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Mixed feelings

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It's all about me!

Don't you just hate when people tell you, “You really don't need the lap band. You look like you can work it off". Well if you don't I do! I had a woman at my church tell me this and she has had the Gastric Bypass. My first impression of her statement was, well don't that just beat all. She has lost a lot of weight and is looking real nice; why wouldn't she want the same for me... Not that I care about her opinion it's just as I am traveling down this journey I am look for encouraging words only.   Maybe her words were meant to be encouraging however, she has had GASTIC. LMBO! A co-worker who has had the lap band tells me daily how much it’s not worth eat while she snacks at her desk daily.   I am excited and I am working hard in the gym, I have my eyes set on the prize and I am not letting no one and that means no one get in my way of a new me! UGH! I feel better now. LOL      




Getting crazy!

I am going crazy! The weight lost has completly halt. Yes. I am getting very upset For the last 3 weeks I have been at the same weight. I have been working out like a mad woman yet, no change.. My eating habits appear to be good. I do the three meals a day, I don't eat beef or pork, I don't drink soda or coffee. I have only had one fill since the surgery, and my appetiate has change I offened sleep, clean or workout to avoid eating.   I am scared to eat anything, I believe I am just going crazy trying to make my band work.. Maybe I am rushing things I don't know.    




The Fill Questions

So I go to my Surgeon and get a fill on January 3, 2012. The process my surgeon use for the fill is one of yet a complicated one. After sticking the needle and thing in, I sit up on the side of the bench then he withdrawals the fluid. My guess is to measure home much I have in. Then he places it back while I am drinking water. During that process he asks me does that seem to stick or does it rolls smooth. After the first or second yes or no I am completely confused on what rolling smooth is and what’s sticking around. LOL.   That being said... Since that fill I have been able to eat more than I have since having the lap band. I don't like the fill process and I feel that at this point I should have a better understanding of the process.   After working out last night I was able to drink almost half of my bottle water before stopping. Now I have never done that since being band. I want to be able to know the difference of being filled and being topped off. No I don't want to be so tight I can't drink water but darn. I am work hard to watch what I eat and workout hard. But the purpose of having the band was to have assistance in my weight loss process.   Plus I feel like knowing how much I have in my band is important... it top secret at my Surgeon's office. I asked him what his target weight is lost for me and he act like I cussed him. LOL I think he worried that I am questioning him. But I really not..... I just want to make sure we are both on the same page.   The office I attend has several Surgeons there and I think it's more of a competition going on.   Oh…. I have scheduled another appointment which means more money on my side.     Work with Surgeon…LOL





Well all I am officaly a bander.   The surgery went great however, I woke with the worst gas you could ever imagine. I am still a little sore. But I am trailing the path    




Goal Setting

If I can lose these 18 pounds I would be 199. I would love to see the 2’s out of my life. I am going to work hard to have these 18 pounds gone before March 1, 2012. That is my goal and I am will meet it. During my progress I have not been making goals on my numbers; but I think it’s going to be important to me some goals here on out. I was happy to lose any weight. LOL I must work harder this month.





Hello all,   Well it has officially been 6 months since my lapband surgery. I can say I do not regret my choice to have the procedure; I am glad to see the weight lost. I haven't had any problems which I think is great; no issues with food.   However, I must say I thought I would have lost more than 52lbs by now. I work very hard to watch what I eat and make sure I work out. But it seems that in the begining I would drop a or two a week. Now I haven't lost a pound and a month or two.   I am not complaining I really just venting. Like I said I am happy with the weight lost I have had.   So... Just wanted to share my LAP Band Journey.




Today is my day

Well today is my day to receive my long awaited lap band. Pray for me guys, for I have already prayed and I know God will take care of me.




Mixed feelings

Hello all,   I am so excited about the journey of the lap band however; I have mixed feelings about telling my family and friends that I have decided to take this route. I said this because this summer June 2010; I had a breast reduction and everyone thought I was being so vain. I loved my breast deductions but, it made me see how much I really need to lose weight. Thanks to my reductions, I now look 7 months pregnant. LOL   I have so many questions! This website seems to be very helpful.




People... UGH!

One of the strangest things happened to me today. I went to a yearly meeting with my agency; and I saw a co-worker. She walked up to me and said, “Hey girl how are you? I see you have lost a some weight you feeling okay?’. My first expression was wow the nerve of some people. If I was ill what would make her think I would discuss it with her?   My response to her was, “I am feeling great”.   I have only lost 38lbs. I could only wonder what she would have said if I have met my goal weight... SMDH    





Hello all fellow LP members,   It’s been a whiles since a post a blog. A lot of changes have taken place since my last post. One of the most important thing is I am still losing weight. AMEN! I am working very hard for every little pound that drops off. It may not be much but I am counting every ounce. LOL     I have people asking me all the time how much have you lost you look so nice. I am trying not to let it go to my head. But BABY it feels good to look at yourself in the mirror and say WOW is that me. I look better because I feel better. My friend status has risen since my weight has dropped on Facebook. LOL! Not sure just if that’s a good or a bad thing. My friends tell me that I am a different person and more approachable. I didn’t realize that my weight made me so angry, I guess I will label it misplaced anger. Since a label is required in my daily life while not label myself. LMBO   I have found a new love, Working out! Crazy right? I started out walking now I am running the running is like a rush. When I have the time I would like to run in a mini marathon. I am not going to say there haven’t been bad days but, the good days out weight the bad. The only regret I have is not getting the lab band sooner.   I am not tight but I have just enough to help me control my eating habits.     Until the next time!     Start weight 274   Current weight 222    





Hello Lapband World,   I writing today because I need a little encouragement. Today is my first day for the liquid diet and I am starving. Not to mention my office order out for lunch. I know I have to do this and why I am doing this but just needed to vent.   Why does their lunch smell so good?    




I have my date... :)))

While in Vegas received an email from the surgeron stating that I have been approved and my pre-op date will be 5/27/11 surgeron appt 6/1/11 and surgery date is 6/8/11. I am so excited and yet scared too. I know this is for me I have been thinking and praying for years about this surgury it was until I had a breast reductions that I realized that I really don't like this muffin top I have. LOL   I have been though a lot in the last 3 years and I am ready for the new me. I know I am going to have some struggles but with God on my side I know I am going to make it.





Hello all fellow LP members,   It’s been a whiles since a post a blog. A lot of changes have taken place since my last post. One of the most important thing is I am still losing weight. AMEN! I am working very hard for every little pound that drops off. It may not be much but I am counting every ounce. LOL     I have people asking me all the time how much have you lost you look so nice. I am trying not to let it go to my head. But BABY it feels good to look at yourself in the mirror and say WOW is that me. I look better because I feel better. My friend status has risen since my weight has dropped on Facebook. LOL! Not sure just if that’s a good or a bad thing. My friends tell me that I am a different person and more approachable. I didn’t realize that my weight made me so angry, I guess I will label it misplaced anger. Since a label is required in my daily life while not label myself. LMBO   I have found a new love, Working out! Crazy right? I started out walking now I am running the running is like a rush. When I have the time I would like to run in a mini marathon. I am not going to say there haven’t been bad days but, the good days out weight the bad. The only regret I have is not getting the lab band sooner.   I am not tight but I have just enough to help me control my eating habits.     Until the next time!     Start weight 274   Current weight 222    





This Lapband process has been one long and emotional process. It's has been at least 8 months since I started this process. I know it's going to be a life learning process so I guess the 8 months is preparing me. Today I received a phone call from my insurance stating that my surgery has been approved and I would just need to call my Doctor to schedule my surgery. My stomach dropped, I was excited yet nervous at the same time. This approval came 2days after I had to call the Doctors office, Insurance, and my primary Doctor to ask were was my status. Nobody new anything, the medical clerk told me they never received a request. After many phone calls I was told that this would be worked out.   So, today I am Thankful and ready!    




Concern -- that I am not filled enough!

I have been reading and researching the entire Lap Band system for 2 years. All the literature I have read warns you have having your band too tight. I believe that is stuck in my head and that’s why when I go to get my fills I am so nerves.   I went to get a fill on August 2, 2011. I don’t feel any different than the day before I went to the appointment. I can almost eat anything but; I just make myself stop because I really want this to work. I can guzzle water after a workout better than before. I feel as if I have had a un-fill; I am scared that my band may not be in the correct place. I have so many things running in my head. Not to mention that I have gain 3 lbs since my fill. I want to call the Doctor but I don’t want to be panic for no reason. I am not in pain, I can eat and I am gaining weight.   I walk 3 miles a day, workout 4 times a week, I eat very small portion only because I use the portion plates. I just don’t know what direction to go.   I don't know how much is in my band... what size is my band.. and my Doctor don't seem to be open to discussing those questions. Any advice?    




Day 3

Day 3 of the liquid diet and you guys & girls were all correct. It's getting better I want say I have complete overcame the shakes for some textured food. However, i think I am going to live on day one I didn't think I was going to make it. LOL   I must say this protein shakes are keeping me gassy.But other than that I am have no complaints. Come on June 8, 2011..   As I travel this journal I am learning more about my love for food...    



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
