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Starting Soft Foods Today - Total Weight Loss..

Well, I am doing soooo good! I am really proud that I was able to consume solely liquids for 28 days!!!! I never cheated once! That was some serious will power ya'll! LOL.. But the beneifts are showing. I have lost a total of 29 pounds from this liquid diet plus exercise (14 lbs since surgery 8/26).Now on to the soft foods! I was told that I can have crab meat. I am not going to mix it with anything. I am just gonna have straight up crab meat. I am just thrilled to have something other than broths, protein shakes, and jell-o!! :wink:




Why am I such a scale whore??

Howdy folks (I say "howdy" because I was born and raised in WY) - Yes there are black folks there :tt1: LOL!! Anyway.. I did pretty damn good today. I walked 5 miles outside UPHILL. It took me 1 1/2 hrs but I did it baby! So that's the good news.. the bad news is that I am trying NOT to weigh myself everyday.. and I have not been successful ... I get tempted everytime that I look at the scale. I have toold myself that I will just have the fam hide it.. But knowing me I will go on a scavenger hunt for the damn scale like I'm playing "Where's Waldo?" (Sigh).. I KNOW it will seem like I am loosing a lot (not that I am complaining now) if I wait and weigh myself once a week versus every day. So we will see.. Pretty much just checkin in.. I'm starting to ramble, so I will holla at ya'll later :confused:




A total of 24 pounds lost - 8 days post-op

Hello friends! I have missed talking to you all! Well you all know that I put myself on a pre-surgery all liquid diet 2 weeks prior to surgery. Well I am on the third week of solely liquids and I have lost a total of 24lbs! I have lost 8 pounds since surgery 8 days ago. They had to repair a hiatal hernia when they put in the band. I am doing SUPER. I cannot believe that I have already began part of my work out routine (brisk walking and 10 mins on the elliptical (without the use of my arms)). I have a ton of energy, awesome attitude and the gas pains FINALLY subsided by day 5. I do not return to work until September 21. I plan to treat myself to a new hair style, a sexy office outfit and some bad stilletos! Also, I WILL post new full body pics right before I return to work. I plan to be 40 pounds down by then. I should be able to tell a big diff with my clothes. How am I losing the weight so fast? i do this by dedication, being loyal to my diet and PRAYER! I told God the other night, "Because I am obedient to YOU, I expect to be fabulous because I am your creation, made in your image and I don't expect to be anything less!" It's important to remind God of our expectations :confused:




Someone's gonna get hurt!! LOL!

Alright all my pre and post bandsters, I totally felt like I was gonna "go off" on folks today. I am on the 5th day of the solely liquid diet. It's going good, but I am only human. So tell me why when we are watching TV today my 4 daughters and my husband decide to provide unwanted commentary for every fast food commercial. They were like, "Oh! Mom, doesn't that look good?!" After they realized what they were saying, it was too late. I was already planning their burials in my head. Then later in the day, I had the bright idea that I wanted to go to the track and work out. So we get to the track in 95 degree weather (humidity was ridiculous). I am thinking I'm all ganster or something (Obviously that must have been it because like I told ya'll before I am solely on the liquid diet). So I guess I thought I was "it" today. I walked around that joint a few times, walked up and down the stairs leading to the stadium, and then I realized that I did too much. So as we walked back, my husband had the bright idea that we should take the short-cut back (this involved a huge steep hill). I was sooooo freakin exhausted by the time that I got to the top of the hill, I wanted to collapse. However, a lot of kids were there for football, soccer and other stuff. So I maintained my composure, and apparently floated to the van (because I don't remember walking). It was almost like an outer body experience! Okay, I'm a lil' dramatic.. but it was pretty bad. I almost mowed over my 3 yr old as I scraped myself off of the concrete and slid into the van. I was breathing hard and panting. I thought, "Aww sh*#! This must be what it is like to loose consciousness!" Again, I'm being a little extreme.. but you get the picture! Lesson of my story is DO NOT over exert yourself when merely on a liquid diet.. especially in the heat.. Gotta go, I think one of the kids may be swinging from the chandeleir! JK!




10 lbs lost since Thursday on Liquid diet!!

My doctor didn't tell me that I had to go on a liquid diet. However, I researched more and more and found out hat a lot of people were doing the liquid diet two weeks before and two weeks after their surgery. Patients/doctors said that people tend to loose weight better after surgery because a lot of the toxins are flushed out of your body. Also the liver shrinks which makes the surgery safer. Anyway, So I decided to go on the diet. My diet consists of broth, V8 (fruit and the veggie) sugar free non-caffinated drinks, sugar free popsicles, protein shakes, Jell-o and a lot of water. I also have incorporated cardio and light weight lifting/toning 3-4 times a week. I have already lost 10 lbs! I know that it is probably mostly water weight, but it is still very exciting! I cannot wait until 08/26 (band date).. On my 6 month suriversary, I am going to go to a photo shoot! That has always been a dream of mine! Good luck to all of my new bandster friends!! Muuaah!!




The date is nearing closer!

I am VERY excited about my upcoming life changing event! I am also glad that I found this website as a means of support. I am not feeling too supported at home right now. Everything was okay until a few days ago. My husband asked me about loose skin after the surgery. I told him that I know that I may have loose skin in my stomach area and in my breast area, but the rest I think will be okay. Well he continued to question me about the same subject for the next few days.. So last night I confronted him. I said, I am starting to think that you are not so much worried about how I am going to few myself after surgery, but more that you are fearful of what I "might" look like after the surgery. Surprisingly he said, "yeah.." I thought, "Yeah?!" What the heck do you mean "yeah!?" Dude, not to mention that I will not have sleep apnea, high blood pressure and asthma (possible benefits after my weight loss).. But I could not believe that it seemed like he was wrapped up in the loose skin.. Why didn't he say anything the other months that we were discussing/researching?? Instead he decided to save it until 2 weeks before my surgery?? Not cool!



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