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someone please give me hope

I had surgery this morning, and I am in severe pain. I cant keep the pain meds down. I have been walking and vomitting air. I cant get any relief. at first it was the horrible gas, now its just this dull pain at the top of my stomach. I cant get comfortable...will this pass??





what is this pain in the middle of my breast bone? it hurts all the way to my back...i tried tums...gasx...is it indigestion? ive never had anything like this before and I dont know what it is....it hurts when i yawn or take a deep breath...




day 3

I somehow deleted my first 2 entries...anyway..today is day 3 post surgery. I must say, everyone was right on the money saying that it gets easier and the pain starts to deminish. I am just really hungry now!! Cant wait to start eating any kind of food really. :smile2:




I need help

so I have completely fallen off the wagon...as in sometimes I feel like I never even got this procedure done...I got to the point where I can eat whatever and how much ever I want...I am going for my first fill next Friday...does anyone have any advice on what I should do to prepare?   I heard someone about a pouch test? should I do that? and what exactly is that?..I dont want to go to the Dr to get my fill and I still am able to eat whatever because my pouch is stretched...I have no idea what to do...I am definitley disappointed in myself...but I am going to get back on track..just need some motivation and advice...anyone!?




tell me this is going to pass

I had surgery this morning and the pain is just getting worse and worse. I was up and walking around and then came the gas..when I finally vomitted air up, now Im so sore all over my body. Ive had a heating pad on my back all day. the pains meds wont stay down...is there any relief! Im losing hope




day 5 post op

yesterday was my first day back at work...slightly tired and still a sore...didn't bring enough juice and other liquids other than water to keep me sane....:thumbup: (lesson learned)...I got home about 330 sat down, dozed off and didn't wake til 7pm! I then went back to bed at 11pm and woke up right before the alarm went off at 4a...guess my first day back wore me out. :eek:... I went and bought a package of cream o wheat for dinner. It was the best thing ive eaten, in what felt like an eternity. It went down smooth with no problems. I thanked God at that moment. :tt1:




day 9 post op!

prilosec otc seems to be working for me...thnk goodness...cause I was about to be very upset if I had to live with this pain for the rest of my life! I had my coffee and water when I woke up. Thought i was hungry, so I tried to have an egg...that didn't go very well..half a spoonful down and it hurt so bad, (I heard ur stomach is tighter in the mornings) ....protein shake is my new bestie! (dont get mad at me dfav)...I am starting to get really excited, now that I am sleeping and all my pain has pretty subsided. I feel like I have energy to actually go out and do something. I am ready to lose this baggage babee!!:smile:




its 3am going into day 4

Its 3am and Im going into day 4 post op. I feel so much better today. Other than the non stop hunger pangs, I am pretty good. I am moving around alot better now. I even took a hot bath yesterday. I am still afraid to get my incisions wet, or even try to wash them. I think I will do that tonight. I need to take my cymbalta, its been 5 days. i am so scared it will get stuck





How sad is it that the kids were making pizza today for lunch, and the smell literally woke me up from my nap. My mouth immediately started to salivate and I started to cry. I am getting depressed and its only been 4 days...My fiance, bless his heart, leaves to eat.,,so he wont eat infront of me. He calls it a road trip lol.... cant wait to eat food....hurry up Friday!!!:smile2:




day 4 post op

well today I washed clothes, walked around walmart. bought some myplex protein shakes..(which are really good)...took the trash out...and found out my 4 year old has cat scratch fever...so Im stressing about him now...how do kids get into so much dirtiness lol...tomorrow is my first day back at work, I must say I am excited!..Its kinda like the first day of school with new clothes lol...I have lost 4 pounds since friday...guess thats about a pound a day.. I feel way better than I have these 4 days..Im expecting tomorrow to be even better! Just ready to start my diet with real food and get on this road to health. I cant wait!!....my back still hurts kinda and my incisions are still sore, but Im hoping that will go away soon..:thumbup:




someone please give me hope

I had surgery this morning, and I am in severe pain. I cant keep the pain meds down. I have been walking and vomitting air. I cant get any relief. at first it was the horrible gas, now its just this dull pain at the top of my stomach. I cant get comfortable...will this pass??




i need a band full of will power!!

so it doesn't help I have 4 kids that love to eat! I want to eat like they do! i will never take being able to eat for granted as long as i live. so i ate a pepperoni pizza roll...u know the tiny ones? i chewed and chewed but it still kinda hurt to go down...I will just follow the drs directions from now on. I really feel sick and weak...sucks:confused:



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