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Entries in this blog
It's a false alarm - I'm just fine!
It's been great until now
Bad news
It's a journey
I'ts been a while
1st fill today
Today is my one month Band-iversary!
the fill will help me not be hungry all of the time - I will be more 'satiated'
she'll look at my food diary and give me some suggestions for how to get my calories to 1000 without increasing portion sizes (I'm at a loss right now with 4 oz servings!)
Even though I've lost 3 lbs between July 11 and July 24, they usually expect me to lose nothing between my 2 week and 4 week visits. I'm 5# down total during that time, so I will take that. Today I will be grateful for the band and trusting of the folks I entrusted with my care. I cannot argue with the amazing results of so many on here ---- it will work for me to. I resolve to stay strong and reset my expectations to 1-2# a week. Thanks for listening and walking on this journey with me! The support means a lot. And no one can understand like the folks on this site. Have a great weekend.
Slipping into a routine
Couple of successes
Diabetes II remission
First restaurant experience
25% of target weight loss achieved!
Another step forward!
With healing comes hunger?
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