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Here I go...

The countdown is on...Next Friday (Nov 5th) I start Optifast for 2 weeks and have my Lapband in on NOv 19th...I'm so excited...I'm putting my blinders on and going full force - Not even going to think about the 2 weeks of liquid...Just going to DO IT! I just posted pic's of me from the past few months and will update when I have completed the Optifast (Night before surgery)...I will continue to post as I melt away. Anyone else out there who would like to journey together I would love the company. :thumbup::tongue::drool:




My Last Supper

Well tomorrow is my final day...I start Optifast on Friday...Is it wrong to want to eat ALL my fav's tomorrow??? I feel like I'm never going to be able to pig out again...This is good...But, also scary - Because this is what I've done for comfort for so long. When I'm bored - I eat...When I'm happy, sad, mad, etc, etc...I eat. Now what? What do I do now??? Has anyone felt like this before surgery...Had 2nd thoughts??? Well, tomorrow I will indulge in ALL my fav's and say Hello to my new way of living. Scary, but I'm ready.




Day 1 Optifast

Oh my goodness...Day 1 and I'm already so, so hungry. I'm allowed 4 shakes a day (made with water) and all the sugar free drinks I want...That's it...I know I have to do this, giving up is NOT an option...I guess I just have to keep busy and try not to think about it. Any advice out there - 13 more days to go...:cursing:




Still looking...

I've been looking around and trying to research a few Doctors...I will be seeing Dr Cobourn at the SWLC...Can anyone tell me about their experiences with or without this Doctor???




SWLC - Dr. Cobourn

Hey, Just wondering if anyone has gone to this clinic in Mississauga Ont.??? And had this Doctor??? Any input would be great. Thanks




ONE week post - op...

I was banded on the 19th November and in total I'm down 21 pounds (includes the 2 week Optifast diet)...On day 5 post op I tried a bit of meat - BIG mistake...I was up till 2:30am with major tummy ach and way bloated. I learned my lesson - pureed for the next 2 weeks. I still have a lot of gas and super bloated - How long does this last (I'm one week post op). I'm so uncomfterble trying to sleep...Not fun. And I'm full with half a cup of soup OR mashed potatos or 1 egg etc. I'm wondering if I'll lose that full feeling before I get a fill??? OR will I even need a fill??? All these questions and everyone seems to have their own journy - Not everyone goes through the same problems.  




Day 6 of liquid diet

It is getting easier...I have slipped along the way and ate things I should not have eaten...But, I'm on track and have 8 more days to get through (Almost 1/2 way)...I think it's all starting to sink in and I'm getting a bit anxious/nervous. I just want it all to run smooth - I'm only taking 2 days off then back to work...Crazy I think but, I work from home and hope I won't be too tired. It's nice to read everyones up's & down's during the whole process and I look forward to posting more as the days continue.:scared2:




Credit Valley Clinic

Hey out there...I'm wondering if anyone has had their Lap Band done at the Credit Valley Clinic in Mississauga??? I had my first consultation last week and I'm trying to find out more about this clinic and the surgeon I spoke with...Dr. Neil Woolfson... Also, wondering if anyone has had their band slip? OR had rubbing on the stomach that caused a hole? Had to have band removed for any reason? How much $$$ to have it removed? Any of your experiences would be greatly appreciated. P.S. What is "Slime"



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