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Naming my band....

Ok I have seen a lot of posts referring to their band by name so I thought I will have fun with this.. My band is now named "Lolita" because I figure I have an inner Lolita :wink2:) and my band is going to help me find her beneath the fat! I would not be offended if anyone out there borrowed the name because I think it kinda rocks!! Silly yes but lets have fun with it. What is your Lap Band name?? :thumbup:




Just beginning and very excited!

Recently begun my journey, very excited and a can't wait to have a healthier body. I just want to be the best me I can be. I am realistic and not looking to be a swim suit model :smile: but still anxious about the flabby excess skin. I have found a great solution! I lost 3 1/2 inches in 2 hours it tightened my skin and made it so soft my stretch marks even diminished. I am using a body wrap product to tighten my loose skin works great especially on my flabby arms and abdomen. I will use this throughout my weight loss LAP-BAND® journey to keep my skin smooth and tight - Thank you Michelle for sharing with me! www.wraptodaylosetoday.com




Another cool tool for your tool box!

I found this really cool site that is very helpful in tracking my calories, activities, etc.. It is very user friendly and FREE! It is www.myfitnesspal.com some probably already use this or know about it but it was new to me so I thought I would share. They have a vast data base of foods and all you do it type it in and it adds to your data bank so in the future if you consume the same brand/food it will be easily accesible. Great info on this site and a real helpful tool. Have a great Sunday!




Happy Independence DAY!

Today is truly my Independence day, Independence from health issues, Independence from aching knees and back, Independence from High Blood Pressure, Independence from all the snears from rude people, Independence from low self esteem, Independence from Size 20 clothing, Independence from being uncomfortable, Independence from sitting on the sidelines of my own life!!   I can't wait until this time next year!!! It is all worth it - You are worth it and I am worth it   Freedom what a Beautiful word........



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