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Hola I'm back from Tijuana

Hi there everyone. I made it back in one piece. I had my surgery Sept.2 in Tijuana done by Dr. Almanza at Jerusleam Hospital.   The experience was GREAT!!! He is a fantastic Doctor and his team are all amazing.   I was CRAZY sore after surgery. The gas pains were NUTS!! I had my loving hubby with me and he got me up pretty much every hour on the hour. Thanks to him, the next day I felt a million times better. I am very fortunate to have had a great support team. I hope everyone is doing well!!!:smile:




I've made a decision...

After many long discussions with my hubby and my family, I have decided to go ahead and get the gastric sleeve operation. I wanted to get the lapband but since I live in Canada and the nearest fill center is an 8 hour drive..... I did all the calculations and decided to get the sleeve. It has much less maintainance for me.   The pre-op and post-op diets are very similar. I called the facility where i am having my surgery (Sept 2) and they said it was no problem to switch procedures. The cost is not much more . So considering having to travel 8 hours stay the night in a hotel and doing this several times a year plus the cost of all the fills, I decided to go this route.   I hope to stay on this site as everyone is SO AMAZING!!! I went on the gastric sleeve site and well...... lets just say you all are such beautiful and motivating people.   I'll keep blogging to help me stay motivated and to read all of your wonderful stories.   Take care, Nikki:smile2:




I'm off to start my journey....

Tomorrow I leave to start my two day trek to Tijuana to have my surgery. As I posted a while back, I am having the gastric sleeve done. I can't believe this time had finially come . I want to thank everyone for all of there amazing stories. They have filled me with hope and have settled my fears.   I will blog when I get back to let everyone know how it went. Take care, Nikki:thumbup:




Pre-op started TODAY!!!! Yippie!!!

I have started my pre-op diet today. I am super pumped up about the process. I gave up coffee two days ago. I have these very intense headaches from the caffeine with drawls. YIKES! I will be glad when the headaches are gone. I feel like I have this new frame of mind that is not going to listen to my inner demons telling me that "You will fail". Loosing weight in the past, I always got to a certain amount about 180 and I would stop. I am sooo looking forward to getting down to about 150. i have a good 90lbs to go but I am very motivated.   I have a very thin and very fat obsessed mother the has always been in the "spotlight" my whole life. I have always heard "wow your mom is so thin, wow your mom looks amazing". I am proud of her and love her but darn it THIS IS MY TIME!!:thumbup:




What's that feeling in my stomach?

I feel this "NEW" sensation in my stomach and I had to stop and think about it for a sec. Then a light bulb went off and I was like, Hmm.... I think that is hunger pains. It has been forever since I felt that pain. It always seems that I feed my belly prior to getting really hungry. Sad but true. I'll be honest, this new sensation is not my favorite but it reminds me of my goal. It's the end of my first week of liquids and I am trying to stay focused!!




One month today....

I can't wait. It's funny, I actually had a mini panic attack last night. (I have never, ever had one in my life) My husband totally supports me but my friends and most importantly my mom do not support me.:closedeyes: I had another talk with my mom last night but she just kept telling me that loosing weight is all in my head and all I have to do is stop eating so much. With tears in my eyes, I just hugged her and thanked her for taking my daughter for few days when I have my surgery. Food has been my escape for all of my life. My mother was so obsessed with fat and "bad" foods that whenever I could get my hands on something, I would run up to my room and hide to eat it. Sad but true.   I am so looking forward to this next step in my life. I know that this is only a tool and that the work is UP TO ME! But I'M UP FOR IT BABY !!




Clear Fluids???

I have a question about the clear fluid phase. My MD wants me to be on clear fluids for 1 week post-op. I was wondering about getting enough protein with only clear fluids. He does not want me to have any protein shakes during that phase. Does anyone have any suggestions to help keep my energy up during the post-op phase?




Crazy Dreams

As my surgery date comes closer, I find that I am having CRAZY dreams.... Last night I was dreaming that I forgot to do my pre-op diet and I liver was soooo big that they had to pump me with twice as much air. I was so big that they needed a crane to get me to my hospital bed... Good Lord... I also dreamed that they used green mint gum to hold my incisions shut... Did anyone else have these crazy dreams?




Ahhh the last supper

I am not scheduled to have my until Sept.2 but i keep thinking about "the last supper" lol I am actually having a few small last suppers prior to my pre-op diet. Steak vs pizza I will be on my best behavior after surgery but i can't help but enjoy all of these last "mini suppers" Mmm




Last chubby vacation

Well, I am off to toronto so see my thin brother and his VERY thin and fat obsessed wife. I hope that this will be last chubby (hate the word fat) vacation. The heat, the bathing suits , the eating in front of very thin people. Ahhh the pain. I am not telling them about my up and coming surgery as they just wouldn't get it. I just hope to hold my sweaty head op high and have fun with my husband, daughter and extended family.




weight loss surgery for dummies?

Has anyone read this book? I came across it when I was looking at amazon for some new books to read. By the way my fav author is "Jen Lancaster" she is way toooo funny. If anyone wants a funny read try, "Such a Pretty Fat" it is LOL funny. Well anyways let me know if anyone has picked up the "Weight loss surgery for dummies"?




The mind game

Well..... I just got back from visiting some very skinny relatives. Since I scheduled my surgery (sept 2) I feel like a new person. I am feeling strong and proud. I am not looking at every thing I put in my mouth as the "enemy". Lord knows I am heavier than the last time I saw everyone but it wasn't as big a deal as I thought. I just keep telling myself that I am NOT DEFINED by my weight. Sure the airplane seat belt was snug and sure my seat was a smidge too small....but I know I will take control of my life and will no longer feel ashamed to let the sun shine down on my dimply body.




canada to Tijuana for my lap band... nervous

I am going Sept.2 for my surgery. I am taking a big risk because there is NO doctor here to do my fills. We have a clinic but they won't touch me because I didn't get my surgery there. They were charging around 18,000. +++ for everything. I will have to travel to MN for my fills about an 8 hour drive. I am super motivated about this surgery but food has been my best friend as well as my worst enemy all of my life. I really want to make this work.:rolleyes2:



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