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My Visit with the psyc today

Hello my friends,I made my psyc visit todayand everything went so well I feel like I made a new friend even though I will never see this Doctor again...lol.the visit went reallty well ,I was nervous at first but when I got in the office I was the 2nd visit for that day,I was really suprized when the doc.said that i was his 2nd visit for some needing an evaluation for bariatric surgery even though he's not on the list of doctors to do evals..for that kind of surgery ,,,,he just wanted me to tell him the reasons why I wanted to have the surgery and about my family life,He really wanted to see if I had any trouble in my home life such as being put in a depress state or if my home life is upsetting to me ,if I have ever been on antidepressants,I told him when I lost my dad in death a few yrs ago or with any other death in a family will put anyone in a depress state,YES I was taking an anti depressant, before I left he said (even though I am against baritaric surgery) you are very normal and I don't see anything that would hold you from having the surgery if that is what you want.. he also said I really beleave in loosing weight the old fashion way-walking and doing the adkins diet, all I could do is laugh............YEAH........I am haft way through........I'll be on the other side before long.......camille01




I made it to my Dr.'s appt.and left a lil optimistic

When I went to the doctor I had wrote a lot of questions down and my doc .answered all that I had asked,and 1 questionI asked was,I am scared of the erosion of the band and she said that there has been an Increase in band erosion,that kinda scared me and she said that there was some failure in the produce,I was just wondering if this is where she didn't want to do the lapband or there was really an increase in the erosion,so I thought I would check it out and read up on this...I went to the next best place to look and that was sleevetalk.com.when I did I was suprised when I saw several band had eroded through and they had to either have the band put back in or change the surgery.and of course they chose another surgery so they wont have to worry about it,so they chose the sleeve.....I am now leaning more towards the sleeve now....but I am sceptable about it and I am also loosing the support of my husband....I feel like im loosing all the way around...so please if anyone has delt with erosion in the band fill me in as to what happened and how do I get over these weird feelings........camille01




Just Curious

When you were put on the 6 month weight management program what is this for and what do you do,I am just wondering because if I could loose weight I would have done it on my own before the program , (Is this just a period where it make you aware of what you are eating or is this a time where we are to diet like we would on the pre-op diet-please let me know-HELP-because I don't want to go back to my doctor and not loose a pound?.....camille01




13 days--until I know how much longer in this old body(Yeah--I need a little help)

I have my 1st consult with my surgeon and her team,I am getting more excited as the days move on,I have a lot of my Information that the doctor and the insurance requires,1st I have my 6 month weight management 3 months down,I hope that they dont want the whole 6 months,I am ready for my 2 weeks of clear liquid,I am ready to loose weight....Yeah....   Any body in this with me?     Who has there appointment scheduled for the same day?     What food in the liquid diet are we really allowed to eat? anybody have a good Idea?




Food For Thought,Take some pictures "Now"Before and "Then"After,Please

I always wondered why people Never have pictures taken of themselves taken,I finally figured it out,When you are overweight you have a tendency to hide from the camera,I know I do but every once in a while I will take a nice picture and suprize myself because it looks really good,I wouldn't want anything happening to me where my children couldn't find any pictures of me,God forbide if I was to have an accident and they had to have a picture to reconstruct my face they would have to use my high school pictures....My question is why would you hide from the camera now because"If you ever want to show anyone how you looked before your sugery how could you If you don't have nothing to show?God loves you if you are big or small(ugly or a beauty queen)take some pictures and show yourself some love...I want to remember myself FAT OR SLIM.    




A pearl was descovered at the doctors office

yesterday 12/15/2010 was a good day I think, I was going to my Doctor and got a pleasent suprize,when I made it to my PCP office to get a regular check up for my suprize he wasn't in but the receptionist was,she says to me (Dr.PCP) is not in today he had a family emergency to attend to,I couldn't be upset because I was a walkin,then she said (his wife is taking his paitents would that be fine)or would you like to reschedule I told her all I need was my weight Management form filled out and she says that Im sure she won't mind doing it ,so once I went to see my Dr's wife of course she's a heart doctor and she says I'm glad you come in,Its time for me to check you heart anyway,so I got the chance to explain to her that I wanted to have the Lapband put in and she was excited for me,that made me so happy because I was looking for a negative responce but It made me feel like I finally got someone to see what I was looking at,she says I think you would do very well with it, but 1 thing I want you to do (use it to change your like because you are very a beautiful girl now but with 100lbs less your husband would really see the pearl thats in the shell,I asked her if she would fill out the WM form she says definatly, She was wondering what was taking them so long to get me scheduled,I told her that once you go to the siminar you have to chose a surgeon,she asked me who did I choose and I told her,and she said thet I have chosen a wonderful doctor,and I have to keep in mind that this is a life change and to do Just as the doctor tells me to and I will have great success,just don't go back to my old ways because when you do something for 2 yrs make it a part of my life,and If I need to have a checkup on hy heart she would be more that willing to fill out the forms.......Thank you Dr G, with all your incurragement you have really made my day........





THIS IS THE TRICKER ADDRESS YOU COPY AND PASTE IT IN THE ADDRESS BAR BUT TO ADD THE TRACKER TO YOUR PAGE,I HAVN'T GOTTEN THAT FAR BECAUSE I HAVN'T HAD A NEED FOR IT YET , I HAVNT HAD MY BIRTH-DAY YET(SURGERY DAY)SORRY,BUT I HAVN'T HAD THE SURGERY YET:THIS IS WHAT i FOUND OUT. HOPE IT HELPS   .url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/w7ldYUh/]       ONCE YOU GO TO THE TRACKER PAGE AND PICK OUT THE TRACKER, HERES THE INSTRUCTIONS: How do I use these tickers on my favorite board/site? You simply need to copy one of the code blocks presented to you on the last page of the ticker designer. The code to select depends on the site or board where you would like to display it. You may need to ask for help where you plan to use them. In general boards use the message boards code and web pages use the HTML code.




Just something to think about.

We dont realize what we are giving up when we loose weight,Just think about it, For every 1Lb that we loose-we loose a 1Lb box of Butter thats 4 sticks, a 1Lb box of sugar,or even a 1Lb pkg of Cookies for some people that feels like a dream, Think about the Mcdonalds-what really weigh 1Lbs and I'm here to tell you, It will fell really good to get ride of all that junk in the trunk:D ,can you think of some things that weighs 1 Lb that you would like to get ride of and think of how many pounds you've lost and compair how many sticks of butter that you have gotten ride of,JUST THINK ABOUT IT,HOW MANY STICKS OF BUTTER YOU HAVE GOTTEN RIDE OF?




Don't have a clue,this question is to all who will reads.

On the average,How long does one have to wait till everything is accepted through the insurance until they actually get scheduled for there surgery,I kinda guess as to the time limit but im not positive, I hate waiting it brings on unwanted pressure and causes me headache..I know waiting is a part of life and the saying is if its worth having its worth waiting for.......



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
