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2 weeks after Surgery!

Been a long road to get to this point.. 7 months of nutritionist appointments, doctor appointments.. giving up coke, beer, fried foods.. and i'm happy to say 2 weeks after surgery i'm down 25lbs! I have noticed the "girls" have shrunk a little.. guess i'll have to get a few new bras along the way to correct that BUT today i get to eat pureed/mush food! SO excited! Never thought i'd be happy to have tuna blended up to make a hummus like substance, but there it is! Exercising.. i swear i added a whole new block to my walk last night, and it didn't take me any longer than a walk half that distance. Guess i'm getting faster with it. My poor dog is wondering what is going on with me dragging her outside with me, but if i have to go. she has to go. I always thought dogs were happy to go for a walk.. every other dog i've ever seen has been, but i have to practically drag her out there! Guess she'll get used to it :tt1: I’ve read lots of posts/blogs about the lack of weight loss, and has been pretty discouraging, so I figured I’m gonna write something happy. Lord knows I’d have liked to have read a positive post somewhere in my readings. So those who wanted something positive. I’m pretty happy today about my progress. And if I do hit a time where I’m not so happy, I’ll at least be able to go back to a happy day and read about it! I get a fill in 4 weeks, hopefully that will go well. Doc said I seemed to already have some restriction in the band since I’m having the gurgling noises. Which, at first, freaked me out a bit. It doesn’t do it in the normal spot! But I’ve gotten used to that noise! Good luck to those out there! May it be a losing week for you!



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