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1st FILL COMPLETE!!!!!!!

OK, I made it to my appointment at 11:43. I know it was pushing it since I told you all my appointment was for 11:45. Well to my surprise upon arrival my appointment was really schedule for 11:15. I was in total shock. I went blank for a second in thought thinking were did I get 11:45 from. Well, she check to see had the worker left for lunch. Thank God they were still there.   I went in nervous, just as if it was the day of the surgery. Got upon the table. They put the xray over me to find my port. Tah tah! ding ding ding....they found it instantly. So here comes the bad stuff, the pain.   I asked about numbing it. She explained, why get poke twice when you can get poke once and be finish. I am still shaking like a leaf on a twig. But guess what I didn't even know when she started or finish. I didnt feel a thing other then the alcohol swab being rub on me and her hand. They tried to talk to me during the process. I wasn't hearing that...lol...to nervous thinking my talking would bring pain....I know, I am crazy, but that's just me...lol   I got 4cc in a 10cc band. Literally, i did not feel or see the needle at all. My filler was GREAT!!!!! I hope she is the one to do it all the time. My appointment last a total of 5 minutes, including the EKG. I have lost a total of 12lbs. They would prefer for me to get to 159lbs by my bandevesary. I have bigger dreams, I am aiming for 135-140lbs.   My original weight was 191 on my very first visit to the center. So that puts me at 179lbs now.......   Its a start!!!!




Appointment Time 11:45am

1st FILLED:thumbup: I am ready. I will leave work at 11:00. hopefully there will be no traffic. I hope it don't take long. I am learning how to drink tea without sugar being added. This to is a process, since I was raise on southern sweet tea...lol..... But my mission is to fulfill my optimal goal and thats losing it and keeping it of..... will tune in after my procedure9my poke).... Have a wonderful Tuesday!!!!!!!




Its that time...My 1st Fill

I go in tomorrow to have my 1st fill. I had my surgery June 21. I lost about 9 lbs, but I really believed I have gained it back. i don't eat much and I have never been one to eat alot. I am a grazer. If I am in the house all day, I tend to graze the kitchen cabinets or pantry.lol This is not good. So I am looking forward to getting a fill but I am so afraid of the needle. I hope there is no pain. I hope I get enough that will make me want to skip at least 1 or 2 meals. I get so hungry at times that I get headaches and stomach cramps. I try not to eat between meals and this is when those problems come in at. I will let you know how my fill appointment turn out. Oh, I am having a flouro(I hope I spelled this right) treatment, where they see me drinking the baruim under the xray.... So I will keep you posted on how it goes.




3 weeks in.....

Hello, Hello, Hello   I know I should be happy but I am somewhat bitter/sweet....   First: My hunger has kicked in. I did this LAP-BAND® because I was not happy with my body. But now I am thinking this will not satisify me.   Second: I have been reading about so many failed lapbands. I read were someone said google failed lap bands and I did. I did not like what I read.   Third: My son is being disruptive in his childcare. he is only 3 and his behavior will determine if he remains in that center tomorrow. I am so stressed out. i don't have local family around to assist me, so I am really catching it. I don't have any local friends either. I have only been in this area since June 08. I meet people, but nothing ever comes from it. I can rant all night about what I am going through, but my tears will prevent me from seeing the screen.   Sorry that I had to vent....




Banded 6/21/2010

I am new to the banding, I was banded on yesterday. I was very nervous and afraid. I am still in the same state of mind. I am sore and filled with gas.   I made it home about yesterday about 1 pm. very sore. I did take my meds and cat napped for the rest of the day. i drinked water and a little juice to take the pill down for naseau. I crushed my pill, don't know if it was the right thing to do or not. I walk every now and than and I do the breaths in the spiral. As the days progress, the inhaling into the tube is becoming harder.   This morning I got up out of bed around 5am. I walked around before heading to the bathroom. Its hard sitting down on the toilet and getting up. I really wish I could have a bowel movement but don't seen like that going to happen. The gas moving inside of me is getting the best of me, I have been chewing Gas X like it candy. i have been sleeping with a heat pad, it helps.   I drink some water today and half of a protein shake that's all I have had. Waiting to see what the rest of this day holds.



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