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Lordy Lordy look who has lost her first FORTY!!

I am sooooo excited to report that I have lost my first forty... I am thrilled because of a couple reasons... besides the obvious... I am half way to my goal, I have been able to do this in a fair amount of time ( banded 9/1/10 - diet startd 8/22) and more importantnly did all this before I really turn 40... which is in July!!   I have been reading a lot of entries lately, and if there is one thing I can pass on to all the "newbies"... if you stay the course.. it will happen.. Definitely have lost the most weight in the shortest amount of time since my last fill... I have finally gotten to the point to have enough restriction that I only eat what my body needs.. With no exageration, I am literally eating about a 1/2cup to 1cup of food per meal... with no snacking and I am not hungry!! I never thought I would be satisfied... but wow!!   Goals for the next 1/2 of my journey... to drink more water!!! and exercise more..   Have a great weekend!!!    




Holiday Recap

Well the Thanksgiving Holiday went out without a hitch... paced myself on the eating front and had no complications.. and no stuffing.. I have definitely broken up with bread, but not crackers etc... I am ok with it.. becuase there is still gravy!! ha ha Anyway I was very careful and able to enjoy the entire day with our friends. Went home friday and my Mom joined us for the rest of the weekend. All was fine.. still no comment on my 35lbs that I have lost... Are ya freakin kidding me!!! I made a nice dinner of Lamb Chops and Polenta.. was only able to eat one chop.. my husband quickly took the other one off my plate so my mom would not notice.. too cute... love that we have this little secret together.   Anyway.. the next day my Mom and I went shopping. I bought a skirt at Talbots... a 14petit!!! Excuse me but is has been a LONG time since I have been in that size... still no comment from my mom!! Now she is a size 10.. but would look great in a 12. She refuses to go up a size up.. all her clothes are so tight!! She still is a lot smaller than me and has no boobs... which she continues to remind me of.. I tell her that I was blessed with Dad's genes!!   So that night she babysits the kids and my husband and I go out to dinner with another couple. I was good.. I thought. I only ate some of my salad then when the dinner came, started with the protein ( chicken breast over pasta ) After two bites I needed to excuse myself!! Thank god there was no one in the ladies room!!! Returned to the table and played with my food ( as to not bring attention to me not eating ) and asked for the rest of if to go. Had a cup of coffee after dinner all seemed fine... then this spitting up episode happened.. It seems after everytime I get sick.. I get all foamy.. Very weird.. it passes after awhile but makes it difficult being out with friends. I am getting pretty good at not bringing attention to myself.. and my husband is wonderful in knowing my signs etc..   Sunday I was able to eat again, no uncomfortable sitiuations.. my daughter and I made a big batch of chowder and we decorated the house for the holidays. I still need to figure out what gives me issues.. like I have mentioned bread and rice are my only known enemies.. but I am sure there will be more. I have noticed that pie and creamy desserts go down with no problem.. that just ain't fair.. ha ha Stayed the same weight after all the holiday celebrating and for that I am thankful... now on to dropping another 5lbs before Christmas!!




I am in Onederland!!!

I am having some difficulty with this new format so is you are getting a blog from me twice... I appologize~~ But I am sooooooo happy to report that I am NO longer a two hundred woman!! I am so thrilled with my hard work!! I think that I have found what they call "my sweet spot" as far a s the band goes.. I am getting great restriciton. I have noticed that I am paying more attention to the protein vs. other food since I am limited on the amount!!   I wish everyone luck with their food choices to this "Eating Holiday"... Enjoy your Thanksgiving and remember we can always have the left overs the next DAYS after Thursday... most of the time they taste better anyway!!




Frustration with Clothes!!

What I am about to write... if I read I would hate me, but bear with me... I am sure as we all shed the lbs... we all have this problem no matter what size we were to begin with... so here it goes.. I need to break up with my fat girl clothes.. but am too afraid.. ( and too cheap ) I am a little bit of a clothing freak.. I love all types of clothes and have ALL sizes in my closet. I need to dress semi professional for work - which basically means.. as long as I look nice I can wear ANYTHING.. so this leaves me with a lot of options.. The fall is my absolute favorite time of year when it comes to my wardrobe.. love wearing vests.. cute sweaters, light jackets.. etc.. THEY ARE ALL TOOO BIG and I want to wear them.. but they are starting to look ridiculous and basically do not show off my hard work.. BUT I CAN NOT LET THEM GO!!! I have bought some "transitional sizes" Thank GOD for TJ Maxx and Marshalls.. also have been hitting a few consignment shops.. to get me through until I hit my goal.. I am also thinking of getting some of my nicer ( expensive ) pieces altered.. ie Talbots suits..etc. What have you all done? I also need to go Bra shopping... my absolute LEAST favorite thing - but there is no altering those:sneaky: Do not get me wrong.. I am greatful for this problem..:smile:




To Fill or not to Fill

Hi Everyone.. Lets catch up... I was banded 9/1.. down 32 lbs since liquid diet started 8/22. I have had three fills.. and am due for one more tomorrow ( that will be covered inclusinvely as post op visit for insurance purposes.. ) After the last fill I certainly have had some uncomfortable tightness that made me sick.. but in retrospect.. that is operator error... not the fault of the fill.. if ya catch my drift. So I am leaning towards getting a fill to find that sweet spot that I have been looking for since this whole process started!! Clothing question for all the girls out there.. I usually need to wear Petit fit clothes... but in the past have just had a big number before the "P".. I am finding that the 16w ( petit) clothes are too big BUT cannot fit into 14P... It is extremly frustrating~ I am NOT one who cares what the number is on a piece of clothing.. I am just trying to make the mornings go smoother when I am looking for work clothes.. As long as it looks good on.. I could care less the about the "number" Also one more thing - in the past I have mentioned that the only person in my life that knows about the Band is my wonderful husband. Well last week I went to my Mom's house and NOTHING was mentioned about my weight loss!! Unfreakin believable.. now it is definitely noticable and she has ALWAYS been critical of my weight and for her not to say anything.. proved to me two things.. So happy that I choose not to share this with anyone... and second.. I am gonna loose another 50lbs for me not anyone else ( except my husband becuase he is loving having me happy and healthy as I "shrink") My friends have been wonderful and recognize my efforts. Work has been great as well.




Diet Coke and Rice... not my friends anymore...

Last nite was Banster Hell.. I was in such agony for about 2hours... I had made dinner for the family ( as usual ) served myself a VERY small portion of beef stew over rice... while preparing dinner I drank a glass of Diet Coke.. I think my first one since surgery ( 9/1/10.. we never have soda in the house ) anyway.. I am sitting with the family and start to eat dinner.. immediately I feel full!!! Chest pains, tightness, burbing... all the lovely side effects.. I excuse myself ( my kids are small and I do not want tot freak them out) and I go to my bedroom where I start getting sick... but still no relief..I eat the papaya tablets.. all they do is make me foam up... terrible pain.. keep getting sick for two hours.. hubby tells me to call the doc.. 8pm on a Sunday.. really?? I am now determined to get this thing unstuck ( thinking I took too big of a bite, but I know I had not had any meat... so what is the problem!!) I will save you the gory details however... finally I realized it was the rice and soda combo that destroyed me.. of course everytime I get sick I am terrified of slippage.. but the more I read, and the more I learn in my support group.. this is pretty common.. I am obvioulsly still learning.. only just at my two month anniversary.. it is a long journey...




A little cranky.. day 6 of pre-op

I am over the hump and can now say I am less than a week away from my surgery.. The pre-op diet is going well, but I do miss chewing.. thatsounds weird.. I am on a pre-op diet of 4 optifast shakes and clear liquids.. Not quite sure if V8 is considered a clear liquid ( highly doubt it ) but it curved my salt cravings today. I know that after the surgery I am still on clear liquids.. however I am pretty sure from all the posts.. that recovery will be what I am concentrating on.. not food. I have been on the diet since Sat 8/21 and have lost 10lbs.. That is pretty great!! I am taking I can since I know it will slow down when I get to real food.. I am a little cranky though... GOD BLESS my family for putting up with this process!!:wub:



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
