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Day 6 Post-op
Day 5 Post-Op
Day 27 Post-op -- WEIGH IN
Day 19 Post-op
Day 15 Post-op - Serious band negativity.
I am so so OVER everything I am 'allowed' to eat - I am on a mixture of liquids and pureed food.
I am hungry A LOT but everything I eat makes me feel sick - regardless of portion size, what it is, etc
My husband enjoys curries and chocolate or whatever he wants - and I sip on water.
My wounds are really sore. I can't bend, stretch, have sex. Nothing.
To top it off I'm not really losing any weight at the moment.
So, no food, sleep, sex, and no weight loss... why am I suffering again?
Day 13 Post-op -- WEIGH IN
9 Days Post-op
Still sticking mostly to fluids but have had some foods that are more on the pureed side - i.e., well-cooked rice, mashed chick peas with yoghurt.
Wounds are feeling pretty good. Only minor discomfort when I move in some positions. Still have blisters but have taken all of the strips off and things look... ok, I think?
Was able to sleep on my wounds on my left side last night - heaven!
Still extremely weak and easily exhausted. Cannot wait until that part is over.
Very rare/minor shoulder-tip pain still. Nothing unmanageable anymore though.
That's all I think for today :thumbup:
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