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Today is the first day of the rest of my life,,

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9 months out

So now it's been 9 months.. I am down about 38 lbs. I fluctuate 1-2 lbs weekly, just depends on my week.. we all have that, I'm just admitting it.lol   but ya know...I am still feeling great! I work out daily at something.. some days I walk.. some days I dance, zumba etc. some days I do wii.   On ward..and forward..   am back to adding protein into my diet, I don't think I'm getting enough...   how YOU doin?




Where am I going wrong?

I was banded 12/6/10. Initially I lost, the pre diet etc. from After I think I'm right at 8lbs since I started fills. A total of 32 lbs. that's it. I eat 60 grams of protein a day, I drink about 80 ounces of fluid daily, I eat VERY few carbs..I did best on the 1200 calorie pre diet really.. and yet I am not losing.. I tried eating plenty of gree salad, which I loved.. but my body seemed to go into a starvation mode and didn't lose a THING.   I am so frustrated.. I work out daily, I'm changing it up now and working on cardio every other day, and weights the other days with walking. I need to WORK it and make it work..   just frustrating..




First fill

So I got my first fill.. 2.5 cc's. She put in 3 and took .5 back out. It didn't hurt, which I didn't really think it would..thank God. LOL Down about 3 lbs since the fill a week ago. I think it would have been more, but we went out of town for the weekend and I ate Mexican..which went down really well..I only at the meat and veggies, and some salsa on the side. I was worried about it ..no need!   LOL But overall I didn't do bad, didn't gain just stayed the same.. so this week I'm going to work harder at it..




1st post-op visit

Really went awesome..everything is on track..they were happy with my weight. I changed my weight to their scale as truly that's what in the end is going to count! of course they weigh me with clothes on..I'm guessing that can make a difference...LOL   will get my first fill in 4 weeks.. Started on mushies today..and am doing ok..have had no problems yet! Taking it one day at a time!      




Tomorrow I go back to work!

So I go back to work tomorrow.. and you bet I'm a little nervous! I'm an RN in the ER. so...I already talked with my paramedics, they are going to do the lifting, I'm still resticted to 20 lbs for lifting. New rule, no fluids at the ER desk.. so it will be a long night of me running back and forth to the break room..*sigh* but I'll get thru this.. hello? I got thru precertification I can get thru ANYTHING. LOL Have a grand protein filled weekend!!




First normal feeling day!

I feel pretty NORMAL today... 1 week post op.. down 18# and I might add.. HAPPY DANCE!   Not totally out of the woods.. I still have a little tenderness at my button site, but the bleh bloating is pretty well gone.. I don't have that weak feeling, I put on makeup..SHOCK, my spouse will probably faint.lol   Going to try a little shopping today..just a little..I know my limits.   Chocolate Peanut butter cup   1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1 Tblspoon natural peanut butter 1 cup skim fat free milk 3 ice cubes   Blend   if you ever have a craving for sweets..this will fill the bill.. it is SO YUMMY~!!  




One really needs to follow the rules...

So yesterday I felt awesome.. had a really great day all around! However, feeling so good, I didn't walk like I had the day before.. I didn't use my incentive spirometer like I had this whole week.. I thot to myself..yeah I'm a rock star.. woke up this morning.. I felt it..bleh So back to the grind.. they have you do it for a REASON.. keep on ...only looking forward!! so today I'm walking every hour for 5 minutes minimum.. incentive spirometer every 2 hours.. OH and 1 more pound down today..YAY!!   Cinnamon Roll supremo   1 scoop Vanilla protein powder 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1 packet Splenda ( or non sugar substitute) 1 tsp butter buds 8 oz water 3 ice cubes   Blend   oh YUMMMM and enjoy!!   Happy band day to you!




Blizzards of snow and no icecream!

Today is an official blizzard..it is made of snow and not of ICECREAM. I woke up very early this morning, felt achy and like I had slept all wrong! Took a little liquid pain med slept a few more hours and walaa..I felt so much better! I start my day with sips of H2O, I find that if I start my protein too early I burp way too much!   This is day 5 post op. My pain level is very low, seems to be just at the button site and no where else. My incision sites look really good, a few steri strips came off today too. TMI I'm sure.lol   I'm going to try and post a new recipe every day from my lap band "bible", they are SO good and a nice change..   Just tried an awesome one today..   Strawberry pie: In a blender add:   4 ounces fat free milk 6 ounces light yogurt * I used strawberry 1 graham cracker 1 scoop strawberry protein mix   Blend This provided 26 grams of protein! I will try and add a new one each day..I am now down to my pre surgical weight,plus a pound, so that feels good, I have an Ipod, added a free app that tracks my footsteps with music that I choose, so I go round and round to my faves!!   Happy snow day to you all!




Today is the new tomorrow ..

Today I am 4 days post surgery..today is my new tomorrow! I am feeling a little bit better than each of the days before this one.. I got through the pre-op diet with out maiming anyone for their food, or taking cheat bites.. I waited too long to get to this point to waste a single bite to ruin the surgery..well worth it.. The day of surgery I was surprisingly calm..even when they wheeled me into surgery..no jitters, the last thing I remember was take 2 deep breaths.. I woke up in recovery feeling a little woozy is all.. up to my room.. I had no pain.. I really still don't have pain, just some referred shoulder pain from the anesthesia. I had to stay an extra day due to a large hiatal hernia repair..something I was unaware that I had, and I had a large fatty cyst inside the hernia, very odd, but all fixed! I am doing all the right things..I can and will get through this! Although last night my spouse fixed pizza.. the smell was wonderfull.. but I sipped away.. yep I got through it!



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