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Post Opt Day 11

This is my LAST WEEK OF LIQUIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thursday here I come!!! Puree puree!!!   Be Blessed, Sheila




10 Days Post Opt! I can't Believe it!

Wow ten days since banded and I can't believe it!! My incisions are almost healed and they look good. My total pounds lost is about 15! I'm happy with it, but I need to see the numbers drop more. I've increased my work out on the treadmill and I will incorporate my exercise bike as well. I will hold off on my Platinum Weider until I get the ok from Dr. Madan (great doc). I am on my last week of liquids, so on Thursday I will start the puree stage! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!! I'm looking forward to it and looking better than I have in a long time.   Be BLESSED!




Post Opt Day 9

Well I seem to have this protein drinking down. It seems like I can drink about a cup with some restriction. I also have about a half of cup of some kind of soup/broth. I eat a few popsicles now, before it was a lot. I'm not having that much of an appetite...if protein wasn't important I doubt if I would drink anything. I'm just not in the mood for anything except what I can't have. Anyway, I will start the puree stage on the 25th! Woohoo!!   Be BLESSED!




Day Eight Post-Opt

Oh boy last night after class I dropped my purse and knelt down too fast!! I was in soo much PAIN at my port site (right at my diaphragm) and I was hurting. So I came right home and got in bed...I have to be very careful. Other than that I okay.   Be BLESSED




Banded A Week Later

Well it's been a week since banded and I'm better. The one thing that is bothering me is going through another week of liquids. I know it is necessary, but I'm having a hard time. At least let me get to the puree stage!! I think I just heard my stomach for the first time...oh well. Dr. Madan is impressed with my weight lose, so that's good. This morning I did get on the treadmill at a really fast pace. Other than that I'm still day dreaming of being small.   Be BLESSED!




Post Opt Day 6

Hello everyone,   I am on day seven since surgery and it's going well. I can not seem to drink more than about 42 or so grams of protein. I will discuss that with the nutritionist today...other than that I drink Crystal Light and eat popsicle and chicken noodle broth. I haven't weighed, but I can tell a difference in my clothes and face. I assume they will weigh me today. Until next time, I will type ya later.   Be BLESSED!




3rd Day Post-Opt

Well after a loonng night dealing w/ the gas pain I feel a little better. This go round I decided not to add skim milk to my protein shot, just a few cubes of ice. I'm feeling okay, for some reason I'm trying to face the fact that I have the band inside. I must admit, I have said why did I do this...but I know why. Maybe I will feel better once the liquid phase of it over, until then I will try and get it together. My sister and brother-n-law was trying to tell me it will be hard the first few weeks of getting use to this new lifestyle, but that isn't sinking in. Oh well...what's done is done. As for right now, I'm not too happy with my decision.




OOH Boy I Got A Little GAS!!!

Between the 6oz shake I had today and the water, one of them gave me a little gas! I was in tears!!! So I went straight for the Gas-X...it's workin a little. Man! I was upset at myself for having the band put in! A friend of mine had it done and reassured me that it will get better. I've walked twice today for a total of 20 minutes to ease the pain and it helps. So tomorrow I won't use skim milk, just to try and pin point the cause. Other than that I am fine, no pain at any of my incision sites. Thank you JESUS!!   Be Blessed




Day 2 Post Opt

Today is okay, I'm trying to get the shakes down. I mixed the 3oz. protein shot w/ 3oz. of skim milk,Splenda and two ice cubes together in the blender. I could only get about 60cc down. I will keep trying...next time I won't use the blender. I think the blender makes it too thick. Other than that I am good. I'm not in any pain what so ever. I am ready for the puree stage, oh yeah and the mushies!!   Be BLESSED!




Finally At Home

I am home finally, everything went very good...no gas pains or shoulder pains. I'm a little tender at my incision sites and that's it. I'm glad to be home! My doctors were great! I haven't weighed myself yet, so I'm hoping have lost at least two pounds. Well I am going to lay down and rest.   Be BLESSED!




01/11/07 D-DAY !

Well my time is almost here and I am somewhat calm (surprisingly). I feel good! I'm going home and clean a little bit and get my hospital bag together for my two day hospital stay. I will get there at 5:30am and I'm guessing the sugery will be at 7:00am. That's about it...so no stress to because I'm too BLESSED!   Sheila   Be BLESSED!




Pre-Opt Diet Menu Before Surgery

Breakfast: Nothing   Lunch: Chicken broth cooked with Better Than Bouillon, water, apple juice diluted w/ water.   Dinner: Chicken broth cooked with Better Than Bouillon. Popsicles, popsicles!




Pre-Opt Diet

Breakfast: Nothing   Lunch: Nothing   Dinner: 2 cans of chicken broth w/ Better Than Bouillon.




Closer and Closer

Pre-Opt Menu:     Breakfast: New Whey 42gram fruit punch protein shot blended w/ ice and 1 cup of skim milk and Splenda.   Lunch: Caldo de Pollo w/ a hint of lime     Dinner: Same as above




Bandland Is Nearing!

Today has been a great day, thank you LORD! Here's my daily pre-opt menu.   Breakfast/Lunch (after 2pm)   New Whey 42 gram grape (yum) protein shot w/ 1 cup of skim milk blended w/ ice. Caldo de pollo con limon (chicken broth, Better Than Bouillon, red chili peppers, chile Guajillo), and another cup of skim milk w/ two sugar free low carb fudge popsicles (pretty good).   Dinner: Carbon Copy of above.   I have to say one thing above Better Than Bouillon. GREAT!   Be BLESSED




Shopping List Complete!

Today I bought more New Whey 42 gram protein shots (whole box), Whey vanilla protein powder, Hibiclen, liquid Tylenol, large adhesive pads, slippers, robe, more chicken broth, "Better Than Bouillon", timer, large Ziploc bags and more POPSICLES!! Already have chewable vitamins, chewable Gas-X, and chewable calcium, I didn't get the BBQ tongs...   **Pre-Opt Diet Update**   Breakfast (1pm) One New Whey 42 gram protein shot w/ 1/2 cup of skim milk blended w/ ice and sugar free popsicles (3).   That's it so far...   For Dinner: I will have One New Whey 42 gram protein shot w/ 1/2 cup of skim milk blended w/ ice and sugar free popsicles. Caldo de pollo con limon y chile, I will make enough to freeze for next week.   Be Blessed!




Met With My Surgeon Today

Today I met with Dr. Madan and it went really well. He was very informative and nice; smooth talker. He said I have a small abodomen (woohoo), I was like thank you! I am still nervous about the whole thing!! :eek: :eek: I know it will be aight thought...God doesn't give me the spirit of fear! Well I have five more days to go until banded!!! I will give it my all to continue on the pre-opt diet!     Be BLESSED




One week to go!

I have one week to go until I'm banded! I am starting to get nervous again, but I know it will be alright. I will meet w/ the surgeon on tomorrow and have some other tests done by the anesthesiologist at the hospital. So I may be there about a half of day. Then I'm going to the school submit my papers for class on 1/16. So I have no earthly idea what time I will be in to work. Other than that it's a new day and I am giving this liquid thing another go. Until next time...Be BLESSED!!




Messed up AGAIN!

:hungry: :paranoid :hungry::paranoid :hungry: :paranoid :hungry: :paranoid :hungry: :paranoid :hungry: :paranoid :hungry: :paranoid :hungry: :paranoid   Be BLESSED




Double Cheeseburger & Fries!

Okay late last night after I got in bed I freak out about not eating some of my fav foods. So at 11:15PM I went tearing up the house for change, since my ATM card is deactivated (thank God). I found money and off to Wendy's I went! I ordered a double stack w/ extra mayo and medium fry! mane! I felt like an addict! Afterwards I wanted to cry, because I can't continue to mess up the pre-opt diet. So I feel really bad...I meet with the surgeon on 1/5 and I hope he won't notice:embarassed:. I don't know :phanvan. Starting today I will have ONLY liquids!   Be Blessed!





I am at work and eating POPCORN!!! I can't help it!!!   Breakfast: Homemade beef stew (ate the meat & little veggies)   Lunch: New Whey 42gr protein shot (missed having my shake, didn't have time) Chicken broth w/ Ramen noodle seasoning only Water...oh yea the popcorm   Dinner: leftover Albondigas, New Whey 42 gr protein (straight) Sugarfree Popsicles! Wanna be sugarfree chocolate shake (not so good) I did buy some new sugarfree popsicles at Sam's made by Phillyswirl. They aight need more fruit flavor, but it's a good snack.




Day 3 on Semi-Liquid Diet

Alrighty today was much better on this pre-opt diet.   Breakfast: New Whey 42gr protein shot blended w/ice, 2 sugar free banana popsicles (2carbs each)& skim milk (really good).   Lunch: Not even a cup of tomato soup.   Dinner: 1-1/2 cup of Albondigas (mexican meatball soup) yummy! I did eat about five really small meatballs and veggies (oh well). New Whey 42gr protein shot blended w/ice, 2 sugar free banana popsicles (2 carbs each)& skim milk. I used a little Splenda in that one to make it sweeter.   Be Blessed!




New ME, NEW Year!!!

I thank my Lord Jesus for BLESSING me to see another year!! Thank you JESUS!!! I'm ready for a new attitude, mind, goals, to be a more understanding wife (submisive), SPIRIT, and a new me! I look forward to ALL the great things GOD have instored for me for HIS Glory!! Hallelujah!!! I will continue to let the Lord order my steps and even if I don't receive a word from you Father please help me to understand your plan for my life. Father I thank you for your FAITHFULNESS, YOUR BRAND NEW MERCIES YOU GIVE EVERY MORNING, FORGIVENESS, KINDNESS, SALVATION, FOR BEING A JUST GOD, RIGHTEOUSNESS, LOVING, CARING, AWESOME POWER, PROTECTION, PROVIDER AND MOST OF ALL FOR LOVING ME ENOUGH TO SEND YOUR ONLY BEGOTTEN SON TO SAVE ME FROM MY FILTHY SINS! YOU ARE A AWESOME GOD! I LOVE YOU! I PRAISE YOU! I GLORIFY YOU! I BOW BEFORE YOU! GLORY AND HONOR BELONGS TO YOU! Thank you LORD!!! Father GOD I pray that you would bless those that long to know you, bless their minds and hearts to receive you and ALL the marvelous thing you have waiting for them. Let them kow you are thinking of them and that's the reason they are alive, because you are allowing them too be alive. satan I give you NO authority! I bind every plot you have set for me my husband, my mom, my dad, my sisters, my nieces, my newphews, my aunts, uncle, cousins, grandmother, friends, my sister-n-laws, my brother-n-laws, my mother-n-law, the people that are reading this and even the CHILDREN I DON'T HAVE "YET"! It is cancelled in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD! satan I cast you into the pit of hell!!! I am covered under the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST! Thank you father!! I receive only the good things from the LORD!!   BE BLESSED!!!



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