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Help! I think I'm hungry

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35 inches GONE!

Banded 12/30/10 down 35 inches, from a size 22 to a 16, down 72 +/- lbs......would like to be @ 100lbs gone by my 1 yr banding date.....thats 3lbs a week, gonna be tough but maybe i will make it close, anything lost is progress!




Love my Band!

12/30/10 the day my life changed...would do it again in a heartbeat!    




Hello Beautiful World

28 weeks since my lifestyle change, wouldn't change it for the Powerball jackpot! (its a lottery game and the jackpot is like 130 MILLION!) has it been 100% easy, no, worth it? HELL YEAH! Highest weight 282 current weight 212 give or take a few, depends on the day. Clothes aren't fitting, underwear are falling off, bras dont have enough to fill them up, but I am feeling GREAT!!!




Oh yeah!

Went into the "big girl" store this weekend and tried on a size 14/16 shirt and Holy ****!! it was too big! I was kinda bummed because I needed a white shirt, but then i was like, OMG for the first time in my life I dont have to buy from the big girl store, kind of a shame cause they had some really cute things. Its a life long issue a life change and I am ready for it.




22 weeks post op

22 weeks later and down 67lbs from my highest weight. Honestly couldn't be any happier!




What did you do?

That is the question that I just asked myself as I was leaning over the bathroom sink vomiting. "what did you do?" I was banded 12/30/10, I am not going to say the journey has been easy, but it has been worth it! This is a lifestyle change, I am still trying to figure out what I can and can't eat. You have to slow down, chew, and really think when you eat. Next time you are out, sit back and observe those around you, watch how fast they eat, they aren't even thinking about what or how they are eating. So back to the question, "what did you do?" answer is I saved my own life, I saved a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. Each time I question myself "is this worth it?", I look at my family and say "HELL YEAH!" 46lbs down and 50lbs to go.




5 months post op

almost 5 months post op (12/30/10) everyday is a struggle, the band is just a TOOL, it is NOT a fix all. You MUST follow the "diet" i shouldn't say diet, its a lifestyle change. If you are not ready for a life change this will NOT work!! I am so excited for those of you that are starting your journey. You have no idea how much better you are going to feel. I am down 60lbs from my highest weight of 282, i have NEVER been able to keep weight off in my life. I am enjoying it, I just wish I could keep to my new life style change, its a daily struggle, but I CAN DO IT!    




Wow moment

There comes a moment during your weight loss when it really hits you that YES, I really am doing it. Today was my moment. I had to use a binder clip on my pants to keep them from falling down. I mean I know I am loosing weight, the scale shows it, I feel it, yes I have bought a few smaller sized items, but when something like that happens, it feels AWSOME!!! When i got home I took those pants (size 18/20) off and threw them in the pile with all the other ill fitting clothes. How good does it feel that now I dont have much to wear not because I am too big but because my clothes are too big. The small things are AWSOME! Crossing my legs, bending down to polish my toes, sex is so much better, I could go on and on. Is it still a daily struggle? YES, it will ALWAYS be a daily struggle until I die but man it is worth it. My highest weight was 282 my surgery was 12/30/10 weight was 261, weight now 222. I NEVER thouht I would be able to say that I have lost 60lbs! 60!!! I was always a gainer, my weight got higher and higher as the years went on, I will be 34 soon, I thank God that I was given this tool. I can only think that in 10 years or so I would be so heavy that life as I know it would be so much harder for me and my family. I am so thankful.    




Lord have mercy on my soul

What a battle this whole thing is. I pray daily that He gives me the strength that I need to continue on the path that i am on.




51 down

O yeah baby! Went to my surgeon today for my 9 weeks post op, and I am 11lbs down in a month and 51 down since my highest!!! o and 20 inches, yeah baby! I got a true fill today of 2 ccs, SO now i will really know what it feels like to have a true restriction. Nervous but excited to watch the weight fall off




64 days post op

64 days post op and feeling GREAT!!! Have my second fill appointment Monday, wish me luck! Highest weight 282, pre op 271, WLS day 12/30/10 261, first post op 245, first fill date 1/11 242.




o Happy Day!

Highest weight Oct 2010 282 lbs Start of pre op diet Dec 17 2010 276 Day of surgery Dec 30 261 2 week post op 245 4 week post op first fill of .5cc 243 Todays weight 229 (not an offical weight, I only count the weight from the MD) 58 days since surgery and couldn't be happier!! 53 lbs GONE!! 32 since surgery what a difference!! Go March 7 for weigh in and a fill......if you are thinking about WLS DO IT!!




It's been a while

Its been a while since I have been on, not too much to update. Had a fill in Feb, siked myself out and got a very small fill. Now that I know what to expect i will get me a true fill in March, still fighting to keep those pounds coming off GOT to exercise dont know why i keep putting it off........down 4lbs from my fill figure if I do 2lbs a week I will be at "goal" by summer.......woohoo




First Fill

Had my 5 week post op appt and my first fill On thursday, 2/3/11. My mom who is also a bander went with me. I lost 3 lbs in 4 weeks, not bad but I am happy with any loss. What a strange filling it is when your band is tight and you are drinking, WOW. I stepped back thinking my mom was gonna spew. Then it was my turn, needle didnt hurt at all, then I sat up and drank drank drank and then OMG "THAT FEELING" was there, thought I was gonna spew everywhere, but u don't. I think I was still scared because I kept saying I can feel it, so I walked out of there filled with .3cc of fluid in my band, what a wimp! Clear liquids for 48hrs, yeah ok. I did have a protein shake for dinner that night, he said as long as you can tolerate it. I did clear liquids all day Friday, and then had a very small piece of meatloaf that I chewed to death for dinner, I was VERY hungry. Woke up today with my first migraine in 2 months UGH! TOok my meds and a nap, woke up and had some watered down grtis. I really dont think the .3ccs did a dang thing. I guess I will see tonight. I will have my normal breakfast of 2 scrambled eggs for dinner and see how much of that I can eat. Ok enough about me, Hope you all have a wonderful day!




o yeah baby!

I did it! I lost 2 more lbs!! down a total of 18lbs (1.8lbs a day) since 12/30, kinda slow but its going down NOT up ....go to the MD thursday for what i hope is my first fill, take that fat!! :thumbup:




I did it!

Oh my gosh ya'll I finally LOST those 2 pesky lbs that i had gained eating those stupid chips!! I weighed this morning and the scale dont lie oh yeah baby! I did a couple fist pumps and yes! yes! yes! Man what a way to start a week! Came home to weigh again and its still the same from this morning, so fingers crossed I will be down another 1-2 lbs in the morning!! Amazing what happens when you follow your diet!! Had some NASTY pineapple salsa chicken with spinach for dinner, ugh. Some scarmbled eggs with cheese and spinach this morning and a chocolate protein shake for lunch, and water water water. Im so excited ya'll!




Hello Beautiful World!

What a beautiful day in the neighborhood! I have been sticking to my diet and I am Very proud and happy with myself. Yesterday, I consumed 840 calories and 76g of protein. My only concern is that the scale is not moving, well it did move UP 2lbs, but thats cause I HAD to have some dang chips, still trying to shed what I think is water weight, 2 of those 4lbs are gone, I would like to get rid of those other 2 by Thursday. I go see my surgeon for my 5 weeks post op and fingers crossed my first fill!! <breaks out in song> "I'm so excited and I just can't hide it" I hope all my fellow WLS peeps have a wonderful day, remember it could ALWAYS be worse, you DID wake up this morning, think of the alternative.




Ha Ha Food Demons

Today is post op day # 28, and I did GOOD! Had lots of water, tuna salad, protein shake, and some YUMMY taco lettuce roll ups. The only problem is that my ankles are swollen. I fell off the wagon a few days ago and had my fair share of baked lays for 3 days in a row. Lesson learned. But I WON today, so take that Food Demons!! :devil_smile:





Thats what want to tell food HAHA...in YOUR FACE! I am in CONTROL me me me me....I win today hahah :woot:




Day # 24 post op

Wow, this isn't gonna be easy. Food is everywhere and IN YOUR FACE! Ugh stupid salty crunchy things! Why must you be my down fall?? I must fight!!




Day # 22 ROUGH day

Today was not a good day for me. Does anyone else have these kind of days? I just feel drained. Any suggestions? I do take my vitamins, maybe not enough protein? not enough sugar?? UGh I HATE these days but glad they are few and far between. Can anyone help??    




Another good day

well it is day # 21 post op. doing really well, still having to battle the food demons, but guess what I am in control this time around, so haha food. No weight lost no weight gained cant wait to go the my doctor in 2 weeks and fingers crossed i will get a fill.




Brighter Days

:thumbsup: Post op day # 20. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since I was banded! 3 weeks!! omg i cant believe that it has been that long. Yesterday was hard, was VERY tired, so i doubled up my vitamans and so far so good. One more week of a "full liquid" diet and then I can eat "normal" food for a week until I see my surgeon again. I already know that I will need a fill and hope that I will get one Feb 3. I havent lost or gained anything in a week, so i guess i cant complain. I have been drinking more water, if my tummy growls I drink and if it still growls, then I will eat. today I had a sugar free pudding and then came home and put some chilli in the food processor, not sure if i am suppose to be eating that, but it kept me full last night.    




Hello World

Day # 18 post op doing ok, struggling a bit, I can only have 8 oz when i am hungry, but there are only so many "Full liquids" I can take. I gotta keep in mind the big picture.




I cheated

Day # 32 between pre op and post op diet and i freakin cheated! I ate about 8 pieces of Check Mix, might not be a big deal to some, but to me it is. I cant believe i did that, ugh! I could go that long and then do this? Dang it I am mad at myself now.



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