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ONE week post - op...

I was banded on the 19th November and in total I'm down 21 pounds (includes the 2 week Optifast diet)...On day 5 post op I tried a bit of meat - BIG mistake...I was up till 2:30am with major tummy ach and way bloated. I learned my lesson - pureed for the next 2 weeks. I still have a lot of gas and super bloated - How long does this last (I'm one week post op). I'm so uncomfterble trying to sleep...Not fun. And I'm full with half a cup of soup OR mashed potatos or 1 egg etc. I'm wondering if I'll lose that full feeling before I get a fill??? OR will I even need a fill??? All these questions and everyone seems to have their own journy - Not everyone goes through the same problems.  




Day 6 of liquid diet

It is getting easier...I have slipped along the way and ate things I should not have eaten...But, I'm on track and have 8 more days to get through (Almost 1/2 way)...I think it's all starting to sink in and I'm getting a bit anxious/nervous. I just want it all to run smooth - I'm only taking 2 days off then back to work...Crazy I think but, I work from home and hope I won't be too tired. It's nice to read everyones up's & down's during the whole process and I look forward to posting more as the days continue.:scared2:




Day 1 Optifast

Oh my goodness...Day 1 and I'm already so, so hungry. I'm allowed 4 shakes a day (made with water) and all the sugar free drinks I want...That's it...I know I have to do this, giving up is NOT an option...I guess I just have to keep busy and try not to think about it. Any advice out there - 13 more days to go...:cursing:




My Last Supper

Well tomorrow is my final day...I start Optifast on Friday...Is it wrong to want to eat ALL my fav's tomorrow??? I feel like I'm never going to be able to pig out again...This is good...But, also scary - Because this is what I've done for comfort for so long. When I'm bored - I eat...When I'm happy, sad, mad, etc, etc...I eat. Now what? What do I do now??? Has anyone felt like this before surgery...Had 2nd thoughts??? Well, tomorrow I will indulge in ALL my fav's and say Hello to my new way of living. Scary, but I'm ready.




Here I go...

The countdown is on...Next Friday (Nov 5th) I start Optifast for 2 weeks and have my Lapband in on NOv 19th...I'm so excited...I'm putting my blinders on and going full force - Not even going to think about the 2 weeks of liquid...Just going to DO IT! I just posted pic's of me from the past few months and will update when I have completed the Optifast (Night before surgery)...I will continue to post as I melt away. Anyone else out there who would like to journey together I would love the company. :thumbup::tongue::drool:




SWLC - Dr. Cobourn

Hey, Just wondering if anyone has gone to this clinic in Mississauga Ont.??? And had this Doctor??? Any input would be great. Thanks




Still looking...

I've been looking around and trying to research a few Doctors...I will be seeing Dr Cobourn at the SWLC...Can anyone tell me about their experiences with or without this Doctor???




Credit Valley Clinic

Hey out there...I'm wondering if anyone has had their Lap Band done at the Credit Valley Clinic in Mississauga??? I had my first consultation last week and I'm trying to find out more about this clinic and the surgeon I spoke with...Dr. Neil Woolfson... Also, wondering if anyone has had their band slip? OR had rubbing on the stomach that caused a hole? Had to have band removed for any reason? How much $$$ to have it removed? Any of your experiences would be greatly appreciated. P.S. What is "Slime"



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