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Today....what a day!!

Today was a nerve-racking day! :smile2: I had some very back news today of someone who was once married into our family that committed suicide last night. It was so sad because this poor guy had no one who loved him. Even his own mother denied she was his mother and wasn't planning on burying him. I had to keep it together because I had my networking luncheon today called the Hispanic Network of Austin with 50 people coming to network. While I was setting up for the luncheon, I got more updates on my surgery with the location of the hotel that True Results is putting us up in because the surgery is in another city. I'm trying to write this down, set up, and NOT cry. I was nervous knots all day!! I felt off my game at the luncheon, but it was still a GREAT luncheon! One of my acquaintances, who's fast becoming a friend, was SO supportive and wants to meet with me before my surgery and visit me post-op. She had gastric bypass before the lapband was an option, so she understands me and what I'm about to go through. I'm so grateful for her and I hope I'll be able to count on her when I need encouragement. The surgery is next Friday and I'm so excited and so scared all at the same time. Is that normal? I don't know, but it's something I must do for myself and my health. My mother-in-law is so funny. She's visiting with us and not from this country. Where she comes from, there just aren't a lot of obese people, so she can't understand why I'm getting surgery. Why can't I just eat salad? LMAO!! :lol:If it was that simple, I would have done that by now! My husband's so supportive and I'm very fortunate in that sense. He has always taken such good care of me and has seen me through some difficult health situations. He curses me back to health, but I know he worries about each time I get sick. I'm hoping that my health will improve now and he won't have to worry so much.




Atkin's Diet begins today!!

I started the Atkin's Diet today in preparation for my surgery on November 19th. I'm hoping I can last on this diet until then!! LOL Without carbs and just protein with some veggies, it's going to be a rough road for 2 weeks. If I can just last, I'll get the lapband and won't have to worry about being hungry all the time. Right now, I'm starving and I've already had breakfast and lunch! Any suggestions on what I can eat on Atkins without ruining my carb count? I can't have more than 20 grams of carbs per day. :cursing:




Surgery is a go!

I had my sleep study done and I have sleep apnea. Great! I didn’t believe it and thought the kids doing the study were just way to young to perform this properly! They kept waking me up and I don’t feel I slept as much as they claim because the electrodes on my head were coming off and they had to keep coming in to squeeze them back on and then replace them altogether, so to say I slept 5.7 or the 6 hours I was there is WAY off! The bad thing is that I have to go back again tonight for another sleep study, this time with a mask on my face. Then I have to get a prescription and go pick one up or they won’t do my surgery without it. This really sucks because I have no intention of using it and it will most likely correct itself anyway with the weight loss. But, I have to do it for now to get the band. My husband says he’s never heard anything to alert him during the night and he’s had times where he couldn’t sleep and was up while I slept and not a peep! I got approved for my lapband procedure over the weekend and it’s set for November 19th. Unfortunately, I have to travel 2 hours to San Antonio for the surgery, but they’re putting me up in a hotel the night before. It’s the drive back after surgery I’m concerned with. I hope we make it back without a hitch and I wish they had told me this upfront. I’m nervous and excited, but it really has to be done. I clearly cannot lose the weight on my own. I made a bucket list of food and have been checking them off as I eat them because I’m not going to be eating those foods again, by choice! The band will help, but it won’t do all the work for me. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that this is a lifetime committment and I have to be in it to win it!




Guess what?

I’m getting the lapband! I’ve struggled with my weight since I was 18 years old, after a broken bone in the ball of my foot kept me on crutches for 6 months. I’ve been able to get down to my ideal weight twice, and come within 1 dress size of my ideal weight 3 times, but have never been able to achieve permanent results. Recently, I began to worry that I would die young as a result of my weight because I had a couple of scares due to mild activity like climbing up the stairs at the theater and dancing one song. Both times, my heart-felt like it would jump out of my throat and I had an asthma attack. I’m not an asthmatic! Then a friend of mine told me about the lapband and said that her insurance covered it. She encouraged me to make an appointment with the True Results office and they would check into insurance coverage for me, with the first consultation being free. I figured I had nothing to lose, so I made the appointment. I was thrilled to discover that my insurance would cover it, but disappointed that I had a 3 month waiting period to qualify. A few days later, I received a phone call from the patient advocate who apologized because they got the wrong insurance information, but that my insurance did NOT have a waiting period and we could get started right away! October 11, 2010, I completed all my test requirements and a sleep study, so now it’s just waiting to hear back from the insurance company and if all goes well, I will have my surgery on November 19, 2010!! I’m so excited and ready to make a change, but I know I can’t do it without help this time and help with keeping the weight off once I’ve reached my goal. This is the singing, Kung Fu fighting, poker playing president and found of the Hispanic Network of Austin, signing off....



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