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Wanting lapband....started long process

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Mooooooooving along slowly

Had my 3'rd fill on Thursday. I'm at 2.6cc now. I've lost 35 pounds since surgery on 2-13-07. PBing and gagging up like after each fill. Hard to find things to eat after fills...I get really hungry. Well, still have no regrets about the surgery. Feeling good about my lifestyle change. Good luck to everyone....take care.




2'nd fill

Have my 2'nd fill on Thursday April 12'th. Wow...I am restricted alright! I think I need to be emptied a little actually. I have slimed at least once a day since Thursday. I'm having a hard time getting things down with chestpain. Solids that is. Even cereal too. Shakes, grits, yogurt, icecream all go down fine. I guess I've caused some irritation with gagging and maybe I'm still swollen but if this continues throughout the week I'm going to call to have some taken out. I'm at 2.2 right now. The weight loss have been very slow....it discouraging really. I've only lost an additional 3 pounds in 3 weeks. 25 pounds loss in all so far. Well, at least I haven't gained.




my timeline for those interested

6 months from 1'st required appt to insurance approval. Slim Fast Shake/protein bar diet started 2-1-07. Banded 2-13-07 (10cc)/weight loss=total -11 pounds. Worst pain days only last about 3-4 days. Back to work 2-23-07. Started mushies 2-27-07. Appt with surgeon 3-1-07/weight loss=another -10 pounds. First mandatory group support meeting 3-5-07. Ok'd to start solids 3-13-07. First fill scheduled 3-26-07.   Good luck to those pre-ops out there......YES, all the "suffering" is worth the outcome! I feel good. I'm getting used to my new way of eating. I have been able to wear a few items of clothing that were too tight before. My energy level is good. I am back to do all the household chores and I can get thru work fine. I am able to pass up all kinds of junkfood at work that I used to gorge myself on.




back to work

I went back yesterday on my 9'th day post-op after using vacation time. I planned on taking it easy but I actually felt really good all day. I had told co-workers about my surgery beforehand so many were asking how I felt and some wanted more details than others. Many expected me to be sitting down and taking it easy or not running around like my normal self. Many asked, aren't you in pain? Honestly, I was in pain and miserable the first 3-4 days but each day after has gotten better. I was surprised to have a few staff, who work on the other side of the hospital, who I never really talked to before...start a conversation with me. I got a few compliments on my hair looking nice, and a couple staff asked me if I'd gotten my hair cut or colored? These being the staff who were unaware of my surgery....so I just thanked them and didn't offer any info. My husband says that this is because I have lost a little weight and that my face looks different...so people wonder why I look different and think it's a new haircut or something. I also noticed that my female co-workers in particular are very attentive to what I eat, drink, and chew....lol. Some comment that I bearly eat enough to walk upright. Some ask, aren't you starving? Some just watch....and I'm aware of it. Some I've noticed eat less of their lunch and I noticed more salads around the lunch table today. Maybe my having surgery will have a positive effect on others eating habits. I don't know, I thought as I drove home from work tonight.....maybe I shouldn't have told anyone?




I'm banded!

Had surgery Tuesday morning. Surgery "went very well" per the surgeon. Had a morphine button so I was able to get some rest lying still. Got up at 3 am to sit on potty. Very difficult to get up. Sore sore sore. Had the upper GI...since everything was ok...I was given chicken broth, jello, and hot tea. Sipped a itsy bit of each...and then was allowed to go home later in the afternoon on Wed. The WORST part was the chest pain...gas bubbles I guess. I walked laps around the house trying to dispell it until I couldn't stay awake any longer. On Thursday, I had only gotten out half of it so far. The left side was still hurting. I started my chewable vitamins and sipping Special K protein water. Little sips definately. My chest was very tight. Got up today and felt like I'd gotten the last of the gas bubbles out. Now the worst is just the getting around, headaches, hunger pangs....but, I finally got in the shower and that really made me feel human again! I sipped chicken broth and ate a few spoons of frozen yogurt. I'm feeling much better now. My chest feels very tight and I have 5 incision sites that are quite tender. I have lost about 15lbs so far since the start of my pre-op diet. I look forward to healing and getting back to normal. I go back to work next Friday. I have been reading alot on measuring my fluids. I have sugarfree candy and gum to deal with the dry mouth. I have liquid tylenol with codeine but haven't taken it since Wed. My family laughs and asks if it was worth it? Hmmm...YES...I think in the long run it will be....otherwise....I wouldn't have put myself through all this! Well, again, I'm thankful for this forum....anyone even remotely thinking about surgery should have these personal accounts at their disposal. The surgeons could never provide this. Take care everyone. I'll try to fiqure out how to do one of these ticker things and keep ya posted. Let's get healthy!




feel a little anxious....panicky

I am using all my self control right now not to go to McD's for a burger, taco bell for a burrito, kentucy fried chicken for mashed potatoes and corn, pizza hut for breadsticks, etc etc. That's whats on my mind! I am feeling so hungry for some real food. It has been torture smelling anything thats being cooked around me. Yesterday when the family stopped to get sandwichs for a trip we were taking...I bought a high protein bar....it was GOOD! I chewed it slowly to enjoy each itty bit. I've been chewing alot of sugarfree gum and drinking alot of crystal light. Today is the last day I can have shakes...tomorrow and until surgery it's only clear liquids. Damn, I am gonna be even more hungry! AUGH...looking forward to getting the surgery over with. I'm daydreaming already about what mushies I'll have in a couple weeks. I started having bad dreams the last couple nights. I'm nervous and excited about Tuesday....guess that's where their coming from. Surprisingly, my moods have been ok...not biting anyones head off like I'd worried about. I spend free time reading, watching tv, and reading the lapbandtalk forums. They have really helped me throughout this whole process so far. I'm down 10 pounds...which I'm eager to show the surgeon but know it will go back up once I start eating again. I'm glad I could accomplish it before surgery like I was told to....I had had my doubts.





These protein shakes that I had to buy at surgeons...are NASTY....they make me GAG! I couldn't drink them. I went out and bought slimfast protein meal replacement drinks. Although not yummy....at least I can get them down. I drink 4 of them a day and in between drink fat free milk or crystal light only. This is my third full day on liquids. I am pleasantly surprised at my ability to stick to this. I get shaky, my stomach growls, or a headache comes on and I know it's time for another shake. Having the family cook and eat without me is really hard. Tomorrow is my daughters birthday. Instead of the usual spread I serve....we are only having her icecream cake. It will only be a family party so I told everyone to eat dinner before coming over. I've been trying to clean the house and get some things done before surgery so that's been keeping me busy...but...it takes energy...and I end up feeling like I do right now....like I just need to go take a nap. I imagine it will be so much easier being on liquids after surgery when I'm recovering and not feeling so well anyhow. Right now it's torture. My parents visited tonight and I overheard my mom ask my husband "is she really sticking to it?" How petty! Whatever. I am proud of myself. I know I need to do this for my surgery. Would I rather eat a big mac or pizza? Hell yah! But I ultimately want to be successful with the band and enjoy life more.




Protein Shakes....Oh Boy

Met with surgeon today to sign all paperwork and set up pre-op testing for next week. I had to pay for 2 weeks of protein shakes out of pocket...$250.00...not covered by insurance. Supposedly that fee also covers membership to a monthly support group for this surgeons patients. I went to Walmart today and bought 2 mini blenders. One for work and one for home. I got gallon jugs of water, diet ice tea, and crystal light mix. I made dinner for the rest of the family and went to cvs while they ate to get photos developed. I'm going to have my first shake sometime soon. I wanted to wait until the hunger kicked in. Hopefully it will be good. I am to drink one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In between I can only have non-calorie drinks. The surgeon said he wants me to lose some weight before surgery. Hmmmm....I couldn't for the last 10 yrs and now it's supposed to because I'm told to? This is gonna be tough....real tough for a binger like me.





Got the call from surgeons office that I've been approved by my Ins company for the lap band surgery. I have Amerihealth Adm NJ PPO. I'm scheduled for Feb 13, 2007. I have an appt at the surgeons on Feb 1'st to go over everything and start the special pre surgery diet. I'm excited and nervous. I excited about my future with a healthier trimmer body but nervous about this life altering change I'm about to go through. I'm freaked out about being hungry all the time. Well, I guess I have to learn the hard way.




almost finished with requirements...

I have to go for bloodwork one for more tomorrow and then.....I have completed the list of requirements that the surgeon and my insurance company has. Then it will be hurry up and wait for answer from the insurance company as to whether or not they are going to approve the lapband or not. I am nervous and excited about the surgery. I hope I get approved. I want....I need this tool for weightloss. I am miserable being this overweight. I definately am going to need the support group afterwards to deal with my eating disorder. I'll be in withdrawl from all the great foods I used to enjoy so much. :hungry:




ALOT to think about

I'm worried about feeling like I'm starving after this surgery! I feel like crap when I don't eat. I imagine the temptations will drive me crazy. I'm worried about hair loss. What part of my head will fall out? What if this doesn't work? Then what? Just venting................. :nervous




like energizer.....still going and going and going

Well, today I saw the nutritionist for over 2 hours. This was only 1 of 3 required sessions with her and my insurance isn't covering the cost. She's $70 an hour. She wants me to get more exercise and start 2 herbal pills.... hoodia and cortisol...I think. I also saw the pulmonologist today. He wants me to have this surgery but sceduled me for a 1 night sleep study first because he thinks I may have sleep apnea. So, I'll call to make that appt tomorrow sometime. Aside from the sleep study and 2 more nutritionist visits, I have a endocronologist appt on Nov 3'rd. Then....after all that is done...I guess the wait continues for the long drawn out process of my insurance company deciding whether to go along with all these specialists reccommendations and approve the surgery. My parents continue to be non supportive and say I should be able to do this on my own without surgery. Now, picture for a moment...both of my parents are also obese....my dad has had a stroke and is a diabetic...my mom is also having heart issues. My husband cannot understand my choice either. He says it's mind over matter.....when it comes to not overeating. AUGH! They don't have a clue what I've going through and what huge lifestyle changes I will be enduring once I have the surgery. I really hope it's worth it and I can be successful after all this.




This is gonna take a while, eh?

I started by going to my reg md on August 1'st to discuss lap band. He wrote a letter to my insurance company stating that he feels I need to have this done and why. He also included in the letter the numerous and failed ways I've attempted to loose weight over the last 10 years...which included diet group meetings, therapy sessions, exercise programs, exercise equipment, and many many fad diet pills and diaretics over the years. The insurance company got my letter and is "reviewing" my request. I met with the surgeon on Sept 15'th. He gave me a list of requirements. So far I have.....went for a full set of blood work, had the psych eval, and had the upper GI done. I have appts on Oct 5'th with the pulmonologist and the nutritionist. I then have an appt on Nove 3'rd with the endocronologist. After all those evals are completed.....my insurance company will again review all my information and decide whether to approve or deny me.   I am 34yrs old 5'10 tall 287 lbs 46ddd size 26/28-30/32   I'm glad I found this site and I relaly enjoy reading your updates. Good luck.....congrats....and take care everyone!



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