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SOOO tired, no energy!

Ok, so i was banded on the 6th, and I have no energy whatsoever. I am not taking pain meds, and all i want to do is sleep....has anyone ever experienced this? Am I normal? still not hungry though!




Post op second day....

Yesterday morning I got banded....i was totally nervous, but i feel that it was totally worth it. I am not hungry!!! For the first time in my life I can actually say that I am not hungry! I found myself thinking alot about food yesterday, knowing it was there, but i realized that i would have eaten on any other occasion...even though i wasn't hungry! What a big difference the band has made already. I am still sore and probably will be for the next few days, the more I walk, the less gas builds up. Sleeping was fine until I tried o jump up this morning...duh! That sucked! But everything seems to be fine. My face is all red and hot, but i think that is just a side effect from the meds, no fever and I will call the office as soon as they open. I wonder what today shall bring...gonna be a long one sipping on water! Wish me luck!




Post op day 6....

Today I find myself not hungry at all...fatigue is killing me...my muscles ache and all I want to do is sleep...the dr said it will subside, and I cannot wait until it does! I have to admit, I had 3 spoons of mashed potatoes last night before I forced myself to throw them in the garbage...I was really hungry! I held them in my mouth until they were liquid! My husband yelled at me, but didn't care..today was a whole new day, and I will not make mashed potatoes again until I am able to eat them! I am hoping that tomorrow I will have more energy, that is my biggest thing right now! Only time will tell...I think I can see a change in my face from the weight lose! YAY ME!




Post op a few days and addicted to food network!

Ok, it just dawned on me that I am addicted to food network. I love cooking now that I know that I am not going to inhale the whole plate!!! Am I alone on this? All I can think about is all the wonderful food that I can cook...even though I may want to eat it right now, I know that I have to stick to program....It is amazing to me the psychological differences that I amhaving since being banded only a few days ago....HERE IS TO MY JOURNEY!!!! GOD LET IT BE A GOOD ONE!!!:frown:




Just got home from my first post op follow up...

Just got home from my first post op follow up and I am down 10.5 lbs!!!! I am not at 207....I haven't seen this number in years!!! I started my journey at 232.....that makes 25lbs since July!!!! He did tell me not to expect a 10 lb wieght loss every week...but I still have two weeks of liquid to do...now I moved up to my protein shakes 3x daily and 64 oz of clear liquids...plus my chewable vitamin! I picked up those viactiv chocolate flavor vitamins, I ate one and now I am too full for my protein shake....maybe I should take the vitamin at bed time? Anyways...Had a super fatastic day! (although I don't see much of a change, maybe i am blind to that extra 25lbs...who knows...my boobs are smaller though..I guess that is a good thing!):cursing:




I think that I am getting a hang of this....

I finally feel like I am in control...2 days ago, I thought I was going to eat everythnig in the damn house! Back to basics! Protein shakes, vitamins and water! I still feel hunger, but it is manageable. I have been walking a whole lot more. I take three 20-30 minute walks a day, and I think that I am seeing a change in how my clothes fit! YAY! So I am day 15 post op and can't wait for this weight to come off. I feel better already and I am down 25 lbs since July! Not a ton of weight, but I will take it! The damn scale is stuck....that is the most frustrating part...I need to throw that damn thing in the garbage! Maybe I will! Today is going to be a good day!!!!:smile2:




Here is my story!

I am new to this blog thing, but here goes...my story starts last year, I fell and broke my ankle, it actually snapped under my weight! I am in cronic pain from the fall, and if the weight comes off, maybe it would be better....My surgery is set for October 6th. I couldn't be more excited...I have been watching what I am eating and replacing two meals a day with protein shakes. So far I am down about 12 lbs...although I am tempted, I try to make it through the day with as little food as possible.( I will be taking a well needed trip to Atlantic City next week where I will hit upthe buffet one last time!) My husband is not supportive, when I say i am hungry, he tells me to eat, and I wanna kill him!!! I am hoping that after the surgery the hunger will subside! Today I got on my scale, by the way, is there really an accurate scale out there??? and it reads 221.6....I guess that isn't too bad. Could be and has been worse. I think that I havebecome obsessed with the scale. Even though I am losing weight, I am not seeing any difference in the way my body looks. Hopefully the first 3 weeks after surgery I can lose like 15 lbs...I wanna be super hot next spring!!!!:thumbup:




Help! I can't stop eating!

I am 13 days post op, the first week was fine, now I am starving....I am still supposed to be on liquids, but I have been eating everything in sight! I feel horribly guilty, nevermind i am still starving!!!! Anyone been through this? What should I do?:thumbup:




Day 3 with my band!!!

This morning i woke up and made my son a grilled cheese sandwich...I am still not hungry! My stomach is sore, and it rumbled a bit last night like I was hungry, but went away pretty quickly. Maybe this is because the swelling is starting to go down? I am not sure. Still sipping clear liquids, no broth or protein yet, not until monday....if the dr says okay! Hopefully today will not be too bad...only time will tell!:frown:




cooking for the family post op....

OMG! I am not hungry, but as i am cooking i want to pick for no reason at all! I had to stop myself and go to my room....God only knows how many times I have eaten food for no reason at all except to have something in my mouth! WOW what an eye opener today has been...:frown:




4 days post op....i licked a twinkie!

I just need food at this point, I am hungry...tomorrow the dr will ok me to do protein shakes which will help alot...but right now all I can think about is eating....I started off the mid morning by licking my daughters twinkie, not the cream, just the cake, didn't actually eat it, just licked it! I did the same thing an hour ago with ketchup, just licked a tiny bit off the side of the plate i picked up....I think that I am losing my mind!!!!!:cursing:




19 days post op....GAINED 2 LBS!!!!!!!!!

Fu@#$ng shoot me!....I gained 2 lbs...how is that possible....I havent been eating anything! I am so frustrated...and to think that I started this day out so good...I looked great in some clothes that used to be too tight! This sucks...I can't wait for my first fill in 4 weeks...i have heard that is when you really see dramatic weight loss....anyone else going through this?:thumbup:



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