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Tired of being sick, tired of being fat...just plain tired of being tired!

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One month post up and...I'M IN ONEDERLAND!!

I'm thrilled to say that yesterday was one month post op (with a shorter feb month I think I'm around 28 days post op) and today I hit onederland! I'm sooooo relieved! I knew I wouldn't feel very good until that stupid scale started with a 1!   I'm without restriction so any progress I am making is all me. I suspect I could eat almost as much as I did before but I wouldn't dare! Besides that, I'm eating so much better. I don't go near my trigger foods like bread/pasta/potatoes, etc. I'm pretty much protein and some veggies these days. I'm proud of myself!!   I am going to be adjusted on 3.22 so I am sure I'll see restriction then. I'm looking forward to it because I am going on vacation soon after and I don't want the vacation to disrupt my weight loss. My goal for the vacation will be to maintain whatever weight I am when I leave.   Speaking of goals, my doc had told me to just maintain between the 2 wk appt and my first fill. He said he didn't really expect me to lose but that I should not gain. Well...I wasn't willing to go with that so I've been plugging along. Fighting through the tummy growls... It hasn't been that bad because I think I have detoxed myself of my trigger foods right now. For example, last night we were with friends and there was delicious chips and homemade salsa. I LOVE THAT! So, I cut up zucchini to dip into the salsa. I still got that yummy salsa taste but stayed away from those deadly chips! Again, PROUD!   So, right now I am down 24 lbs since 2/5 which is when I began the pre-op diet.   YIPPEE!!




Plugging along-Day 17 post op.

Hi readers...   I'm still plugging along but truthfully I am feeling hungry. I know that I will have to be strong during this period of time. It isn't horrendous but I still have about 5 weeks until my first fill. The reason being that I was to be filled in a few weeks but it will be 4 days before I go on a cruise...not a good idea to have a first fill and then be out of the country; right? So, I'm anticipating the surgeon putting it off until I come back from the cruise. Oh well...   I hope that when you get to that "sweet spot" you don't feel hungry any longer. Your lower stomach doesn't growl anymore? I get how you will only have a little bit of food before the pouch is full but what about the big bottom part? That seems to be where the growls come from; right?   I'm coming down with something (wicked sore throat) so I plan on going to bed early and calling it a night. One more day of being a good bander down... I know this is forever and there will be no end and I'm okay with it.   I hope if you are reading this that you are having a bandtabulous day!




Very excited today!

I weighed myself today and since 2/5/11 (started pre-op diet), I have lost 20 lbs! I was banded on 2/11/11 so I'm thrilled with my results so far. I have some ways to go, of course, but I can feel the difference in my clothes, my face looks less bloated and my stomach is starting to go down.   I worked today for the first time since surgery and I did feel pretty sore when I got home in the port site. I also seemed to have some majorly trapped gas in my body last night and into today. I'm doing pretty darned well with this. I'm proud of myself!   I had a little incident last night where I think I didn't chew up a piece of soft chicken well enough or ate it too fast. I dunno but it got stuck, it hurt...ultimately I barfed (different barfing post band)...twice.   I cannot wait to get into ONEderland. I'm four lbs away from that. I hope to see it within the next two weeks.   Yippee! Life is good...




Feeling quite good today. Day 6 of my new life.

Days 1-3 were hell on earth. Did I mention they were hell on earth? OMG! Day 4 I was starting to feel okay, day 5 even better and day 6...so much better! My complaints today...incision pain (no biggie, always expected that), I'm bruised all over my stomach like I went a few rounds with Mike Tyson, and my one leg is still achy and the toes are numb (not as achy as it was so I assume it is slowly improving).   NOW ONTO THE EXCITING (non complaining) NEWS! I had my post op visit yesterday and I am down another 9 from my post op visit for a grand total of....14!!! Woohoo! I'm absolutely thrilled. I decided to treat myself to a new eyeshadow shade at ulta. i'm a make up junkie and I decided to buy Urban Decay "Scratch." Nice...   The nutrtionist has moved me onto pureed food so I'm planning on pureeing some delish cream of mushroom soup today AND maybe trying to eat some ricotta cheese or hummus.   I'm still amazed by how different a person can feel in a couple of days. I was literally thinking I made a huge mistake in getting the lapband and now that I'm feeling better, I'm PSYCHED I did it!!    




Wow...Day 4 post op

Banded on the morning of 2/11...felt like death warmed over...until today. I think today is the first day I remotely feel human. As of yesterday, I was still in a lot of pain, had gas pains, shoulder pains, neck pains, pain in legs and numbness in one foot. OMG! Did I mention I was an emotional basket case and pretty much had a melt down two nights ago?   Okay, before I go on... The legs were scanned to rule out blood clots. They think it is some sort of pinched nerve. Idk if I agree but I don't know what the hell... Today one leg is 75% better and the other is about 25% better. We are talking Charlie Horse pain in calves. I was barely able to walk, light headed, etc.   Back to my saga. I was NOT expecting to feel this crappy. I've had surgeries before so I didn't think this would be that bad. I had my gall bladder removed laproscopically and so I thought this would be the same. NOPE, not this time! I have been an emotional and physical mess since 7:30 Friday morning. Today is the first day I feel like myself, albeit sore, and a human being.   I have come to realize that EVERY surgery is different every time you have one. If we all knew what the outcome would be post op, there would never be a case of someone not making it through surgery.   All I can say is, I hope in 6mos I will forget it all and this will all have been worth it!




I'm still standing...

...barely...   I'm banded now but not up to much of anything. This is day two and I'm still hurting although MUCH better than the first 36 hrs.   I didn't realize it would be this rough and yes, I've had several surgeries in my life... I'm also 46 yrs old now and overweight so perhaps that made this worse than I thought.... Or probably it is that we just don't remember pain after it is all gone. This too shall pass...   Thanks.    




Twas the night before banding and all through the house...

not a creature was stirring except me and my mouse.   I have to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 6:15. Thankfully it is a five minute ride from my house. Surgery is scheduled for 7:30 and I am the first of the day so I guess my surgery should be on time. I've heard that I am lucky to be the first of the day...less starvation time! lol   I plan on being very good and dedicated. I sure hope I look and feel better come this summer!   I'll be back with my surgery update in a few days...   Thanks for your support.




Last appointment with surgeon today. Lapband in 3 days!

Well, today's appt was very good. In fact, I brought a little index card with questions and he answered them all. He's a very nice surgeon and makes you feel very comfortable.   Another vgt is that I have lost 5lbs since my one week pre-op diet began. So, that's five less I have to worry about!   I find myself getting very cranky being on a strict diet. I miss the bad foods, I guess. I think I am also getting some carb detox headaches. I believe that I am addicted to food so that is what I am referring to.   I haven't exercised yet but I'd like to start doing something soon. I just haven't been up to it yet!    




Second day of pre-op diet...protein drinks, protein drinks, protein drinks...

I appreciate everyone's comments regarding protein drinks. I think I will try out the premier at costco.   I got samples from a local store and so far I like the ISOFLEX Chocolate PB and Chocolate Mint. It surprised me because I thought I'd be a vanilla gal. I also tried Vanilla from Dymatize 100. In fact, I bought it but it is still sealed. I think I might exchange it for some of the ISOFLEX ones. I also tried UNJURY vanilla, UNJURY chicken soup. I was shocked that the chicken soup wasn't bad. It was a nice break from sweets, sweets, sweets. I tried some orange kind that was NAUSEATING. Literally made me want to vomit. NEVER AGAIN.   My thoughts on day two of this pre op diet is...hmmm, I thought protein was supposed to make you not hungry? Ummmm...notsomuch. I feel hungry and unfulfilled. I remember someone saying get through 3 days and you will be fine and no longer hungry. I'm only one day two so I will reserve my judgement.   All that being said, I WILL NOT cheat. I know it is too important to do what the doc/nut tells me to. I won't go through surgery and only commit half-a##ed.   I can't wait until surgery day and the rest of my life!!




The nerves are setting in now...

Insomnia last night. I'm 11 days before surgery. I wrote an entire blog about this only to have it disappear. UGH...   Basically I am worried about surviving this life change emotionally. I don't know what I will feel like when I am not impulsively eating. I need to come up with things to do that are positive. I was thinking about setting up a movie night with dh. We presently do our date nights at restaurants and I don't see that being a fun option for me anymore. I'm worried that I will lose weight and still feel like crap. I worry that I will have a horrendous looking tummy after I lose the weight. I worry that my pants still won't fit right. I worry about surviving the surgery at all.   Sigh...




What is the best protein drink?

I'm hoping to find the best tasting protein drink that has the most protein. I want something that will fill me up and not make me gag. I've only tried unjury vanilla and that was pretty good. I'm also thinking about buying that whey stuff to add to things to get that protein in and hopefully keep the hungries away.   I start one week pre-op diet and I'm almost anxious to begin. I say almost because I have heard that pretty much everyone on the forums is starving on the pre op diet. I guess I'm just so anxious to start losing weight!   No more excuses, no more last hurrahs, exercise must begin...   HERE'S TO A NEW ME IN 2011! Cheers!




Yippee! I'm APPROVED!

I didn't have to wait as long as others but it sure felt long! I hated thinking that after all the testing (and co-pays) that it would end up that I was rejected by insurance.   I cannot wait to get started with this journey. I even want to start dieting now. I wonder if that makes sense to start dieting beforehand. Will it be a problem if I lose a lot and then I'm under 35 bmi? Does that matter at this point?   I know I will do well with this! I'm so excited to begin my new life. I know I can lose because I have done it before. What will happen this time, with the band, is that I will reach goal and KEEP IT OFF!   So EXCITED!!




Why can't it just be submitted now?!

I am so nervous that I will not be approved. All of my ducks are in a row and I'm only waiting for the insurance coordinator to submit. I called today (I know I am a pest) and asked if she heard anything. She said that she didn't submit yet. I told her I was dying with nerves and losing sleep. I said it all half joking (half serious) and she was joking back but here I sit...impatient, I guess.   Why would she not submit yet when I am scheduled for 2/11 surgery. She has assured me that I need not worry, that I will be approved, etc. I know I should trust her but I won't believe it until I see it.   Is there any reason why an insurance person would wait to submit?   I have final NUT appt two weeks prior to surgery and I guess I will be meeting with surgeon right before, too. Other than that, everything is done on my part.   I hate not knowing...




Transfer addictions?

I've done only a little bit of reading about this topic. Is there anyone out there who can tell me if they went into therapy post band? I've been thinking about this because I am afraid that I will feel empty without addressing the emotional/psychological reason for my food obsession.   Anyone?




Socializing...aka alcohol.

Okay, so dh and I have been known to socialize once a week with our dear friends. We just hang around, talk, watch football games, play board games, listen to great music...the usual. How on earth is this going to fly post-band? I know I can survive not eating the munchies but no drinking at all? I understand I have to break up with beer but do I have to break up with all alcohol? Does it really mess up your weight loss or is it just unhealthy for you (which I know it is). I can survive without it as I'm not addicted or anything but I imagine it is going to be tough sitting there and sipping water.   Which brings me to another issue... How can I drink 64 oz of water if I have to only sip it (and NOT from a straw?). I mainly only drink water (except read above...hehehe) so I don't have soda to get over and I don't regularly drink coffee either. When I drink a glass of water I drink it kind of quickly which I hear I can no longer do.   These are not deal breaker issues. I'm very anxious to get my surgery and begin my new life. I'm just worried that those certain things will be very hard.    




Cleared by everyone but not submitted yet.

Harumph! So far all of my clearances have been faxed to the surgeon's office so quickly. This last one, the GI, still hasn't made it there yet. I am disappointed because the surgeon's office said I could be moved up sooner as soon as the insurance approves my surgery. So, I made a call to GI office today to remind them but who knows if they actually did what I hoped they had done two days ago.   We had friends over tonight and are planning a grown up weekend away. I am so hesitant to commit to anything being that I don't know if I will be going to surgery around that time. I suspect it will not be bumped up too many weeks early... sort of a last hurrah.   I often wonder how life is going to be without certain foods. How will I do without any bread at all? Pasta will no longer be a friend. I cannot even imagine my favorite food, Mexican, being eaten by me again. I'm looking forward to breaking up with these foods. I'm tired of feeling and looking like I do.   Just some random thoughts...   I




Another day...another CPAP mask.

Today I swapped out the nose mask for nasal pillows. LOL IDK why I find the term nasal pillows so darned funny. I think it will help me sleep better now. I don't feel like Darth Vader as my face is less covered. Thank GOD because I haven't slept normally in about a week.   No insurance news yet. I am not even 100% sure that my paperwork was submitted today so I'm not nervous...YET.   There is a possibility of being banded sooner than my 2/11/1 scheduled date but I'm not counting on it. The sooner the better as I am going on a cruise at the end of March and I'd like to be farther along on my journey.   Well, my schnoz pillows are calling me...that's all for tonight.   Luke, I am your father...




Cleared by everyone!

Well, today I had my follow up with the GI and he has cleared me for surgery.   This is a list of all specialists I have seen and been cleared by: PCP-letter of support Psychologist-cleared Cardiologist-EKG/ECHO/STRESS TEST-Cleared Pulmonolgist: Sleep Study showed Severe Apnea, CPAP-Cleared Gastro(GI)-Endoscopy showed small uclers, gastritis, esophaghitis. Meds for 2wks.-Cleared   Now it is a waiting game. I sure hope I didn't go through all of that for nothing...being declined by insurance would be awful! I switched to this pricey insurance plan because they do support bariatric surgery. If it doesn't get approved, I will then assume it wasn't meant to be and the reason for this journey was that I needed to find out that I have the apnea and the GI problems. If these things didn't get discovered, I'd have a lot more medical problems than I presently do!




My very first blog entry...ever!

Yep, that's the truth. I haven't ever blogged anywhere else. In fact, I don't even have a facebook page! I just don't feel the need for it.   Anyway, I am anxious to keep this blog because I am hoping it will keep me motivated and perhaps increase my chances of success. In addition, I am specifically looking to connect with other banders on this journey. There is nobody IRL that I can discuss this with. My family is all thin...in fact, I wasn't always heavy myself!   I am presently a the proud owner of a 35.9 BMI with a number of comorbidities. At this point, looking better will be a bonus when I lose the weight. My main concern is to get rid of my sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides and potentionally high glucose. I also want energy badly! I have an active, athletic family and I cannot keep up with them!   I'm 46 years old and I sure hope that I don't hit 47 without the bulk of this weight off!   Crossing my fingers for approval for surgery within the next month.   Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment.



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