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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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Saturday 11/24/07

Today I tried and focussed on making good choices in my eating. I made a pan of baked chicken to eat on today and tomorrow.   I also made a big green salad. yum.   I can tell my hunger is back, but I am NOT going to gain any weight. I'm going to focus on eating right and try and lose or maintain until I get my fill back to some restriction.   I did weigh this morning and the scales showed I was up to 172, however, I am not worried about it because I just got out of the hospital. I know they put bags and bags of fluid in me, so I'm sure I'm retaining water.   Anyhow, I'm thankful that I am back to feeling normal again, no more throwing up. I am still a tad bit nauseous after I eat for some reason, but not too bad.   Menu today   Bfast - just some iced coffee   Lunch - cottage cheese, smashed up chicken tender   Dinner - smashed chicken tender and boiled egg   Supplements - Quickslim 30, flinstone viatimin




Fill #11 was a No Go!

I went for fill #11 yesterday. I thought I would walk away very tight, not. You see, about 4 or 5 days out of the month, I have the perfect restriction. I finally figured out that this perfect restriction is when I'm ovulating and on my monthly. The rest of the month, I'm open. So anyhow, yesterday, I woke up, TIGHT. Not too tight, but tight enough that I had to sip on my coffee. So I went to get my fill and I told my doc that I would be leaving on my cruise on Friday.   Well, since I was leaving on Friday, and since I had good restriction, he would not fill me! He said he felt that if he filled me I might get too tight and I would be in the middle of the ocean with no doc around to unfill me and I might be sick my entire cruise. He thought I would enjoy the cruise more just the fill level that I was. So I left the office being restricted, but no fill. By yesterday afternoon I was wide open again. grrrrr. I am so frustrated.   He did tell me as soon as I get back from the cruise he will get me in and I don't have to have an appointment and he will get me a fill. He aslo gave me some appetite supresants for the cruise so I don't gain a bunch of weight.   So, fill #11 was a no go for me. shucks! I'm to the point now that it is just going to take a few drops to get me to a good restriction level, and I'm sure during my ovulation time and monthly I will be extremely tight once I get my fill and I might even have to be on liquids during that time.   Well, I'm off to the Eastern Carribean tomorrow, Its about a 22 hour drive to Florida - there are 20 of my family members going. We're going to have a great time I'm sure.   Here is my itinerary: Sunday, June 29, 2008 Miami, Florida-- Monday, June 30, 2008 Nassau, Bahamas Tuesday, July 1, 2008 Fun Day At Sea- Wednesday, July 2, 2008 St. Thomas, U.s. Thursday, July 3, 2008 St. Maarten Friday, July 4, 2008 Fun Day At Sea-- Saturday, July 5, 2008Fun Day At Sea-- Sunday, July 6, 2008 Miami, Florida   I'm so ready to get away from here, I am going to try and focus on relaxation and having a great time and not worry too much about my weight!





Breakfast - Coffee/cream   lunch - 3 whole wheat crakers with soft cheese and turkey salad spread on them.   dinner - 3 bites of roast, small small bites - then was bad - 4 or maybe 6 girl scout cookies - then I threw the rest away.   Exercise - None, DH had surgery and had to take care of him   Wt - 192.8





Wt - 169.8   Menu - Master Cleanse Diet   Not much to report except I'm really mad at myself for not getting up this morning to exercise. I know getting back to the gym is so hard, it took me a long time to get there before, but once I really commited to it, I was hooked, addicted to it. Now I'm starting all over again.   I set the alarm for 5 am, I went to bed early. I woke up at 5 am, I was awake, but did I get up. NOOOO. I just laid there and finally fell back asleep. So, I'm going to keep working at it and hopefully something will click inside me and I will get my butt out of bed!   I was planning on going last night, but I knew if I did, I would be up late and then it would be hard to get up this morning. So I decided I would not work out last night and just get up this AM. Neither plan worked!





M1 - 4 bites of refried beans and some flavored Iced coffee from the coffee shop (fattening I'm sure - but only drank about 1/2)   M2 - grilled fish, 3 oz, 1 stalk of brocolli & a bite or two of cabbage m3 - It went downhill from here - binged, and can't even remember all the crap I ate..... M4   Exercise #1 - 20 min Elliptiacal (HIIT) - 176 calories burned   NOtes - scales are ugly these days, 188.4 this morning - i'm sure its water weight due to TOM. Hopefully when he leaves, scales will go back down.   Went to my doctor today, and I am scheduled for fill #3 on May 25th. I can't wait. I'm nervous too. I doing good with this fill and no problems PBing or anything, I just feel I need to be a little tighter, and I'm worried about PBing. So, we'll see. I go on a Friday the 25th for my fill, I hope I do okay over the weekend, so we'll see how it goes. In the meantime, I will continue eating healthy and exercising. I'm almost 1/3 of the way thru my challenge!




November 6, 2007

Well, I said this was the week I was going to get back into my exercise program....I have yet to start to it. So, I need to get back into the grove of things. Weight is not moving, but it is still staying the same, so I'm happy that it is not even bouncing up right now. I am expecting a drop sooooooon.   I go to the sleep center today to take my machine to be adjusted, it is now too powerful for me. I can't wait to get off the cpap machine.




Exercise Update

Things have been hectic, so I haven't been keeping track of my exercise & eating in my journal, my bad. I haven't missed an exercise session one - matter of fact, my butt really hurts today. I did lunges last night on my lower body workout, and I'm feeling it this morning.   I actually had THREE exercise sessions yesterday, 2 cardio and 1 weight training. I ate too much yesterday and I know I'm ready for a fill. I go tomorrow - yay!   I'll try and get better regarding updating my journal, just so busy, no time to for anything.   Next week will be 1/2 way mark (June 3). Then I will have 6 weeks to go to complete this challenge. I will be so proud of myself if I can complete this challenge, or should I say, WHEN I complete the challenge. I have tried so many times to complete it but never do, so my focus is to complete it!





I managed to stay of the scales this morning. TOM is around the corner, but I don't feel bloated, but I can tell I'm a little looser.   My knee is really hurting, not sure why so much pain. It only hurts when I walk, or put any pressure on it. I have therapy tomorrow, will have to ask about it.   I am also swollen again in my knee area, so back to putting the ice packs on it.   Menu today:   Bfast - Coffee w/cream   Lunch - ground beefe, salsa, broccoli   Dinner - grilled salmon, salad   Suppliments - 2 flinstone vitamins, 1 quickslim 30,   Exercise - just doing some stretches since my knee is killing me. Man this sucks.




My butt looks good

Okay, I have to say, my butt looks so good today! I know, maybe thats weird to say but my butt and thighs are the worst part on my body.   I went to the bathroom and I noticed how good my butt is looking these days. I'm no longer worried about people snickering at how wide it is.   I am wearing my size 11 Jr. low rise hipster, cruel girl jeans today. I have a pink silky blouse on, its tucked in and a very cute belt and tan boots. I feel like I look as good as I feel good. Does that make sense?   Anyhow, I usually feel fat. I still feel like the 250 lbs woman I was last year, but today, I actually feel skinny. Its weird, somedays I feel fat, and somedays I feel skinny.   Today is a day I'm walking around with my head held high and know that I look good! :whoo:





I missed my goal last week, had a death in the family, had to travel out of town, blah blah blah, ate too much of the wrong stuff, haven't stepped on the scale, but I can tell I've gained. My feet are swollen, holding a lot of water. I usually do when I travel. Anyhow, I've used the death in the family as an excuse, time to get back on track.   Will weigh in the morning to get a true picture of where I am, I know its not going to be pretty, but time to face the music!   Need to up my water, and get back to the gym, consistantly! No more excuses!




I got my first pre-op testing appointment.

I got a call from the Hospital and they stated they received a fax from my doctor to schedule my appointment for an Upper GI. I thought this was kinda weird since I'm still not approved yet. But I guess they are starting the process with my test.   At least I know the ball is moving. I'm supposed to go in on December 14th at 7:30 am, however, I'm thinking about changing it until the first of January.   In January I will have $4,000 on my Payflex account card to be used for any medical cost, right now I have ZERO. So I will more financially able to handle all the co-pays and test cost if I wait until January. So I'l calling back and rescheduling the first week of January. I don't want my surgery until January anyhow, so this will work better for me.   I'm just excited that things are moving, even though I'm still waiting on the darn insurance company! I know, patience.





Exercise - 20 min of HIIT (on Elliptical machine - results said I burned 200 calories)   Wt - scales read 187.6 this morning - Yay.   I have officially finished week 2 of the BFL challenge - only 10 more weeks to go. Sunday is supposed to be my "Free Day", according to the program, I can eat whatever I want and do no exercise.   I really don't want to do that, so I will just see what happens tomorrow. I probably will go to the gym and spend 30 to 45 min on the treadmill reading a book or somthing, this to me is a great stress releaver and it is my "alone" time.





No gym for the past few days, my knee is swollen and hot, so I'm back to icing it down. grrrrrr. I'm sick of my knee problems!   Eating was great last week, this week not so good. Eating too much salt! Had Mexican yesterday and couldn't finish it all, but still, not good and high fat.   So, trying to stay focussed today and back to the grind!   I go next Tueday for another fill, hoping to get it right this time.





Wt 170.3   Scale is steadily moving down, I'm hoping to get to 169 by Monday. If I can chose the right foods over the weekend, I might be there. Weekends are the hardest time for me, We always go out to eat on Fridays, so seem to eat more than I should, and its not always the right choice. So, I'm going to focus on eating healthy over the weekend to see if I can hit the 169 mark. If I do, I will be so happy!   Exercise so far today:   10min recumbant bike, some strength training on my legs (total gym). Will try and do some more time on the bike later this afternoon.





Well, didn't make it to the gym over the weekend, but I did get plenty of exercise working the special olympics.....I was so tired - but I had a great time.   Back on the plan today   Menu Bfast - the inside of a sausage roll - no break   Lunch 1 bag of cashews - 1/2 container of yogurt (yes I know, eating on the run)   Dinner 2 oz of roast salad - 1 cup   Exercise - 10 am - 15 min on Elliptical   Evening exercise - upper body workout - 30 min on elliptical   Wt - didn't weigh today





I called the doc today to schedule another fill, I'm waiting on the hospital to call me back so we can get it scheduled. I'm hoping I can get in sometime in December since I've met all my deductibles, and I would have no out of pocket expense. But, that is wishful thinking I think. But we'll see.   Today's menu:   Bfast coffee/cream had 1/2 sausage roll - shouldn't have eaten this!   Lunch 2 baked chicken tenders brocolli   Late afternoon snack 1/2 small apple with 1 TBLS peanut butter   Dinner crockpot chicken - low cal, low fat! salad - 1/2 cup   Supplements - Quickslim30, flinstone viatimin





My band has settled down quite a bit now. I stayed on liquids/mushy foods all day yesterday, didn't eat past 6pm and exercised last night, I had NO ACID REFLUX. I got to sleep a full 7 hours!!!! I woke up feeling great!   I still am a bit tight, but not too tight at all, this might be perfect.....we'll see if it continues to get looser.   Now, I just need to keep my exercising up - not to get side tracked - and continue watching my portion sizes.





I made it 1/2 day thru the fast yesterday - I did good until last night. We had our book study, it was "goody night", and I caved. I ended up eating cookies, meatballs, chips, dip. You name it, I ate it.   Okay, so today is back to the fast!   Wt - 170.7   50 more days to reach my "mini goal" of 155. That means I need to lose 2.2 lbs per week in order to get to that goal by 1/18/07.   Just to type 150's is almost unbelievable to me. I haven't weighed in the 150's in 20+ years. I would be soooo happy to get to 159! I'm ready NEVER to see the 170's again. I'm ready to be done with the 160's, I'm ready to move to the wonderful 150's! I was at 167 last month, but I bounced back up to the 170's for some reason, I think a lot has to do with the amount of water I'm holding because of my hospital stay, I'm hoping my fast will "flush" it out!





Wt - 168.9   Did pretty good yesterday, I exercised, I did my cleanse, until last night. I ended binging a little. I ended up eating a salad, which was good, but then later that evening I ate some popcorn with butter poured over it - about 1 1/2 cups of popcorn. I also had some cookie dough. Man I need my restriction back!   I am not beating myself up or anything, but I'm just so discouraged without restriction.   I've got to just keep trying to make better choices. I will be done with my cleanse tomorrow, so I'll stick to it until then.




2/14/07 menu

Bfast - Malt o meal with ff milk, splenda   Lunch - 1/2 cup of refried beans   Dinner - 1 poached egg with grated cheese   Water consumption - 42 oz - still working on getting 64 oz





Breakfast - light apple juice with daily 5 mixed in, 1 cup of coffee with whipping cream and DeVinci SF syrup   Snack - 6 little cheese cubes - total less than 1 oz, 10 almonds   Lunch - 3/4 cup of pasta salad with chicken in it   dinner - Had dinner over friends house, ate a very small amount of speghetti with italion sausage & meatballs (ate 1 meatball), had salad, a bite of cheesecake, and a mini cream puff - not the best diet choices, but I think I handled the situation okay and didn't over eat.   Snack - 100 calorie pack of reeses snack pack (mainly reeses cerail and a few peanut butter chips in it) - getting close to TOM, will need to work on my sweet tooth.   Exercise - 5 am - 33 min on treadmill, 2% incline, 212 calories, 1.67 distance   Suppliments - Daily 5, Viactiv Multi-Vitamin, liquid Vitamin b-12   Notes - Weight this morning 196.4 - When I get out of the 190's I will truly believe that the lap band works! For me, in the past, I always get stuck in the 190's, then I get discouraged and gain weight back again, so this will be the test, will I make it out of the 190's? I'm thinking I will :puke: . When I do, I think everyone on this board will feel the earth move, I will be jumping up and down with so much joy!




I'm so happy

I went to my seminar Saturday and yesterday the doctors office called me to see if I was interested in getting the band, and ofcourse I said yes. So they scheduled my appointment for November 22, 2006. I will meet with the doctor and they will file my insurance. I am hoping to have the ban in place in January.   I am just hoping my insurance will approve it because there is no way I would be able to be self-pay.




Notes to myself

Went to Seminar on 11/11/06 Attended support meeting 11/13/06 Met wtih Doctor on 11/22/06 (weighed in at 247.7) Was approved from insurance on 12/11/06 (2 1/2 weeks) Scheduled surgery on 12/12/06 to be on 1/18/07 (my choice to wait unitl January) 1/4/07 - Deposit needs to be paid to doctors office for surgery 1/4/07 - Upper GI at 9:30 am - Must fast before 1/4/07 - Begin liquid diet - Protein shakes, broth, jello (sf). 1/4/07 - Psych Eval 5:30 pm 1/8/07 - 8:30 am pre-op with Hospital (3 hr appt) 1/8/07 - 2:00 pm Surgery Education class Docs office 1/8/07 - 3:00 Dietician meeting (hospital) 1/8/07 - 4:30 pm pre-surgery consultation with doc 1/9/07 - 11:30 am Sleep study appointment with doctor. 1/9/07 - 9:30 pm, Sleep study test (91st & Yale, Sleep Centers) 1/12/07 - Docs office to call me and let me know what time surgery will be on the 18th. 1/18/07 - SURGERY (no time yet)





Life has been fast paced, haven't had much time to post.   I'm focussing on eating more, but eating the right stuff. I think I haven't been eating enough calories.   I'm also focussing on eating LOW CARB, Low fat, and lower calories.   I either don't eat enought on days, or I eat all the bad stuff. I'm focussing on CLEAN eating.   Wt - 170.1




Starting my 8th week of BFL challenge

Well, today marks the beginning of my 8th week of the BFL challenge. I can't believe that I am starting my 8th week! I have never made it this far in the challenge, I always quit around the 3rd week, one time I made it close to the 6th week (but missed workouts here and there).   I have made up the workouts that I missed while we went out of town, I only have 1 more cardio to make up - I am starting to see some improvements in my cellulite area on the back of my thighs - I still have plenty of it, but I can see a difference.   I weighed this morning 178.2 - I am down 70 lbs now! I'm sure the weight loss will slow down. Whats weird is, it goes so slow for a few weeks, then all of a sudden, I drop 5 lbs. So, it lifts my spirits. I cannot believe it when I step on the scales and see 170's. I have to step on the scales 5 or 6 times, I leave come back to the scales and step on them again. It's just amazing how good I feel.   Okay - eating has not been that great, so that could be the reason I'm losing fast the last week too. I have been a little stressed over my 16 year old son, he has gotten himself in a little trouble, he is a good kid, makes straight A's, wins all kinds of awards at school. However, he went out and got drunk with some of his friends for the first time, we found out about it so we have taken all his priveledges away from him. No cell phone, no car, no movies, no nothing. Its scary to think he was driving! It stresses me out to think "what if", he could have killed himself or someone else. I am totally against drinking and driving and it is not worth it. Plus, he is only 16! I told him no matter how drunk he is, he needs to call me, we will pick him up and discuss it the next day. He swears he just wanted to try it, and won't do it again, but my DH & I are worried because alchoholism runs in my DH family. June 6th was 27 years that my DH has been sober - his dad was sober for 25 years before he died, his grandmother died of alchoholism, so its nothing we take lightly. So, my eating has been minimal lately. I am going to focus this week on eating better, getting more protein in.   Okay, off to work I go..........busy week!



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
