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A New Motivation & Determination

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Rich Fatty Foods are Like Destiny; They too, Shape Our Ends

And what a shape my end is in. If it weren't for the poilnts of my shoes you wouldn't know what direction my end was heading. It is unfortunatly true that our unhealthy eating habits do effect our destiny. However; it is never too late to change our compulsion to over eat and thereby change our destiny. After two months of taking my lapband seriously and allowing it to work properly I already feel a change in my destiny. I do not feel entrapped in a cell of cellulite. Oh, I still have plenty, but I am making a break from the prison of fat that surrounds me. I am cutting one prison bar at a time. I have not had any fatty foods for two months and have learned about satisfying alternatives. So here is a cheer to all of those "ends" that are working their ends off for a new distiny'..lol... Blessings... Dolly

Project Disney

Project Disney


I Wondered why my Frisbee was getting bigger....

Than It Hit Me !.... lol That is how I felt when I looked at myself in the mirror. I kept getting bigger and bigger. Even with the band I kept getting bigger and bigger. Then I had that experience of getting hit. And oh the pain. It came in the form of a heartfelt letter from my darling adult son. You know when someone throws a Frisbee at you and you put your hands up either to defend yourself or to catch it, but you miscaculate and the Frisbee "Clunks" off your head.? Well that was like the experience I felt when I read his letter and then talked to him. I sort of tried to put up a defence but I got 'CLUNKED" in the head and heart. It woke me up real good and gave me resolve, determination and commitment. So what I am saying is that some times a good "clunk" from a Frisbee, or what ever, can be a good thing if it wakes you up and gets you going in the right direction. I am so grateful and actually proud to report I am doing great ! Blessings Dolly

Project Disney

Project Disney


4yr failure and pulling no punches

Where to begin? i think by just plain admitting I like eating. I can't blame anyone or anything. I just plain like food. A LOT.! My body show just how much. The Michlene Tire Mascot is a mere shadow compared to me. I learned to sabatoge my lap band and will not give up any of my secrets here for obvious reasons. I have one grown son who sent me a heart wrenching e mail that both showed me how much he loved me and simutanously kicked me in the rear.(an easy target ) After his e mail woke my too comfortable self up, I did a self evaluation and I have a new desire for a healthy body. I worked out a plan with him and one of the first things we decided is that I need help and that I needed to join something for support. So here I am. HELP ME,! i have been a miserable failure all these years. Loosing a little , then gaining a lot. I do not want this to be another one of those times. I want this to be an absolute life changing success experience. I want to go to Disney Land with my Son's family. I am wheelchair bound because of my legs and a radical surgical procedure that did not go well about 15 years ago. That is not an excuse for my lack of success. I don't have an excuse. I have a reason, but not an excuse. Nothing can excuse my gluttony. I am asking for anyone who would be willing to read my blog (this is the first one i have ever done) and comment , suggest, encourage and just plain give me someone to account to. That would be Awesome. Please HELP ME. Also I am not very swift on computer tech verbage and still learning how to navigate this site. Hope this gets out there....Project Disney

Project Disney

Project Disney


The Difference Between "TRY and TRIUMPH" is a Little "UMPH"

That "UMPH " for the over eater is called WILL POWER . We may have tools to help us, but it is still the Will that needs Power to say 'no' to the things that would hinder our success. The trick is to notice when Will Power is wainning and to WORK to get it back to give you the "UMPH" you need for moving on Triumphantly. Maybe you could drag out an old picture, or think of all you have done thus far. I like to read posts from others on this site for inspiration. This site helps encourage will power. I also notice the earlier I disicover a lack of will power, and the earlier I address it, the more successful I am in getting my will power or "UMPH" back.. So be dilligent and recognize a slowing up of your will power . UMPH it up for TRIUMPH ! .... Blessings....Dolly    

Project Disney

Project Disney


How are We Going to Live Today in Order to Create the Tomarrow We're Committed To ?

Well, first of all, the Vision MUST be followed by the Venture. The venture is a road. A rather rough road at that. We are behind the wheel, and it is up to us to speed up or slow down and steer straight, We are in the drivers seat. Each one alone has to make the decisions or choices that will merge us into the "right" or "left" lanes. There is no correct lane to be in as long as you are moving forward. The venture is personal and yet we have some pretty helpful back seat drivers that illicit "warnings, and encouragement" as we roll along. Thanks Members. And remember this, "The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places". Don't park, Keep on Truckin. We will get there.... How about adding some more driving analogy's to this story... c'mon i can't be the one and only "motor mouth".... Blessings ....Dolly

Project Disney

Project Disney


I Want Buns of Steel, not Buns of Cinnamon

I can say that is my desire now. For a long time it was the opposite. I would have choosen a warm gooey cinnamon bun just about over anything. When I put on my underwear and the fruit of the loom guys started laughing, I was not detered one bit from thinking or eating all the sweet gooey junk I could get my hands on.. And this my frilends was with the lap band.. But that was where I was at. I am on the road and truly committed to making healthy choices of what to eat. I am making soups out of vegetables and beans. Caseroles out of yams, apples, pears, and oranges, for a sweet dish. And salads with balsamic vinegar. With smaller portions and healthy ingredients, add some exercise, and I am looking forward to those buns of steel. lol... One of my member friends, "Bardy" replyed to may last blog with encouragement. There was one thing she said concerning the band that struck me.. I quote her, "we need to respect it" For 4 wasted years I did not "respect " the band. I over rode it and wouldn't let it work for me. When you "respect" something, or someone, you tend to listen to it, them. You keep company with it or them and share in a relationship with it or them. I did none of those things. Now it is different. I do have a working relationship to my band. I have even named her. "Bandi". he he.. Yep , things have changed. Just this morning when putting my underwear on, those fruit of the loom fellas barley snickered. lol... Give Respect, Get Respect... Blessings Dolly

Project Disney

Project Disney


The Price of Anything is the Amount of Life You Exchange for IT.

Yesterday I asked a member friend of mine on this site if she would give me a pep talk as I had allowed myself an extra half bowl of soup. I explained, I feared this would lead to food controling me again. Well she gave me a pep kick instead of a pep talk. She asked me to consider if it was worth that one extra day to keep us from our goal. She also asked, what was more important to me? That stopped me in my tracks. I was expecting an "oh well, it was vegetable home made soup and not fattening". But she allowed none of that. "What was more important too me", stung. I wasn't prepared for that . So it made me think and see how that one little slip up showed me where I was putting my time at. I didn't NEED that extra half bowl. I just wanted it because it tasted good. I was no longer hungry. I chose to spend time eating unnecessarily when I could have been doing something in exchange to help towards my goal. I see how we are accountable for every choice we make in this battle of the fat. So I admit I goofed, I will let this failure be my teacher ,not my undertaker . I will gladly pay the price and put more of my life energy into my goal. Thanks Debi for the pep kick. lol Blessings all. Dolly

Project Disney

Project Disney


When I was Young I wanted a BMW, now that I am Older I don't need the W

If you giggled at the blog title above you're probably in or near my age bracket. Honestly, I am ready to make a point here. Since I have been eating healthty and allowing my band to work for me I haven't had "said problem". I know it is because of the extra fiber I am consuming by eating fresh vegetables and fruit and my homemade vegetable soups with lentels and beans etc. So this has been another side benefit from choosing to eat healthy and staying on track. And the energy level has encreased as well. It's been 3 weeks of my new devotion to my lap band and am now seeing and feeling change. I am thrilled. So friends and members keep those fruits and Veggies filling your gas tank and soon you too will be running like a well oiled BMW. he he Dolly    

Project Disney

Project Disney


Change is Enevitable, except from Vending Machines

That is the magic of the lap band process.and this site. It brings about change when we allow it to work for us. It has been one whole week of renewed determination to allow the band and site to work with me. And the Changes that have occured are remarkable. No, I don't have a weight loss number to give you. Tho I know that will come. What has changed are things more of the heart, head and spirit. Reading and responding to many members on this site has been life changing. You have deepend my resolve. Many of you have already experienced the physical change and that is exciting and encouraging to me. Can't wait for some of that change to be noticeable on me. So thank you all , and Stick with it. $CHANGE IS A COMIN $

Project Disney

Project Disney


I am grateful

Just one day after posting my first ever blog seeking "help" I am thrilled with all the great people who responded, Thank you all so much. My progress report is great. Three days of very healthy eating and still highly motivated. If any one has a tried and true idea that helped you keep going strong, please leave for me.... I have one to share that my husband would say to me often, but only now am i observing. It is this : "IF YOU BUY IT, YOU WILL EAT IT". It reminds one of : "IF you build it, they will come.",,,, If you would put the two concepts together it would go something like this : " If you buy it, fat will come". So my point is this. Choose not to bring the bad stuff home from the grocery store.. There are healthy alternatives even for the kids in the home. It's all a matter of CHOICE .... Choose healthy fellow lap banders.

Project Disney

Project Disney


The Only Thing that Sat It's Way to Success was a HEN. !

You can not be a chicken when it comes to working out. Yes, I am egging you on to get up off the roost and work out. It's not a yolk. I am not pecking on anybody. I am pecking on all of us yolk-els on this site. For many, a good work out regimene will be the most eggsitement you have had for a good while. And that is the point eggs-actly ! Hens forth I want to see every one scramble everyday to work out . And if you do not ,guess what you will have on your face ? It doesn't have to be an eggscrutiating work out. Just a little more than you did the day before. Shell you decide it's not worth it, just read the peeps on this site about exercising. It's not hard to shell that excercise is a vital part of success to lose weight.. Omelet you go now. Keep smiling and your sunny side up . Blessings.. Dolly... Eggs to you. !    

Project Disney

Project Disney


Faith Makes Things Possible, Not Easy

My Bible verse for this day is found in Psalms 51:12 " Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, and uphold me with thy free spirit"... The Bible talks a lot about Restoring. Made me think, that is why we are on this site. WE ALL NEED RESTORING. How encouraging to know that we are also upheld and supported by His Spirit.. Faith is not a majic formula to make the fat WE imposed on our selves to majically disappear. Rather I believe it, and commitment and resolve is a stiffening process, a sort of mental starch, that gives us backbone to walk this journey while being supported by the Lord and family members on this site. Thanks everybody for the support. Today marks one month of eating healthy and working WITH my lapband, Not against it.. Blessings to all this New Year. Dolly.    

Project Disney

Project Disney


I Know a Lot of Food is Tainted: It Taint For You and It Taint For Me

After two weeks of eating healthy foods and feeling the physical benefits, the above statement shouts it's truths to my energized mind and body. A balanced diet is not a cookie in each hand as I use to subscribe to. I know ,dear members, during this Holiday Weekend we are going to be tempted with all the trappings of failure as we encounter the riches of Christmas candies, pies, puddings and general Christmas treats. I am going to call this food group "tainted". I will not even consider eating "tainted" meat. It is poison to your system. And so it is with tempting Holiday treats. They are poison to our goals and resolve. If we label this food group as "TAINTED" , we will be less likely to succumb to it's temptation. This battle we fight is very much mental and I fight it with mental strategys. I hope this one will help you over the Holiday festivities. Blessings. Dolly

Project Disney

Project Disney


If your dog is too fat, you're not getting enough excercise !

Someone told me that joke once and since i have been doing a lot of self evaluation, It popped into my head. It got me thinking about excercise. Before I would say, " If God wanted me to touch my toes he would have put them up higher." I usually do make a joke out of some thing I find uncomfortable. And being obese ,as most of us know, is uncomfortable. Since finding this site and using and relating to many members I am stoked about letting my band work with and for me. I am wheelchair bound so I guess I pretty much excused my self from excercising. But today I went on You Tube at my daughter-in-laws recommendation. I typed in "wheelchair excercises" and a boat load of videos came up. Some are great and look fun. Like doing the Charelston from your wheelchair. lol That should make my hubby laugh:D . What he does not know, is WE BOTH start tomorrow. he he. I think if i make it fun instead of a lot of pain and work , I will last longer and even enjoy it. Wish me good workout sessions. And look up "wheelchair excercises" on YouTube if you have a hard time standing for any length of time or are wheelchair bound like me. ..Blessings Dolly

Project Disney

Project Disney


I Know a Lot of Food is Tainted: It Taint For You and It Taint For Me

After two weeks of eating healthy foods and feeling the physical benefits, the above statement shouts it's truths to my energized mind and body. A balanced diet is not a cookie in each hand as I use to subscribe to. I know ,dear members, during this Holiday Weekend we are going to be tempted with all the trappings of failure as we encounter the riches of Christmas candies, pies, puddings and general Christmas treats. I am going to call this food group "tainted". I will not even consider eating "tainted" meat. It is poison to your system. And so it is with tempting Holiday treats. They are poison to our goals and resolve. If we label this food group as "TAINTED" , we will be less likely to succumb to it's temptation. This battle we fight is very much mental and I fight it with mental strategys. I hope this one will help you over the Holiday festivities. Blessings. Dolly

Project Disney

Project Disney

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
