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A Body Under Construction

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My 1st Journal Entry...

:notagree Hehe. Uh.... Uh..... Well...I guess I dont have much to say-I think Im kinda journal-shy!!! :mad: Heheheh! I`ll be back! With more interesting STUFF!!   ~Heather

Heather Joy

Heather Joy


Why Am I SOOO Tired???

I would have to say that this is a rhetorical question,but I`ll ask nonetheless. I HOPE im just comming down w/a cold (1st time Ive EVER said that!),ive been tired the last 2 weeks almost non stop. My eyes get really red & puffy-like I just did drugs or something-thats actually how I feel!-minus the happy feelings.lol.... The dishes are mounting,the hamper is mounting...I could just care less-have absolutley NO energy. Well,thats enough complaining from me. One a good note.....ok...well,I guess I really dont have any good notes right now LOL   American Idol RULES!!! ~ Heather :faint:

Heather Joy

Heather Joy


Some cool NSV's Just Today!!

I am so excited- 1st my almost mother-in-law saw me today & the 1st thing she said was "oh my goodness! You've lost so much weight! Your melting away before us!" I LOVE hearing those things=-) Next we all went out shopping (mostly for fiancee) & I looked at myself in a full length mirror-I couldnt believe it-this had been the 1st time I had seen myself in a full length mirror for a long LONG time-and I was truely amazed-I actually liked looking at myself!Usually I hate even looking at myself in a half-length mirror! Later that night I decided to be daring- I bought some lingerie & those see through high heels (aka "stripper shoes").I tried it on for Matt-he was floored! To say the least!!!LOL I felt so beautiful,and not just because he was drooling- I felt beautiful-in my own skin-for once. I am so happy =-)   ~Heather

Heather Joy

Heather Joy


Lots of Stuff Since Last Entry

Lots of stuff has happened since my last entry. My fiancees grandfather died Sunday after a 5 year battle with Congestive Heart Failure. His sister, Tammy was there by his side when it happened. The nurse asked Debbie (Matts mother) Sunday morning if there was ANYONE who hadnt said their goodbyes to him yet, because usually people only hold on this long if they havent made "peace" with someone. While my fiancee's sister was by his side later that day, and after Debbie had told her about the talk with the nurse earlier, she thought that Dave her husband hadnt really had a chance to speak to him within the lst few days & maybe its him her grandfather is waiting to hear from. She called him on her cell phone & put the phone to his ear (he was in a coma) after a few minutes she took the phone, said she'd be home soon & hung up. Her grandfather took 2 more breathes & passed away... Gives you the chills doesnt it? I still dont know what exactly Dave said to him. But I did realize over the last week how close the 2 of them were- it was the 1st time ive seen Dave cry since Ive known Matt my fianncee (which has been over 6 years). The wake & funeral were absolutly beautiful-sad,of course (it made me remember my dads funeral soooo much I cried a LOT these past couple days) ...but it was a real closure to everyone. I met a lot of his family that I hadnt yet met (I met his grandfathers brother (who,sadly enough died on his sons birthday),Clyde-he lives in FL. He was so nice & told me numerous times how much he approved of me & that Matt had "done good" :nanahump: which was nice. Over this past week, through a trying & emotional time, I realised what a wonderful & caring family that I am marrying into-even my mom told me that-how proud & happy she was for me. That may sound strange,..but as they say trying times can bring people so close & that is VERY true.   ~Heather

Heather Joy

Heather Joy


Alright, Feeling Better Now.

Sorry about my last entry, kinda depressing,but I am feelin better now! Last night me & Matt went to a friends art/photo studio (VERY famous one), to take pics of his band & record a few songs. Afterwards he took even took some pics of me & the singer,me alone, & me with Matt. And OMG!!!! They arre absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I was shocked!!!! Once I have them trust me yal be seeing 'um when I get them!LOL=) I MUST get my before pic up too,thats the real shocker

Heather Joy

Heather Joy


I'm on Steroids!!

Ugh, steriods....lovely... Well, let me start from the beginning- Ive been having REALLY bad headaches/migraines. I went to the Dr. & he put me on a high dose of anti-inflammitories,which did NOTHING....so after crying the whole weekend I called my Dr back today & he put me on steroids-for 6 days. I hope to GOD this works because I am running out of energy(well,that ran out a loooooong time ago,so I guess patience & sanity is more the words Im looking for). *Crossing fingers* I`ll let ya'll know soon if Im feeling better!:help:

Heather Joy

Heather Joy

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