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Golf Clap... Lack luster excitement here. 1 year Bandiversary.. Woo what?

Yea. So it's been a year and I've lost a lack luster 58.5 pounds. In that time I've also never felt less healthy. I have no energy, no ability to eat fruits or vegetables, I seldom get more than 800 calories a day, and get stuck at least 3 times a week to the point of slimming everything.   If only I knew then what I knew now... would never have wasted all that money!   People will say your too tight. Not so much, or at least not all the time. Some days I could eat a cow, others I can't get down yogurt. In the last year I have lived on greek yogurt, cottage cheese and tuna or chicken salad. The rest of it is a complete waste of time to make and then waste. I never know from day to day if it's going to go down so I've stopped bothering.   I have to go for my 1 year follow up, the best part for me will be releasing the band. I'm heading back to WW which actually was working. Why I thought I would lose more here I will never know.   I wish you all better luck with this then I have had!




Wishes I'd never done this....

I hate the band. I really truly hate that I ever did this to myself. I don't understand how this is such a great thing. I'm miserable.   I was banded on the 20th of July so I'm 6 months out. I can't get a good fill. I either have no restriction, nothing. Or so tight I can't get anythign down. I just spent the last 2 weeks sliming on every bite till it was protein drinks making me slime.   Does anyone else feel this way? Why isn't this working for me?   Hates her band in Colorado!




4 weeks 2 days out... banded 7/20/2010

So jealous of the people banded the same week as I that will are filled or getting filled in the coming days. I won't get my first fill until the 30th. :thumbup: So often in the past weeks I wanted to reverse this. I had so many questions, concerns, scares and I didn't want to burden my doctors office. Then I found this cite and answers to my questions. I think a lot of the answers here are even more honest then what I get from the staff. No one prepared me for the I am now surgically healed, no restriction weeks. I literally thought I had completely stretched my pouch and had a melt down. I now realize that I feel no restriction because I have no restriction. That will come with the fill. Question. When you were four weeks out from surgery, but not yet filled, how much could you eat? I am eating about 4-5 ounces 4-5 times a day. I know that physically I could eat more but I try VERY VERY hard not too. I do have actual hunger at times this week. ~Helena




Seeing the Doctor vs. their nurse?!?!?!

:wub: I'm wondering if my office is unique or the norm. I chose my surgeons office because they advertise excellent patient cares. My surgeon is supposed to be one of a kind her patient relationships. Sadly I don't see that at all. I personally have only seen my Dr. at my first consult and at my final pre-op. She made a 30 second appearance pre -surgery but I didn't see her at all that day after. No post-op, no recovery. Every other appointment or time has been with her staff. I am scheduled for a fill Monday morning and I've learned that she won't be doing that either. I've had one appointment since surgery, saw the nurse then as well. He nurse did my post op check. Does your doctor do your fill? Is this experience normal. Honestly I would be a lot more comfortable with a little Doctor interaction. I was not expecting to become best friends with Dr. Perlman but I thought she would be more present in my journey. Just curious.




Banding and dating?

:thumbup: I was banded on the 20th of July and thus far have had one fill. I am scheduled for my second fill on Thursday. I, of course, have since surgery met a really cool guy. We have been enjoying getting to know each other. A few coffees and meals have been shared. Mark asked me the other day how is it I survive on so little food. He's chided me about how slow I eat. He doesn't know. When would you tell someone your seeing? I am starting to think he might be around for a while. We have dates planned for the future. I can't keep saying I'm just not hungry or that I'm trying to eat healthier. I have told my very nearest and dearest friends. I haven't even told my mother (who would make it about her) or my brother (the body building wife sculpting/fake parts critic) or anyone that I work with. It's very personal to me. From the support I get from Mark about working out and eating healthy it's hard to say if he would understand or find it too much. Thoughts?




Stuck sucks!

Cancelling fill 5 for the time being.   Got my fourth fill last Monday. Stuck for the first time Saturday and thought maybe I just ate to fast. Stuck again Sunday but attributed it to again eating to fast. Today I got stuck on a small bite of eggplant. I think it's official, my restriction does not need enchanced.   Sadly it happened at work for the first time and a few of my coworkers watched me race out of the lunch meeting. Another happened to be in the bathroom while the food worked itself out and I slimmed.   Keep in mind my coworkers don't know I was banded. Eye brows were raised and I'm waiting for the questions to fly.




Quick question?

I was filled last week. :smile:   I know that I have restriction. I just wonder if it's enough yet. I have had several occurrences of sliming because I have eaten something to fast and didn't chew it well enough, it happens. I'm still working on focusing! I am still able to drink water without sipping. With a good restriction do you have to sip? I haven't really tested the theory but I believe that I could easily eat over the given 4 ounces. With a good restriction can you go over, or will you have the overfill? I'm not complaining. I still don't really get hungry and I'm losing. Just trying to weigh if I need my next fill or not. I have 5.5 in a 10 cc band. A bit concerned with getting a fill the day before I leave for vacation.




Pain in shoulder and chest from over fill...

:huh2:For two days now I reach overfill with any bite it seems. Today I went back to only liquids because the preselects made me fill the overfill pain yesterday. I am following the same schedule that I did the first 5 days for fluid intake and today I am at overfill again, and it hurts.   I am also having trouble with stools. Can't say that I have really done that yet. I have taken MOM twice and end up with wet gas. Is this enough on a liquids diet?   Advice appreciated.




Fizzy, fuzzy, pain but what about EmergenC????

I am one that experiences pain with anything carbonated. I tried a few sips of a homemade rootbeer and was brought to my knees in pain. I am catching a cold, a bit of a dry sore throat, sneezing. I went to purchase some EmergenC from downstairs and it's described as Fizzy... Put it back immediately.   Has anyone tried EmergenC post band? What is your experience? Is the fizzy enough to hurt? Help?



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