. I just want to be able to eat meat, so if by Monday I can't eat meat, I'll be headed back to the docs office.   Well, short day at work today, we should be getting off work at 2 or 3 today - YAY.   Menu today - LIQUIDS ONLY




My mind is finally right!

Yep, my mind is finally right. I've gotten over the "mindless eating", I'm back into the swing of things. I really am! I turned down CHOCOLATE MELTING CAKE last night. Yay! I felt so much in control when I didn't eat it.   It's been 3 weeks since my last fill and I notice I'm tighter, I think I've hit my sweet spot, I really do. I actually had a PB episode yesterday. I know it not good to PB, but I was glad I've finally got to the point to PB. I was eating some chicken - 4 bites and I was full, and my last bite got stuck. I think I took too big of a bite. I'm finally to the point where I need to take smaller bites. I'm glad I finally can feel the restriction!   I ordered some herbel suppliments from a girl that has lapband (babygotback - Aubree), they are called Quickslim-30. I started taking them today. You only take 1 a day first thing in the morning. Aubrey swears by them, so we'll see how they work for me. They are supposed to help your matabolism - somthing I need help with. :confused:   Weight this morning was 171.5. My menu today:     Bfast - coffee with protein powder mixed in   Lunch - albacore tuna mixed with brown rice   Dinner - grilled talapia - spinach salad   For all those who are considering lapband reading this - if anyone really reads this. Please know that the lapband can be your best friend. But, you can be your worst enemy. The thing with the band is, it works, but you have to work too. You cannot eat whatever you want and expect the band to "lose the weight for you". However, the thing the band will do is keep you from eating too much of whatever you want. For that, I am so grateful. I am able to maintain when I splurge, instead of gain. That to me is a major accomplishment. But, when I watch what I eat (eating grilled meats, and fresh veggies), I lose. All I have to do to lose weight is follow the band rules.   1) No liquid calories 2) protein first 3) no drinking with meals 4) stop eating after 20 min 5) stop eating when full - listen to your body 6) exercise 30 min a day   These are just a few of the rules I remember off hand. I have not been following them - and my mind is finally back in the game, so I'm following them now. I will succeed - I really will!!!





Wt today 171.4, moved a little down from the other day, but still up from last Monday I think.   I do think I have lost inches, I feel skinier.   Menu today:   Bfast -   Liquid calories again - I really need to work on this (small white vanilla bean mocha expresso with whipping cream)   Lunch   salsbury steak - 1/2 of one (140 calories) Brocolli with low fat cheese (50 calories)   Dinner   salsbury steak again - 280 calories salad - 100 calories   Exercise Recumbant bike (am) - 10 min Recumbant bike (3:00) - 15 min Elliptical (3:00) - 5 min




I'm a BAD girl!

I'm in Miami, Florida on business and just eating all the wrong stuff, I'm so mad at myself! I need to gain control! I do not want to step on the scales when I get home because I know that I've gained.   I MUST get back to the gym when I get home - I don't want to see the 170's again, but I have a feeling I'm back into the 170's. grrrrr. Its my own fault! I need to slap myself and gain control.





By Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS   When you're trying to lose weight, the question isn't whether or not you'll hit a plateau, it's when. Plateaus are like bad weather on a long hike: it's inevitable that you'll run into it, but knowing that in advance won't make it one bit less frustrating or annoying when it happens. Cheer up! Since plateaus are as common as rain, we have a pretty good idea what to do about them. At least one of the following techniques should help you break through a plateau and start losing again.   1. Be a Calorie Detective When clients tell me they've stopped losing weight, the first thing I ask is this: how many calories a day are you eating? Calories have a way of creeping up while we're not paying attention. Be brutally honest with yourself: how much are you eating? Using a food diary for a while is a great way to monitor this. And yes, sodas and alcoholic beverages count! A good calorie goal for dieters is your target weight times 10.   2. Change It Up When you're not making gains in an exercise program you change your routine. Same holds true with your eating plan. Low-carbers could go higher carb for a few days, high-carbers might switch to a plan like Atkins or South Beach. Varying calorie intake may have a positive effect: If you're averaging 1,500 calories daily, try dropping to 1,200, going up to 2,000 and then dropping back to 1,500. You get the idea. Your body's gotten comfortable, so it's time to shake things up.   3. Try a Temporary Ban Food sensitivities can cause weight gain and bloat, and the frustrating thing is that most of us don't always know which foods are the culprits. So play the odds. Highest on the list of "usual suspects" are grains (wheat in particular), dairy and sugar. Temporarily ban all three and see what happens.   4. Take Your Workout Up a Notch Forget the "fat burning zone." High intensity intervals -- 30 to 60 seconds -- are the wave of the future. If you're accustomed to level three on your cardio machine, ramp it up to level 6 for a minute then slow down, catch your breath and repeat. Ever see a sprinter with love handles? Training like a sprinter will lower your body fat faster than any technique I know of, plus it'll boost your metabolism and lower your weight.   5. Strength Training If you're not strength training, start now. And if you are, ramp it up a notch. Muscle is your greatest ally in breaking a plateau. Unfortunately many women train with weights too light to produce the metabolic boost they need. Don't be afraid of heavier weights. They should be heavy enough that you can only do between 8 and 12 reps.   6. Up Your Protein Studies show that higher protein diets make it easier to lose fat. Protein boosts the metabolism (in one study as much as 100 percent for 24 hours), and increases satiety, making it more likely that you won't overeat. A higher protein diet could be just what you need to break that plateau.   7. Try a Detox Unsupervised fasting is a really bad idea, but the idea of giving your system a rest makes sense. Try a "smart fast" of nothing but fruits and vegetables for a couple of days. The added fiber is always helpful, and the massive amount of nutrients and phytochemicals is like "spring cleaning" for your metabolism.   8. Take Inventory Other things besides diet and exercise could be stalling your weight loss, such as stress, lack of sleep or medication. Take a look at what else is going on in your life that might need attention. Sometimes when you clean up the problems in one area of your life, problems in other areas just naturally take care of themselves.




Update on Fill History

Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's) Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more! Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter. Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince 11/23/07 - Unfill - Got unfill and because of the swelling and all the PBing, doc took my fill down to 3.0cc's. NO RESTRICTION AGAIN Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital and the Doc had to take me back down to 3.0. grrrr. Now I'm back where I was in November, barely restriction again. Fill #9 - Scheduled for 2/12 at 8 am. This time I will not let him fill me to 4.0, I will only go to 3.8 or a bit higher where I was at Fill #6.




13 days until banding

Yes, 13 more days and I will have a band! Yee Haw!   Thats okie talk for Yay. lol.   I went to the Psych last night, she didn't think I was crazy. I was glad to know that. I fooled her I guess. lol.   I have to go back to see her to go over my questions I answered on Monday. I have a full day on Monday with doc appts. I told her about this group here on the board I joined. She thought that was great and most people succeed with a support group.   I also paid my $600 to the doc, my deposit for my surgery. I also had my upper GI yesterday. I also submitted my paper work thru HR for short-term disability leave. (I'm trying to take off 3 weeks for the surgery)





Okay, last night I didn't eat past 7:30, I drank a little warm tea before bed to loosen the band and guess what - I SLEPT last night. Yay! I can handle it now. I was so worried that I had a slip because of the horrible reflux I had - it was so bad, that the liquid even came out my nose - yes gross, but the truth.   Anyhow, I don't think I will get an unfill, or a fill, I think I really am at my sweet spot, FINALLY after 20 months of banding. I'm so happy I could cry!   wt 178.7





Scales are movimg down again! Yay!   I have eaten clean all week, now if I could just make it to the gym, I would be a lot better!   We're going out to eat tonight, and I've already decided what I'm going to eat, so I can be good and eat clean. Its hard too when your going to go eat Mexican. I have decided I will eat 5 chips and salsa, and order the chicken fahitas - which I will split with my hubby or daughter. And I'll get double beans. No flour tortias.   wt - 169.1





I had a great workout last night on the elliptical machine, burned 340 calories! I'm building my strength back up and was able to do over 30 min on it last night. I'm trying to get back to 45 min. Slowly but surely!   I have 61 days until my cruise. Here is a challenge to myself -   1) For the next 60 days I will do a minimum of 45 min of cardio 5 days a week. This means I can go down during break and do 15 min on each break = 30 min, and in the evening I will do some at the gym!   2) For the next 60 days I will do strength training a minimum of 3 days a week.   3) For the next 60 days, I will work out 6 days per week!   4) For the next 60 days I will NOT have any chocolate. None!   5) For the next 60 days I will work my abs out 3x per week. I plan on attending the abs abs abs class at the gym. Oh yeah.   6) For the next 60 days I will lose a minimum of 15 lbs, my goal is 20, but will shoot for 15 for sure.   7) For the next 60 days I will focus on my diet - making healthy choices - no cheating.   8) For the next 60 days, I will tan - (already started this)   9) For the next 60 days its all about me!   10) For the next 60 days, I will get out of bed and do some sort of exercise before I get ready for work - even if its just stretching.   Yes, just 61 days and I will be sailing out in the ocean! Heading for St. Thomas, St. Marten and Bahamas - I'm so ready for this. I just hope I do better than my cruise last year (when I fell and had to have surgery :w00t:)   Okay - I owe, I owe, I owe, so off to work I go..............





Went to Nashville this weekend, I had a great time. Ate too much and drank a little too much, but we had fun.   This morning woke up at 5am and hit the gym. I'm trying to get my groove back. I am also going to go tonight to work with weights.   Here us new plan:   Mon - 5:00 am - cardio 30 min 8:00 pm - weights and 15 min on elliptical   Tuesday - 5:00 am - cardio 35 min 9:00 pm - cardio 30 min   Wednesday - 5:00 am - cardio 40 min   Thursday - 5:00 am - cardio 30 min 8:00 pm - weights   Friday - 5:00 am - cardio - 45 min   Saturday - 3:00 pm - weights and 30 min on cardio machine   Sunday - OFF   wt - 171.9




20/20 visoin!

I had my lasik done on Thursday, things went real smooth. I went for my 1 day follow up on Friday, and already had 20/20 vision. Very happy so far with my results.   Now the bad news, I also had a fill scheduled on Friday, so, as you recall, I've been at almost no restriction since November. So anyhow, go in for my fill, again, I get filled up to 4.0 cc's, I should have known better because this is where he filled me last time and I ended up in the hospital. But, I felt good restriction, I could only sip on my water, but I felt thats what I should only be able to do. I actually said, maybe I should get a little out, but then I said, well, let me go eat lunch and if I have trouble I'll come back. So, off to lunch I go, has soft foods, and everything went fine. Well, that evening we went out to dinner, I had soup, and I could tell I was having a hard time with it, one ate about 2 tBLS. I woke up in the middle of the night coughing and choking, and by Saturday, I could not hold down my saliva. Back to the hospital I go and the dr. had to come and take fluid out, now I'm right back where I was in November, with no restriction again.   This sucks! I am so frustrated. I just called the office to schedule another fill and waiting on the hospital to call me back. The next fill, I will not let him fill me to 4.0 no matter what. This is twice I've been filled to that and it just make me swell too much. 3.8 is not enough restriction and 4.0 is way too much. So, I'm going to ask for 3.8 1/2.   I've decided I cannot wait on the fill, I just have to diet until then. So I've prepared my foods and I will take an appetite suppresant until then. I'm so frustrated trying to ge my fill right, I'm about ready to give up. I don't know if I will ever find the sweet spot, I do know I don't eat as much as I used to, so I'm happy about that.   Menu today:   bfast egg white omlet with turkey sausage   Lunch tuna salad with light mayo   Dinner baked chicken   snack SF jello





Breakfast - coffee with cream   Lunch - 2 bites of cottage cheese, 1 boiled egg smashed with a little mayo   Dinner - 1/4 cup refried beans - very low on energy and drank a light Frapp from starbuchs (I need to get away from these, very addictive but so good)   Exercise - 3:30 pm - 30 min on treadmill, 4% incline, 3.2 & 3.3 mph, 249 calories, 1.61 distance   Notes - I am going to get out of the 190's, staying focussed on that. I think I have to learn to eat all over again. Up until now, I've been able to take regular bites of no problems, been able to drink big gulps of water, no problem. This has all changed! No more steak for me, at least for now.




Next year is going to be different

No longer am I going to stress over the scales, I will take it one day at a time and learn to accept the things I cannot change.   The year 2008, Its going to be great No longer are we going to mess with our head We are going to change the person inside instead We will be happy and strong We will live healthy and long We will enjoy our new lives and silicone buddy Living any other way will only drive us nutty. So again I scream, the year 2008 Its going to be wonderful and great! I'm tired of living my life around the scales, I'm tired of obsessing with my weight. I will focus on making better choices, exercise and the rest will come. If it doesn't, I've come a long way and I can live with my weight at 167. I can deal with it, and 167 is not too far overweight. So, we'll see what next year brings.



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
