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My band...

So, finding out at my fill, that I have a 14cc band, I ws told that it could take about three fills to really start to feel the restriction, because its such a large band.   Well, since the fill, I havent felt anymore restriction and I have another apointment in two weeks where will be asking for more fluids in my band....   Just my update!     Best of Luck and prayers to all...




My first fill...

:tongue2:Okay so on Saturday September 18, 2010 @ 9am, I had my very first fill.   Now before I get started with the really short story, let first tell you I waited in the lobby for 15 minutes before my appointment.   Okay so I was called back, weighted (total of 43.9lbs. in 6 weeks) I laid flat on the bed, then my doctor came in, (I got to keep all of my own clothes on!) He explained to me that he was going to give me a shot of litocaine (mind you it was in a diabedic needle) and I didnt even feel him give me the shot. He explained that he was going to put the other needle that was attached to the 3cc of saline solution in... before I got alright out of my mouth, he said, "Im in!" I didnt feel it either!   He push the plumger of the neddle in and all I could feel was this,weird squiggly feeling..! I would imagine its what a mother feels when she feels her baby move inside of her.   Just like that, I was done and out of there. In a matter of 5 minutes, my band was full and I was back in the car and leaving right at my actual appoiontment time!   So, really there is nothing to be scared of and its completely PAINLESS!!!!   Best of luck and prayer to all!:thumbup:




five weeks out..

Sorry its been so long since I posted... Life has just gotten a little over whelming lately.   As of right now, Im down 35lbs in 5 weeks! Alot of people are starting to notice and it feels really good.   I recently had to buy a new outfit for my Dad's funeral (he passed away two weeks ago) and Im already down two pant sizes, two sizes around and one cup size in my bra, and one size smaller in my shirts!!! Im very pleased with all the progress.   I have every intention of getting back into my gym routine now that everything has calmed down and im finally home again.   Best of Luck and prayers to all!:wink:




It's been 2 wks

Since I was banded, and Im LOVING IT!   Over the last week, Ive experienced what it's like to NEVER be hungry! Never in my life have I had to remind myself to eat something.   I have noticed that if I forget to eat something small (around late afternoon) I start to feel shaky and sick stomached. Occasionally a headache will follow.   Im learning the importance of reading food labels and taking my time in the grocery store, which I have found to be a challenge in its own!   There have been moments though, when I have to be really strict with myself, and tell myself NO... I wont be hungry or anything and I want to go to the frig and just munch... Thats when I put on my pretty new nikes' and go for a walk, or leave the house and walk around mall or department store or somewhere....   m sure that with time things like this will get easier and less and less or something that I have to think about or tell myself no for.   Well all, thats the latest and greatest on this week! Just waiting and looking forward to the 18th of September, for my first fill!!!!!! Cant hardly wait to feel some serious restriction!     Best of luck and Prayers to all!:wub:




Doc App. Update..

In Saturday Aug. 21st I had my second post op check up appointment, and it went very well. I was given a 100% and allowed to go back to normal activities, just cant go back to the gym for two more weeks:sad:....other than that, Im off to give this journey a kick start!:w00t:   I was also given my appointment for my first fill!!! Im really excited about it, I really ready to feel some restriction! So On September 18 @ 9am Im getting my gas tank filled up!!!   Best of luck and prayers to all!:biggrin:




searching for advice

Hey guys, got a question, I know that the goal with the protein shakes is to get the max protein intake, however with so many out there, Im confused... On the paper work from my surgeon, they give you examples such as boost, ensure and slim fast... after reading the labels on them, i was taken back by how much sugar and carbs are in those brands, and choose to go with EAS because it has 17g of Protein, 2g of sugar, and 1g of carb.... Im starting to wonder however if the purpose of the high sugar drinks were to help supplement for what we are not getting from food... Any thoughts?




One week!!!

Its been one, emotional, fun, scary, over whelming yet AMAZING start to this never journey!   Its been so much fun to loose my initial 25lbs!!!, and I have a doctors appointment on Saturday (just for a check up), but Im hoping that they will give me my fill date...!!!   As for now Im going to cut my blog back to once a week unless something happens and its worth sharing the experience...   I just wanted to say thanks to all that tune in every day to hear about my latest... EVERYTHING!   What an amazing group of people we all are!   Best of luck and prayers to all....:thumbup:




So today is 6 days post op....

I FEEL AMAZING... I feel that Im about 98% I had a very physically active day yesterday and today, and I was able to get threw them with little to no discomfort....   Today I did get a little discomfort when walking across campus.. It was right next to my belly button, Where my port is, and I think that it was just the walking pressure on my lose skin that made it discomforting....   Well, today I was able to add "full liquids" to my diet, and this morning when I woke up, I was able to get   BFast-1/2 of an EAS Strawberry Protein shake in   Lunch-1/2 of an EAS Strawberry Protein Shake, & two mashed up Chef boyardee mini raviolis.   Dinner- TBD   All day long Im constantly drinking my water, as much as I can.... I dont want to get dehydrated!   Best of Luck and Prayers to all....




Day 5...

Well its been five days since I was banded, and today I feel like in about 80% which excites me, since at 25yrs old, I decided to go back to college and today is the first day of school!   Yesterday, the chest pain that been radiating, that Ive been telling y'all about, was really strong last night, and I was starting to get worried that maybe I was missing the warning signs of something else, and my husband was starting to get worried as well, and convinced me to go to the ER for a check...   After getting and IV starting me on fluids, they gave me a pain killer to make me comfortable, and anti-biotic just in case, and blood for blood work. While we were waiting on blood panel, and I taken for a chest X-Ray and a at scan with contrast...   After waiting for a few hours we got my results, and my blood work showed some elevated levels of (I cant remember... sorry) I was nothing overly serious, and I was able to stay for a few more hours while I was given a two more IV bags of fluids, and another does of pain medication, before I was discharged with a script for pain killers and an order to follow up with my Docs. in two days to re-evaluate.     The good news was I didnt have a blood clot in the lungs, which was the main concern, the ER Doc seems to think that I may have had my diaphragm pulled on a little to tightly during my banding procedure and that, that is whats causing so much of the discomfort and pain in the chest and upper left side. He was glad that I took the pain seriously, because apparently it mimics the same symptoms of a heart attack... So I glad that I went and found out that Im just an over reactor and dont like pain and discomfort!   Well, thats enough of that!   As for today, I feel really good, I would say that Im about 80% of the way healed and just the same old lingering chest issue, but other than that GREAT!!! Im getting a little excited about being about to start mushy foods tomorrow! Im Farting like crazy this morning without having to run to the bathroom, or push really hard to get them out! This excites me greatly! Well Im off, today is the first day of College for me and Im going to get ready!   Best of luck and prayers to all!




OMGosh...day 4

....Im calling day 4, "Dont leave the house, or get to far away from the toilet!"   It started at 6:45am and hasn't let up all morning. Ive been having BM with gas.. Im great full to be passing the gas, but my toilet and I have become better friends than I wanted to be!   Except for the chest pain that is still very strong and radiating into my upper back and left shoulder, I feel great. No abdominal pain, no incision pain, I feel great!   My stomach is really talking something fierce today, I can hear all kinds of noises, not sure what thats all about, just that when it make the gurgling sound of the right side of my stomach, i better already be in route to a bathroom!




3 days post op...

Well this morning I had my first post op visit to the doctors, and it went well... They weighed me, and coming in at 270.2 from starting of 292.5 Ive lost a total of 22lbs since the beginning of my journey with the lap band!   My incision sites were looked at, and i was asked how I was feeling and then I was off... Nothing dramatic just a check up.   My consultant Angela gave me my official "Lap Band" packet of paper work, that allows me to fill out some info and receive a business sizes card that has my surgery info on it, so in the future when I eat out at a restaurant or something I can be served smaller portions or choose children's portions... I thought that was pretty cool!   All in all Im feeling great! Ive still got some lingering upper back and shoulder pain, and some mild chest discomfort that the Doc said is esophageal pressure and will eventually subside...(I hope so, its very uncomfortable)   Had another two BM this morning, and released a ton more gas, which I think is a huge factor in my feeling better today!   I am actually feeling slightly hungry today, Nothing like before being banded, but I can feel the slight hunger. Being that Im still on solids, I cant do much about it, other than complain when my husbands in the kitchen making something that smells wonderful!   So again today I will attempt the Jello for the third or fourth time now, and see how that goes... Ill keep you posted there!   Off for another snooze.... Fall semester starts in two days and Ive got to get all rested and feeling 101% for that, so im off till a new and exciting update occurs!!!!




day 2 post op...

This morning was by far the roughest... I didnt sleep well last night, im still having a lot of back and upper shoulder pain that is radiating into my neck, which made it very hard for me to sleep last night.   My husband got home from work at just a hare after 9am and we went for a 20 minute walk around our neighborhood, and it was a nice walk, however I was miserable. I still had a bunch of gas in me and the walking was helping move it, just not move it OUT! When we came home from the walk, I was having trouble deciding if I was actually feeling hunger for the first time, or if i was just gas moving around....?   I decided to attempt to eat the strawberry jello, I took three very small bits, and was in a bit of discomfort. I didnt feel well going down at all. I opted for the Popsicle instead. However my old eating habits got the best of me and I ate the entire popsicle and was in sever discomfort for about 30 minutes.   I was able to take my shower today, and did so with a HUGE smile on my face! After my shower, I was just feeling really run down from the eventful morning. I decided to sit on the couch and watch a movie with the HB and we both fell asleep! It was great, im feeling much better since the nap...   Since the nap i was able to have my first BM since surgery and was able to release a ton of gases during the BM which felt fantastic!   Sorry if its to vivid, I just want to be honest!   Will post more later on...




1 day post op

Hello again my fellow "Banders!"   Well as many of you know by now, I was banded at approximatively @ 2pm August 11, 2010!!!   I am currently one day post op, and I feel really good. I sore in the abdominal area, and the upper back. Upper Back, your asking yourself? Me too, as my doctor explained it to me before surgery, while they are in there they stretch your diaphragm, and the nerves that are connected go up you back into the should blade region. He suggested a heating pad and a lite message from my care taker, which are working beautifully on the soreness and discomfort on my back.   As for the surgery, let me get to the meat and potatoes of it for you, cause I know thats really what you want to hear about anyhow!!! No worries thats all I would really want to hear about if I was you reading my ramblings!!!!   Okay so, I got there, had to sign a bunch more paper work, then asked where my new car was waiting for me at!?! Then I was prompted to give a Urine sample (to check that I wasn't pregnant), then I was giving my every to couture' wrist band!!! White with a pretty label!   After that I sat in the lobby with my husband for about 45 minutes. I was then called back to my private room and was administered my IV, had my vitals taken, and given a warm fluids bag. All while sitting in my amazingly gorgeous blue paper evening gown!   In that room for about 35 minutes, and then it was off to the OR, where I remember NOTHING! I remember waking up the recovery room to a really nice RN that helped me get warm, got me to start drinking water and burping, and then helped me get dress, cause it was time to go home!!!   I was released from the surgery center at about 4:45pm and then it was home ward bound for me. We live a good stent away, for we didn't get home until 12:30am this morning, but not worries. I'm a pretty set regimen for now. I'm up and moving around every three to four hours, i take the smallest dosage of the pain medication, and sip down in about 30 minutes my 4-6 oz glass of water and burp some more.   Burping and Farting are very important, because they fill your abdominal area up with gases during the procedure and you have to get it out, its very VERY uncomfortable to be filled with the gases.   Well I think that Ive about covered it, I will post more as more happens! Happy Banding out there! Much luck, best wishes, and prayers to all:thumbup:




To begin

Ive decided to blog this experience in hopes that other will find answers that they are looking for, like I once was.   To start we have to go back a few months.   May 8, 2010 @ 10:30am. I went to the seminar! I was surrounded by people looking for the same answers that I was searching for. After a quick 30 minute introduction to the process ahead of us, we were taken individually into our private patient room, where we were giving one on one time with an actual PhD.   It was there that I got my first glimpse of hope that this was the right procedure and process for me.   You see on the paper work that they had us fill out, one of the questions was; "What is your goal weight?" I answered with what I thought was a realistic answer, "185!" The doctor looked at me and laughed and said, "No, thats to high, we are going to get you to 145." I had brought a friend with me and she said, "I wish you could have seen the look on your face when he said that!" Im sure she was right. I was shocked that I could ever be that small, light, FIT.   You see the smallest I ever was (from the time it started to matter that is) was about 170.   Okay moving on, On May 21, 2010 I embarked on an appointment that consisted of; My Endoscopy, Ultrasound, Consultation with the Physiologist and Nutritionist, and my blood work. It was quite the experience! I was meet by friendly staff that explained the process beautifully. On May 22, 2010 I did my Sleep Study... That was an event all in its own. I was assigned to an amazingly funny and friendly RN that hooked me up to what I liked to refer to as the "Space Station!" I had wires everywhere! No there was NO pain involved. It's just a bunch of wires that are hooked to a central box that monitor your sleeping patterns. If anything it was hard to find a position that was comfortable to sleep in because of all the wires.   After completing all my testing, my amazing consultant Angela sent my packet threw the ranks. I was denied the first go around, because that wanted me to have my Primary Physicians support. That was easy enough to fix, I simply asked my PP to write me a letter of support, and he obliged. We re-submitted my packet with the letter and in a few weeks we received my letter of approval on July 23, 2010!   Later that day I was giving my surgery date, August 11, 2010!:thumbup:   On August 1, 2010 I started the "2 weeks before diet" Let me tell you how hard it is to stick to this diet which consists of;   Breakfast, 8-10oz Whey protein shake Lunch, Small salad, 2oz of extra lean meat, vegetables, lots of clear liquids. Dinner, Same as breakfast.   I will admit I have cheated a few times, not on anything bad, but about four times, in the late evening after my yummy shake (that I pretend is an extra rare steak with a baked potato loaded) I have gone back to the frig for a few pieces of broccoli or carrots, and occasionally a piece of hard sugar free candy. I told you it wasn't terrible, just not what we are supposed to do.   So this routine has been going on for two weeks now, all the while I have to smell the dinner I want to eat being cooked in the kitchen (i have a husband that has to eat!) Well, my waiting and starvation is almost over... Tomorrow morning my husband and I are headed to LA to check into our hotel and have final night of WHATEVERNESS! then in the morning its off to the hospital to start on the next chapter of this amazing journey.   Ill keep you all posted, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask all that you would like.   Oh, on a side note, since the day I started this journey on May 8, 2010 to the present I have lost 16lbs!



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