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10/11/10 Hunger Sucks!!

I'm disappointed. I want to eat and when I do Im not filling up. Its just going thru my tummy. Im gonna step it up today and try less food and more Liquids to keep me filled. I have two weeks for my first adjustment and thats a long time to keep going thru this. I will begin my workouts today on a more serious level. Nothing overdone but enough to get the blood flowing and the sweat coming. Im determined to do this!!!!:cursing:




10/10/10 Really Hungry & tempted

Well I'm assuming all the swelling from my band is gone as well as the soarness. My tummy is still tender to the touch but no more pain. I am 11 days post op and feeling Great..... BESIDES being really hungry and when I eat it fills me for a short time only to find Im hungry again. Doctor said its because my band is wide open, its a normal feeling. My first adjustment is not until 10/21. Its really hard for me to stick to the diet now as nothing is filling me up. Has anyone had this problem and WHAT CAN I DO??? Uuuuhhhh :cursing:




10/7/10 One week post Opp.

I had my doctor visit yesterday and I had a 15lb weight loss in 1 week. He said my first adjustment will be at the end of the month. I am feeling good about my eating but he said my tummys swelling is going down and I will begin to eat as before because my band is still open. So I need to stick to the diet until my first adjustment. Its okay for me to begin moderate exercise as long as Im not over exhausting myself. PROTINE, PROTINE is the key to healthy weight loss because We need to keep the muscle loose the fat so Protine up everyone!! :frown:




10/6/10 first Dr. visit after placement

I am feeling very good today. I have checked myself and have lost according to me in 5 days 7lbs. But we will see what the doctor has to say. I am getting use to the full feeling when eating and feel that things are going great for me. Im still a little soar but otherwise moving around good. So off to the doctors I go... :confused:




4 days Post OP

I am feeling great!! I have minimal pain and am moving around well. I havent felt very hungry. I kind of have to make myself keep up with my food, protine & water. I am excited that this journey in my life has begun so well. I never realised how wonderful it feels to burp also... LOL I go to see the doctor 10/6 ready for my nest step. :confused:




I'm Banded!!

I was nervous about my surgery on thursday 9/30. (my NEW birthday) All went well and I was home about 5 hours later. That night I was a little soar so I was on my pain meds. Day after 10/1 I was up and about drinking my fluids and broth feeling well & excited. Yoday 10/2 I feel a little soar again but feeling well. I have been able to hold in my fluids and started my Thicker soups. I am so ready for my body to heal so I can start my new adventure in my new life.   PS... I NEED SUPPORT BUDDIES PLEASE ADD ME



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